鸟:留连戏蝶时时舞,自在娇莺恰恰啼。——唐杜甫《独步江畔寻芳》 双飞燕子几时回,夹岸桃花蘸水开。
——宋·徐俯《春游湖》 独怜幽草岸边生,上有黄鹂深树鸣。——唐·韦应物《滁州西涧》 花开红树乱莺啼,草长平湖白鹭飞。
——宋·徐元杰《湖上》 三月残花落更开,小檐日日燕飞来。——宋·王令《送春》 飘飘何所似?天地一沙鸥。
——唐·杜甫《旅夜书怀》 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。——宋·晏殊《浣溪沙》 几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。
——唐·白居易《钱塘湖春行》 明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。——宋·辛弃疾《西江月》 半壁见海日,空中闻天鸡。
——唐·李白《梦游天姥吟留别》 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。——唐·杜甫《绝句四首》 草枯鹰眼疾,雪尽马蹄轻。
——唐·王维《观猎》 草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。——唐·白居易 西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。
——宋·张志和《渔歌子》 驱鸡上树木,始闻叩柴荆。——唐·杜甫《羌村三首(之一)》 吊影分为千里雁,辞跟散作九秋蓬。
——唐·白居易《望月有感》 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家。——元·马致远《秋思》 孤云将野鹤,岂向人间住?——唐·刘长卿《送上人》 独立衡门春雨细,白鸡飞上树枝啼。
——宋·叶绍翁《西溪》 ②带“鸟”字的诗句 月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中。——唐·王维《鸟鸣涧》 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。
——唐·孟浩然《春晓》 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。——唐·柳宗元《江雪》 鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门。
——唐·贾岛《题李凝幽居》 胡马依北风,越鸟巢南枝。——《古诗十九首》之《行行重行行》 鸟飞反故乡兮,狐死必首丘。
——屈原《九章哀郢》 蝉噪林愈静,鸟鸣山更幽。——唐·王籍《入若耶溪》 感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。
——唐·杜甫《春望》 江雨霏霏江草齐,六朝如梦鸟空啼。——唐·韦庄《台城》 芳草无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼。
——李华《春行即兴》 山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心。——唐·常建《题破山寺后禅院》 荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。
——唐·杜甫《望岳》 白发悲花落,青云羡鸟飞。——唐·岑参《寄左省杜拾遗》 风暖鸟声碎,日高花影重。
——唐·杜荀鹤《春宫怨》月:1、床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 李白 2、举头望明月,低头思故乡。
李白 3、月下飞天镜,云生结海楼。 李白 4、举杯邀明月,对影成三人。
李白 5、长安一片月,万户捣衣声。 李白 6、明月出天山,苍茫云海间。
李白 7、醉月频中圣,迷花不事君。 李白 8、却下水晶帘,玲珑望秋月。
李白 9、我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。 李白 10、俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天览明月。
李白 11、峨嵋山月半轮秋,影入平羌江水流。 李白 12、松风吹解带,山月照弹琴。
王维 13、深林人不知,明月来相照。 王维 14、明月松间照,清泉石上流。
王维 15、广泽生明月,苍山夹乱流。 马戴 16、月黑雁飞高,单于夜遁逃。
卢纶 17、露从今夜白,月是故乡明。 杜甫 18、星临万户动,月傍九霄多。
杜甫 19、晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归。 陶渊明 20、无言独上西楼,月如钩。
李煜 21、明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。 辛弃疾 22、可怜九月初三夜,露似珍珠月似弓。
白居易 23、一弹流水一弹月,半入江风半入云。 对联 24、更深月色半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。
刘方平 25、晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒。 李商隐 26、会挽雕弓如满月,西北望射天狼。
苏轼 27、庭下如积水空明,水中藻荇交横,盖竹柏影也。 苏轼 28月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。
张继 29月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。
欧阳修 30明月几时有,把酒问青天。
苏轼 31我本将心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠。
《清诗纪事》 山:山行--- 唐朝杜牧 远上寒山石径斜, 白云深处有人家 停车坐爱枫林晚, 霜叶红于二月花。 古风----李白 西上莲花山,迢迢见明星。
素手把芙蓉,虚步蹑太清。 《望岳》---杜甫 岱宗夫如何?齐鲁青未了。
造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。 荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。
会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。
(杜甫:《望岳》) 国破山河在,城春草木深。(杜甫:《春望》) 种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。
(陶渊明:《归园田居》) 西上莲花山,迢迢见明星。素手把芙蓉,虚步蹑太清(李白;古风) 山高月小,水落石出。
陆游《后赤壁赋》 夕阳山外山,春水渡边渡。(一个对联) 日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。
飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。 (李白《望庐山瀑布》) 百川沸腾,山冢碎甭。
高谷为岸,深谷为陵。 (《诗经》) 江流天地外,山色有中无 (王维 《汉江临泛》) 晋·陶渊明: 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。
宋·郭熙: 春山淡冶而如笑,夏山苍翠而欲滴,秋山明净而如妆,冬山惨淡而如睡 唐·司空图: 。
2关于菊花的诗句相关诗词 晋·陶渊明《和郭主簿》: 芳菊开林耀, 青松冠岩列。
怀此贞秀姿, 卓为霜下杰。 唐·黄巢《不第后赋菊》 待到秋来九月八, 我花开后百花杀。
冲天香阵透长安, 满城尽带黄金甲。 唐·太宗《赋得残菊》 阶兰凝暑霜, 岸菊照晨光。
露浓希晓笑, 风劲浅残香。 细叶抽轻翠, 圆花簇嫩黄。
还持今岁色, 复结后年芳。 唐·杜甫《云安九日》 寒花开已尽, 菊蕊独盈枝。
旧摘人频异, 轻香酒暂随。 唐·白居易《咏菊》 一夜新霜著瓦轻, 芭蕉新折败荷倾。
耐寒唯有东篱菊, 金粟初开晓更清。 唐·元稹《菊花》 (详见词条:菊花元稹) 秋丛绕舍似陶家, 遍绕篱边日渐斜。
不是花中偏爱菊, 此花开尽更无花。 唐刘禹锡《菊花》 家家菊尽黄,梁园独如霜。
莹静真琪树,分明对玉堂。 仙人披雪氅,素女不红装。
粉蝶来难见,麻衣拂更香。 向风摇羽扇,含露滴琼浆。
高艳遮银井,繁枝覆象床。 桂丛惭并发,梅蕊妒先芳。
一人瑶华咏,从此播乐章。 唐·吴履垒《菊花》 粲粲黄金裙, 亭亭白玉肤。
极知时好异, 似与岁寒俱。 堕地良不忍, 抱技宁自枯。
唐·李商隐《菊花》 暗暗淡淡紫, 融融冶冶黄。 陶令篱边色, 罗含宅里香。
几时禁重露, 实是怯残阳。 愿泛金鹦鹉, 升君白玉堂。
唐·黄巢《题菊花》 飒飒西风满院栽, 蕊寒香冷蝶难来。 他年我若为青帝, 报与桃花一处开。
宋·苏轼《赵昌寒菊》 轻肌弱骨散幽葩, 更将金蕊泛流霞。 欲知却老延龄药, 百草摧时始起花。
宋·范成大《重阳后菊花》 寂寞东篱湿露华, 依前金屋照泥沙。 世情几女无高韵, 只看重阳一日花。
宋·陆游《九月十二日折菊》 黄花芬芬绝世奇, 重阳错把配萸技。 开迟愈见凌霜操, 堪笑儿童道过时。
宋·梅尧臣《残菊》 零落黄金蕊, 虽枯不改香。 深丛隐孤芳, 犹得车清觞。
宋·朱淑贞《菊花》 土花能白又能红, 晚节犹能爱此工。 宁可抱香枝头老, 不随黄叶舞秋风。
宋·朱淑贞《菊花》 菊花如志士, 过时有余香。 粲粲滋夕合, 英英傲晨霜。
4赞美山菊花的句子1 菊花,不象牡丹那样富丽,也没有兰花那样名贵,但作为傲霜之花,它一直受人偏爱。
2 在一朵紫色菊花上,缀满了晶莹的露珠,如同一颗颗闪闪发亮的钻石,摇摇欲坠。几个花骨朵星星点点的躲藏在青翠欲滴的绿叶间,仿佛是一个害羞的女孩儿。
3 我喜欢菊花的高风亮节,赞美它的不畏严寒,欣赏它那顶风冒雪怒放的精神。敢于百花争艳,敢于风霜搏斗,它的勇气更令我深深折服。
4 菊,是美丽的。那淡雅的粉红,那奔放的火红,那清幽的淡绿和那可爱的金黄,都使人陶醉其中,像走进了五彩斑斓的世界。
5 菊花常被人称为“花中君子”,它能在百花凋零、万物枯黄的日子,接受风霜严寒的考验,它的坚强与勇敢,令人倾佩!6 看!那花儿红的似火,白的似雪,粉的似霞,大的像团团彩球,小的像盏盏精巧的花灯。那一团团、一簇簇的菊花,正在拔蕊怒放。
7 我赞美菊花,因为秋天的菊花着色丰富,颜色绚丽多彩,十分美丽。8 众多菊花里,我最爱的当属“金绣球”了。
这种菊花因形状酷似绣球而得名,它的花瓣呈香蕉形,一层一层地把花蕊裹起来,重重叠叠,所以花朵很饱满。9 在众花之中,我最喜欢的是那不怕风打霜冻的菊花。
它不像娇气的茉莉,也不像月季那么华而不实,它不需要多少肥料和养分,也不需要你精心地去护理,只要一个简易的花盆,它就能生根发芽,茁壮成长。10 我赞美菊花。
11 多少墨客骚人吟咏酬唱,把菊魂菊意唱彻历朝历代;唱的大多是庭院、公园、花盆里的名菊。比起野菊花来,这些被驯化、供玩赏的同类,不免沾染着脂粉气、奶油味,显得矫饰和做作。
12 菊花所以也藐视风霜,傲然挺立,在于她没有私心,只顾奉献,不思索取,她以自己秀丽的容颜,健美的身姿,磬香的脏腑,在百花凋落万类寂寥的深秋季节,尽心装点世界,净化人的心灵,给人以美的享受。13 菊花,花中隐士者也。
14 “菊王”不愧为菊中之王。你看,它花芯红得鲜活,花瓣却纯白无暇。
15 我喜欢牡丹的富丽堂皇,我喜欢水仙的洁白高雅,我喜欢月季的雍容华贵,但我更喜欢菊花的坚贞不屈、傲霜斗雪!16 有人喜欢月季,有人喜欢荷花,也有人喜欢牡丹,而我则喜欢不畏严寒的菊花。它没有牡丹的雍容华贵,也没有荷花的亭亭玉立,更没有月季的婀娜多姿,可是它有着独特的风韵—顽强不屈。
17 菊花虽然错过了美好的春天,但它却在百花凋零的秋季,欣然绽放,展现出它不同寻常的美。18 美丽的菊花散发出诱人的香味,每一个人到了这里都要弯下腰来闻一闻,仿佛吸足了氧气,站起来就觉得心旷神怡,走起路来显得那么精神。
19 九月的天气,秋风已带来了寒意,百花园中多种鲜花渐渐的凋落。它们被无情的寒气所驱赶,告别了暂短的青春期,慢慢走向衰老。
20 瞧!那儿有几盆鸳鸯菊。小小的化芯在花瓣中显得很不显眼,而花瓣就不一样了。
它们有如一根根飘带,微风乍起,龙翔凤舞,洒脱异常;又如一棵大海葵,随着“波动”而一起一伏,扭来摇去。21 瞧!那一朵粉红色的菊花昂首挺胸,豆芽似的花瓣紧紧簇拥在一起,远远望去,既像一个小绒球,又像一个大家族围坐在一起商议什么事情。
22 瞧那儿,一簇簇菊花堆在一起,在听秋风老师为她们讲故事呢!看她们一个个扬着脑袋,挺着胸脯,坐得端端正正的,大概都想得到秋风老师的表扬吧!23 菊花,花中隐士者也。她有松树般的风格,有着梅花似的品行。
它的枝干挺拔直立,叶片郁郁苍苍,足能给人美的享受。24 菊花虽然没有牡丹雍容华贵,没有月季娇艳妩媚,没有百合高贵优雅,但她那傲霜精神,确实令人喜爱。
我们做人,就要像菊花那样,不怕困难,知难而进,努力攀登科学文化的高峰。25 深秋的早晨,大地、屋顶、树枝都洒满了寒霜,瑟瑟秋风吹来,黄叶纷飞,百话凋谢。
可是菊花却挺立着干,伸长着枝,张开着叶,盛开着花,显示了它傲霜耐寒的性格。26 我不仅喜欢菊花的美丽,更喜欢它傲霜的精神。
到了秋天,别的花都凋谢了,惟独菊花开的轰轰烈烈,在寒冷刺骨的秋风里,昂首挺胸向秋风挑战。27 有人赞叹坚忍不拔的青松,有人欣赏波澜壮阔的大海。
因为它婀娜多姿,香味芬芳;因为它不畏严寒,傲视寒霜。28 也许时落枝黄的秋天,是在为菊花作铺垫,菊花在寒风中微微颤动,这种颤动让整个天空摇撼,同时也让我为之一震。
29 登上钟姿山,站在高处向下看,只见满园的菊花,红的像火,黄的像金,白的像雪,粉的像霞……在绿叶的衬托下,显得更加娇媚。整体看来,就像一块花地毯。
30 在飒飒秋风中,菊花似乎带着寒意,。
英语话题作文 篇1Our environment is very important for our lives We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was cleanBut now,people cut down many trees Air pollution and water polloution are very serious The environment around us becomes very terrible We should protect our environment First, we should plant many trees to keep water Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work Third , we shouldnt throw the dirty water into the river Fourth, we shouldnt use the plastic bags Finally, we can ask more people to join us
英语话题作文 篇2(湖北十堰)假如你正在书店购书。你对Around China和Olympic English这两本书爱不释手,但你只有40元钱。请参看下表,就这两本书的相关内容(content)进行比较,选择购买其中的一本,并简要陈述你的理由。
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Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street
英语话题作文 篇3网上购物的缺点 The Disadvantages of Shopping Online
Nowadays, as the development of high technology, people like to use computer, they use computer to read the news, to play the game and so on Now more and more computer functions have been developed, people like to do business on the computer, it saves people a lot of time and it is very convenient Shopping online is most people’s choice today, but it has disadvantages First, the products will be not in good quality, people can’t touch the products, they only can see the pictures, so they can’t figure out the real products’ quality Second, when people pay the money online, they will have the chance to leak out their message, their online account will be attacked by the hackers and thus to lose the money Of course, shopping online is more and more popular, we must take care of personal message when shopping online
减肥的正确方法 The Right Way to Lose Weight
People around me are talking about their weight, they always worry about their body shapes, they show me how hard they have been struggling with their appetites, when they want to eat, they just refuse to the delicious food In my opinion, people should not depress their appetites, they need to eat when they are hungry The right way to lose weight is not to refuse the food, on the contrary, people should eat it, but not eat over what they can bear The person who doesn’t take in food when they are hungry will hurt their stomach, in the long run, when they eat food, they will get fat soon, what’s more, their bodies become weeker Besides eating the appropriate food, people also need to take exercise, they need to do the regular exercise so that they can keep fit The right way to lose weight can help people stay healthy
军训日子 The Days of Military Training
The first day of my high school, I was told that the freshmen would need to join the military training I felt so scared, because in the summer days, the sun was so hot and I would be burned like a black man But there was no way for the freshman to refuse to join the military training The training lasted for a week, in the first two days, we stood under the hot sun, moving around the playground and song It was tough, but in the coming days, we got used to it and started to enjoy the free time All the students were like a group, we trained together, we sweated and played In the evening, we would song in the playground Now when I think of these days, I will smile and treat these military training days as the unforgettable memory in my life
伦敦塔 Tower of London
Have you ever been to the tower of London I feel very curious about it I hope I can have a chance to have a look It is said that it is the symbol of British Royalty and built in 1087 It has been the World Cultural Heritage It was the palace of ruler James I is the last owner But it was used for many purposes after no rulers living in it, such as, fort, armory, treasury, observatory, prison and so on Now it is one of the most popular historical cite in British The yeoman warders manage it now There are seven ravens in it as lucky mascot No one is allowed to come in or go out at night because of the Ancient legend Every night they will hold the old lock ceremony How am I not interested in such place
疯狂购物Shopping Without Limitation
It has been admitted that shopping is every girl’s nature, I am one of them Since I take the part-time job, I have little money to support me to buy something The first time I got my salary, I thought of buying clothes, so that I could have a new look But when I went to many shops, there were so many beautiful clothes, I had no idea which to buy, I wished I could buy them all So I told myself I could buy it next time when I got my salary So when the boss pays for me, I use the money to buy the clothes I have tried to tell myself to stop buying clothes, because I have enough, but when I see the fashionable styles, I will buy it without hesitation Shopping without limitation makes me spend so much money, I must stop, I hope I can do it
参加英语角的好处 The Advantages of Going to English Corner
Since we go to school, English is one of our main subjects, the government pays special attention to the English education In the class, we have learned the grammar and sentence structure for a long time, some students are no more satisfied with what we learn in the class, they want to speak English fluently, so they can take advantage of what they learn in the class Nowadays, English corner has be the main symbol for the English learners, most people join the corner in the weekends Joining the English corner can enhance people’s ability of speaking English Students have less chance to speaking in the class, but in the English corner, they can speak what they want As there are people from all classes in the English corner, people can share their experience for each other, they can learn more from each other If you have time, I suggest you to join the English corner
英语话题作文 篇4Example : Shopping on the Internet 网购利弊
随着互联网的发展和普及,网络购物在中国也变得越来越普遍了,甚至已经成了我们日常生活的一部分了;相信同学们身边一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了,比如网,京东商城等;但是网络购物究竟有何利弊呢 请写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处。
提示词汇:网上购物shopping on the Internet(online shopping) , 京东商城360buycom
Recently ,we talk about advantages and disadvantages of shopping on the Internet Some people think that it is very easy for us to go shopping online The shops on Internet ,for example taobaocom, 360buycom are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we like What's more, we needn't to wait for a long time
However, others believe that we can only see the pictures on the Internet and can not touch or see them, It is difficult to say whether it is good or bad We will have more problems when the things are not good Besides, it is not a good news for some girls because they enjoy going shopping in the market with their friends
英语话题作文 篇5Today is April 5th, it is the traditional Chinese festival - Qingming Festival In the morning, I was pulled up at 5 and 6 I had a mess of clothes I had not come and had breakfast I was stuck in the car and started out to my home
There are some unusual weather today, not only without rain, but also from the sun There are many places to go to the tomb sweeping The old grandma old grandpa had a very far distance, but no matter how far, we went to every point
I asked the question that along the way, uncles said I was too small, what I did not say, but I was on the "Qingming rain have, the pedestrian on the road" this "deep sorrow" three words have a deeper understanding
Inside these tombs, grandpa is the closest thing to my blood Grandpa died before I was born I've never seen him before, but I'd like to know what he looks like Grandma there was a picture of Grandpa, but I was afraid to cause granny's sadness and never dared to give her See other children and their grandfather loudly, I have a heart of envy, and sad
Before coming to Grandpa's tomb, uncle uncle began to weeds and clear the garbage In a moment, the grave was new Mom and dad quickly from the bag out of the yellow paper, Mingbi with seal, burning ash in the grave, to send money in the underworld of Grandpa; then put round egg, savory pork, red apple we put the incense incense lit, hands in three rows to Grandpa worship, then We set off firecrackers
Qingming Festival is a festival to cherish the death of relatives, and every year we go home to sweep the grave Yes, no one has a later one
英语话题作文 篇6高考英语作文:高考英语话题作文范文 有关“跨文化”
摘要: 高考英语话题作文:有关 跨文化 例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信: 1、春节在中国人中的地位 2、春节前,人们 3、春节期间,人们 参考词汇:对联couplet 爆
3、春节期间,人们……参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker
Dear John,
How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time I cannot helpbut miss you You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival Now I would like to tell yousomething about itThe Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival It is the most important and enjoyable one A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household They are said to frighten away the ghosts On that day, people are dressed up Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival People after a year’s hard work begin to relax and visit one another Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives Families get together They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country
Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival
Best wishes,
Li Hua
英语话题作文 篇7上课的内容是话题作文Health,执教的是潘老师,感谢潘老师给我们带来非常精彩的这堂课,整个教学过程如行云流水,课堂气氛非常活跃,学生语言知识得到有效训练,综合能力得到有效培养,教学效果非常好。我受益非浅,体现在下面几个方面:
英语话题作文 篇8There Is No End to Learning
Aa soon as I was eolled in college I reit a big burden off my mind So did my classmates We just wanted to relax But at our first English Lesson on how to improve our study the teacher told us," There is no end to learning You can only become a top student with additional work" And she says hard work is rewarding
The teacher's words awakened me In fact everyone in the world is always learning Man's talents are like wild plants They need cutting and pruning with the tool of learning, We lears not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom Learning is a process in which man adapts to his sroundings It is driven by man's desire to win respect and to contribute to society It is the curiosity for knowledge stimulated by knowledge itself " To learn is to be young Not to learn is to die" This saying applies to every society and to all ages
Indeed, everyone living on earth is learning all the time Man learns not only from books but also from his own experience We can not hope that as long as we learn we will gain benlfits Efficient study is inseparable from good methods and motivation, A man of a strong sense of responsibility and full of ambition is insatiable in learning
I entered the university after much efforts I know it is only the first step on the road leading to the sea of knowledge It is but the first page in the book of science The further away ! am off shore, the more far-sighted! will be The more you learn the more you feel the need to learn Art is long, life is short
老师的话唤醒了我。事实上,世上每一个人都在学习。人的才能如野生植物,需要用学习这把工具予以修剪。我们不仅在课堂上学,而且还要在课外学。学习就是不 断适应环境的过程。学习受“人要赢得尊重,就得对社会做贡献”的欲望所驱使。学习就是知识本身所引起的对知识的好奇。“学习使人年轻,不学习等于死亡。” 这句话造用于任何社会、任何时代。