我们之间不能相互吵架。 We shouldn't argue with each other
我不喜欢这台电脑,已经过时了。I don't like this computer, it's outdated (obsolete)
过时用 outdated 或 obsolete 都可。
wrong(反义词 ): right 或 correct
own(名词): owner (所有人)
organize(名词):organization (组织)
留在外面;不进入 ; Keep Out! Do not Enter!
做还(好)准备; Get ready for
过时的,落;伍的 Obsolete
纸币; Cash (现金);Currency (货币);green back (美俚: 纸钞)
信用卡; Credit Card
远离; Stay away from
奥运会; The Olympic games ( The Olympics)
超过,多于; more than; greater than
整顿,清理; tidy up (指清洁方面的);clean up (泛指一切清理整顿)
为某事打赌; bet on sth; bet (打赌)
至少;最少; at least
keep a pet parrot 养一只鹦鹉宠物
have leisure time 有些休闲时间
wear crazy clothes 穿些奇装异服
go to Hong Kong on vacation 去香港度假
the head of the company 公司的头儿(一把手;老总;负责人)
turn against 以 为敌;转而反对
吵 拼 音 chǎo chāo 部 首 口 笔 画 7 五 行 金 五 笔 KITT [吵]基本解释
[ chǎo ]
1声音杂乱搅扰人 :~人。~扰(a.吵闹使人不得安静;b.争吵)。
2打嘴架、口角 :~嘴。争~。
[ chāo ]〔~~〕吵闹(后一个“吵”读轻声)。
[吵]详细解释1 吵 2 吵
另见 chǎo
同本义 。如:吵喜(到办喜事人家去吵吵嚷嚷讨取赏钱以增加喜庆气氛)
吵嘴吵仗 。如:吵窝子(一家人自相争吵;吵成一团);吵翻(争吵)
吵闹 。如:叫卖声把我吵醒了
声音嘈杂扰人 。如:找个安静去处吧这里太吵了
另见 chāo
[吵]百科解释文字介绍读音:1、chǎo 2、chāo笔画数:7画。结构:左右结构。部首:口部。 更多→ 吵
[吵]组词 争吵 吵闹 吵嚷 吵嘴 吵架 吵扰 吵聒 鼓吵 聒吵 吵仗 惊吵 闹吵 鬼吵 吵喜 更多吵组词 [吵]相关搜寻 吵嚷的近义词 吵架 吵嚷 吵组词有哪些 吵闹 吵闹的近义词 吵吵闹闹 吵成语 吵架的反义词 吵嘴
我和我最好的朋友吵架了英语是:I had a fight with my best friend。
我最好的朋友翻译为my best friend,表示是最好的朋友。
吵架翻译为had a fight,表示两个人因为某种原因争吵或争执。
因此,我和我最好的朋友吵架了翻译为I had a fight with my best friend。
公公 [gōng gong] [公公]基本解释
1 [hu and's father;father-in-law]:丈夫的父亲2 [grandfather] 〈方〉:祖父3 [grandpa]:对老年男子的尊称老公公4 [eunuch]:旧时对太监的称呼
《三国志平话》卷上:“学究妻子又来送饭,不见学究回来,告与公公得知,即时将引长子等去寻。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·捷报》:“媳妇,自你公公与二子出门,杳无讯息,不知功名如何。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·释疑》:“你们两个女婿都不曾拜丈人,两个媳妇都不曾拜公公。” 冰心 《最后的安息》:“因为她过来不到两个月,公公就病死了,她婆婆成天里咒骂她,说她命硬,把公公克死了。”
《西游记》第六八回:“太监道:‘校尉不要扯他。我等同到馆中,便知端的。’ 八戒 道:‘你这两个奶奶知事。’众校尉道:‘这和尚委不识货!怎么赶着公公叫起奶奶来耶?’” 明 屠隆 《彩毫记·为国荐贤》:“公公叩头,小人们闻皇上爷今日便殿开宴,召诸学士应制赋诗,小人们在此伺候供应。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·抗节》:“二位公公听启,天子至尊,天下至大,三十六宫的女子,那一位不是佳人。”
《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三二:“﹝ 卧师 ﹞问 铁生 道:‘你上代有个 绣衣公 么?’ 铁生 道:‘就是吾家公公。’” 清 蒋士铨 《临川梦·花庆》:“说到了此处,孙儿们,快斟大杯来,我与你公公叫干。” 清 翟灏 《通俗编·称谓》:“《吕氏春秋》:‘ 孔子 弟子从远方来, 孔子 荷杖而问之曰:“子之公不有恙乎?”次及父母,次及兄弟妻子。’按此所云,公者祖也。今 浙 广 犹称祖曰公公。”
宋 张端义 《贵耳集》卷上:“若言七十当致仕,八十公公也合归。”《西游记》第六七回:“ 行者 躬身问道:‘公公高姓?’”
明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·怅眺》:“比如我公公 柳宗元 ,与你公公 韩退之 ,他都是饱学才子。”
[公公]百科解释公公这一词语,是一种称谓名词,广泛套用于多种情景,例如妻子对自己丈夫的爸爸的称呼。以及外祖父和外公等称谓通常也可以使用此称谓,对于年龄比较大的人的尊称,例如晚辈称呼年龄较大的老人,通常称为老公公。还有神话人物中常见的土地公公,太阳公公等。 更多→ 公公
[公公]英文翻译eunuch; father-in-law; grandfather; grandpa; hu and's father
[公公]相关词语 结果 陛下 孪生 徘徊 隽永 哲学 气氛 旖旎 突然 简单 两栖 致密 [公公]相关搜寻 老公公 土地公公 公公的公加一个瓦片的瓦念什么字 祖公公 外公公
24 blood and the difference of in-laws appellation
Blood and the difference of in-laws appellation Chinese appellation and blood relatives by marriage appellation boundaries clear, is more complex Blood relatives appellation terms of independent appellation, its age by referring to the age & my decision, such as "brother, sister" longer than ourselves, "brother, sister," the young in the self, "uncle", "uncle" were young and longer than to father In-laws appellation of affiliate appellation, its age only with relevant intermediary &, and referring to my regardless of age Such as "aunt" is uncle's wife, the intermediary (ie uncle) longer than a father, but its own age and
Not reflect "My brother-in-law" is young in their female compatriot who, but its own age also not reflect Other in-laws appellation terms such as "aunt, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, DaJiuZi, brother-in-law, XiaoGuZi" also is such Excluding age & in-laws title is also from the analogy delimit affiliate titles, such as "aunt, GuFu, uncle" Many affiliate appellation of the terms of the relatively independent containing elements, such as "aunt" of the "" "," brother-in-law "" sister", "GuFu" of "gu", independent appellation not contain relative affiliate of the terms is morpheme "Husband and wife" is the most direct in-laws appellation, belong to the same core family, and
Excluding age &, can not delimit affiliate appellation "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, her daughter-in-law, son-in-law" is affiliate appellation, they don't contain any & age, but the generational by intermediary appellation & decision In the relatives appellation terms, the grandfather, grandmother and grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, the written language colour dense, usually don't have spoken in the name of the person face to face, but in the narrative and the introduction, especially in a solemn occasion or written, described in the introduction, between the characters, multi-purpose the appellation, and other relatives appellation terms can be in already introduced and used narration, may also serve as a call to face says
But English is not distinguish between blood and in-laws, parents brothers and parents and sister's husband called "uncle", parents and sisters parents brother's wife called "aunt"
25 relatives say the generalization of predicate
Chinese people will relatives appellation terms used as social appellation, that of the title in the between relatives between relatives, and even used to address the stranger, from "big ye," "woman", "uncle", "aunt" to "big sister", "big brother" vary China attaches great importance to cultural imitative relationship Chinese society is in the clan ties patriarchal society developed on the basis of, in the national culture, pay high attention to the blood relationship, emphasize on the level of the differences So in Chinese for the relatives appellation terms between relatives is a very common
Call form, this kind of title can make both sides feel close communication, bridging the distance, and received good communication effect But the United States as a immigration society, it is the history of the development of the struggle of the development history, people emphasize that the man's independence, equality, no matter the youngest generational, everyone is equal, even children won't say a strange old man for the "grandpa" In the American culture, "Grandpa" (grandfather) "uncle" (uncle), and other relatives appellation terms generally limited to use between relatives We sometimes see China's primary school students or high school students is very polite to foreigners called "aunt", "uncle", etc, these foreigners is the reflection of puzzled, and even disgusted: "don't call my uncle (aunt), I'm not your uncle, Please call me John (Please call me John, not uncle, I 'm not your uncle)" in Chinese The scope of the names of ZhongZhi called generally limited to relatives and friends, and limited to seniors, between superior to XiaoBei, lower level, flat between or equals to the elder, even between is not familiar with the elders, superior if use first names, will make the other party fast But in the United States called the scope of the names of ZhongZhi English to much wider range With the Chinese and western culture with increasing, we gradually to native English speakers use first names But for higher social status or less prestigious people in the west, can't copy anything, lest appear brusque
公婆 [gōng pó] [公婆]基本解释
《敦煌曲子词·捣练子》:“君去前程但努力,不敢放慢向公婆。” 明 高明 《琵琶记·义仓赈济》:“今日见官司放粮济贫,只得去请些稻子,以救公婆之命。” 清 翟灏 《通俗编·伦常》:“《明孝慈录》:舅姑即公婆。按:公婆之称,古有之也。”
公婆,是指夫妻的关系。在粤语当中,当夫妻可以叫成两公婆。 更多→ 公婆
[公婆]英文翻译hu and and wife; hu and's father and mother; parents-in-law
[公婆]相关词语 公公 婆媳 婆婆 老公 媳妇 老婆婆 老公公 [公婆]相关搜寻 丑媳妇总得见公婆