



Dear ,

There are a lot of things you chould do You could talk about the problem with your parents, and tell them you felt sad when they argued with each other Then you could do more chors to help your mother or study hard to make your parents happy Or may be you could tell jokes to make them laugh or ask them to municate with each other better

Don't worry, everything will be fine!

Good luck!





You quarrel and then,if I do not do their homework in!" I roared forward,homeopathy should still be done plot mode squeezed a few drops of tearsOh,this mode is really useful,Mom and Dad hurriedly said:"okay,okay,we do not quarrel,and you hurry to do work there" I said:"Then you have to do that we three together Gogo little finger,and deceptive is a dog," said,we all laughed

I remember once at home,I was doing homework,I suddenly heard voices outside the quarrel was originally my father and mother,where they are to a minor quarrelAt that time I may Huang Leshen,ran out when the Quanjia messenger,Said:"Mom and Dad Yeah,on the 1st marital day-yan,a total of ten years of cultivation bed pillow,you have a hu and and wife pull fourteen years,how the tragedy are still here to go" Result was that I had one father said:"Here you do not,ah Guaier Zi to the house to do work," the mother is also next to the perfunctoryNo I can not make this a fight the spread of oke and then continues,there is no way in I had to use my stream of killer


Tom, you shouldn't argue with your parents They sometimes do

things to Hello, pitiful world parents heart, all parents hope that

their children can grow up happy Your parents sometimes say you is for

you, you should not quarrel with them, and they should be understood




我和我的父母吵架了我该怎么办 英语

I quareled with my parents, what should I do now?








Dear friend,

I have heard that you sometimes argue loudly with your parents I would like to offer you some suggestions, and therefore I am now writing to you In my opinion, parents are our best friends in the world They love us and dedicate everything to us I love my parents so I alwasy ask myself to be kind, generous, and good to them Every time I went to some places for travelling, I brought my parents some gifts I would suggest you that not to argue loudly with your parents because it is a rude behavior If there is something that you don't agree with your parents, please discuss the issue with them patiently and quietly I hope you can be a good friend with your parents



Recently I heard that you were arguing with your parents Here are a couple of suggestions I have for you to deal with the relationship with your parents:

You can't pare anybody to them Yes, on days you may feel like saying "I wish my mum is extremely rich", but you don't really mean it, even if you think you do Parents are the people you should love a lot in your life

A nice, simple greeting like "Hello," "Hi," or "Good morning," will brighten their day They just yearn for an "I love you" from you

Take care of them, mentally and physically If they are feeling sick, make them some chicken soup and give them a box of tissues, and if they're feeling stressed, give them a massage and chat to them about the good things in their life

Write/text/email things to them every day, about how much you love them Call them up at work to say hello and check how they're doing Parents love nothing more than talking to you

Hope you will find them helpful


plain ing is a Normal affrair in Family

When you have quarrels with your parents, the best way for you to appease the situation is to force yourself to concede Parents have undergone far more experiences in life than you do; therefore, it is invariably the case that you are the one who turns out to be wrong Bravely admit your faults and actively pursue ways to harmonize the atmosphere, and all the family members will live together in harmony again



1、You bet

为什么当老美说,"You bet" 的时候,就代表你说的一点也没错的意思呢?因为 bet 是下赌注的意思,所以 "You bet" 就是指,"You can bet money on that" (你可以把钱下注在上面),言下之意,就是说这件事正确。例如别人问你,"Is this is the way to High Tower Museum" (这是往 High Tower 博物馆的路吗?) 你就可以回答说,"You bet" (一点也没错)

有时候为了加强语气,连小屁屁 (ass) 都可以拿来当赌注喔!用来表示这件事是百分之两百地正确。例如电视影集 "Friends" 里面,Monica 有一次就说了一句让我至今都印象深刻的话,"You bet your ass I'm going to fire you" (你完完全全正确,我非把你开除不可。) 当然如果不是在跟人家吵架时我们还是不要拿小屁屁来当赌注吧!

2 There you go


"There you go" 是老美希望结束一段对话时,很自然会脱口而出的一句话,特别是在完成某项交易的时候。像是你去买一样东西,当你付完钱之后店员会说,"There you go" 或 "That's it" 就表示交易已经完成,你可以滚了。 另外像是电台的点歌节目 DJ 在播放音乐之前都会说,"There you go" 表示你要的音乐我找到了,现在要开始播放你所点的歌曲了。

有时候你提醒别人讲话别讲太久也是用 "There you go" 例如有一次班上同学交报告给教授,结果教授还跟他讲东讲西的,那老美也不客气,就说,"Well, I just came by to give you my report, so, there you go!" 这时教授就知道他不想再讲下去了,如果再讲下去自己就太不识相了。

"There you go" 也常常用来鼓励别人有好的表现,例如你的小宝宝开始会说话了,(先假设他听得懂英文好了) 你就可以说,"There you go" 来鼓励他,或是常在球场上听到教练对表现不错的球员大叫,"There you go"

3 Here you go


"Here you go" 和 "There you go" 听起来只有一字之差,所以很多人都会乱用,这二者倒底有什么区别呢?仔细来分,"Here you go" 指的是一件事情还在进行之中,而 "There you go" 则是事情已经结束,例如店员正把你买的东西交付给你,他会说,"Here you go" 而不是 "There you go" 反之,如果东西己经到了你手上,则他会说的是,"There you go"

此外,"Here you go" 和 "There you go" 一样,也有鼓励别人的意思在里面,像我本身蛮喜欢跟老美打棒球的,每次有人大棒一挥,老美就会兴奋地大叫 "Here you go" 问题是他们为什么不说,"There you go" 呢 因为球在飞行当中算是一个过程,你还不知道结果,所以要用,"Here you go" 会比较正确,而事实上老美也正是这样子用的喔!

4 Oh! My God!


老美在惊讶时很喜欢说,"Oh! My godness!" 或是 "Oh! My God!",相信这二句话各位都不陌生,不过这都是跟宗教信仰有点关系的,如果你是无神论者,你可以学另一句,"Oh! My!" 或是加强的用法,"Oh! My! My!",都是非常惊讶的意思。记得有一次参加一个老美的聚会,有一对男女朋友在斗嘴,那个男生说了一句话,"You should go back to kitchen where you belong" (你应该回到属于的厨房里去) 结果那女生二话不说,甩头摔了门就走,留下一脸错愕的男朋友,他说了,"Oh! My! Did she slam the door" (我的老天,她有摔门吗?)

5 Oh! Boy!


这句话是不是对男生说的呢?其实不是,你不论跟男生或女生都可以说,"Oh! Boy!" 甚至你自己自言自语的时候也可以说,"Oh! Boy!" 例如你一出门,却发现钥匙忘在里面,这时候你最想说的话就是,"Oh! Boy!" (天啊!) 我在想一定会有人问我,那有没有,"Oh! Girl!" 答案是没有的,老美只会说,"Oh! Boy!" 或是 "Oh! Man!" 大家可不要自己发明一些新词啊。

如果是女生的话,还有一个小小的特权,可以说,"Oh! Dear!"

6 Holy cow!

不会吧!(哇赛)! 介绍完 Oh 系列之后现在要来介绍 Holy 系列的,通常最常听到的 Holy 系列有 "Holy cow!" (圣牛) 和 "Holy shit!" (圣便便) 二个,当然后者是蛮不雅的,我们尽可能不要用它。这二者同样都是表示出十分惊讶,相当于中文口语里「不会吧!」 的味道。例如要是我看到我的好友搂着一个泳装美女照像,我一定会跟他说,"Holy cow!" (不会吧!)

另外还有一个比较少见的用法,"Holy mackerel!" (圣青花鱼!) 也有人会用,但如果你突然跑来跟我说 "Holy mackerel!"我肯定会听不懂就是了。

7 Kind of


Kind of 和 Sort of 是用来表示有那么一点点,但不是很强烈。例如别人问,"Do you like noodles" (你喜欢面食吗?) 你如果还有那么一点点喜欢的话,就可以答,"Kind of" 或是,"Sort of" (还好啦!)

有时候跟老美 QQ 乐(ICQ),会看到 kinda 和 sorta 这两个怪字,其实诸位不用急着去查字典,因为就算你查了也查不到。这两个字其实这就是 kind of 和 sort of 的简写,(当然这非常不正式,不要用在正式的英文书写上) 例如,"He is just kinda weird" 就是说他是有一点怪怪的。

8 The thing is, we need to talk


在老美的口语中,thing 就是代表「重点」的意思,相当于 key point 所以老美常把,"The thing is: blah, blah, blah" 挂在嘴边,或是有人会说,"Here is the thing" (重点来了。) 例如,"I really like that new house,but the thing is,how much is it" (我很喜欢那栋新房子,但重点是,要多少钱啊?)

9 Duh


很多人会把 duh 和 bull (or bullshit) 这两个用法给搞混,其实 duh 是翻成废话,而 bull 翻成胡说八道。一般而言,duh 指的是很显而易见的事情,而 bull 指的是完全错误的事情。例如你问一个瑞士人,"Do you like chocolate" (你喜欢巧克力吗?)那他可能就会跟你说,"Duh!" 因为这种问题太白烂了,还有瑞士人不喜欢巧克力的吗?可是你要是问他,"You must be very fat" (那你一定很胖了。) 他就会说, "That's bull" (真是胡说八道) 因为爱吃巧克力的人也不一定就很胖,你说是吗?

10 Yes


这个 "Yes" 还有什么好讲的?其实它在口语中有一个用法可能很多人不知道,比如说吧,你的好朋友叫你的名字,"Tom" 那你要怎么回话呢?没错,最简单的回答方式就是,"Yes" (什么事啊?) 当然你也可以说,"What's up" 不过我个人就比较偏好 "Yes" 听起来比较亲切一点。另外有时候去买东西或去图书馆借书,服务人员看到你站在柜台前面,他会问你,"May I help you" 不过同样的,他们也会用比较口语的说法,"Yes" 就是问你,有什么事吗?这真的是很生活化的用法,大家一定要熟记才是。

11 Do you have any pet peeve


所谓的 pet peeve 就是个人生活习惯上的一些小毛病,例如有些人不喜欢别人碰他的计算机,要是你碰他的计算机他就会不高兴,这就是所谓的 pet peeve。(而非 bad habit。) 通常 pet peeve 都是比较无伤大雅的小毛病,几乎每个人都有属于他自己的 pet peeve。所以就有老美跟我说过,"Everybody has his pet peeve" 当然 pet peeve 也常常成为老美谈话之间彼此开玩笑的话题。记得 "Friends" 有一集就是两边人马在比快问快答,而其中有一类的问题就是 pet peeves,蛮有意思的。

但是如果是这个坏习惯大到会影响别人,像是在公共场所老是讲话很大声,这就不是 pet peeve,而要用 annoying 来形容。例如我就常听老美抱怨,"Don't you think he is annoying" (你不觉得他很烦吗)

12 Maybe I'm going out on a limb, but I think we still have to invest it


一般人想到冒险,直觉的反应就是,"It's risky" 或是 "It's dangerous" 但是口语上老美喜欢说,"I'm going out on a limb" 来表示这件事需要冒险。这个 limb 原意是指树枝,想象当你爬树时爬到小树枝上去了,你是不是不知小树枝什么时候会断掉?这种不确定的危机感,就是为什么老美要用 "Go out on a limb" 来表示冒险的原因了。例如你来到一个清澈的河边,你很想下去游泳,但四周又没有救生员,这时你就可以说,"Maybe I'm going out on a limb, but I think I am gonna try it" (我知道这么作有点冒险,但我还是要试试看。) 再举一个例子吧,有一次室友用了我的刀子但没有给我洗,可是看上面的渣渣我也知道是谁干的。后来他自己跑来跟我说, "I know I'm going out on a limb to make it anonymous" (我知道如果我说不知道这是谁干的就太冒险了。) 真是有趣的室友啊!

13 I don't have skeleton in my closet


每次竞选期间一到,一定会看到候选人争相证明自己的过去是清白的,没有什么不可告人的秘密。这句话在英文里要怎么讲呢?当然最简单的说法就是,"I don't have any secrets in the past" 但是这样的说法不如俚语的用法 "I don't have skeleton in my closet" 来得传神。在这里 skeleton 是指骷髅,而 closet 是指衣柜的意思, 各位不难想象,一个人把骷髅藏在自己的衣柜里作什么?一定是有不可告人的秘密。例如你在高中时考试作弊被抓到,还被记了一个大过,但你长大之后这件事再也没有人提过,所以你也不想别人知道。这件考试作弊就变成是你的 skeleton in the closet。

有时候我自己也会别出心裁,把这句话改变一下,展现一下自己的幽默感。例如有次我室友不让我进他房里,我就用这句话亏他,"Do you have any skeleton in your room" (你房里是不是有什么不可告人的秘密啊?) 当然 in your room 是我自己改的,但在那样的情况下,却有另一番的味道。

14 Are you sure you are going to set us up


在英文里制造机会可不是 make a chance 喔!虽然这是大家最自然会想到的说法。正确的说法应该用 set up 这个词组,例如 set you up 就是帮你制造机会的意思。另外,老美也很喜欢用 fix up 和 hook up 来表示撮合某人。例如你有一个妹妹长得还可以,你想把她介绍给你同学,你就可以跟你同学说,"Do you like my sister I can fix you up" (你喜欢我妹妹吗?我可以撮合你们。)

15 Probably It's still up in the air


大家都应该常常有和别人相约的经验吧u其实和别人相约是一件很不容易的事情。一开始没女朋友觉得没人陪不想出门,但就算有人陪了却又不知要去哪里, 而就算知道要去哪里,又不知道要作什么,到时再看看吧。其实这种情形中外皆然,所以「到时候再看看」也是老美常说的一句话。简单的讲法就是,"I haven't decided yet"、"I haven't made my mind yet" 或是 "We'll see" 就可以了,不然的话你也可以小小地卖弄一下英文,"It's up in the air"

另外 "It's up in the air" 比较俏皮的翻法就是: 「八字还没一撇呢!」例如别人问你,"Are you dating Jennifer now" (你跟 Jennifer 开始在约会了吗) 你就可以答,"It's up in the air" (八字还没一撇呢!)

16 Okay Just checking


在口语中我们常会讲,没什么,我只是随口问问而已。这个随口问问在英文里当然你可以讲,"Just asking" 但事实上呢?大多数的老美都会说,"Just checking" Check 当动词用是一般指「检查」而言,例如你想进来时可能忘了关门,你就可以说,"Go check if the door is still open" (检查看看门是不是还开着。) 但是老美说, "Just checking" 时,这个 check 要翻译成「随口问问」会比较通顺一些。这句话老美用得很多,非常值得把它记下来。

另外有一种情形,比如说我们说了一些无关痛痒的小事,别人也没听楚,当他再问你刚才说了些什么事,也许你不想再覆述一遍。(反正是无关痛痒) 这时你可以说,"Just a though" 或是 "Just an idea" 意思就是我只是随口说说而已。不然的话也可以说,"Never mind" (没什么大不了的,不用心。)

17 Do we need to hit a shower first


Hit 是一个老美很喜欢用,但老中很不会用的动词,hit 指的是去开始作某件事。 像是在口语中老美喜欢讲,"Let's hit it"。例如摇滚乐团的主唱常会看看吉他手, 键盘手,贝斯手准备好了没,如果大家都准备好了的话,他就会大喊一声, "Let's hit it" 这就代表 "Let's go" 的意思。

所以像是去洗澡,我相信大多数的人都会讲,take a shower。但你如果学老美说, hit a shower,那种层次立刻就不一样。类似的用法还有像是睡觉老美会说,hit the bed,上路会说 hit the road,到海滩去则是 hit the beach 像这些都是蛮值得学的用法。

18 That's OK


大家相信吗? "That's OK" 和 "OK" 指的是完全不同的意思喔。如果别人问你要不要先洗个澡啊?你答,"That's OK" 就是不要的意思,答 "OK" 却是要的意思。像我刚来美国时因为不信邪,结果每次都耍宝。记得有一次老美来我家作客, 我问他,"Do you need something to drink" 他说 "That's OK" 我想既是 "OK" 就是好的意思啊,当然赶紧把茶水奉上,老美一脸莫名其妙的表情。其实我这是错误的示范。要记住,当别人说,"That's OK" 就表示 "I'm fine" 我很好,你不用心的意思,言下之意就是你不用麻烦了,我会照顾我自己。所以,"That's OK" 其实有「没关系、无所谓」的味道在里面。所以如果你要明确的拒绝的话,可以这么说,"That's OK I don't need anything to drink"

19 Just right place, right time


大多数的人想到幸运,都会直觉反应 lucky,但其实 lucky 有很多种表示法。像有一次我问老美怎么追到这么一个如花似玉的女朋友,他回答我,"Just right place, right time" 我一听就立刻联想到了中文里的,「天时地利人和」这句话,没想到英语里就这么简单,"Right place, right time" 就解决了。(或许应该再加上 right girl) 所以我也开始不是只会说,"I'm just lucky" 了。例如后来有一次老美问我为什么我有免费的 T 恤可拿,我就很潇洒地回答他,"Just right place, right time, no big deal" (只不过时间地点刚好对了而已,没什么大不了的。) 事后想起来,连自己都觉得很得意自己会这样回答。

20 Same here


我想当大家看到中文「我也是」的时候,百分之九十九的人 "me too" 会立刻脱口而出。甚至有些人还会说, "So do I" 但是说真的,老美是会说,"me too" 和 "So do I" 没错,但好象太平常了一点,(大概是因为这些用法我上国中的时候就知道了吧!)

我觉得比较酷一点的讲法应该是,"same here" 它完完全全就等于 "me too" 例如上网聊天最后大家常会说,"All right I have to go to bed now" (好吧,我该去睡觉了。) 这时对方就可以回答,"same here" 表示我也该睡觉了。另外 ditto 这个用法也流行过好一阵子。它的意思是,「同上」当然也就等于 "me too" 的意思啦。 例如最有名的例子,在第六感生死恋 (Ghost) 里,Demi Moore 和 Patrick Swayze 的对话,"I love you" "Ditto" 男人真讨厌 !

 What nerve!


 How impudent you are to say such a thing! impudent “厚颜的”,“不知羞耻的”。

 How impolite! (怎么那么厚颜无耻!)

 That's a rude thing to say! (那样说太野蛮。)


 What he says offends me offend “得罪人,使人生气,给人不愉快的感觉”。

 What he says offends me (他说的话多气人呀。)

 I know what you mean (我理解你的心情。)

 What he says bothers me (他说的话让人心烦。)


 We've got to get even get even “回击,报复”。

 We have to get him back


 I wasn't born yesterday 直译“我可不是昨天才生下来的”。

 It's a great deal (那可是件好事呀。)

 I wasn't born yesterday (我又不是不懂。)

 I didn't just fall off the turnip truck! turnip 蔬菜中的“芜菁”,直译“我又不是刚从货车上掉下来的芜菁。”用该短语表示“我知道得十分清楚”。

 I'm not stupid! (我没那么傻。)

 I'm not naive! (我又不是没见过世面。)


 Don't think you can make a fool out of me! make a fool out of 表示“轻视,看不起”。直译是“别以为你可以轻视我!”

 Don't try to make me look foolish! 直译“别把我弄得像个傻瓜”。

 You can't make me look stupid!


 You're making fun of me make fun of 表示“看不起人,把……作为取笑对象”。把它作为一个短语来记。

 You're teasing me (你耍我呢。) tease “逗弄,戏弄”、“愚弄”。

 Are you trying to make a fool out of me (你是不是在把我当笑料呀)


 That's asking too much

 I'll do it for ¥50,000 (给五万,我就干!)

 That's asking too much (真是狮子大开口。)

 You're being too greedy (你也太贪了。)

 You're pushing your luck (你还真来劲!)


 He has a quick temper

 He has a short temper

 He has a bad temper


 Who do you think you're talking to 表示“你对我能用这种口气说话吗”。

 You can't talk to me like that (你不能这样对我说话。)

 Do you know who you're talking to


 Do you have anything to say

 Do you have anything to complain about

 Do you have any objection to it (你有什么不同意见)


 I won't let you have your own way let “同意让……”、“让……”、“随便让……”。

 You can't have everything your own way

 I'm not giving in (我绝不让步。)


 That's blackmail! blackmail“勒索”、“恐吓”。

 A) If you don't help me, I'll turn you in (你要不帮我,我就把你交给警方。)

 B) That's blackmail! (你这是恐吓。)B做了坏事,而被A知道。


 Don't insult me

 Don't insult my intelligence 直译“你别侮辱我的才智”。用于吵架开始时。


 You're a filthy liar filthy“污秽的,卑鄙的,肮脏的”。


 You'll be sorry

 I lent him money (我把钱借给他了。)

 You'll be sorry (你会后悔的。)

 You'll regret it

 You'll wish you hadn't done it (你会后悔这么做的。)


 Are you crazy

 Isn't he cool (他是不是很酷)

 Are you crazy (你是不是疯啦)

 Are you nuts

 Are you out of your mind

 Are you insane

 Are you delirious

 Are you all there

 Are you confused 更尖锐的说法。


 Don't look at me like that!

 Don't look at me like that! (别用那种眼神看着我!)

 Like what (什么眼神)

 Don't stare at me! (别盯着我。) stare at“一直盯着看,凝视”。


 I want to get even with him

 I'll pay him back (这个仇我一定得报。)


 That sneaky, low life creep! sneaky“鬼鬼祟祟,卑鄙的”,low life “社会下层的人,卑怯的家伙”,creep“阴郁得让人讨厌的人”、“非常讨厌的人”。


 Is not! Is too! 孩子们吵架时常用。

 Is not! Is so!

 Uh-uh! Uh-huh! 因为Is not和Uh-uh表达的是No的意思,所以是一边摇着头一边说。


 Have it your way!

 We should turn right (我们该往右拐。)

 I think we should go left (我觉得该往左拐。)

 Okay, okay, have it your way! (好吧,好吧,你随便吧!)

 Do it your way!

 Do whatever you want!

 Do as you please

 It's your choice

 Suit yourself! 用于好心好意给人出主意却不被接受时。“那随你便吧,爱怎么着就怎么着吧。”

 ● 厌烦


 It's boring

 Do you want to watch that movie (你想看那部**吗)

 No, I hear it's boring (不,听说那**很无聊。)



 My life is dull (我每天都这么无聊。)

 It's dull (没劲。)


 It's for the birds 直译“帮不了谁,最多只能帮帮鸟罢了”,即“无聊,没有意思”。是比较旧的说法,但现在仍然在用。

 I hate this class (我最讨厌上这课。)

 I agree It's for the birds (没错。真无聊。)

 It's no good

 It sucks


 I'm not interested

 So, when do you want to go out with me (你什么时候能和我约会呢)

 I'm not interested in you (我对你不感兴趣。)


 It's nothing great

 How's your new job (你的新工作怎么样)

 It's nothing great (没什么了不起的。)

 It's nothing much


 I'm not satisfied

 I'm dissatisfied

 I'm not happy about it

 I'm not content

 I'm discontent


 It was just another meeting just another“常有的,不稀奇的”。

 How was the meeting (那个会怎么样)

 It was just another meeting (很平常。)

 It was just a meeting

 That meeting was nothing special (那个会没有什么特别的。)


 I can't get into my work get into“专心做……”、“对……抱有兴趣”。

 I can't concentrate on my work (我不能集中精力工作。) concentrate on“集中精力做……”。

 I can't get excited about my job (我没有工作的热情。)

 I've lost interest in my work (我对我的工作失去了兴趣。)


 It's outdated

 It's out of date


 Give me a break

 I don't know her, I promise (我发誓我不认识她。)

 Give me a break! (算了吧,别玩花样了。)

 Get real (你认真点儿。)

 Tell me the truth (告诉我实话。)

 Stop joking (别开玩笑。)

 Get serious (说正经的。)

 Stop kidding! (别耍弄我。)

 Stop pulling my leg! (别跟我逗!)


 I can't stand it stand “容忍,忍耐”。

 Tom is very rude (汤姆太粗鲁了。)

 Yeah, I can't stand it (就是,我真受不了他。)

 I can't take it (anymore)

 I can't bare it (anymore)

 I can't take the strain

 I can't stand it any longer

 I can't put up with it any longer! put up with“忍受……”。


 That's enough 表示不想再听下去时。

 Mom! She won't leave me alone and she keeps playing with my toys and (妈妈,她不让我一个人呆着,还拿我的玩具玩。)

 That's enough Stop complaining (够了,别那么多牢骚了。)

 I've had it (我受不了了。)

 I've had enough

 I've heard enough! (我听够了。)

 That's it

 Enough is enough (够了,别再说了!)


 Have a heart!

 Finish your homework first, then wash my car (你先写作业,然后再把我的车洗了。)

 Have a heart, dad! (饶了我吧,爸爸!)


 The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I get The more, the more “越……越……”、 “越来越……”。

 The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I become

 The more I know, the sicker I feel


 There she goes again 用于常说同样话的人又开始重复同一话题时。

 A) Are you listening I said (你听着呢吗 我是说……)

 B)(To C) Oh, no! There she goes again ([对C说]得,她又来了。)

 She's starting it again

 She's saying it again (她又说上了。)


 Oh, man!

 No, you can't go (不行,你不能去。)

 Oh, man! You never let me do anything (哦,真烦!你总是什么都不让我做。)


 I don't want to hear it

 I don't want to hear about it


 Now what 当一个计划接着一个计划,一个问题接着一个问题时,用来表示“下一个是什么”、“怎么样”、“这次又是什么样的事情”。多用于坏事的不断发生。

 There's one more problem (还有个问题。)

 Now what (这次又是什么)

 What else (还有什么)

 What's next

 What else is wrong (还有什么不对劲的吗)

 What is it this time



 Shut up! 常用于吵架等场合,语气非常严厉。

 Shut up! I don't want to hear it! (住嘴!我不想听。)

 You shut up! (你住嘴!)

 Shut your mouth

 Keep your mouth shut

 Be quiet! (安静!)

 Shut the fuck up 这是一句语气尖锐、很难听的脏话,最好不用。

 Can it


 Don't be a back seat driver 这种说法是源于开车的时候坐在司机后边的人指示司机这么走那么走,唠唠叨叨地说个不停的情况而产生的一种表达方式。


 Stop shouting!

 Stop yelling! (别吵!)

 Keep your voice down! (小点声!)


 Stop complaining! complain “抱怨”。用于针对絮絮叨叨地诉说不满、痛苦和悲伤的人。

 You always come home late (你总这么晚回来。)

 Stop complaining! (别抱怨了!)


 Calm down, will you calm down “安静下来”、“镇静”、“平息”。

 Calm down, will you (安静点,行不行)

 Okay I'll try (好的!我尽量。)


 Stop nagging! nag多用于女性。是男性对爱叨叨的、小声嘟囔的女人说的。因此和stop complaining(发牢骚)的语气不太一样。

 Did you fix my car I told you to do it before dinner (我的车修了吗我不是让你晚饭以前给我修好的吗)

 Stop nagging me! I'll do it (唠叨什么呀!我这就修。)


 Get off my back! 直译“从我背上下来”。这是句惯用短语,表示“少说废话!别多嘴!”。

 But you promised! (可是,你答应我了呀!)

 Get off my back (别再啰嗦了!)

 Stop pestering me! pester 含有“使人为难,烦恼”的意思,特别是带有“缠磨得人难受,使人苦恼”的语感。

 Quit bothering me! (别再死气白赖地缠着我了!)

 Don't tell me what to do! (用不着你告诉我该怎么做!)

 Quit telling me what to do! (用不着你告诉我该怎么做。)


 Don't talk back to me! talk back “顶嘴”。带有孩子对父母、晚辈对长辈还嘴的语感。

 I won't do it! (我才不干呢!)

 Don't talk back to me! (别跟我顶嘴!)

 That's the end of it (就这样。) 表示已经没有商量的余地。

 That's final (就这么着。)

 That's it (就这样。)

 It's settled (就这么定了。) settle “解决、决定(日期)、决定做某事”。因此该句含有“已经决定了,就别再多嘴了”的语感。一般情况下settle 表示决定的用法如以下例句。

 Let's meet at 5∶00 (我们5点见吧。)

 It's settled (好,就这么定了。)


 Big mouth! 直译是“大嘴”。用来说那些说多余话的人。

 He doesn't have a girlfriend (他还没有女朋友呢。)

 Shut up, big mouth! (闭嘴,用你多话!)

 You've got a big mouth

 You talk too much (你真多嘴多舌。)


 Leave me alone!

 Hey, baby, what's your name (嗨!小宝贝,你叫什么名字)

 Leave me alone! (离我远点儿!)


 None of your business 表示“别多管闲事、跟你有什么关系,用不着你帮忙,用不着你管”等等。

 It's none of your business

 Mind your own business (先管好你自己吧!)

 It is not your concern

 It doesn't concern you

 Stay out of it (你别瞎搀和。)

 I don't need your input (用不着你帮忙。)

 It's personal (这是我的私事。)

 I don't need your two cents 直译“我不需要你这两分钱”。俚语,表示“用不着你指导我,这和你没关系”。

 I don't think you should do that (我觉得你不该做。)

 Thanks, but I don't need your two cents (谢谢,用不着你来说。)


 Who asked you

 I think you're wrong (我觉得你错了。)

 Who asked you (谁问你了)

 Who cares what you think (谁管你想什么!)

 I didn't ask you (我又没问你。)

 If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked you (我要想问你的话,早就问了。)


 I can't talk to you now


 I don't need your help

 Your kindness is unwanted

 Your kindness is unwelcome

 I don't want your kindness


 Get out of here! 语气强烈地让人离开某地。口语中连读。

 Get out of here! (给我出去!)

 They're just kittens (它们不过是几只小猫呀。)

 Go away! (一边去!)

 Get lost! (你给我消失!) 这样说起到把人轰走的效果。

 Take a hike!



 Get out of my face! 惯用短语,“离开我的视线”、“躲我远点儿,走开!”。

 Get out of my face! (别让我看见你!)

 What did I do wrong (我做错什么了)

 Beat it! 俚语。

 Buzz off! buzz 是蜜蜂或苍蝇发出的“嗡嗡”的声音。比喻对方像蜜蜂、苍蝇一样地吵人,所以该短语表示“你一边呆着去!”

 Leave me alone


 Back off! 打架的时候粗暴地对对方说“后退,躲开!”

 Step back! (后退!)


 Don't bother me!

 Let's play this game (玩游戏吧!)

 Don't bother me! I have to finish my homework (别打扰我,我得写完作业。)


 Are you trying to get rid of me get rid of“轰走,去掉,摆脱”。Are you trying to 带有“你想试试做……吗”的语感。

 Are you trying to get rid of me (你想赶我走)

 No, I've just been busy (不是,我只是太忙了。)

 Are you trying to avoid me (你想躲着我)

I had a big argument with my good friend yesterday because of the baseball teams During the break time, we argued about which team is the best in the league big I thought it is Yankees and he thought it is Red Sox After the argument, he went of to say goodbye to me and close the door loudly I was so angry with him

Then he still didn't talk to me during the next break time He didn't even look at me I started to feel sad because he is my best friend When it was time to go home I asked him if he wanted to go with me as usual He looked at me with a strange look and still turned away But this time, he did say goodbye to me quietly

In the end, while I was watching TV the phone ring It was him and he said he was sorry about what he did, he felt childish I said never mind we are still good friends Now I feel much better I hope we won't argument any more



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