王维(701-761),字摩诘,唐代大诗人,和李白同龄。他是大画家,最善于描写山水景物和田园风光,成为山水田园诗派的杰出代表。宋朝大文学家苏轼说:王维“诗中有画”,“画中有诗”。 1汉江临眺——站在汉江岸边远望。汉江又称汉水,发源于陕西西南部,在湖北武汉注入长江,全长1500多公里。2楚塞——古代楚国地界,包括现在湖北湖南一带地方。3三湘——指湖南境内的湘江和它的支流。4荆门——山名,在湖北宜都县西北长江南岸。5九派——九条去流,指长江在江西省内的所有支流。6襄阳——地名,在湖北北部,靠近汉江。7山翁——山简,晋朝襄阳守将,经常出去饮酒,大醉而归。这里代表当时襄阳的地方官。 诗人来到襄阳城外,站在汉江岸边,目送江水滔滔滚滚向南流去,心胸十分畅快,止不住赞叹道:这汉江南接三湘,西通荆门,东与九江相连,真是源远流长、水域无边啊! 江水向南流去,流去,流到天地尽头,流到天地以外去了。“江流天地外”,不过是诗人奇妙的纪觉,却让人感到十分真切,仿佛我们自己也身在江边,和诗人一起欣赏那波涛千里的壮观了。而在对岸远处,“山色有无中”,那淡淡的群山,笼罩在柔和的阳光和空蒙的烟雾里,影影绰绰,似有若无,朦胧恍惚之中,别有一番诗意。 回头再看沿江两岸的大大小小的城郭,一个个都像在水边漂游浮动;那远方的天空,显得过分低垂,被汹涌的波浪冲击得忽悠悠的颤动。“郡邑浮前浦,波澜动远空”,这是很有名的诗句,一个“浮”字,一个“动”字,把汉江水势写得多么浩瀚壮阔啊! 这样美好的风光,这样晴和的天日,又有一位殷勤好客的主人陪同浏览,难怪诗人流连忘归,想要长居此地与说人开怀畅饮呢。 苏轼赞美王维“诗中有画”,这首五言律诗(五律)便是很好的例证。
Wang Wei(701-761)was a great post and painter of the Tang DynastyAs a master for artistic expression of beautiful landscapes and country life,he was on outstanding representative of naturepastoral verses during the most prosperous period of the Tang DynastyHe was praised by Su Shi,another ancient Chinese poet, for his "picturesque verses and poetic paintings"
Wang presented this poem a spectacular view of the Hanjiang which is a 1,500-KM long river originating from the southwest of Shanxi Province and flowing into the Yangtze River at Wuhan of Hubei Province
Standing by the Hanjing River outside the walled city of Xiangyang in northern Hubei and deeply impressed by what he had seen,the poet described in his poem that flowing south to join the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province,west to reach the Jingmen Mountain in northwest Hubei Province,and east to link the nine rivers in Jiangxi Province,the Hanjiang was really a long and gigantic river covering vast areasThe River was so long as if it
were flowing beyond the heaven and earth,and the view was so poetically beautiful that ranges of hills in distance were looming in a veil of mist under the bright sunshine Intoxicated by the charming and impressive scenery ,Wang sang in his famous verse that the River was so wide that towns and cities seemed to float above it and roaring waves were so powerful as if the distant sky were shaken by itEnjoying himself so much and the hospitality of a local friend ,the poet wanted to stay there with his hostThis is a typical example of Wang's "picturesque verses"
(约692~761),字摩诘,原籍太原祁县(今属山西),父辈迁居于蒲州(今山西永济)。进士及第,官至尚书右丞,世称王右丞。王维诗明净清新,精美雅致,李杜之外,自成一家。其名字取自维摩诘居士,心向佛门。虽为朝廷命官,却常隐居蓝田辋川,过着亦官亦隐的居士生活。王维又是杰出的画家,通晓音乐,善以乐理、画理、禅理融入诗歌创作之中。苏轼谓其“诗中有画”、“画中有诗”,他是唐代山水田园诗派的著名代表。 王维(701-761),字摩诘,唐代大诗人,和李白同龄。他是大画家,最善于描写山水景物和田园风光,成为山水田园诗派的杰出代表。宋朝大文学家苏轼说:王维“诗中有画”,“画中有诗”。 1汉江临眺——站在汉江岸边远望。汉江又称汉水,发源于陕西西南部,在湖北武汉注入长江,全长1500多公里。2楚塞——古代楚国地界,包括现在湖北湖南一带地方。3三湘——指湖南境内的湘江和它的支流。4荆门——山名,在湖北宜都县西北长江南岸。5九派——九条去流,指长江在江西省内的所有支流。6襄阳——地名,在湖北北部,靠近汉江。7山翁——山简,晋朝襄阳守将,经常出去饮酒,大醉而归。这里代表当时襄阳的地方官。 诗人来到襄阳城外,站在汉江岸边,目送江水滔滔滚滚向南流去,心胸十分畅快,止不住赞叹道:这汉江南接三湘,西通荆门,东与九江相连,真是源远流长、水域无边啊! 江水向南流去,流去,流到天地尽头,流到天地以外去了。“江流天地外”,不过是诗人奇妙的纪觉,却让人感到十分真切,仿佛我们自己也身在江边,和诗人一起欣赏那波涛千里的壮观了。而在对岸远处,“山色有无中”,那淡淡的群山,笼罩在柔和的阳光和空蒙的烟雾里,影影绰绰,似有若无,朦胧恍惚之中,别有一番诗意。 回头再看沿江两岸的大大小小的城郭,一个个都像在水边漂游浮动;那远方的天空,显得过分低垂,被汹涌的波浪冲击得忽悠悠的颤动。“郡邑浮前浦,波澜动远空”,这是很有名的诗句,一个“浮”字,一个“动”字,把汉江水势写得多么浩瀚壮阔啊! 这样美好的风光,这样晴和的天日,又有一位殷勤好客的主人陪同浏览,难怪诗人流连忘归,想要长居此地与说人开怀畅饮呢。 苏轼赞美王维“诗中有画”,这首五言律诗(五律)便是很好的例证。
Wang Wei(701-761)was a great post and painter of the Tang DynastyAs a master for artistic expression of beautiful landscapes and country life,he was on outstanding representative of naturepastoral verses during the most prosperous period of the Tang DynastyHe was praised by Su Shi,another ancient Chinese poet, for his "picturesque verses and poetic paintings"
Wang presented this poem a spectacular view of the Hanjiang which is a 1,500-KM long river originating from the southwest of Shanxi Province and flowing into the Yangtze River at Wuhan of Hubei Province
Standing by the Hanjing River outside the walled city of Xiangyang in northern Hubei and deeply impressed by what he had seen,the poet described in his poem that flowing south to join the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province,west to reach the Jingmen Mountain in northwest Hubei Province,and east to link the nine rivers in Jiangxi Province,the Hanjiang was really a long and gigantic river covering vast areasThe River was so long as if it
were flowing beyond the heaven and earth,and the view was so poetically beautiful that ranges of hills in distance were looming in a veil of mist under the bright sunshine Intoxicated by the charming and impressive scenery ,Wang sang in his famous verse that the River was so wide that towns and cities seemed to float above it and roaring waves were so powerful as if the distant sky were shaken by itEnjoying himself so much and the hospitality of a local friend ,the poet wanted to stay there with his hostThis is a typical example of Wang's "picturesque verses"