名著精读《理智与情感》第三章 第4节

名著精读《理智与情感》第三章 第4节,第1张

No sooner did she perceive any symptom of love in his behaviour to Elinor

than she considered their serious attachment as certain

and looked forward to their marriage as rapidly approaching


"In a few months

my dear Marianne " said she

"Elinor will

in all probability be settled for life We shall miss her; but SHE will be happy "


"Oh! Mamma

how shall we do without her"


"My love

it will be scarcely a separation We shall live within a few miles of each other

and shall meet every day of our lives You will gain a brother

a real

affectionate brother I have the highest opinion in the world of Edward's heart But you look grave

Marianne; do you disapprove your sister's choice"



" said Marianne

"I may consider it with some surprise Edward is very amiable

and I love him tenderly But yet--he is not the kind of young man--there is something wanting --his figure is not striking; it has none of that grace which I should expect in the man who could seriously attach my sister His eyes want all that spirit

that fire

which at once announce virtue and intelligence And besides all this

I am afraid


he has no real taste Music seems scarcely to attract him

and though he admires Elinor's drawings very much

it is not the admiration of a person who can understand their worth It is evident

in spite of his frequent attention to her while she draws

that in fact he knows nothing of the matter He admires as a lover

not as a connoisseur To satisfy me

those characters must be united I could not be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own He must enter into all my feelings; the same books

the same music must charm us both Oh! mama

how spiritless

how tame was Edward's manner in reading to us last night! I felt for my sister most severely Yet she bore it with so much posure

she seemed scarcely to notice it I could hardly keep my seat To hear those beautiful lines which have frequently almost driven me wild

pronounced with such imperable calmness

such dreadful indifference!"--


"He would certainly have done more justice to simple and elegant prose I thought so at the time; but you WOULD give him Cowper "




if he is not to be animated by Cowper!-- but we must allow for difference of taste Elinor has not my feelings

and therefore she may overlook it

and be happy with him But it would have broke MY heart

had I loved him

to hear him read with so little sensibility Mama

the more I know of the world

the more am I convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love I require so much! He must have all Edward's virtues

and his person and manners must ornament his goodness with every possible charm "



my love

that you are not seventeen It is yet too early in life to despair of such a happiness Why should you be less fortunate than your mother In one circumstance only

my Marianne

may your destiny be different from her's!"


eive v 察觉




I perceived his ment as a challenge


ing adj 不足的


n 缺乏




不足 vi 要


必须 vt 缺少




The plants died from want of water


oisseur n 鉴识家



He is a connoisseur of antique furniture


osure n 镇静


We should keep our posure in danger


rable adj 不能穿过的


An imperable fortress


ment n 装饰

装饰物 vt 装饰

I ornamented my room with flowers


umstance n 环境




He was forced by the circumstances to do this


Edward had been staying several weeks in the house before he engaged much of Mrs Dashwood's attention; for she was

at that time

in such affliction as rendered her careless of surrounding objects She saw only that he was quiet and unobtrusive

and she liked him for it He did not disturb the wretchedness of her mind by ill-timed conversation She was first called to observe and approve him farther

by a reflection which Elinor chanced one day to make on the difference beeen him and his sister It was a contrast which remended him most forcibly to her mother


"It is enough

" said she; "to say that he is unlike Fanny is enough It implies everything amiable I love him already "


"I think you will like him

" said Elinor

"when you know more of him "


"Like him!" replied her mother with a ile "I feel no sentiment of approbation inferior to love "


"You may esteem him "


"I have never yet known what it was to separate esteem and love "


Mrs Dashwood now took pains to get acquainted with him Her manners were attaching

and soon banished his reserve She speedily prehended all his merits; the persuasion of his regard for Elinor perhaps assisted her peration ; but she really felt assured of his worth: and even that quietness of manner

which militated against all her established ideas of what a young man's address ought to be

was no longer uninteresting when she knew his heart to be warm and his temper affectionate


er vt 使成为



着色; 执行

实施 vi 给予补偿

The artist had rendered her gentle ile perfectly


trusive adj 不多嘴的



He's a quiet unobtrusive student

but always does well in the examination




chedness n 可怜


Her wretchedness made him feel miserable


-timed adj 不合时的


Our visit was ill-timed my mother had guests already


ibly adv 强行地


The proposals were put to us very briefly and forcibly




obation n 认可


The goods are not allowed to be exported without approbation of the customs



7 esteem [is'ti:m] n 尊敬 vt 认为


We esteem him to be worthy of trust


tration n 渗透



He writes with peration


tate ['militeit] v 发生作用


Many factors militated against the success of our plan


rd had been staying several weeks in the house before he engaged much of Mrs Dashwood's attention;

难句解析engage attention of “引起某人的注意”;


Dashwood now took pains to get acquainted with him

难句解析take pains to do sth意思是“花大力气做某事”;


"Did he indeed" cried Marianne with sparkling eYes

"and with elegance

with spirit"


"Yes; and he was up again at eight to ride to covert " 


"That is what I like; that is what a young man ought to be Whatever be his pursuits

his eagerness in them should know no moderation

and leave him no sense of fatigue "




I see how it will be

" said Sir John

"I see how it will be You will be setting your cap at him now

and never think of poor Brandon "


"That is an expression

Sir John

" said Marianne


"which I particularly dislike I abhor every mon-place phrase by which wit is intended; and 'setting one's cap at a man

' or 'making a conquest

' are the most odious of all Their tendency is gross and illiberal; and if their construction could ever be deemed clever

time has long ago destroyed all its ingenuity "


Sir John did not much understand this reproof; but he laughed as heartily as if he did

and then replied



you will make conquests enough

I dare say

one way or other Poor Brandon! he is quite itten already

and he is very well worth setting your cap at

I can tell you

in spite of all this tumbling about and spraining of ankles "


kling adj 闪闪发光的,闪烁的

She was really sparkling (with happiness) at the wedding


onplace adj 平凡的,陈腐的 n 常事,老生常谈,普通的东西

Soon it will be monplace for people to travel to the moon


us adj 可憎的,讨厌的

Comparisons are odious


nuity n 智巧,创造力,精巧的设计

It took some ingenuity to squeeze all the furniture into the little room


tily['hɑ:tili] adv 衷心地,热心地,彻底地

I am heartily grateful to your help




I see how it will be

" said Sir John

"I see how it will be You will be setting your cap at him now

and never think of poor Brandon "

难句解析set your cap for 意思是“挑逗、追求”;

句子翻译 “啊,啊,我明白了,”约翰爵士说,“我明白了。你现在要去追求他啦,从此再也不想可怜的布兰登了。”

"There is no knowing what THEY may expect

" said the lady

"but we are not to think of their expectations: the question is

what you can afford to do "


"Certainly--and I think I may afford to give them five hundred pounds a-piece As it is

without any addition of mine

they will each have about three thousand pounds on their mother's death--a very fortable fortune for any young woman "


"To be sure it is; and


it strikes me that they can want no addition at all They will have ten thousand pounds divided amongst them If they marry

they will be sure of doing well

and if they do not

they may all live very fortably together on the interest of ten thousand pounds "


"That is very true



I do not know whether

upon the whole

it would not be more advisable to do something for their mother while she lives

rather than for them--something of the annuity kind I mean --My sisters would feel the good effects of it as well as herself A hundred a year would make them all perfectly fortable "


His wife hesitated a little


in giving her consent to this plan


"To be sure

" said she

"it is better than parting with fifteen hundred pounds at once But


if Mrs Dashwood should live fifteen years we shall be pletely taken in "


"Fifteen years! my dear Fanny; her life cannot be worth half that purchase "


"Certainly not; but if you observe

people always live for ever when there is an annuity to be paid them; and she is very stout and healthy

and hardly forty An annuity is a very serious business; it es over and over every year

and there is no getting rid of it You are not aware of what you are doing I have known a great deal of the trouble of annuities; for my mother was clogged with the payment of three to old superannuated servants by my father's will

and it is amazing how disagreeable she found it Twice every year these annuities were to be paid; and then there was the trouble of getting it to them; and then one of them was said to have died

and afterwards it turned out to be no such thing My mother was quite sick of it Her ine was not her own

she said

with such perpetual claims on it; and it was the more unkind in my father



the money would have been entirely at my mother's disposal

without any restriction whatever It has given me such an abhorrence of annuities

that I am sure I would not pin myself down to the payment of one for all the world "


ity n 年金


The law enables us to receive an annuity


in vt 欺骗

I was taken in by the sale an-the car turned out to be uneconomical and unreliable


rannuated adj 老朽的


Are you still riding that superannuated old bike


osal n 处理

The money is at our own disposal


rrence n 可憎恶的事


A cordial abhorrence of waste


[pin] vt 将用针别住



He was pinned down by his attackers


it is

without any addition of mine

they will each have about three thousand pounds on their mother's death--a very fortable fortune for any young woman

难句解析as it is 意思是“事实上”;on their mother's death意思是“她们的母亲一死”;


is very true



I do not know whether

upon the whole

it would not be more advisable to do something for their mother while she lives

rather than for them--something of the annuity kind I mean

难句解析upon the whole原因是“从整体上看”;be advisable to do sth意思是“做某事更可取”;



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