

#英语资源# 导语我们在平时的英语学习中常常会遇到“使某人感到怎样”的动词,为方便大家学习和复习,今天,要和大家分享高中阶段常用的30个情感类动词以及它们的形容词变形,注意:以ing结尾的形容词表示物的特征,译为“令人的”;以ed结尾的动词表示人的感受,译为“感到的”。以下内容由 整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!

1 amaze: v 使某人吃惊;

amazing:adj 令人惊叹的;

amazed:adj 感到惊奇的

2 annoy: v 使某人恼怒;

annoying:adj 令人恼怒的;


3 astonish:v 使某人惊愕;

astonishing:adj 令人惊愕的;

astonished:adj 感到惊愕的

4 confuse:v 使某人困惑;

confusing:adj 令人困惑的;

confused:adj 感到困惑的

5 convince:v 使某人信服;

convincing:adj 令人信服的;

convinced:adj 感到信服的

6 delight:v 使某人高兴;

delighting(delightful):adj 令人高兴的;


7 depress:v 使人低落;

depressing:adj 令人低落(沮丧)的;


8 disappoint: v 使某人失望;

disappointing: adj 令人失望的;

disappointed:adj 感到失望的

9 discourage:v 使某人泄气;

discouraging:adj 令人泄气的;

discouraged:adj 感到泄气的

10 disgust:v 使人厌恶;

disgusting:adj 令人厌恶的;

disgusted:adj 感到厌恶(恶心)的

11 embarrass:v 使人尴尬;

embarrassing:adj 令人尴尬的;

embarrassed:adj 感到尴尬的

12 encourage:v 使有勇气;

encouraging:adj 令人鼓舞的;

encouraged:adj 感到鼓舞的

13 excite:v 使人兴奋;

exciting:adj 令人兴奋的;

excited:adj 感到兴奋的

14 exhaust: v 使人筋疲力尽;

exhausting:adj 令人筋疲力尽的;

exhausted:adj 感到筋疲力尽的

15 fright:v 使人惊恐;

frightening:adj 令人惊恐的;

frightened:adj 感到恐惧(害怕)的

16 frustrate:v 使人沮丧;

frustrating:adj 令人沮丧的;

frustrated:adj 感到沮丧的

17 inspire:v 使人鼓舞;

inspiring:adj 令人鼓舞的;

inspired:adj 感到鼓舞的

18 interest:v 使人有兴趣;

interesting:adj 令人感兴趣的;

interested:adj 感到有兴趣的

19 irritate:v 使人愤怒;

irritating:adj 令人愤怒的;

irritated:adj 感到愤怒的

20 move:v 使人感动;

moving:adj 令人感动的;

moved:adj 感动的

21 please:v 使人愉快;

pleasing(pleasant):adj 令人愉快的;

pleased:adj 感到快乐的

22 puzzle:v 使人困惑;

puzzling:adj 让人困惑的;

puzzled:adj 感到困惑的

23 satisfy:v 使人满意;

satisfying(satisfactory):adj 令人满意的;

satisfied:adj 感到满意的

24 shock:v 使人震惊;

shocking:adj 令人震惊的;

shocked:adj 感到震惊的

24 sicken:v 使人恶心;

sickening:adj 令人恶心的;

sickened:adj 感到恶心的

26 surprise:v 使人惊讶;

surprising:adj 令人惊讶的;

surprised:adj 感到惊讶的

27 terrify:v 使人害怕;

terrifying:adj 令人害怕的;

terrified:adj 感到害怕的

28 tire:v 使人疲倦;

tiring:adj 令人疲倦的;

tired:adj 感到疲倦的

29 touch:v 使人触动;

touching:adj 令人触动的;

touched:adj 感到触动的

30 worry:v 使人担忧;

worrying:adj 令人担忧的;

worried:adj 感到担忧的

感动 [gǎn dòng]

move; touch:

All those present to listen to her sad story were moved to tears


I was greatly touched by what you told me



touch, inspire, move


touch 主要用于表示怜悯或同情等场合,侧重感动。

inspire 指激起勇气和信心,侧重鼓励,有时含“启发灵感”之意。

move 与touch可换用,但语气强一些,运用范围广些。

1 写一篇200字亲身经历的感人的英语作文

A rainy days, I would think of my dear grandpa, remembered something touched me the mostThat day is Friday, don't know who made heaven, the sky outside the window suddenly dark e down, under the plush drizzle But who expected, one at noon, drizzle Maomao has gradually turned into a downpour, I feel like the sky, dark a lot How to do How to do I didn't bring my umbrella also not with the family said to me Looked at the sky, the rain is not a moment to stop Mom and dad still work, Grandpa and grandma's body is not good, I also didn't take the money, I feel really badLooking at one of the students went out of the school, I was very envious of At this moment, the sound of a kind voice came to my ears "Jiang Meng!" I turned to look, "grandpa!" I'm excited cried out, I saw my grandfather riding a bike, wearing a black raincoat, but the rain clothes could not block it is manifested in the rain My book bag covering the head, ran to Grandpa, Grandpa please pass me the umbrella I found a seat is Grandpa wrapped in plastic, said he feared in the way the transposon wet, I felt very excited "Sit up!" Grandpa said "No, but I have an umbrella, I can go back by myself, please don't take my ride, this road skate" Grandpa is old, ride your bike can be dangerous, not to mention the rain belt I ride Grandpa is busy say: "all right, you rain days back I do not worry, go, while the rain is greater!" I had to agreeGrandpa every ride a step are very careful, the wind is more and more big, my umbrella was blown over repeated several times, Grandpa just take my umbrella and put him on the raincoat in my body Beans large raindrops hit on Grandpa's body, face, I determined to take the raincoat back to Grandpa, but they haven't been successfulFinally arrived home, my grandpa's whole body is water, grandma quickly took the towel asked me what happened, grandpa quickly chimed in: "right, the road umbrella is broken, I left my raincoat for her use, so wet, I'm going to。

2 用英语写的一篇关于感人故事的作文




故事发生在中秋节前后,不过是发生在战场上,已是几十年前的事了。 在战场上拼搏的儿子总是让家中的老母亲放心不下,这不快到中秋节了,儿子也不知能否回家探望。








她给他唱他最爱听的歌,讲着他最爱听的故事,久久不愿离去……那天正好也是中秋节。 故事讲完了,大家都默默不做声,很回味。


3 写一篇感动我的一件事英语作文,高二

joe and i decided to take the long trip we'd always wanted across the country we were like young kids buying our camper and stocking it with all the necessities of life bella bakes the best rhubarb pie we started out in early spring from minneapolis and headed west across the northern part of the country we both enjoyed those people we met at the trailer park joe received a watch at his retirement dinner to our surprise, we found that we liked the warm southern regions very much, and so we decided to stay here in new mexico。

4 关于汶川大地震一写感人事迹的英文作文

512四川汶川地震感人事迹动人瞬间:那一刻,他张开双臂护住了4个学生 受汶川地震影响,四川省德阳市东汽中学教学楼坍塌。

在地震发生的一瞬间,该校教导主任谭千秋双臂张开趴在课桌上,身下死死地护着4个学生,4个学生都获救了,谭老师却不幸遇难。 他只是一位平凡普通的老师,却用自己的双臂护住了四条年轻的生命。


是啊,为了学生的安危,他献出一份老师的关爱;而面对早已在世界那一方的丈夫时,她又是撕心裂肺的痛爱。 你们让我再去救一个,求求你们让我再去救一个!我还能再救一个!”一个刚从废墟中带出了一个孩子的战士跪了下来大哭,对拖着他的人说。


当那些年轻的战士抱着那个幸存的小女孩在雨中大叫着跑向救援队所在的帐篷时,上天也泣不成声了 去世前,她给孩子留下短信 5月13日中午,救援队员发现她的时候,她已经没有了呼吸。透过一堆废墟的间隙,可以看到她双膝跪地,整个上身向前匍匐着,双手扶地支撑着身体……救援队员从空隙伸手进去,确认她已经死亡,又冲着废墟大声呼喊,没有任何回应。

这是震后的北川县,还有很多人在等待着救援。救援队走向下一片废墟时,队长好像意识到什么,忽然返身跑回来,他费力地把手伸进她的身下摸索,高声喊,“还有个孩子,还活着!” 一番艰难的努力后,人们终于把孩子救了出来。

他躺在一条红底黄花的小被子里,大概有三四个月大,因为有母亲的身体庇护,孩子毫发未伤。 随行的医生过来准备给孩子做些检查,发现有一部手机塞在被子里,医生下意识地看了一下手机屏幕,发现屏幕上是一条已经写好的短信:“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你。”

看惯了生离死别的医生,在这一刻落泪了;手机传递着,每个看到短信的人,都落泪了…… 大灾难面前,母爱,孕育了一个个看似不可能的奇迹。 乞讨老人捐出105元 乞讨老人捐出105元工作人员感动得想哭 爱心捐赠仍在继续,昨天,最让人感动的捐赠者应该是这位乞讨老人,他在捐了5元后,又找遍身上的零钱,特地到银行兑换了一张百元现钞,放进了募捐箱。


工作人员郭**说,“我们放了好多宣传牌,上面有灾区的一些。”老人端着碗,在宣传牌前止步,看了一会,哆哆嗦嗦地从口袋里掏出5元钱,放进募捐箱,念叨了一句,“为灾区人民……” 工作人员愣住了,还没反应过来,老人已经离开,“他好像很累的样子,步履蹒跚,看着他的背影,我就想哭。”

本以为这就是捐款过程中的一个小插曲,谁料,下午3点,老人再一次出现,这次,他掏出了100元,塞进了募捐箱。 “这次可把我们惊呆了!”郭**赶紧拉住老人问情况,老人才解释,“我上午就想多捐一点,但钱太零碎了……” 老人的普通话很不标准,费了很多口舌后,郭**才明白,老人本想多捐一点钱,但身上全是讨来的一毛两毛还有一些硬币,不好意思拿出来,特地利用中午凑了凑,接着到银行,将全身的零钱兑换出了一张一百元,“老人一直说,‘灾区的人比我更困难,他们的生命都受到威胁,不容易啊!’” 好说歹说,老人总算留下了自己的名字,但他不会写字,委托工作人员代签:徐超(音)。

老人走后,在场很多人都流下了眼泪,“保安说,老人常在附近乞讨,平时很少吃到什么好东西,没想到一下子就捐出这么多……”说到这里,郭**已经哽咽了。快报记者马晶晶 特警: 无能为力放声大哭 两天来,这些困在废墟下的孩子们已经见到了多名救援人员,除了家长、当地村民、救援人员外,也见到了来自天津的特警。



“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你!” 面对死去的母亲,我泪流满面,在伟大的母爱面前,我们每个人都是那个婴儿。 《亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你》 睡吧睡吧 亲爱的宝贝 当你醒来 妈妈已远离 妈妈舍不得 更不愿放弃 但背负太重 太重 妈妈已经 无能为力 妈妈永远记得 梦中微笑的你 那定格的记忆 已烙在妈妈的心底 前方路途遥远 崎岖却也旖旎 原谅妈妈只能 陪你走到这里 妈妈已不能看到 太阳再次升起 只能匆匆写下 这行短短的留言 “亲爱的宝贝 如果你能活着 一定要。

5 一次难忘的经历英语作文80词带翻译

要原创的话那就自己写吧 我的不是你原创 Early in the morning, I got up, wash a face to brush your teeth, have breakfast Today is a very important day, what to do It is to participate in volunteer activities Mother call aunt, let she sent me to the, take me home After I am ready to go At rui is a person of extraordinary powers curtilage the munity activities to participate in the site, I walked to the front desk and ask the staff: "uncle, can you tell me what time to participate in volunteer activities" Uncle replied: "you e early, volunteer activities 9 PM, you sit on a chair" I said thank you, and sat down on the chair and waitA few minutes passed, and volunteer activities began Aunt sent us a hat and sleeves Dressed, we go out to the steep ridge village of a place, the aunt stopped, said: "you sweep here" Finish saying, everyone began to work again I take pliers, with forceps put the rubbish into the garbage can I am looking for a garbage Just took a few steps, found that junk I open the pliers, in the trash, on both sides together, put the rubbish, into the trash can The earth waste a lot of cigarette butts, garbage bags, and so on I put them with forceps clip into the garbage can Hot, a little later, my whole body all flow sweat, very hot, but I still insist on 1 hour later, we went back to the Swiss mansion, it is the end of the volunteer activitiesToday, I see, how much the sanitation workers cleaning is not easy At the same time I understand the harvest should rely on our own efforts早晨,我早早的起了床,刷牙洗脸,吃早饭。











6 用英语写一篇关于“一个难忘的经历”的文章

An unfetable experience

This morning, I take my first taste on seeking family education with a high heart-lever In latest, I have summonned up my encourage to carry out this travel, and regulate myself that I will not do work at a payment lowing 20RMB per hour at least for self-thought that I am hold an impressive proficiency of English and an outstanding condition

After a string of waiting time, I welcame the first customer, a couple Leading a mutual chinchin, our talking seemed going oothly before refering to the wages The man said:" How much you want get per hour" I though deeply and gave a reply:" OK, 20 is moderate" The women interfered:" But I have noticed that other tutors just require for a specific pay under 15!" I promptly conscioused that all my particularly excellent conditions descend to an ignorable position when refering to wealth Merely I can leave an so-called engagement for excluding unexpective circumstances。

Yes, I am on the way of reaching ness, the bricks-and-mortar world is not as absolute as I believe Not a popular character I can be only in own mind Yes, I should on days ahead conduct every step on the sea-lever Illusion is virtual, my agenda is need to be foot by foot I am sure that one day current days are abount to bee to what I fantasize now!!

7 求英语作文《令你感动得一件事》字数120左右~急求啊

Village of a remote countryside cottage living a pair of mother and daughter, mother, fearing theft is the night in the locked three times; the daughter was tired of the picturesque and immutable and frozen life of the country, she aspired City, want to have a look through their radios imagine that beautiful world One day early in the morning, the daughter left the mother in order to pursue the illusory dream She secretly while the mother was sleeping away from home

"Mom, you are not my daughter " but the world as her vision of the beautiful, she was imperceptibly, bee degenerate path, unable to extricate themselves deep in the mud, when she learned that his own fault

"Mom! " after ten years, has grown daughter injured dragged unceremoniously to the heart and body, returned to his hometown

When she came home late at night, the faint light peration through the crack in the door out She gently knocked on the door, but suddenly a sense of foreboding Daughter ist open the door startled her " How strange, the mother never fet to lock the door " the thin body of the mother curled up in the cold floor, and the appearance of heartache falls asleep

"Mom 。 。 Mom 。 。 " Hear the weeping sound of the daughter, the mother opened eyes, Yiyubufa daughter tired shoulders After weeping in her mother's arms, the daughter asked curiously: " Mom, you fot locking the door, someone broke in and how to do "

The mother answered: "not just tonight, I'm afraid you suddenly e out of the house at night, so ten years never lock the door "

Mother ten years like a day, waiting for her daughter back, her daughter's room was as decorations That evening, mother and daughter back to ten years ago, tightly locked the door and fell asleep

No locked doors

Family love is the cradle of hope,

Thanks to the warmth of home,

Given growing momentum

8 一次难忘的经历英语作文 60字左右 中考用

一次难忘的经历 英语作文an unfettable experience this summer holiday, i went to dalian with my family we got there by air dalian is a very beautiful and modern city on the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were greatin the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived after breakfast, we began to our travel first we took the bus to the sea park there are so many different kinds of fishes that i couldn't believe my eyes we also saw the show of dolphins then we had lunch in a restaurant the seafood which was very famous in china was deliciousafter lunch we went swimming the sea was blue and beach was golden we all enjoyed ourselves in the sea finally we went back the hotel where we lived we had a happy dayin this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in dalian, went shopping and so onseveral days later, we left dalian on our way home, we were very happy this was the reason why we didn't feel tired in all, we had a good holiday 一次难忘的经历 英语作文2人人听力网 an unfettable travel my families plan to visit the interesting place p of shanghaiwe are led to the oriental pearl tv tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every shanghainese's lipsit is a magnificent building located in pudong new area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away itas we get to the high floor of the oriental pearl tv tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the huangpu river through the windowat the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city this is the trip l never fet sunday, april 3,2011,while i visiting my clas ate tom, who is playing puter game in his house, while i was almost reaching to his room, suddenly i here a all explode ing out from his room, and oke starting to spreed out too, tom quickly run out from his room and asking for help from his father,as his father also here the all explode and rush for fire extinguisher to put down the all fire,lucky it was under control, finally i was understand that tom been playing the puter for more than 30 hours, it was overheated and get bursed meaning that whatever we play or we do there must be a time limitation and self control its really a good lessons to me 1 an unfettable experience this summer holiday, i went to dalian with my family we got there by air dalian is a very beautiful and modern city on the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great in the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived after breakfast, we began to our travel first we took the bus to the sea park there are so many different kinds of fishes that i couldn't believe my eyes we also saw the show of dolphins then we had lunch in a restaurant the seafood which was very famous in china was deliciousafter lunch we went swimming the sea was blue and beach was golden we all enjoyed ourselves in the sea finally we went back the hotel where we lived we had a happy dayin this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in dalian, went shopping and so onseveral days later, we left dalian on our way home, we were very happy this was the reason why we didn't feel tired in all, we had a good holiday 2 last summer, i went to beidaihe for my holiday with my family we took a train because the way is not far we lived in a big hotel where could see the sea we stayed there for three days the first day, we went for a walk along the seaside, and then we went swimming and took a lot of interesting photos there the second day, we went to a famous market and bought many keepsakes i was going to bring these keepsakes for my friends the last day, we had a good picnic on the seaside with the natives they acted all kinds of programmes and made us feel happy it's a very good journey, and we all enjoyed ourselves on those days if i have another holiday, i will go there again an unfettable experience i like traveling very much my trip to xian is really unfettable before i went there, i always wanted to see bin ma yong, so i chose to go there i went to there by train with my parents and i had breakfast in the hotel then we went there by bus when i got off the bus, i was very excited i saw a lot of false man whose hand with all kinds of things i took many pictures finally we went back the hotel in the afternoon though i was very tired, i felt very happy i dwill never fet it for ever an unfettable travel my families plan to visit the interesting place p of shanghaiwe are led to the oriental pearl tv tower ,a famous tourist attraction,。




to move

to touch






You will never fail to be moved by the beauty of the sight


We are all deeply moved by his patrioti


Her eagerness moved all the people


I was deeply moved by her earnestness


Her fervor moved all of us


I was very moved by her story

艺术需要 , 来自感动,感动则来自于爱。

Art needs passion that es from emotionality and emotionality derives from love


Everybody present was deeply moved


The film is both moving and instructive


His words moved everyone present


We were deeply touched by the film


I was greatly touched by what you told me


After the birth of each , she remind me of the emergency fund she still held forme I was touched


Then they stroll back out, hearts touched, wallets not

让我感动的**都是关于各种关系的……即使是一个男孩与外星人ET之间 的关系。

The movies that touch me are about all kinds of relationships even between aboy and an ET


This touched my mother, but at the time I couldn’t see why


If anyone had known the care lavished on that dolly, I think it would have touchedtheir hearts, even while they laughed


Before she dies, ks wants to affect people from all over the world with her art


Who among us has never been moved to snap a sunset on the horizon, a flowingriver, a blossom in spring


The substantial sincerity of his words moved the jury


I knew nothing about this woman, but I was moved by her intensity and wanted tounderstand what she was saying


Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts


Tonight, we are also going to enjoy an extravaganza performed by special actorsThe performance will be not only magnificent but also moving and touching


They were moved to tears by his honesty


They are deeply moved by their experience and they tell all their friends about itand they want to do it again


Christmas means gifts and joy but also is the celebration of goodwill andhappiness among others, and the decorations help in giving a special touch to the celebrations


But if one stops to think for a moment, the sink handle must be touched before aperson has a chance to wash his or her hands


We have shared the joy of dreams fulfilled We have been moved by tears ofelation and tears of disappointment


Another idea is that we are moved out of empathy or ­passion



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