BIGBANG is the hottest band in Korea, consisting of members G-DRAGON (aka GD), TOP, TAEYANG (aka SOL), SEUNGRI (aka VI), and DAESUNG (aka D-Lite) With their urban-originated music and flamboyant fashion style, BIGBANG is a boy band that is loved by not only teenagers but also older age groups With the breakthrough single “LIE”, BIGBANG became the most wanted in Korea’s music industry While such hit singles as “Last Farewell”, “Day By Day” and “Sunset Glow” topped various charts in Korea for weeks, BIGBANG became the most influential artist in Korea
Their latest EP Tonight went on to become a chart-topper upon its release on many Korean music charts The album also became the first K-pop album to reach the top 10 on the US iTunes chart and is the only non-English-language album in the top 100 Big Bang won the Best 5 New Artists award from the 24th Japan Gold Disc Awards as well as the Best New Artist The group received the awards for Best Pop Video and Best New Artist at the MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2010
分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习
简 介: Rap舞曲起源于60年代,BPM约在100-110拍,中文翻译成:“说唱;饶舌”。
西海岸说唱乐(West Coast Rap)
在Hip-Hop 世界里,这不仅是一个地理的分割。东西海岸说唱的区别在于它们不同的风格和内容。尽管也受 Hip-Hop 前辈如 Grandmaster Flash 和 Afrika Bambatta 的影响,西海岸说唱比起东海岸说唱,进一步从老派说唱游离开去。他们使用更 funky 的独特节奏,支持着流畅的、有旋律的曲调。西海岸说唱手还率先把“黑帮”文化良莠不分地带入 Hip-Hop 文化的前沿。尽管在说唱乐继续演变的过程中,东西海岸说唱的界限正在慢慢淡化,但仍有一个明显的 西海岸体系,包括从精髓的说唱乐队 NWA 到 Snoop Dogg 和 Vallejo,以及加加州的 E-40 等。
南部说唱乐(Southern Rap)
所有的 Hip-Hop 种类中,南部说唱/Hip-Hop 包括的艺人和风格是最宽泛的。从歌词上讲,南部说唱乐人的共同特点是带有浓重的地方口音。然而音乐上, 在不同地区的乐队间的区别各不相同。亚特兰大的 Organized Noize Productions 的创新器乐,就很大程度地区别于新奥尔良的 Cash Money 和 No Limit 的粗旷的合成跳跃风味。而 Underground Kingz(来自德克萨斯州的休斯顿)和 Eightball & MJG(来自田纳西州的孟菲斯)这些乐队则以慷慨深情的、用吉他点缀的动感,进一步扩展了此风格的范围。
流行说唱乐 (Pop Rap)
流行说唱/Hip-Hop 是适合电台广播的说唱,主要特点是吸引人的旋律与节奏、干净利落的制作,以及噱头的推广,这种风格也称“干净说唱”。艺术家包括 Will Smith , MC Hammer 和 Young MC 等,尽管常受硬核说唱者嘲弄,但因注意年轻人的市场而不断掀起强力热潮
老派说唱乐 (Old School)
老派说唱指的是说唱的初创时期,在 1979-84 期间,当时的节拍更直接,重点在于娱乐,而不是对社会的诠释或讲述堕落的故事。老派说唱的全盛期是由 Sugarhill Gang 的劲曲 "Rapper’s Delight" 开始的,随后走红的分别是一些其它单曲,而非某一位艺人。UTFO 的 "Roxanne Roxanne",Whodini 的 "Freaks Come Out At Night" 和 Kurtis Blow 的 "Basketball" 在此期间尽享成功,但是被流行主流所记住的主要是热门单曲,而没有包括他们广泛的其他作品。 几个现代乐队如 the Arsonists 和 Jurassic 5 有着明显的老派说唱音调,为新一代听众介绍 B-boy 的精髓,如高能量的合成音韵以及 DJ 的重要性。
中西部说唱乐 (Midwest Rap)
尽管他们的制作技术也同样代表了他们的音乐,美国中西部的说唱乐手主要还是通过其人声部的革新而使自己独树一帜。Emcees Twista 和 Bone Thugs 通过人声旋律的实验给中西部说唱找到了应有的位置,其中 Emcees Twista 则更加快了旋律的速度。芝加哥的 Do or Die 与克里夫兰(Cleveland)的 Bone Thugs N-Harmony 之间的良性竞争又更巩固了中西部说唱乐在说唱界中的地位。双方竞相宣传,吸引了不少听众。
拉丁说唱 (Latin Rap)
自从说唱一开始,就有来自拉丁圈子的说唱。但是它直到很晚才闯入流行主流。Mellow Man Ace 的 "Mentirosa" 和 Kid Frost 的 "La Raza" 的双重成功标志着拉丁说唱--用多种语言(尤其是西班牙语)的说唱,拉丁韵律和拉丁裔人的都市生活形象 -- 在流行乐坛的成功。Mellow Man Ace 的兄弟,Sen Dog<见图> 是最著名的拉丁说唱行动 Cypress Hill 的创建成员之一。
硬核说唱 (Hardcore Rap)
当说唱已经以更直接的态度叙述城市挣扎主题的时候,于 20 世纪 80 年代末冒出了更具挑衅性的一种表现形式,称为“硬核”。艺术家如 Ice-T, Public Enemy, Geto Boys <见图>和 Mobb Deep 等用辛辣的歌词与粗糙的制作工艺创造音乐。
黑帮说唱 (Gangsta Rap)
黑帮说唱叙述街头生活的故事,主题常是暴力暗杀或女人祸水,成为一种乐风的同时更是一种暴力型的形象。NWA 在 1989 年的成名专集 Straight Outta Compton 首次开创了这种 hip-hop 中最具争议性的说唱,其中 Fuck Tha Police 和 Crooked Officer 控诉了执法者的暴行。政客和宗教权益者的 和恐吓一下子充斥于市,压倒多数的负面报导使媒介巨头为了躲避审查而不得不放弃许多极有潜力的音乐家和唱片公司。尽管如此,精良录制并熟谙媒介的 Notorious BIG 及其同道们的音乐录影还是在 20 世纪 90 年代末让黑帮文化靠近了主流。
外来说唱乐 (Foreign Rap)
所有非英语国家对 hip-hop 的贡献,总称为外来说唱/Hip-hop,它取用说唱的基本信条并加入多种文化鞣制而成。法国说唱乐队 MC Solaar 〈见图>和日本艺人 DJ Kensei合并其他类型,包括舞曲和酸性爵士,把其他文化的风味注入日常的 Hip-Hop 血脉。
东海岸说唱乐 (East Coast Rap)
东海岸说唱/Hip-Hop 总的来说比其西海岸说唱保留了更多的老派风格。Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions, Run-DMC 和其他精华的东海岸艺术家直接引鉴他们的前辈的简朴与直接性, 与西海岸的华丽风格形成对比。由此产生了更有棱角的节奏和严谨而又有力的 韵律。随着东西海岸的融合,说唱成为两岸文化的合金, 清晰明快的东海岸之声继续蓬勃发展,涌现了一批如Nas, Mobb Deep 和Juru the Damaja 之流的年轻有为的创新艺人。
渡说唱乐(Crossover Rap)
过渡说唱指那些从其核心的都市听众转移到主流流行榜的 Hip-Hop。它的特点常常是重复的流行噱头,MTV 类型的主流歌词,和精良的制作技术。大多数(但非全部)的过渡说唱就是流行说唱,注重于流行的歌曲结构和主题。有若干艺术家能够在得到流行成功的同时仍坚持其街头风格,如:Biggie, Tupac, Method Man 和 Jay-Z,他们都成为歌坛巨星,而又没有放弃贯常狂烈的歌词内容,流行同时不失街头本色
喜剧说唱乐(Comedy Rap)
喜剧说唱是 Hip-Hop 的轻松一面,由 80 年代 Biz Markie 创始。远离硬核与黑帮说唱的攻击性和暴力性的形象,喜剧说唱者在现代城市音乐的低音和敲击中加入了风趣和幽默的独特感觉。尽管黑帮说唱不久成了 Hip-Hop 中较受欢迎的形式,DJ Ja Jeff 和 Fresh Prince<见图> 的“Parents Just Don’t Understand”和Bobby Jimmy & the Critters 的“Somebody Farted”等曲子仍不时上榜。
基督教说唱 (Christian Rap)
基督教说唱就是在 Hip-Hop 节奏上唱出颂赞歌词。起初,Hip-Hop 的都市生活和暴力的主题与现代基督教音乐的和平与轻松似乎无缘。然而,DC Talk<见图>, T-Bone 和 Transformation Crusade 发现这两者的混合体是有观众的。MC Hammer 是第一个以明确的基督主题获得成功的说唱乐者;在 20 世纪 90 年代早期,他创作的热门单曲“Pray”把至今仍在萌芽期的基督教说唱介绍给他的广大听众。
主播面试自我介绍 篇1尊敬的各位评委老师:
如果黎明是黑暗的终结,那么我就是黎明后的旭日。《集韵》中解释说:晗,即天将明,大家好,我xxx。 无论黑夜多么漫长,不论道路多么崎岖,只要我的心中始终有一个坚定的信念,那么我相信,自己就像自己的名字那样,终会迎来一片最美的曙光!
也许这条属于光明的道路并不平坦,但是,我却固执着坚持着。因为源自心中的那份自信,正如李白说的:仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。 这不是狂妄,而是自信!正是有了这份自信,我才坚持不懈的朝着梦想前进!
泰格尔写道:离你越近的地方,路途越远; 最简单的音调,需要最艰苦的练习!相信我的不断努力,定会给我的梦想插上一对最为坚实的翅膀……
主播面试自我介绍 篇2尊敬的评委老师好:
主播面试自我介绍 篇3我是xx,毕业于xxx大学xx专业。在校期间,学习成绩优秀,获得全国大学生英语竞赛三等奖。我性格开朗,稳重,诚实守信,有较强的团队合作意识及集体荣誉感;在生活中严于律己,勤于动手。我的中文录入速度每分钟80字以上;并且取得了大学生国家英语4级证书。在实习期间的工作中,能够运用所学知识进行听说读写。能够熟练的运用microsofoffice(如:word、excelpowerpoint等)的各种功能进行高效的办公室日常工作。
My favourate place
My favourate place is the Great Wall It is more than ten thousand kilometers,like a long dragon flying among the mountains,which is the most famous interest of ChinaIt is a symbol of Chinese civilization, has been playing an important role in the history and culture of China When i saw the Great Wall for the first time,i was shocked by its viewI like the Great Wall, it is my favourate place
The Famous Place I Like to Visit
Different people might choose to visit different places due to their different places of birth, family conditions, relevant experiences, and even different levels of education People who were born in New York are less likely to be interested in New York any more for the simple reason that everything is just too familiar already Children from less well-off families might find it difficult to afford a visit to a faraway place Those who have been working in Tokyo for years are surely looking forward to touring around places out of town Places with numerous sites of historical interest may not be so appealing to people with only a primary school education Things are just like this in our real life With all aspects considered, the most desirable place that I can think of going to at present is Xi’an in China for the simple reason that I have never been yet
Firstly, I would like to visit places where I have never been to Xi’an, as a famous city with profound historical and cultural significance in China, enjoys a history that can be dated back to several thousand years ago From the first dynasty when China became a unified country, namely the Qin Dynasty, this place was the capital of successive dynasties, thus it has many a site of historical and cultural heritage As the saying goes: If you want to acquire a sense of history about China, visit Xi’an A visit to these heritages, I am sure, will let me learn about what China was like in the past and how people lived at ancient times I’ve long heard of the famous Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor—Qin Shihuang, and have seen relevant pictures of it: really grand and exquisite, next to none in the world However, I have never seen it on site with my own eyes, which could be a kind of regret Therefore, I want to have this dream of mine realized at the earliest possible time
Secondly, I would like to try the local delicacies of Xi’an I was long told about the unique flavor of the local cuisine there, which is so different from the food cooked in my hometown Moreover, many people who were back from Xi’an are commenting so much favorably on the food there and are actually making no effort to hide their liking of certain dishes, giving me the impression that it would be a regret-whole-life thing if one does not try them in person So on and so forth, this makes another reason which urges me to go to Xi’an for a visit
Of course, there are countless places that I have never been to, both at home and abroad: Sichuan, Chongqing, Xijiang, Tibet, Paris, Berlin, to name just a few I know to the best of my knowledge that they all have their distinct features which hold so much attraction to me and I will definitely visit all of them when conditions allow However, for the time being, I just want to go to Xi’an
Above are two main reasons for me to have decided to visit Xi’an Whatever others may think, for me alone, they do make sense
全称是Popular Music。流行音乐19世纪末20世纪初起源于美国,从音乐体系看,流行音乐是在叮砰巷歌曲、布鲁斯、爵士乐、摇滚乐、索尔音乐等美国大众音乐架构基础上发展起来的音乐。其风格多样,形态丰富。
古典音乐(classical music)本来是专指德奥在1750—1830年间以海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬为代表的音乐,即所谓“维也纳古典乐派”的音乐(或翻译为“维也纳古典主义音乐”)。这是狭义的古典音乐。
也称摇滚乐,简称摇滚,英文全称为Rock and Roll(以下简称摇滚乐或摇滚)。起源于20世纪40年代末期,兴起于20世纪50年代中期,来源于美国。随后在英国也开始出现并得到蓬勃发展。
全称JAZZ MUSIC,于19世纪末20世纪初源于美国,诞生于南部港口城市新奥尔良,音乐根基来自布鲁斯和拉格泰姆。爵士乐讲究即兴,以具有摇摆特点的Shuffle节奏为基础,是非洲黑人文化和欧洲白人文化的结合。
My favourite band
My favourite band is BEYONDI like the band very muchBecause BEYOND is one of the most popular band with ChinaThere are four peoples in itThey are Wang Jiaju,Wang Jiaqiang,Wang Guanzhong and Ye ShirongThey are tallAll of them have long hairsThey look like very coolAnd they like music very muchTheir songs sound very niceSo when I listen to their songs,I feel very excitingI hope they will make more nice songs
英语作文我最喜欢的乐队My favourite bandMy favourite band is BEYONDI like the band very muchBecause BEYOND is one of the most popular band with ChinaThere are four peoples in itThey are Wang Jiaju,Wang Jiaqiang,Wang Guanzhong and Ye ShirongThey are tallAll of them have long hairsThey look like very coolAnd they like music very muchTheir songs sound very niceSo when I listen to their songs,I feel very excitingI hope they will make more nice songs
求一篇英语作文是关于组建一个乐队的,其中包括乐队名字,主唱是谁we are in Beijing, Shanghai held a show, we will continue to work hard, mike is responsible for the lead singer, Emma and I am responsible for electronic guitar, I love my bandRecently formed a band called the moonlight Here are my members, jack is responsible for the drums, lily is in charge of beth
什么歌你最喜欢?你能告诉我吗?My favorite songEveryone has their favorite songs My favorite song is 'I like'This song is sung by Fish Leong, very nice Can sleep at night listening to sleep This song is very beautiful, very fortable listening There are many people like this song Whenever I listen to the song Singing up on the unwitting I love this songWhat song do you like best Can you tell me
找一篇关于Beyond乐队的初中英语作文Beyond was a Hong Kong rock band formed in 1983 The band became prominent in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan, Singaporeand Malaysia[1] The band was, and still is, widely considered as the most successful and influential Cantonese music group from Hong Kong[1] In 1993, the group's founder and key vocalist Wong Ka-kui died due to an accident while filming a show at Fuji Television in Tokyo Beyond continued to perform and record after Wong Ka-kui's death In 2005, the remaining members Paul Wong, Wong Ka-keung, and Yip Sai-wing decided to pursue their own solo careers, and Beyond officially di anded
你的美国好友MIKE想组建一个乐队,来信向你寻求帮助(英语作文)您好,以下是本人按题目要求写的英语作文,希望对您有帮助:Dear Mike, How are you doing Hope this finds you well Regarding the band you were talking to me in your last mail, I have several suggestions for you First of all, I think we should recruit those who have same taste on music as our band members, which is of great importance for our band in future Secondly, we should raise fund for purchasing musical equipments and instruments What's more, all the band members must help and cooperate with each other, and have rehearsals regularly If you have more opinions about the bank, please write back to share with me Thank you and have a nice day Sincerely yours, Li HuaJan 25th, 2012
初中英语作文:用英语写出自己对音乐的感受,谈谈自己所喜欢的音Everyone has him or her own favorite kind of musicI like the pop music bestIt can make me feel confortableWhen I am happy,I will listen to the happily musicWhen I am sad,I will listen to the sadly musicPop music is a representative of popularMany singers are famous for the pop music,and to be an idolSo,I love the pop music,I hope all of you also can fall in love with it after my presentation下面附上中文翻译,呵呵~每个人都有他或她自己最喜欢的音乐我最喜欢流行音乐它可以让我觉得舒适当我很高兴,我会听开心地音乐当我感到非常难过,我会听悲伤地音乐流行音乐是一种流行的代表许多歌手都因为流行音乐而著名,并成为偶像所以,我喜欢流行音乐,我希望大家在我的介绍之后也能够爱上它
介绍喜欢bingbang乐队风格的英语作文(带中文翻译)Wolf\r\nSometimes we just find it difficult to distinguish bewteen wolf and dogWolves are similar to dogsThey are from the same familyWolves can adapt to different environmentThey could make a living in moutains,forests,grassland,even desertIn China wolves mainly spread in the mainlandWolves feed on meatThey always go hunting at night and in groupWolves are crule sometimes when they are hungry they can attack human evenBut we should protect wolves because they are a part of nature\r\n\r\n希望对你有帮助
英语作文最喜欢的歌手英语作文:最喜欢的歌手 Taylor Swift is my favorite singer She is not only beautiful but also very talented When she was 16, she had her first albumShe writes songs about her romantic lifeWhen I listen to her songs, I feel likes reading my own diaries She is so real and amazing Sheis only 25year old, but she has already won a lot of rewards She is my idol I wish someday I can go to see her cor中文翻译:泰勒斯威夫特是我最喜欢的歌手。
英语作文:最喜欢的歌手 Justin Bieber is my favorite singer Born on March 1st, 1994, he bees famous at the age of 15 When he had his first music album, the whole world is crazy for this young boy His most famous song is baby, has more than one billion hit on the Inter He is not only very talented but also very warm-hearted He has names his perfume Someday, and he has donated large sum of money to the poverty I love him so much, I wish I could see him someday中文翻译:贾斯丁比伯是我最喜爱的男歌手。
高中英语作文 假如你叫李华 想组建一支乐队Dear Bob, It's very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city Now I'd like to tell you something about my hometown wenzhou The city stands on the bank of the Changiiang River It is a beautiful place for people to live in Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years New factories, houses and have been built More schools and hospitals are available for its people However, there are some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours In my opinion, wenzhou should develop its economy scientifically I would also think that the growth population should be brought under control so that we'll have a better hometown in future Yours, Xiaohua
My favourite bandMy favourite band is BEYONDI like the band very muchBecause BEYOND is one of the most popular band with ChinaThere are four peoples in itThey are Wang Jiaju,Wang Jiaqiang,Wang Guanzhong and Ye ShirongThey are tallAll of them have long hairsThey look like very coolAnd they like music very muchTheir songs sound very niceSo when I listen to their songs,I feel very excitingI hope they will make more nice songs
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