

俄国学者拉基米尔·普罗普 叙事结构中的七种“行动范畴”




1、坏人 2、施惠者 3、帮手 4、公主,或要找和保护的人和物

5、派遣者或发出者 6、英雄或受害者 7、假英雄


虽然“英雄”是影片中的绝对主角,但不能忽略“派遣者”和“施惠者”对“英雄”的影响,更不能忽略“假英雄”对“英雄”的衬托和显现。派遣者或发出者,一般是指故事中的某种带有权威的形象,通常是年长者或者是政治领袖。在经典故事中常常是由这一人物对英雄发出行动的指令。但在现在**的叙述中,派遣者不再是一个必要的角色,主人公常常为了自己的目的、利益、或为了拯救自己、或是 心灵意志的觉醒而行动。《怪物史瑞克》(一)中的“国王”可算是派遣者,他命令史瑞克救出被火龙围困的公主,然后才能换回史瑞克原先居住的沼泽地。而在《怪物史瑞克》(二)中,派遣者的角色似乎是空缺的,史瑞克所做的一切为的是争取他和公主在一起生活的机会。又如在《超人特工队中》,超人鲍勃不是像在007系列中的邦德那样是听命于国家行政机关部门的,他甚至被国家行政机关部门要求隐姓埋名的过普通人的生活。超人鲍勃和他的超人妻子、超人孩子所谓的“拯救人类”的一切行动,最初的行动动机救助被坏人围困的家人,超人鲍勃被抓之后,超人妻子、超人的儿女们先后成长起来成为“英雄”。


“帮手”这一角色或行动范畴,在普罗普的理论中没有给与太多的关注,但是在近期这几部动画片中可以发现,“帮手”这一行动范畴占据了极其重要的位置,可以说是“英雄”性格的补充和承托。“帮手”从严格意义上讲是属于“小人物”,但是真实的、可触可感的性格特点使他们成为观众印象最深刻的角色。例如《怪物史瑞克》和《冰河世纪》中的驴子和树獭,都是微小的,他们的性格中混杂着点胆怯、懦弱、狐假虎威,但不掩盖他们真诚、富有爱心的一面,《怪物史瑞克》中,史瑞克自卑得几乎放弃了他对公主的爱,是驴子执着的言语激起了他的勇气,勇敢地去追求真爱(true love)。《冰河世纪》中的猛犸象原先冷酷、特立独行、对人类遗失的小孩缺少温情,在树獭的坚持下只能妥协,而随后他性格中隐藏的善良、仁慈、温柔被激发出来,拼尽全力保护孩子

Walt Disney animated film produced by the master "cartoon laugh," "Red Hat small knight," "Alice in Wonderland," "lucky rabbit Oswald," Mickey Mouse series, "Three Little Pigs," " Puppet Adventure, "" Snow White "," Flowers and Trees "and other cartoons nearly the Department, those cute, funny, humor, humorous Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and other beloved Pac-Man, to bring the children of the world unlimited joy To the end of the 20th century with the "Lion King" of the global hit, animated not only the love of children, adults as well as animation in the singular about the fascinating story "Finding Nemo" or even as a runner-up at the box office season, "The Lion King," "Toy Story," "Shrek" series, "Ice Age", "Incredibles" and so these have been animated the critical acclaim, and then combined and computer technology, more realistic images, free animated movie industry has become one of the major categories

What is animation English as the cartoon (cartoon), is the meaning of the activities of comic books, is a picture of the performance of characters, dramatic plot and author of the idea of the film It is a basic art form of movies, it used "photography-by-cell" (also known as photo frame) method, among a series of minor changes only for the screen and the action taken in the film, the (TV animation while recording on tape), and then to a second screening of 24 out of the speed, ease access to the image of the artistic effect ① above definition constitutes a cartoon shows three major elements: narrative, style and the film of This narrative is the most important factor is also the most important, only about a complete story and novel, in order to attract the attention of the audience French film theorist, the founder of contemporary film theory a non-Christian Metz obscure expressions, but fairly accurate description of the narrative of the importance of the film: "not because the film is a language, it is only about such a wonderful story; but because it's so wonderful about the story, it was to become a language "So the film" language "is to the needs of narrative created The animation of the narrative structure is the "action areas" (Vladimir Propp's words) to be embodied

For the analysis of this paper animation as follows: "Toy Story," "Shrek" series, "Ice Age", "Incredibles" These cartoons will be shown in the film are attached great importance to the language of work, narrative, strong narrative, the audience in more than 100 minutes in mind is to follow closely the fate of the characters in the film development The role of the film is very distinctive design, the basic fit of the Russian scholar Vladimir Propp's "seven areas of action" (that is, the role of characteristics) ②

1, bad guys 2, 3 charity, to help 4, princess, or are looking for and protection of human and material

5, or send the issue of 6, 7, heroes or victims, false heroes

Propp so-called role / action areas, the story is not entirely equivalent to the figures, but in different paragraphs of the story, plot development at all times have different functions The story of a character in the story of the development of different sections, different times to play different roles, exposure to different types of "action areas"; the same, the same role or "action areas" can also come from different plays, different people paragraphs in the same circumstances to play the same role that exposure to the same "scope of action" Such as "Ice Age" in Luanda, the tiger of the first part in the film is brutal, "bad guys", in order to snatch the child (that is, the princess, or are looking for and protection of human and material) and the following is very much ill-around in the mammoth Mandi ; and after "the outbreak of lava," the circumstances above, when the ice was melting volcanic pulp, Angola will soon fall into the cliffs, desperate to save the mammoth under him, so that Angola grateful hearts; in the film the end of its betrayal of Angola Organization (For eroded mammoth and tiger to snatch the child's group), to come forward to stop the fatal blow to help the mammoth, Sid the tree Rex and children to flee the danger, and ultimately to return the child to his father Paragraph in this case, the tiger was the traditional sense of Luanda from the "bad guys" grow into "heroes", but also fit the man's "justice must prevail over evil," the ideal of the primitive society sustenance

While "Hero" is the absolute protagonist of the film, but you can not ignore the "send" and "charity" in the "heroes" of the impact, but also can not ignore the "false heroes" of the "heroes" and show the background Or send the issue of persons, generally refers to a story with the image of authority, usually the elderly or political leaders In the classic story by the characters are often issued on the action hero's instructions However, in the narrative of the film now, to send no longer is a necessary role, the main character is often for their own purposes, interests, or to save themselves, or the awakening of the soul and the will to action "Shrek" (a) the "king" who can be dispatched, he ordered the siege of Shrek rescued by fire dragon princess, and then to live in exchange for the original Shrek swamp In the "Shrek" (b), the dispatch of the role seems to be vacant, and Shrek has done for him and the Princess for the opportunity to live together Another example is in the "Incredibles" and Bob is not like Superman in the 007 in the Bond series as it is taking orders from the state administrative organs department, he was the state administrative organs or departments have been requested anonymity in the lives of ordinary people Superman Superman Bob and his wife, children superman so-called "save humanity" all actions, the initial motivation of action relief was besieged by bad family, Bob was arrested after Superman, Superman wives, sons and daughters of Superman grew up has become a "Hero"

There should be explained the same patronizing role As the name suggests, the so-called charity though the same task for the hero to achieve its objectives or provide help, but different from the general sense of the help the charity in the narrative to provide a special moment for the hero of some kind of special help, such as martial arts novels , the main character encountered "an expert mountain", there was some sort of special power, or instruments used in martial arts Charity, and it may be a mentor-like role in life, in his guidance, the main character to overcome the weaknesses of their own (internal opponents) and to success As in "Shrek" (a) play a "bad guy" role of the Fire Dragon, as obsessed with a donkey, temperament changes; in (b) become the Shrek and the struggle against the evil witch of the key forces behind played a "charity" in the role

"Helper" areas of the role or actions, in Propp's theory does not give too much attention, but in the near future these can be found in the Department of Animation, "helper," the scope of this action to occupy an important position, can be said to be "heroes" of the supplement and support the character "Helper" from the strict sense is a "little", but real, tactile sense of character can turn them into the audience was most impressed by the role Such as "Shrek" and "Ice Age" and the donkey tree Rex, are small, their mix of character points timid, cowardly, but does not hide them in good faith, caring side, " Shrek, "the inferiority Shrek almost abandoned his love of the princess is dedicated donkey speech stirred up his courage, courage to pursue love (true love) "Ice Age" of the mammoth in the original cool, independent of the lack of human warmth missing children, in the tree can only be the insistence of Rex compromise, and then hide his good character, kind, gentle and was inspired by, doing its best to protect children

A hedgehog liked walking next to the river 这个可以简单点,A hedgehog walked by the river

he came across a fish 改成 he encounter a fish, 或者,he met a fish

blue ,改成sad, blue 有忧郁的意思,但这里不合适。


they couldn't embracing, 应该是embrace 情态动词后面跟原形。

I can't stand you blooding I only want to give you happiness" 要简单点,改成:I want to make you happy, not bleeding 你想表达不能忍受,stand 听起来有点变味了,好像嫌弃一样。

when you was born , was 改为were

some love needs to be given up 被动。

indulgence 是纵容。 I ask the indulgence of you,你的意思应该是,希望你原谅我?是吧,或者这样讲:“forgive me(I am so sorry或者这样简单 一点就可以了), my child, but you were born without leg”


⑴ 一只想飞的猫的语音故事


里面有,可以在线听 也可以下载的


⑵ 英语语音的童话故事


A man came home form work late, tired and found his 5 years old son waiting for him at the door "Daddy,may I ask you a questIon " "Yeah, sure, what is it" replied the man "Daddy, how much do you make an hour " " If you must know, I make $20 an hour"" Oh,"the little boy replied, with his head down, looking up, he said, "Daddy, may I please borrow $10" the father was furious, "If the only reason you asked

that is so you can borrow some money

to buy a silly toy, then you go to bed" The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door After about an hour or so,the man had calmed down And started to think Maybe there was something he really needed

to buy with that $10 and he really didn't ask for money very often The man went to the door of the iIttle boy's room

and opened the door"Are you asleep, son" he asked "no daddy," replied the boy "I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier" said the man, "Here's the $10 you asked for" the little boy sat straight up, iling "Oh, thank you daddy!" he yelled Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry agaIn The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at his father "Why do you want more money Is you already have some " the father asked "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do "the little boy repiied, "Daddy , I have $20 now Can I buy an hour of your time Please e home early tomorrow I would like to have dinner with you"

The World's Greatest Sword an

At an exhibition of the world's best sword an, the third-place fencer took the stage A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half The crowd cheered Then the second-place man sliced a fly into quarters A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest sword an

His blade came down in a mighty arc - but the insect continued on its way! The crowd was aghast The greatest sword an had missed his target pletely, yet he continued to ile

"Why are you so happy" someone yelled "You missed!"

"Ah," replied the sword an, "you weren't watching very carefully They fly lives, yes - but he will never be a father"






⑶ 求感人的语音故事

财经夜读有好多感人的语音故事 建议去听听

⑷ 幼儿语音故事 幼儿100个字

















⑸ 用语音讲个童话故事 有好评



网址 //music/searchkey=儿童睡前故事

⑹ 语音巧妙经典幽默笑话故事











⑺ 故事的读音 带语音

故 事读音

gu shi


⑻ 语音情感故事网站

真实的情感经历:佛山电台 946cn Mon---Fri 21:00----23:00


⑼ 带语音的英语小故事猴子捞月


He looks in the well and shouts :


“Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!”


An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says,


“Goodness me!The moon is really in the water!”


And olderly monkey es over


He is very surprised as well and cries out:


“The moon is in the well”


A group of monkeys run over to the well


They look at the moon in the well and shout:


“The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!”


Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch


And he pulls the next monkey’s feet with his hands


All the other monkeys follow his suit,


And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well


Just before they reach the moon,the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky,


He yells excitedly “Don’t be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!”


⑽ 语音讲故事如何做个成功的人










有的时候, Sometimes,

经过一段时间, after a while,

我逐渐平静下来了, I calm down gradually,

我发现我的第一次情感是很浪漫的and find that my first passion is very romantic

就象充电电池一样,Like a charge battery,

当我在爱河的时候,when I was in love,

我总是陷入了她的爱的包围I encircled by her love at all time

我被她对我说的每一句话所吸引, I was attracted by every sentence she said to me

或许那是一个我永远不希望醒来的梦maybe it was a dream that I whish I could never wake up

我希望我爱的持久些, I hope my love can last longer,

我希望… I hope

就象突然停电一样,Suddenly,I felt like the power was cut,

我所有的希望都打破了,all my hopes were destroyed,

突然间我迷失在爱的幻觉中了, I missed in the hallucination of love in a sudden,

我不知道我在哪里,我要做什么,and didn't know where I was,what I wanted to do,

我为什么要做,我怎样去做才好…… why I should do,and how to do

就象朋友说的一样,As a friend's words,

明天一样是美好的一天,tomorrow will be still a fine day,

我将再找一块更好的电池, I will find a better battery,

一个适合的地方去添充我爱的故事, a suitable place to fill my love story,

继续着完美的爱的故事, and keep on the ideal love stoty

我希望…… I hope



记数着当我们相识的日子,I count the days since we knew each other,

大约有一个月了 it's about a month

发生在我们身上的故事总是那么偶然 The story happens to us is always so casual

每次谈天我都叫你 “宝儿”I call you Baoer every time we chat,

我喜欢这么叫着 and I like calling you like this

有的时候我在想, Sometimes I was thinking

我怎样得到自己的情感, that how I could get my own passion,

实际上我越急, in fact,more anxious I felt,

就越不属于我 more difficult for me to get

稳当些就更好了If I could be steady,it would be better

每年的2月12日是个特殊的日子 12th February is a special day every year

红玫瑰,巧克力总是充满着爱的感觉red rose and chocolate are always filled with the feeling of love

即使我们的路还要一起走很远,Although we have a very long road to go together,

这都不重要it is unimportant

记得这些: Remember these,

我永远是你最好的朋友,I will be your best friend forever,

给你需要的勇气give you the courage you need,

支持你的一切 and support you all

相信我, Believe me,

最好的祝福给最好的朋友, the best blessing to my best friend,

把它发给遥远的土地上, send it to the soil faraway,

穿过太空达到你的心灵,it can reach to your heart through the outer space,

温暖你的身心 …… and warm your body and mind


Once upon a time, there was a proud

teapot It was proud of its porcelain, its long mouth and its big

handle There's something in front and behind it!

There's a spout in

front and a handle behind It's always talking about these things


it doesn't talk about its cover  The lid was broken long ago and nailed


so it has a shortcoming,  and people don't like to talk about

their own shortcomings - of course,  other people talk about it


butter cans and sugar bowls - the whole set of tea utensils - all

remember the weaknesses of the teapot lid

It's more time to talk about

it than about the perfect handle and the beautiful spout The teapot

knows this

"I know them!" It said to itself, "I also know my

shortcomings, and I admit them This is enough to show my modesty and


We all have shortcomings; but we also have advantages


cup has a handle and the sugar bowl has a lid I have both, and there's

one thing they don't have I have a spout; it makes me queen on the tea


Sugar bowls and butter cans were appointed as sweet servants, and

I was the appointee, the master of all

I spread happiness among

thirsty people Inside my body, Chinese tea leaves emit fragrance in

that tasteless boiling water

This is what the teapot said in its

fearless youth It stood on the tea table with a table cloth, and a very

white hand uncovered its lid

But this very white and tender hand is

very clumsy

The teapot fell  down, the spout of the teapot broke, the

handle broke, and the lid of  the teapot need not be talked about any

more, because much has been said  about him

The teapot lay unconscious

on the ground; the boiling water flowed all over the place It was a

serious blow to it, and the worst thing was that everyone laughed at it

People just laughed at it, not at the clumsy hand

"I will never

forget this experience!" The teapot later inspected his lifelong career

"People call me a sick man and put me in a corner, and one day they

give me to a woman who begs for leftovers

I've fallen into poverty; I

don't say a word inside or outside But just then, my life began to

improve It's a blessing in disguise I've got earth in my body;

for a

teapot, it's totally equivalent to burial But a flower root was buried

in the soil

I don't know who put it in or who brought it  However,

since it was put in, it compensated for the loss of Chinese  tea and

boiled water, and also as a reward for the interruption of the  handle

and spout

The roots of flowers lie in the earth, in my body, and become

my heart, a living heart - something I have never had before

I now

have life, strength and spirit The pulse jumped up, the roots sprouted,

and they had thoughts and feelings

It blossoms into flowers I see it,

I support it, I forget myself in its beauty Forget yourself for others

- it's a happy thing! It did not thank me; it did not think of me;


was admired and praised by people I'm very happy; it must be so happy,


One day I heard someone say that it should have a better pot to

match it So people beat me around the waist; I was really in pain at

that time! But the flowers moved into a better pot

As for me I

was thrown into the yard I lay there like a pile of fragments - but my

memory is still there and I can't forget it

After a series of

good deeds, the teapot was thrown into the yard I lay there like a pile

of fragments - but my memory is still there and I can't forget it But

what's the use of this "solitary admiration"
























In Andersen's time, Denmark was still a monarchy society Since the Middle Ages, social life has been rarely touched

After the nineteenth century, there were a series of major historical changes, such as the loss of national power caused by the Napoleonic War

the failure on the Norwegian issue, the economic recession in the 1920s, the change of the king's position from royalty to dictatorship

the cautious and indiscriminate middle class, which made society basically in a state of political oppression and cultural ignorance

In Andersen's works, we also feel the gray and depression of this era everywhere

Andersen created fairy tales as a modern way of expression He used the "children" perspective of fairy tales to perspective the complex life of modern people

Andersen made fairy tales transcend the legendary imagination of folk literature and become a distinct individual writing and modern skill exploration











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