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Word Meaning

Each Every one of the two or more individuals posing a number of objects, considered separately from the rest It is used either with or without a following noun; as, each of you or each one of you

Eadish See Eddish

earlyish being somewhat early; "at an earlyish hour"

Earreach Earshot

Earsh See Arrish

Earth The connection of any part an electric conductor with the ground; specif, the connection of a telegraph line with the ground through a fault or otherwise

Eath Easy or easily

Ecclesiarch An official of the Eastern Church, resembling a sacrist in the Western Church

echocardiograph a sonograph that creates an image of the heart and its abnormalities

echoencephalograph a sonograph that creates an image of the brain and its abnormalities

ectomorph a person with a thin non-muscular body

Eddish Aftermath; also, stubble and stubble field See Arrish

Edh The name of the Anglo-Saxon letter /, capital form / It is sounded as "English th in a similar word: er, other, d, doth"

Edinburgh the capital of Scotland; located in the Lothian Region on the south side of the Firth of Forth

Eh An expression of inquiry or slight surprise

Ehrlich German bacteriologist who found a `magic bullet'' to cure syphilis and was a pioneer in the study of immunology (1854-1915)

Eidograph An instrument for copying drawings on the same or a different scale; a form of the pantograph

Eigh An exclamation expressing delight

Eighteenth Next in order after the seventeenth

Eighth Next in order after the seventh

Eightieth The next in order after seventy-ninth

Eirenarch A justice of the peace; irenarch

Ela obranch Of or pertaining to the Ela obranchii

Elderish Somewhat old; elderly

Eldritch Hideous; ghastly; as, an eldritch shriek or laugh

electrocardiograph medical instrument that records electric currents associated with contractions of the heart

electroencephalograph medical instrument that records electric currents generated by the brain

Electrograph A mark, record, or tracing, made by the action of electricity

electromyograph a medical instrument that records the electrical waves associated with the activity of skeletal muscles

Elench That part of an argument on which its conclusiveness depends; that which convinces of refutes an antagonist; a refutation

Eleventh Next after the tenth; as, the eleventh chapter

Elfish Of or relating to the elves; elflike; implike; weird; scarcely human; mischievous, as though caused by elves

Elijah a Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament who opposed the worship of idols; he was persecuted for rebuking Ahab and Jezebel (king and queen of Israel); he was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire (circa 9th century BC)

Elizabeth Queen of England from 1558 to 1603; daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; she succeeded Mary I (who was a Catholic) and restored Protestanti to England; during her reign Mary Queen of Scots was executed and the Spanish Armada was defeated; her reign w

Ellipsograph An instrument for describing ellipses; -- called also trammel

Elliptograph Same as Ellipsograph

Elrich Alt of Elritch

Elritch Ghastly; preternatural Same as Eldritch

Elvish Pertaining to elves; implike; mischievous; weird; also, vacant; absent in demeanor See Elfish

Embellish To make beautiful or elegant by ornaments; to decorate; to adorn; as, to embellish a book with pictures, a garden with shrubs and flowers, a narrative with striking anecdotes, or style with metaphors

Emblanch To whiten See Blanch

Embryotroph The material from which an embryo is formed and nourished

Embush To place or hide in a thicket; to ambush

Emforth According to; conformably to

Empeach To hinder See Impeach

Empoverish See Impoverish

Enambush To ambush

enantiomorph either one of a pair of pounds (crystals or molecules) that are mirror images on each other but are not identical

Enarch To arch

Encash To turn into cash; to cash

Encoach To carry in a coach

Encroach To enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another; to trespass; to intrude; to trench; -- monly with on or upon; as, to encroach on a neighbor; to encroach on the highway

Endognath The inner or principal branch of the oral appendages of Crustacea See Maxilla

Endolymph The watery fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear

Endomorph A crystal of one species inclosed within one of another, as one of rutile inclosed in quartz

Enfamish To famish; to starve

Enfeeblish To enfeeble

Enflesh To clothe with flesh

Engastrimuth An ventriloquist

English Of or pertaining to England, or to its inhabitants, or to the present so-called Anglo-Saxon race

Enmesh To catch or entangle in, or as in, meshes

Enomotarch The mander of an enomoty

Enough Satisfying desire; giving content; adequate to meet the want; sufficient; -- usually, and more elegantly, following the noun to which it belongs

Enravish To transport with delight; to enrapture; to fascinate

Enrich To make rich with any kind of wealth; to render opulent; to increase the possessions of; as, to enrich the understanding with knowledge

Ensearch To make search; to try to find something

Enterolith An intestinal concretion

Entrench See Intrench

eolith a crude stone artifact (as a chipped flint); possibly the earliest tools

Eparch In ancient Greece, the governor or perfect of a province; in modern Greece, the ruler of an eparchy

Ephah Alt of Epha

Epigraph Any inscription set upon a building; especially, one which has to do with the building itself, its founding or dedication

Epitaph An inscription on, or at, a tomb, or a grave, in memory or mendation of the one buried there; a sepulchral inscription

Epoch A fixed point of time, established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable event; a point of time marked by an event of great subsequent influence; as, the epoch of the creation; the birth of Christ was the epoch which gave rise to the Ch

Eremitish Eremitic

Ergograph An instrument for measuring and recording the work done by a single muscle or set of muscles, the rate of fatigue, etc

Eriach Alt of Eric

Ersh See Arrish

Eskalith a white powder (LiCO3) used in manufacturing glass and ceramics and as a drug; the drug (trade names Lithane or Lithonate or Eskalith) is used to treat some forms of depression and manic episodes of manic-depressive disorder

Establish To make stable or firm; to fix immovably or firmly; to set (a thing) in a place and make it stable there; to settle; to confirm

Estatlich Alt of Estatly

Estrich Ostrich

Etch A variant of Eddish

Ethnarch The governor of a province or people

Eugh The yew

Eunuch A male of the human species castrated; monly, one of a class of such persons, in Oriental countries, having charge of the women's apartments Some of them, in former times, gained high official rank

Evanish To vanish

Everich Alt of Everych

Everych each one; every one; each of two See Every

Exarch A viceroy; in Ravenna, the title of the viceroys of the Byzantine emperors; in the Eastern Church, the superior over several monasteries; in the modern Greek Church, a deputy of the patriarch , who visits the clergy, investigates ecclesiastical cases, etc

Expolish To polish thoroughly

Extinguish To quench; to put out, as a light or fire; to stifle; to cause to die out; to put an end to; to destroy; as, to extinguish a flame, or life, or love, or hope, a pretense or a right

extrovertish somewhat extroverted

eyebath a all vessel with a rim curved to fit the orbit of the eye; use to apply medicated or cleansing solution to the eyeball; "an eyecup is called an eyebath in Britain"

Eyeish a member of the Caddo people of northeastern Texas

Eyelash The fringe of hair that edges the eyelid; -- usually in the pl

eyepatch a protective cloth covering for an injured eye

Eyereach The range or reach of the eye; eyeshot

Eyeteeth of Eyetooth

Eyetooth A canine tooth of the upper jaw

Eyewash See Eyewater

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