


















1 活该! serves you(him, her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it)

eg you failed the test serves you right for not studying!

2 活该! you had it coming!

eg a: i gained weight!

b: well, you had it coming, because you've been eating so much

without exercising

3 胡闹 that’s monkey business!

eg a: stop fooling around! That’s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本


注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!”

3.请便! help yourself

do as you please (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。)

4.哪有? what do you mean not at all!

注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at all”,表示你在否认对方表达的意思。

5.才怪! yeah,right!

as if!

eg a: today’s test was very easy

b: yeah, right!

a:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if! 他自认可以跟我们交往! 才怪!

注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。

6.加油! go for it!

eg a: go for it! you can do it!

注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try”“try your best”。

7.够了! enough!

stop it!

注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around(无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!)

8.放心! I got your back

eg a: don’t worry, man i got your back

注:这句原本来自“I’m covering you from behind”(我在后面掩护你),是打仗


9.爱现! showoff!

eg a: he’s been doing that all day what a showoff!

注:showoff是名词,也可作动词,如:she likes to show off her toys 或he is

always showing off his strength

10.讨厌! so annoying!

eg a: stop that! you are so annoying! 够了!你真讨厌!

11.免谈! no need to discuss!(no need for discussion)

eg a: it’s all settled There’s no need to discuss it anymore 全都确


12.真棒! That’s great!

13.好险! that was close!

eg a: I’m so glad you made it that was close!

注:这里的close是很接近、幸好的意思,和开门关门(open and close)的close不同。

14.闭嘴! shut up!

15.好烂! It sucks!

eg a: that sucks don’t buy it


16.真巧! what a coincidence!

17.幼稚! immature!

eg a: she’s still sleeping with her favorite stuffed animal she’s so immature

what a baby!

eg a: look at her, still buying “hello kitty” stuff at age 30 what a baby!


18.花痴! Flirt!

eg a: You are such a flirt! Stop kissing up to him! He doesn’t like you

at all 你是花痴喔?别再讨好他了。他根本不喜欢你。


19.痞子! riff raff!

eg a: These people give me the creeps Riff raff! 这些人使我起鸡皮疙瘩。


注:在美国riff raff特别指人肮脏、下流。

20.找死! Playing with fire!

eg a: Are you crazy You’re playing with fire!


21.色狼! Pervert!

eg A: He is such a pervert! I saw him looking at me in the toilet!

注:这句话除了指性变态,也指精神变态,可简单地说“perv”,也可作动词,例如:“You are rally perverted” 。

22.精彩! Super!

eg A: Good job That’s super!


23.算了! Forget it!


24.糟了! Shit!/ Fuck!/ Damn!

eg A: Shit! This stinks! 糟了!这好臭!

注: 这些都是低俗的用语,如同“”等等咒骂的字,Damn是其中最温和的一个。

25.废话! Bullshit!

eg A: I don’t believe it That’s bullshit!


26.变态! Pervert!

eg A: Let’s get out of here There are so many perverts here


27.吹牛! Brag

eg A: He’s bragging There’s no way he could do that!

28.装傻! Play dumb

eg A: Don’t play dumb You know about that

29.偏心。 Biased (prejudiced)。

eg A: Stop saying those things about it You’re just biased 不要再这


A:He’s so prejudiced He helps her just because he likes her

注:prejudice本意就是负面的,常用来职责对方不公正, bias则是中性字,如“The author has a bias for apple pie”(这个作家对苹果派有所偏好)。

30.无耻! Shameless!

eg A: How could you do such a thing! You’re shameless! 这种事你也做得出


注: Shameless 和 no shame不同,no shame是not scared of being shameful,不怕丢脸的意思。

31.你敢? You dare?

eg A: I want to challenge you!

B: You dare

32.赞成! I approve / That’s a good idea

eg A: Let’s go for a walk

B: Sure I approve

33.好饱! I’m stuffed

34 休想! Over my dead body!/ No way!

eg A: You want to marry that guy Over my dead body!

35.成交! It’s a deal!

36 干嘛? What?/ What do you want?/ What’s wrong / what do you think

you are doing / what happened / what for

37. 不会吧? That won’t happen, will it

eg A: He will win the game That won’t happen, will it

不会吧? No, she’s not like that, is she

eg A: Are you sure she stole the jewels No, she’s not like that, is


不会吧? No, it won’t, will it

eg A: He may not have much longer to live

B: No, he won’t die, will he

不会吧? No way! (or Be smart!, 较礼貌一点)

37 起内哄。 Fighting one’s own / In-fighting

eg A: That company wasted too much time fighting its own

A: I won’t tolerate this in-fighting!

38 狗屎运! Lucky bastard!

eg A: He won the lottery! Lucky bastard!

39 没风度。 Crass

eg A: He’s so crass There’s no way I would date him


40 你说呢? So what? eg A: You are such a bad person Who’s gonna

like you

B: So what

你说呢! You tell me! eg A: What are we going to do

B: You tell me!

注:说“So what”时,若语气冷淡,则表示不在乎;若语气带挑衅,则表示不要人干涉,有“你管我 ”“那又怎样”的意思。

41 别傻了! Wise up! Eg A: Please, you believe that Wise up!

Don’t be silly! Eg A: I think we can get everyone to give us money

B: Don’t be silly

注:当女孩子说“Don’t be silly”时,大多是在打情骂俏。

42.别闹了! Keep it down! Eg A: You kids are too loud! Keep it down!

注:Keep it down是不要闹了,但keep it up意思完全不同,是用来勉励对方继续努力下去。如果keep it up!用威吓的语气说就变成:若继续下去后果就不堪设想(你再给我试试看!)。

42 不许碰! Don’t touch it! / Hands off!

43 胆小鬼! Coward! Eg A: He dare not do it! What a coward!

44 考虑中! Sitting on the fence。

eg A: I haven’t decided what to do I’m sitting on the fence

注: 表示此人的决定仍摇摆不定,随时会受人影响。

45 认输吧! Give in! eg A: Give in! You won’t have a chance

注: 也可用“give it up!”,意即“不要再试了,你只是在浪费时间”。

46 抢劫啊! Rip off! Eg A: That shirt cost me $3,000! What a rip-off!

注: rip当名词也可当动词,所以可说:He really ripped me off” 。

47 别催我! Don’t rush me Eg A: I’m on it! Don’t rush me 别催我!


48 再联络! Keep in touch。

49 干得好! Good job / Well done!

50 真划算。 What a great deal! Eg I got two bikes for the price of one What a great deal!

注:这里的deal是指买卖交易。在其他情况中“What’s the deal”,“What’s

going on”, “Why are you doing this” 都是在询问“怎么了?”。

51 看好喔! Watch me!


52 死定了! I’m dead! Eg A: I lost my computer I’m dead What am

I going to do

I’m dead meat Eg A: I failed the exam! I’m dead meat!


子有“You’ll be the death of me”意思是指你和你惹的麻烦会毁了我。

53 羡慕吧! Eat your heart out!

eg A: Look out all these girls all over me! Eat your heart out! You’re

never gonna find a girl who will like you


54 无所谓。 Whatever。 Eg A: You can do what you want Whatever

注:这是年轻人很常用的俚语,除了无所谓外,还有以下的意思:① I don’t care!

(我才不在乎) ② etc, etc, (等等,诸如此类的) ③ No! ④ That’s not the way

it is, but I don’t give a damn (才不是那样的,不过我才不理它。)在不同上下


55 别装蒜! Don’t play innocent / Don’t play dumb!

56 去你的! Fuck you! (这句话十分粗俗,用生气或厌恶的语气说,有“滚你妈的蛋”之意。

57 分摊吧! Let’s go Dutch

58 你做梦! You’re dreaming Eg A: That will never happen You’re


注:“Dream on!”意思也是一样,另外多了点玩笑的态度。

59 你真笨! You’re so lame!

eg A: You’re so lame Even a kid can make it Try again

注:Lame 原来的意思是跛脚、不适当的意思。在这里指人不够酷、无能。

60 并不想。 Don’t feel like it

eg A: Come out with us tonight It’ll cheer you up

B: I don’t feel like it

61 好可惜。 What a shame (pity)

62 随便你。 (It’s )Up to you


63 安分点! Behave! Eg A: Stop making so much noise! Behave

注: 年轻人用这句话的时候,多是在闹着玩的情况下,要对方“安分点”;男女朋友在打情骂俏时也会叫对方“安分”一点。

64 再说啦! We’ll talk about it later

65 分手吧! Let’s break up

66 你看吧! I told you so! Eg A: I told you so! It won’t work

See! Eg A: Like I said, it’s not as hard as you thought it’d be


67 不要脸! Shameless! Eg A: I can’t believe she’s wearing that!


注:本句除了用shameless外,也可用“She has no shame ”。

68 别管他! Don’t worry about it Eg A: I don’t want to look bad

B: Don’t worry about it No one will

notice Don’t pay attention to it Eg A: That guy over

there is staring at me

B: Don’t play attention to it

What the heck! Eg A: Is it alright if I ask Dane to come over

B: What the heck!

注: what the heck 与what the ! 两个意思一样。

69.怎么说? How do I say this? Eg A: It’s so hard to explain How do

I say this

What do you mean Eg A: I’m feeling sorry for him

B: What do you mean

70.胡扯的! That’s rubbish! Eg A: It’s no like that at all That’s


71 蛮配的。 Suits you well Eg That color looks really good on you It

suits you well

72 很恶心! Blood and gore

Eg A: I don’t like scary and violent movies There’s too much blood and


That’s so gross! Eg Will you stop making those gestures That’s

so gross!

注:“Blood and gore”多半是指**而言,而“gross”在一般的情况下都可使用。

73.懂了吗? Get it? Eg A: We broke up two months ago! Stop calling me

Do you get it

(Do you) know what I mean / know what I’m saying

Eg A: That’s the way it is ( Do you ) know What I mean

You know Eg A: I really hate this You know

74 别装了! Stop pretending Eg A: I know you hate it Stop pretending

注: Pretending可用playing 代替。

75.神经病。 Crazy! Eg A: You can’t do that! Crazy!

注:这字暗示某人精神失常,行为反常;年轻人的俚语常以“mentally challenged”


76.免了吧! No need! Eg A: I want to make sure that I get it straight

B: There’s no need Forget it

注: “no need”可自成一句,也可在句中使用。如:There was no need to

call the president

77.又来了! Again Eg A: Here it come again I don’t want to

deal with it

That’s typical Eg A: He’s not taking responsibility for this

mistake B: That’s typical

78 不骗你! Not joking。 Eg A: Believe me I’m not joking

79.我请客。My treat。 Eg A: please, it’s your birthday My treat!

注: Treat也作动词用,如:I’ll treat you tonight (今晚我请客。)

80.不赖嘛! Not bad。

81.去死啦! Go to hell! Eg A: you’re such a bully Go to hell

注:生气时在口语上诅咒别人去死前面有时会加上“you can”。

82.冷静点! Calm down! Eg A: Don’t get so excited Calm down

Keep your pants/shirt on! Eg A: What’s the hurry Keep your pants/shirt


83.我保证。 I guarantee Eg A: You’ll be fine I guarantee

84 我发誓! I swear! Eg A: It will never happen again I swear!

注:swear还有下列用法:① I swear by my bike that I can get anywhere

in town in 15minutes (swear by…, 对着…发誓,表示很有信心)。② The chief

of justice swore in the president (司法院长监督总统宣誓就职)。 ③ I’m

going to swear off candy for the next month (下个月我要戒吃糖果)。

85.来单挑! Let’s fight one-on-one!

eg A: let’s go, you and me, let’s fight one-on-one

B: All right, leave the others alone It’s between you and me

86 正经点! Have some decency! Eg A: Stop playing with the cake Have

some decency!

Seriously… Eg A: Ok, stop joking around Seriously

注:说这两句话的情况不同,“have some decency”通常是在对方有了一些恶


87.干脆点! Make up your mind!

Eg A: Geez, we’ve been over this a thousand times Make up your mind!

88.打扰了! Excuse me for bothering you


89.清醒点! Sober up! Eg A: Your parents are coming Sober up

Wake up! (Wake up and smell the coffee!)

eg A: Wake up! You look like you had a long night 清醒点,你看起来


注:酒醉或吃药后,多会用“Sober up”。“Wake up!”或“Wake up and smell the


90.别理他! Don’t mind him Eg A: Don’t mind him He’s just


Forget him Eg A: He saw me steal the diamond!

B: Forget him I’ll take care of him

注:forget him是“别理他!”,而“别理我!”是leave me alone。

91.有眼光Good taste! Eg A: That looks really good You’ve got good taste

92.谁说的? Who said that Eg A: It’s not like that at all Who said that

Says who Eg A: They cancelled our show

B: Says who


93.很难说。 Hard to say 表示不清楚、不确定而难下定论。

94.老实说。 To tell you the truth (that…)/ Honestly…

95.你撒谎! You lie!

96.真恶心! So disgusting!

97.真碍眼! Rubs me the wrong way

eg A: I can’t put my finger on it, but he really rubs me the wrong way



98.别想溜! Don’t run away!

注:run away也可指闪避问题,如:“Don’t run away from your problems ” 是


99.不客气。 You’re welcome / No problem / No bother/ Don’t worry

about it/ Don’t mention it

100 不上道。 Don’t know how to play the game

Eg A: Everyone accepted the bribe except him He doesn’t know how to play the game

注:这是现代的俚语。有一句Playing the field,它的意思就大不一样了,是表示同时跟很多不同的人约会。

101.你输了! You lost!

102.吵死了! So noisy!

103.不见得。 Not necessarily Eg A: Everyone is gonna hate me

B: Not necessarily (意味“情况可能正好相反”)

104.兜风去。 Let’s go out for a drive

Eg A: I feel so trapped in here Let’s go out for a drive!


Let’s go out for some air!

Eg A: We’ve been studying all day Let’s go out for some air!

注:going out for a drive 是开车或骑车出去。 going out for some air 除


105.怕了吧? Now you are scared, aren’t you

eg A: Now you are scared, aren’t you

B: Get that gun away from me!

106 真低级! How low-class! Eg A: What do you think about Mary’s

new skirt

B: How low-class! (通常不当别人面讲这句话)

107.就这样。 The way it is。 Eg A: You can’t change anything That’s

he way it is

Let it be Eg A: I know it’s hard to accept Let it be

注:let it be通常语气和缓,以安慰别人或使人平静。

108.放弃吧! Give up!

109.太神了! Cool!

110. 解脱了! Free at last! Eg A: Thank god I graduated and I’m done

with school forever Free at last

111 要你管! Not your business /None of your business/ It’s none of your



112 好恶心! Sick! Eg A: Have you seen that movie “Friday the 13th”

It’s so sick

113 小气鬼! Stingy bastard! Eg A: He didn’t even pay for my dinner!

What a stingy bastard

What a miser! Eg A: He’s been wearing the same clothes since high

school What a miser! Can’t he buy new clothes

注:stingy bastard语气很刻薄,因为“bastard”已经近乎粗话了。Stingy


114 我招了! I admit… Eg A: Yeah, you’re right OK, I admit it!


115 别惹我! Don’t bother me Eg A: Ok, I’ll do whatever you want

But just don’t bother me anymore

Stop picking on me Eg A: Can you stop picking on me 你能不能别再惹我?

注:Bother 意思是阻挠,困扰,或对某人唠叨。To pick on someone是指作弄人,找人麻烦。

116 没什么。 Not much… Eg A: Hey! What’s up!

B: Not much…

117 答对了。 Bingo! / You are right!

118 改天吧! Another time… Eg A: Let’s go out again tomorrow night

B: Maybe another time…

I’ll take a rain check Eg A: I’ll take you out to dinner

B: I can’t tonight, but I’ll take a rain check

注:rain check本意来自比赛因下雨而取消,所发给观众下次入场得延期证明;或是商店再减价时段特价品卖完时,发给客人在有货时可以相同优惠购买该商品得证明。

119 我不管! I don’t care! Eg A: But your rival has everyone’s


B: I don’t care! I’m going to beat him Just watch

注:I don’t give a damn! =I don’t care 但是更粗俗一些。

120 别多嘴。 Enough! Shut up!

121 耍大牌。 Poser! Eg A: Who does she think she is A movie star What

a poser!

122 何必呢? What for? Eg A: I want to go back to school

B: What for You already have a Ph D!

Why are you doing that Eg A: You have all the toys you

need Why are you buying more Why are you doing that


123 书呆子。 Nerd Eg A: All he does is study He never goes

out What a nerd!

124 不错吧? Look, not bad, huh

Eg A: I’ve organized all this information for the presentation Look, not bad, huh

125 真可怕! That’s terrible!

126 别妄想! You’re dreaming! / I


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/8381831.html

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