A Great
B what are you doing
A I see you left me no pizza
B I just lit that candle I like the way it smells
A wellI don't did you leave me any dinner at all
B I assumed you were eating with Michael
A does it not occur to youThat two people in this house need to eat
B you konw That if you would commuicate with meMay be I could have something for you
A why Do you have to make everything difficult I'm carrying the weight around here while you're off doing your own thing
A Excause me I'm working to pay this mortage, and I pay for both of the cars
B yeah, and that's all you do I pay all of our bills with my salary
A which you agreed to Do that's fair Do you not like your car
B caleb who takes care of this house me who washes all the clothes me who gets all the groceries me not to mention I'm helping my parents every weekend I've got all this pressure on methe only thing you Do for anybody is for youself
A let me tell you you don't konw the frist thing about pressure all right you think I put out house fires for my self or rush to car wrecks at 2am for myself or pull a child's body out of a lake for myself you have no idea what I go through
B yeah but what do you do around here other than watch TV and waste time on the internet if looking at that trash is how you get fulfilled that's fine but I will not compete with it
A well I sure don't get if from you
B and you won't because you care more about saving for your stupid boatand pleasing yourself than you ever did about me
A stut up! I'm sick of you! you disrespectful ungrateful selfish woman!
B I'm not selfish
A how dare you saythat
A you constantly nag me! and you drain the life out of me! I'm tired of it! if you can't give me the respect I deservelook at me!when what's the point of this marriage
B I want out I just want out
A if you want out that's fine with me!
《女孩梦三十》轻喜剧,但是很感人。长大了才知道原来自己丢失那么多东西,当心爱的人要与别人结婚了,那句“I always love you”是怎样的疼?好在结局还好。
That's why you stay with your partner You never leave your partner especially in a fire
The treadmill is not broken, if you don't know how to run it, it doesn't work for you
Woman is like a rose If you treat her right, she blooms; if you don't, she wilts
For better or worse, for rich or poor, for sickness and healthy, they will be together
Our words always reflect the condition of our heart
Love is not based on feeling
When a man is trying to win a heart of the woman, he studies her But after he wins her heart, and marries her, he often stops learning about it The amount he studied her before marry is equal to a high school degree, if he continue to learn about her, and then is the college degree or master degree, and ultimately a doctor degree
His standard is so hard, he considers hatred to be murder, and lust to be betrayal
How am I supposed to show love to somebody over and over who constantly rejected me
You can't love her, because you can't give her what you don't have
God loves you even you don't deserve
Marry takes work
If I haven't told you that I love you, I do
剧情片也推荐你两部吧,《肖申克的救赎》,**版越狱。《天鹅绒金矿》,全球十大禁播片之一,个人相当喜欢,如果喜欢摇滚乐,最好看一下,大致是说GLAM ROCK,同性恋,颓废世界,个人觉得是相当有深度的一部**。在rayfile上的话可以下到。
快节奏的歌的话,GREEN DAY,朋克摇滚。BLINK-182,朋克,额,也许算是快节奏吧。。。。强节奏的歌的话,倒是有很多,my chemical romance,emo摇滚。Led Zeppelin,老硬摇滚乐队。Marilyn manson,金属。Nine Inch Nails,金属。Rammstien,金属。等等。