给朋友的英文道歉信 昨天和朋友吵架了。写信向他道歉,表示遗憾,建议会面。

给朋友的英文道歉信 昨天和朋友吵架了。写信向他道歉,表示遗憾,建议会面。,第1张


Dear friend,

I'm sorry for yesterday I shouldn't have quarreled with you I think some mistakes happened to us and they would influence our friendshipI can't lose you,dear friendI hope we should make an appointment tomorrow and deal with these problems

I'm looking forward to your answer





 Dear Jimmy,

 In order to strengthen economic relations and promote friendship between us, I'd like to invite you for a meeting with our general manager Zhang Zheng if you feel convenient

 As the 15th International Books Trade Fair will be held in Beijing Modern International Exhibition Center from March 20th to 25th, 2011, we think you might be paying a visit to the exhibition As the name suggests, it has been a fair for international famous books since 2000, which is also regarded as the “representative books fair” in China If you come, we would like to invite you for a meeting with our general manager at the Garden Hotel, on March 19th to discuss business potential expansion between us Our general manager wishes to have the opportunity for a meeting with you and to show you around our workshop, thus consolidating friendly business relations

 We will appreciate your confirmation of availability at your earliest convenience

 Yours sincerely,

 Wang Hui





 王惠 谨上


 Dear Ms Wang,

 I'm glad that you will arrange a meeting between your general manager Zhang Zheng and me on March 19th before the opening of the 15th International Famous Books Fair to discuss business potential expansion between us

 In fact, we had had the intention to meet your general manager during the 15th International Famous Books Fair before we got your e-mail Since you have made the arrangement, we will choose to check in at the Garden Hotel We cherish the opportunity to do business with you and are pleased to have a chance to visit your workshop

 We look forward to seeing you in Beijing

 Yours sincerely,






 吉 米 谨上


 Dear, Ms Wang,

 Thank you for your e-mail of January 25, inviting me to have a meeting with your general manager Zhang Zheng on March 19th before the opening of the 15th International Books Trade Fair at the Garden Hotel

 We'd like to have the meeting on March 26th at the Garden Hotel where we will stay during the fair in the coming March We are to arrive in Beijing on March 20th and to stay in Beijing for ten days, that is, from 20th to 30th It will be much more convenient to us if you agree to the date and place we have suggested

 Your favorable reply would be highly appreciated

 Yours sincerely,






 吉米 谨上


 Dear Blair,

 I'm leaving this weekend for American to do a business trip, but I'm terrified of flying! On thinking of plane, I was very cold The last time I set foot on a plane, I had to disembark before take-off and it was a total embarrassment I know that you have the same experience with me How did you get over itDo you have any good suggestions Expect you to give me some guidance and help

 Best regards,










英文版: An apology letter

I apologize because I was so excited mood, so with your argument

I'm sorry, a few days ago you lost my book, I was too excited, and so they quarreled with you I regret it, so want to and you were friends again Hope understanding

I'm sorry, please forgive me I'll ask you to eat meal, as compensation


英文email格式范文(篇一)部分免责书FOR CONSIDERATION, Cindy W Woo, of 222 Pine Street, South San Francisco, California 50141, the United States of America, hereby releases Careless Driver, of Huiyuan Dongli 5Qu, 1x-4-303, Beijing, China 100029, represented by Zhang, Wang & Lee,

at the above captioned address, from the following specific claims and obligations:Any injury, physical or mental,Arising from the following transaction or incident:One car accident that happened on or about November 27, 2004 at the intersectionbetween Panda Road and the Third Loop Line, in the city of BeijingAny claims or obligations that are not specifically covered herewith are not released by this Specific ReleaseThe party signing this release has not assigned any claims or obligations covered by this release to any other partyThe party signing this release intends that it both bind and benefit itself and any successorsDated: January 13, 20xx________________________Signature________________________Print name文

档为doc格式英文email格式范文(篇二)称谓、正文空四个英文空格。其余平行内容视字数多少决定其左起笔位置,且居中。Example 3NoticeDear Wang Ming,Please change my address on your address rolls from:,Lane 123, Xinhua Street, ShijiazhuangTo, 3F,Jianguo Residential Quarters, ShijiazhuangVery Truly Yours,Zhang HuaJune 3, 20XX格式英文email格式范文(篇三)来稿详细格式要求如下:1 题目:一般不超过26字,中英文题目一致(小4号黑体字居中)。3 摘要:中英文均采用结构式文摘,包括目的(Objective)、方法(Methods)、结果(Results)和结论(Conclusion),300字左右(5号宋体)。4 关键词:3~5个(5号黑体,以分号隔开)。5 引言:研究工作的目的意义、国内外研究现状及背景。6 方法:简要介绍本研究所采用的试验方法。7 结果:详细阐述和分析本研究的试验结果。8 讨论:对比分析试验结果并与前人研究成果进行比较。9 结论:总结全文,突出重点,措词严密。10 致谢和参考文献。论文力求精练,篇幅不得超过5页(A4纸)。版芯要求:左边距30mm,右边距25mm,上边距30mm,下边距25mm,页眉边距23mm,页脚边距18mm。正文内容采用5号宋体排版,行距18磅。英文email格式范文(篇四)英文请假条格式请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。英文请假条写作需注意三点:1英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。2一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。3请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。参考范文Dear Miss Gao,I''''m sorry I can''''t go to school today I helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn''''t badly hurt The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest So I ask for leave for a monthWang Li英文email格式范文(篇五)英文主标题格式:可选用本模板中的样式所定义的“论文英文主标题”,或手动设置(Times New Roman,四号,加粗,居中,段前段后均为0行,单倍行距)。英文副标题格式:可选用本模板中的样式所定义的“论文英文副标题”,或手动设置(Times New Roman,小四,加粗,居中,段前行,段后0行,单倍行距)。英文标题下空一行为英文摘要。英文摘要正文格式:可选用本模板中的样式所定义的“英文摘要正文”或手动设置(Times New Roman,小四,行距为固定值20磅)。英文摘要后空一行,另起一行列出英文关键词。“Key words:”格式:首行缩进2字符,Times New Roman,小四,加粗。“Key words:”后紧接英文关键词。关键词之间用分号间隔,最后一个末尾不加标点。英文关键词全部小写。英文关键词格式:Times New Roman,小四,行距为固定值20磅。



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