

I quarreled with my parents My 3 years of ideas are out and they said that I thought extreme Fuck I don't understand I thought extreme or now people are social get so hypocritical because I had said that Money can buy everything You want me to you are good I do I make you happy I do I can only spend money to make you happy There are few people dare to say that he doesn't love money it is hypocritical people say I think money can make steel punching seam money talks, bullshit walks this wrong I thought so extreme I really don't want to say something Your parents will say money Every day to play computer games Not doing will say what You have been nagging me for 3 years I really can't stand Tell parents quarrelling Parents gas eyes are red but did not hit me - -# I would like to ask, what is it You are good to me I know I from primary school onwards you except that I learn will result will be what The junior middle school in addition to let me enter a key high school and is very beautiful Do you know what this is You let me enter high school and then go to in front of your colleagues may be confidence and pride that his mother is a money you know The exam had 100 what is it Not or after the university to find a job and make money People who are now present in addition to money or money I say what I think The money I 10 years to pay off all the money you raise me you stop nagging me Put the blame on me bother me Okay I don't go to school is my reason I do not want to Because I was afraid I was in high school has not been admitted to university will waste your hard-earned money will let you gas go crazy Kamita Mi How many students because of too much pressure and Dutch act Can't you read the report Never seen the news I really do not want to bear so much pressure I can't stand you nagging and blame the other day make me a line It seems to you every day I two remained nothing But I have in mind you get admitted to the university not to look for a job to make money I don't go to high school is to make money I thought that I had money can buy Buy happiness Buy everything what to learn good grades in high school His mom gave me go fuck I will have money Not like you this area parents I had money I will let my son when two rich generation What school grades, I don't see why, rich,,, achievement is a fart Don't let my son go to school after the university entrance exam into work Is not this crap For you told me about education and management I want to declare, you talk about your education is the generation of the thought management is my way to management However after the family has the company my things you don't go Even if I open up to tens of millions of company I management failures or what you do

代沟,代沟,障碍,障碍…… “为什公我和你说话那么累?”我向妈妈抛去一名话随后头也回的进了房间。每次都是这样,为什么说句话都这么困难,为什么总是和妈妈,因为一名话闹得不可开交,面红耳赤。她一生气就说我越来越叛逆,我便说她越来越不可思议,她说我存心气她,我便说她自寻烦恼,没事找事。三天一小吵,五天一大吵,这日子真是没法过了。



原来妈妈不是生来就喜欢板着个面孔,不是生来就是个一生气就骂人的母夜叉。妈妈也有过彷徨,有过失意,也有童年的甜、酸、苦、咸、辣这个五味的调料瓶,妈妈也挨爸爸的打,妈妈的骂,妈妈小时候和我一样也特爱玩,特捣蛋,原来都 一样,我俩根本就没什么不一样,我重复着妈妈小时候的事,她的错,她的对,眼眶又一次湿了,原来不是妈妈不可思议,不是她没事找事,不是她变得不可理喻了。















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