It a common tradition in China that children live together with their parents until they are married, and often children still live with the parents after they are married
In China the grandparents stay on with the family and look after the grandchildren while the parents are at work
In North America, old people usually live alone If they are too old to take care of themselves, or if they’re really old, day over 75, then they usually live in old-folk’s homes, nursing homes, or special apartment complexes designed for senior people
I do think that living together with the parents when we marry would be nice for the child’s stability and would also let the parents feel like an important part of the family
It looks like it depends on how rich a family is weather to live with the parent when we marry or not
That’s the trouble in some cases Living with people of different generations isn’t always easy It requires some sacrifices and tolerance of other’s behavior
In China it’s often the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law who don’t get on well enough, until both sides agree to live apart And it’s socially acceptable if the younger couple help the old couple in ways that are necessary Well, for example, when the parents are strong enough to live on their own the children are expected to help when needed When the parents are too old to take care of themselves, they should be moved back to the children’s home where they are properly fed, clothed and sheltered
A common stereotype of older Americans is that they are usually "put away" in nursing homes and forgotten about Actually, only about 5 percent live in some type of institution More than half of those 65 or older live with or near at least one of their children The vast majority of the elderly live alone and take care of themselves According to the US Census Bureau, 75 percent own their own homes Over a million senior adults live in retirement communities These provide residents with meals, recreation, companionship, medical care and a safe environment
One important cause of the generation gap in the China nowadays is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life-styles In the past, China is more traditional, and when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their people know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation But now, a increasing number of young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family home at an early age, marry—or live with—people whom their parents have never met and choose occupations different from those of their parents
Also, the speed at which changes are taking place in China is another cause of the gap between the generations In the past, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but now the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities
At 82 he was ready to die, and I was ready to let him go so that his suffering would end We laughed and cried and held hands and told each other of our love and agreed that it was time I said,“Dad, after you have gone I want a sign from you that you are fine,” He laughed at the absurdity of that; Dad didn't believe in reincarnation I wasn't positive I did either, but I had had many experiences that convinced me I could get some signal“ from the other side”
My father and I were so deeply connected I felt his heart attack in my chest at the moment he died Later I mourned that the hospital, in their sterile wisdom, had not let me hold his hand as he had slipped away
父亲82岁那年,生命垂危,将撒手人寰,我已做好准备,这样他的痛苦能够终止。我们开心地笑,我们痛苦地哭,我们牵着彼此的手,我们告诉彼此是多么地相爱,我们坦然面对这分手的时候。我说,“爸爸,您去后我要您给我个信号,告诉我您一切都好。”爸爸对这荒唐的想法哈哈大笑;他不相信来世转生。不过,我也不能说我就相信,但我有很多经历让我确信我可以从“那个世界 ”得到一些信号。
父亲和我是如此血肉相连,以致他死的那一刻,我胸中也感到他的心力衰竭。后来我很悲哀:医务人员为防传染 ,父亲悄然离世时,没让我握着他的 手 。
关于老龄化问题(Old-age Boom)
It’s time-honored virtue to respect the elderly That’s why their own flesh and blood are supposed to look after them
Well-being / Farewell is something, because seniors will lead a much more comfortable life
We all like to imagine that we're getting wiser and not just older Most of us enjoy observing the miracle of growth in others, as well For instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud
Growing old is not exactly pleasant for people in youth-oriented American culture Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young As the old saying goes, "You're as young as you feel" Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years old People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom But Americans seem to favor those that are young, or at least "young at heart"
在美国这个以年轻人为中心的社会中,老化对人们而言并不是一件愉快的事,大部份的美国人都希望自己看起来年轻、行动年轻、并且感觉年轻,如一句古老的名言说:「你感觉自己有多年轻,你就有多年轻。」老年人说自己的年龄时常开玩笑说自己是多少 years young,而不说多少 years old 。某些文化中的人视老年人为经验与智能的资源,可是美国人似乎比较喜欢年轻人,或者至少是「心里年轻」的人。
Many older Americans find the "golden years" to be anything but golden Economically, "senior citizens" often struggle just to get by Retirement-typically at age 65-brings a sharp decrease in personal income Social Security benefits usually cannot make up the difference Older people may suffer from poor nutrition, medical care and housing Some even experience age discrimination In 1987, American sociologist Pat Moore dressed up like an older person and wandered city streets She was often treated rudely-even cheated and robbed However, dressed as a young person, she received much more respect Of course, not all elderly Americans have such negative experiences But old age does present unique challenges
Ironically, the elderly population in America is expanding-fast Why People are living longer Fewer babies are being born And middle-aged "baby boomers" are rapidly entering the ranks of the elderly America may soon be a place where wrinkles are "in" Marketing experts are already focusing on this growing group of consumers And even now the elderly have a great deal of political power The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), with over 30 million members, has a strong voice in Washington
Despite the challenges they face, Americans in their "twilight years" generally refuse to give up on life They find a variety of ways to keep themselves active To help them stay in shape, they may join mall walkers clubs, fitness programs and even the "Senior Olympics" They can enjoy hours of entertainment at senior centers and adult amusement parks Many enroll in continuing education programs to maintain their mental skills
The young live in the present rather than in the past or future
The young should feel grateful to the older generation, who has created a good life for them
The older generation fought in the two world wars They faced real problems, but the young have an easier life
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雅思口语考试的流程最开始是general introduction,每个同学一进入考场之后,会有5分钟左右的面试,这时候考官都是问一些简短的问题。然后开始P1部分的考试。P1也是一问一答,基本等同于暖场,也有考生把P1部分看作是暖场,真正的好戏是P2和P3部分。
第二阶段为individual long turn,考官随机抽取一张题目卡(topic card),考生按照卡片的要求进行独自描述,时间是3-4分钟,在这个环节里面每个同学会有1-2分钟的时间作准备,内容涉及到300-500个单词,你需要说个大概二三十句话,有同学语速比较快,需要说四五十句话。
1 Q: What kind of clothes do youlike to wear
A: Icertainly fancy simple andcontracted clothing(简约风格)which brings huge comfort and simplicity to me I know whatsuits me and what doesn’t, so I always wear clothes and never let clothes wearme Sometimes I buy trendy brands and clothes, but that takes away individuality(个性)
2 Q: Do you like shopping
A:Sure, sometimes I’m crazy about shopping The eye-dazzling goods(眼花缭乱的商品)and name brands(名牌)in boutiques(精品店)and shopping centres are just so fascinating that I can’t helpmyself to buy them But mostly, I’m rather rational about what I like, like myfavourite clothing style, thesimple and contracted Idon't really care whether my clothes are from a name brand, but it’s the styleI fancy and the comfort andindividualityI can enjoythat make me want to buy them
3 Q: What kind of bags do youlike
A: Ilove shoulder bags(肩背包)mostbecause they have large capacity(容量)so Ican put all my stuff, like my purse, my notebook and several bags ofhandkerchief paper, in it They are really of high utility and functionality(实用性和功能性)
4 Q: Do you have different bagsfor different occasions
A:Well, I should say I merely havetotes(手提包), shoulder bagsandbackpacks(双肩包), and I douse them for different occasions For example, I use my shoulder bags and totesfor university and backpacks for outdoor activities like hiking or somethingBut I don't have a clutch(手包)forspecial occasions because I don't have such occasions to attend
说完第一部分的话题,我们再来看第二部分中一个有关时尚的经典问题:apiece of clothing you wear on special occasions
Describea piece of clothing you wear on special occasions
Youshould say:
Whatthe clothing looks like
Whereyou bought it
Onwhat occasions you wear it
Andexplain why you wear it on special occasions
An one-piece dress(连衣裙)I wore onmy cousin’s wedding ceremony three years ago is the one that I cherish most andchanges me most It was the very first one-piece dress I bought and I clearlyremember that it was a Dolce & Gabbana I specially bought it in Shanghaitwo weeks before my cousin’s wedding To me, it was costly at that time, ofcourse I bought it because I was firstly invited to be an honoured bridesmaidI was extremely excited and nervous because I was somewhat about to be thecentre of attention Speaking of the dress, well, it is short, pink and sleeveless(无袖的)with a lacecollar(蕾丝领边) I adored it so much, but, honestly, it was my first timewearing such one-piece dress, let alone I had to wear it in front of a fairlylarge crowd! So on that day, I was so stressful and nervous that I couldn'teven look people in their eyes But what surprised me a lot was when my cousinsaw me in this dress, she couldn't stop saying that I was adorable(可爱的)and elegant(优雅的)inthat dress And surprises were just coming one after another Almost everyonewho saw me praised my look and gave me confidence I was quite encouragedbecause I used to wear jeans(牛仔裤)and T-shirts(T恤)day after day I had never changed my clothing style But fromthat day on, I tried to change my dressingstyle(穿衣风格)a little bit, and I noticed that change sometimes broughtsurprise and pleasure So, this dress will always be my favourite, and alwaysbe a remainder that reminds me of the beauty of change
本文描述了一条粉色、短款、无袖的连衣裙,以及领口是蕾丝质地,品牌是Dolce& Gabbana,非常直观详细地让人在脑海中勾勒出衣服的样子。我们需要注意的是,对物品的描述不能只停留在颜色和大小,而应该更具体一些,并且有几个亮点,如本文的无袖、蕾丝领边,都是使这个物品区别于其他物品的特点,让人印象深刻。其次,我们对物品的描述需要用个人经历和内心活动来使其更具有生命力和表现力,让人感同身受,所以本文加了对连衣裙的态度的转变,让听者跟随说话者的描述对这条裙子产生更贴切的感受。本文并没有用一些华丽的辞藻和句式,但对物品和内心活动的详实描述让人感同身受、印象深刻,这就够了。
ready-to-wear clothes 成衣
evening dress 夜礼服
uniform 制服
dinner jacket 无尾礼服(美作tuxedo)
tails 燕尾服
gown 长睡衣
robe 长袍礼服
coat 女大衣
overcoat 男式大衣
three-quarter coat 中长大衣
fur coat 皮大衣
cloak 斗篷
dust coat 风衣
shawl 大披巾
jacket 短外衣夹克
pyjamas 睡衣裤(美作pajamas)
bathrobe 浴衣
V-neck V型领
lapel (上衣)翻领
cuff 袖口
sleeve 袖子
T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫
blouse 紧身女衫
polo shirt 球衣
vest 汗衫
short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫
sweater 运动衫
short trousers 短裤
jeans 牛仔裤
skirt 裙子
belt 裤带
underwear, underclothes 内衣裤
divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤
briefs 短内裤,三角裤
underpants, pants 内衣裤(美作shorts)
waistcoat 背心
panties 女短内裤
stockings 长袜
slip, petticoat 衬裙
socks 短袜
suspenders 袜带(美作garters)
tights, leotard 紧身衣裤
Cotton 棉
linen 麻
synthetic fabric 混合纤维
acryl 压克力
polyester 伸缩尼龙
nylon 尼龙
worsted 呢料
cashmere 羊绒
tartan plaid 格子花(美作tartan)
dot 圆点花
stripe 条纹
flower pattern 花纹花样
shoes 鞋
sole 鞋底
heel 鞋后跟
lace 鞋带
leather shoes 皮鞋
patent leather shoes 漆皮鞋
boots 靴子
slippers 拖鞋
sandals 凉鞋
canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋
flip flops 夹脚拖鞋
high-heeled shoes 高跟鞋
curvy draped dress 紧身垂褶裙
long dress with a revealing ‘up to there’ split 高叉长裙
sequin black dress 亮片小黑裙
one-shoulder cocktail dress 单肩短裙
high-low hemline dress 底边不规则高低裙
sheer lace slip dress 蕾丝吊带裙
mesh dress 网眼裙
Strapless dress 无肩带裙子
1Q: Do you think it’s important (or, good) to follow the currentfashion in the clothes you wear
A: Idon't think we should put much focus on the current fashion in the clothesSure fashion makes you “in”(潮的), but don'tyou think once you are “in”, you are not true you but someone who looks nodifferent from others I mean, fashion makes us look all the same without our individuality(个性), soto me it’s more important to find my own way of wearing clothes, rather thanfollowing the current fashion
2Q: Why do many young people feel it’s important to wear clothes thatare “in fashion”
A:First, I have to say that clothes are more of aform of creative artistic expression(一种创意艺术表达形式), rather than a tool to merely keep us from naked and from climatic changes(防止受到天气影响以及起到蔽体的作用) So theirartisticand aesthetic values(艺术和审美价值)make them apiece of art for individuals to pursue and to follow Besides, young people aremore concerned about what others are thinking of them, and this is particularlytrue when it comes to their appearance Following an “in fashion” is like asymbol that says “you are with us” or “you are not left behind”, which makes itfairly understandable that young people are more likely to wear “in fashion”clothes at a very special age
3Q: Do you think people tend to judge others by the clothes theywear (Why)
A1:First, I have to say that I don't think most people judge others by the clothesthey wear Sure, we inevitably judge whether the person has a clean andorganised(干净的、有条理的)living habit by whether they wear neatly and tidily And we aresomewhat concerned about whether people dress smartly(衣着讲究)in differentoccasions But none of these would we use to judge the quality of a person, or,in other words, whether the person is good
A2:Well, it’s a pretty hard question because I don't know what all people arethinking But according to my knowledge, young people are more like to judge aperson by the clothes they wear If a person wears the latest clothes, youngpeople will think he or she is an “in person”, or at least, “in theirdistinctive group” Accordingly, it is more likely for them to accept theperson as theirs And once they accept the person, they don't think the personis bad So, that's why I think young people tend to judge others by the clothesthey wear
步骤3:Part 1
步骤4:Part 2
步骤5:Part 3
比如有同学喜欢篮球,篮球相关表达:三分、跳投、罚篮这些概念的英文说法一定要会,篮球就可能成为你雅思口语的主场话题。2023年雅思考试就考过描述一个有用的网站(describe a useful website you often visit),同学就可以说篮球网站;或者描述一个教育性的电视节目,说一个篮球课的节目也可以;再比如明星,我可以在篮球的这个范围内找一个体育明星。
而我呢,是一个猫奴。将猫奴的身份代入,你将进入一个彻底的猫奴的躯体,用这种角色的视角来重构一个理想的猫世界。我自己的猫主子,我新结识的猫奴朋友,我敬仰的动物救助者,成功的宠物医院经营者,童年被猫咬的有趣经历,新生的小猫作为礼物送给他人,甚至包括我品尝的外国食物(某种猫粮),有趣的以猫为主题的咖啡馆,迷人的以猫闻名的城市,乃至一条奇怪的校规——不许带宠物进学校。其他母题类似操作。 此处脑洞很重要。
比如拿本季度这样一道题来举例:Describe a city or town you like to visit with your friends那我是讲北京,还是讲上海呢?其实不管是哪个城市,都可以成为这个题非常好的语料。再来看本季度同样出现的一道题目:Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future有没有发现,其实不管是云南还是上海还是哪里,同样可以成为你未来想要去度假的地方。
在考试的时候,能给你的建议就是利用好一分钟的笔记时间,迅速想好应该怎么讲。最好是把cue card 上的点都囊括进来,因为这些点实际上就告诉你要说什么,怎么说,从哪些方面说,还给你建好了基本的机构。