




有一些恋人他们是因为英语而结缘的,那么他们的求婚仪式上就会用到一些英语,那么求婚英语怎么说?我认为用英语求婚就只需要一句话:darling,will you marry me?这句话翻译成中文的意思就是,亲爱的嫁给我好吗?





我们也可以让我们喜欢的宠物帮我们求婚,让我们的宠物叼上我们的戒指,然后跑到我们所喜欢的人旁边,把戒指递给她,然后我们在单膝下跪向我们的女朋友进行求婚。当然如果有一些人比较喜欢特别一点再浪漫一点,那么我们也可以为我们的女朋友做一个烛光晚餐,然后再拿出我们的戒指单膝下跪,然后再用英语说一句darling,will you marry me?

  ow would ,I say,mine eyes be blessed made,

  By looking on thee in the living day,

  All days are nights to see till I see thee,

  And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me

  Will you marry me


  When most I wink then do mine eyes best see,

  For all the day they view things unrespected,

  But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee,

  And darkly bright, are bright in dark directed

  Then thou whose shadow shadows doth make bright

  How would thy shadow's form, form happy show,

  To the clear day with thy much clearer light,

  When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so!

  How would,I say,mine eyes be blessed made,

  By looking on thee in the living day,

  When in dead night thy fair imperfect shade,

  Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay!

  All days are nights to see till I see thee,

  And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me

  Marry me Make me the happiest person alive Please, give me the honor of sharing my life with you I love you and nothing means so much to me as being with YOU

  Will you marry me Will you be mine for life Will you walk with me Will you laugh with me Will you cry with me Will you share with me Will you love with me Will you be with me Will you marry me

  Sometimes you get lucky Sometimes you meet someone Sometimes they are special Sometimes you want to be theirs Sometimes nothing else matters Sometimes you find Sometimes is not enough Sometimes you want all-times Will you share your times with me Will you marry me


  1 单刀直入法


  Will you marry me


  Would you be my wife/husband


  2 迂回暗示法


  I think it's time we took some vows。


  I think it's time we settled down。


  I want to spend the rest of my life with you。


  I want to be with you forever。


  3 咬文嚼字法


  Let's get hitched!


  Let's tie the knot!


can you marry me can you be my wife

It's hard for me to say

but I can spell it out for you to see easily I'm not just playing games I hope you know how much I really care for you hope you know how much I really care for you No matter where you are I'm always there for you 让我说出它来比较困难 但是我可以用你容易看到的方法讲清楚它 我不仅仅是在玩游戏 I我希望你明白我是多么关心你. 不管你在哪儿 我会永远和你在一起 I want to share my life with you 我希望和你一起分享我的生命 So will you marry me 你愿意嫁给我吗? I will always love you

我会永远爱你 and I'll try to make you happy every day 我会尽力让你快乐每一天 Marry me 嫁给我 I will always care for you 我会永远关心你 We'll always have each other 我们会永远彼此拥有 We'll be a family 我们会有一个家 If you could only read my mind you'd know by now I'll spell it out for you

so I can show you how I feel for you Two words Marry me 如果你不能理解我的想法 你会逐渐明白的 我会给你讲清楚 我可以让你明白我的感觉 两个字:嫁给我!

参考: chinaunix/jh/33/572646


will you marry me'

JANE:Not the voyage,but the distance,and then the sea is such a barrier

Edword:from what,Jane

J:from england,sirand from Thornfieldand

E:sometimes i have the stangest feeling about youespecially when you're near me as you are nowit feels as though i had a string,tied here under my left rib where my heart istightly knotted to you in a similar fashionand when you go to Ireland,with all that distance between us,i'm afraid this cord will be snappedand i shall bleed inwardly,but you're sensible,you'll forget

J:never!I'll never forgeti wish i'd never been bornIwish I'd never come to Thornfield

E:There are other houses just as fine

J:How can you be so stupidHow can you be so cruelI may be poor and plain, but I'm not without feelings!It's not the house but the life I lived hereI was not trampled on,I was not excludedI was treated as an equal

E:And so you are,JaneAnd soAnd so

J:Yes so, sirAnd yet not so, for you're a married manor as good as marriedLed me go!

E:please, stilDon't struggle soYou're like a wild bird clawing at its cage

J:I'm not caged bird,I'm a free human beingIndependent with a will of my own

E:Then stayStay and marry me

J:How dare you make fun of me

E:I mean what I sayStay at ThornfieldBe my wife!

J:And what of Miss Ingram

E:Miss Ingram,I don't love MissIngram,nor does she love meJane, you strange,almost unearthly thingI love you as my own fleshI beg of you to marry meSay,"Edward,give me my name"Say Edward,I'll marry you"




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