

大结局是nate嫁给了自己的事业,即将竞选纽约市市长,s嫁给了gossip girl,也就是dan,bc在众人的支持与爱护之下,幸福快乐的在一起,还有了自己的儿子,名叫Henry,而little J 与blair合作创造了时装品牌J waldorf,而且有和nate成一对的希望,eric接着酱油,他老妈lily与s的生父william在一起了,r找了个与自己志趣相投的路人眼睛姨,搅局娜与jack叔成了一对。ivy将自己的经历写成了一本书,还拍成了**,并由真表妹lola主演。


《绯闻女孩》(英语:Gossip Girl)是由Cecily von Ziegesar所写的系列小说改编的美国青春偶像剧,于2007年CW电视台正式开播第一季,全剧共六季,于2012年12月18日正式播毕。 

该剧所讲述的是曼哈顿的上流社会阶层,展示富家子弟的生活。而其中的Gossip Girl是曼哈顿上东区最神秘的人物,她是了解上流贵族巨细无遗的生活的唯一来源,且拥有一众随时随地为她提供八卦的公子哥千金女。


Oh Land - Wolf & I



Before the world you know was like it is

I held a lover once and I was his

And we walked along the river in the sun

But he's a lonely man so this was done

The only place we had to meet is night

While the sun he sleeps in shadows we can hide

On the mountainside we'd spent our time together

But it is gone when morning comes

And you are the wolf

And I am the moon

And in the endless sky we are but one

We are alive

In my dreams wolf and I

How many days and nights will come and go

While the only light you'll see is from my glow

There will never be a dawn that breaks the spell surrounding us

Till the earth dies with the sun

And you are the wolf

And I am the moon

And in the endless sky we are but one

We are alive

In my dreams wolf and I

You are the wolf

And I am the moon

And in the endless sky we are but one

We are alive

In my dreams wolf and I

Oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh [x4]

Aaah aaah aaah aaaah aaah [x2]

In the endless sky we are but one

Hmmmm mmm


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/jiehun/15538.html

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