

来自星星的你第20集中千颂伊舞蹈求婚的那段的歌是《Marry you》。

歌名:Marry You

歌手:Bruno Mars

专辑:Doo-Wops & Hooligans


it's a beautiful night we're looking for something dumb to do

hey baby i think i wanna marry you

is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice

who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you

well i know this little chapel on the boulevard

we can go whoa whoa

no one will no whoa

oh come on girl

who cares if we're trashed

got a pocket full of cash we can blow whoa whoa

shots of patrol whoa whoa

and guitar girl

don't say no no no no no

just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

and we'll go go go go go

if you're ready, like i'm ready

cos it's a beautiful nigt we're looking for something dumb to do

hey baby i think i wanna marry you

is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice

who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you


i'll go get the ring

let the choir bell sing like ooh ooh ooh

so what you wanna do ooh ooh

lets just run girl

if we wake up and you want to break up

that's cool ooh ooh

no i won't blame you ooh ooh

it was fun girl

don't say no no no no no

just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

and we'll go go go go go

if you're ready, like i'm ready

cos it's a beautiful nigt we're looking for something dumb to do

hey baby i think i wanna marry you

is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice

who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you

just say i do ooh ooh ooh

tell me right now baby

tell me right now baby, baby

just say i do ooh ooh ooh

tell me right now baby

tell me right now baby, baby


it's a beautiful nigt we're looking for something dumb to do

hey baby i think i wanna marry you

is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice

who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you

I'm engaged!


Tonight's the big night, we wanna wish you good luck

big night常用于形容那些重要的日子,求婚这样的人生大事当然是其中之一,现在的年轻人求婚喜欢制造惊喜,少不了朋友的配合,排练各种场景,为的就是伴侣在得知后能又惊又喜地答应求婚,到了当天,记得向你的朋友说声good luck,为TA加油!

I got on one knee, and I popped the question

单膝跪下在英文中的表达为got on one knee,包括在婚纱照中摄影师也常会设计这样的桥段,这是绅士的行为,表达自己在爱情面前的谦卑。pop the question是一个固定搭配,这里的question不是指所有种类的问题,在美语里经常是指“Will you marry me”这个特定的问题。

Will you do me the honor of being my wife

这句话几乎可以讲是最正式最绅士的说法之一了,在国外的舞会上,穿着考究的绅士们会走到心仪的女士身边,然后说"Will you do me the honor of a dance?"很明显除了跳舞,求婚也可以用这个句型。

The rock is the size of my fist

求婚一般都是用一枚带有钻石的戒指作为定情信物。钻石的化学成分是碳,硬度是自然界的,在爱情中象征自己的坚定。无论价格是便宜还是昂贵,钻石本质就是一颗石头,即a piece of rock,所以在口语里人们常用the rock来代替diamond的说法。Diamond的衡量标准有四个C,Carat,Clarity,Color和Cut,即克拉数,净度,色泽和切工,这个句子就是形容钻石很大,像自己的拳头一样,是一种夸张的比喻。

We're meant for each other

命中注定我爱你。恋爱中的人总喜欢把各种巧合比喻为天意,是老天意让两个人在一起,就好像如果两人不想爱的话,会把各种巧合解释为上天不想让两个人在一起一样,怎么解释取决于两个人的心态和愿望。meant for each other一般是固定组合,表示命中注定。有部**叫做《Serendipity》,这个词的意思是意外经历一些幸运的事情,引申为凑巧碰到自己的所爱。恋爱中的人,所有美丽的意外都会被解释为上天幸运的眷顾,统计学意义上的巧合也是提前注定的。

I could throw her off the track first and then surprise her

这个句子来自老友记的Chandler,他想给女友一个惊喜的求婚,所以提前说了很多自己不想结婚的话,为了女友不相信自己近期会求婚,这样突然求婚就会很有效果。throw someone off the track是固定搭配,就是这种故意表演来诱使别人相信另外一件事,但实际是另外有所打算。

We're gonna spend the rest of our lives together

求婚的话很多人会排练很多遍,但到了现场又往往因为大脑空白而忘记,能清醒意识到的就是这一件事,就是两个人将共度余生。英文里有句话是today is the first day of the rest of your life,每一天都是余生的第一天,你找到你愿意与之共度的人了吗?

----How are you gonna ask her

----I'm taking her to her favorite restaurant,I'm gonna get her a bottle of champagne that she really loves, then when the glasses are full, instead of proposing a toast, I'm just gonna propose

求婚有时也是展示自己是否了解自己另一半的一个舞台,去什么餐厅,喝什么酒都充满了个性,你选错餐厅是不了解对方的表现,点错香槟也是不了解对方的表现,所以在求婚前还是做好功课,平时就留心记忆对方的喜好,这样才会有一个Happy Ending。




歌名:I Really Like You

歌手:Carly Rae Jepsen


后街男孩的《 I will never break your heart》


Ray J - One Wish

damn baby

just don't understand where we went wrong

i gave you my heart

i gave you my soul

i gave you

as a matter of fact i was the one who said i love you first

it was about eight years ago, don't act like you don't know

we were sittin' at home in your mama's livin' room

cause, we couldn't be alone

see your mama knew i was something else, she knew how i felt

back then we were in school; and that's your favorite excuse

growin' up i was a fool; and i can't lie i'm missing you

listen and don't trip

i think i need a bottle with a genie in it

here's my wish list

first one, i would create a heart changing love

second one, ill take yours and fill it all up

third one, but i dont need a lot of wishes cause ill be okay if i get one

if i had one wish, we would be best friends

love would never end, it would just begin

if i had one wish, you would be my boo

promise to love you, trust me i'll trust you

if i had one wish, we would run away

making love all day, have us a baby

if i had one wish, id make you my whole life

and youd be my wife, make it right this time

if i had one wish

one wish, one wish, one wish

one wish, one wish, one wish

one wish, one wish, one wish

one wish, one wish, one wish

now tell me is this the only way i can get you right back in

if so then searchin' ill go, then i can have you for sho

then youll be loving me, holding me, kissing me

so girl dont tell me what im feeling is make believe

i swear if i lose a second chance with you

i wouldnt know what to do

id probably check myself into some kind of clinic

i couldnt be alone because without you im sick

heres my wish list

first one, i would create a heart changing love

second one, ill take yours and fill it all up

third one, but i dont need a lot of wishes cause ill be okay if i get one

if i had one wish, we would be best friends

love would never end, it would just begin

if i had one wish, you would be my boo

promise to love you, trust me i'll trust you

if i had one wish, we would run away

making love all day, have us a baby

if i had one wish, id make you my whole life

and youd be my wife, make it right this time

if i had one wish

i dont even know how we ended upon this road

and, even though we are grown, girl i just want you to know

if i had one wish, we would be best friends

love would never end, it would just begin

if i had one wish, you would be my boo

promise to love you, trust me i'll trust you

if i had one wish, we would run away

making love all day, have us a baby

if i had one wish, id make you my whole life

and youd be my wife, make it right this time



jordin sparks - one step at a time



FS2 CG的背景音乐 有谁知道 可以告诉我嘛

我是光光 假冒必究 我给你

谁知道这个视讯里的背景音乐名字 麻烦告诉我 谢谢啊

miri ben-ari ft fabolous and Kanye West - fly away








有谁知道 笑霸来了 20160502期的背景音乐吗?


歌名:All About That Bass

歌手:Meghan Trainor


MC Hammer的You Can't Touch This

<br>下载地址:<a href=":whitmanhansonbasketball/media/MC_Hammer--0_-_You_Can_t_Touch_Thismp3" target="_blank">:whitmanhansonbasketball/media/MC_Hammer--0_-_You_Can_t_Touch_Thismp3</a>


Mc Hammer - you can't touch this

can't touch this (x2)

Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) (x2)

My-my-my-my music hits me so hard makes me say oh my Lord

Thank you for blessing me with a mind to rhyme and o hyped feet Feels good when you know you're down

A suped up homeboy from the Oaktown

And I'm known as such

And this is a beat uh u can't touch

I told you homeboy can't touch this

Yeah that's how we're livin' and you know can't touch this

Look in my eyes man can't touch this

You know let me bust the funky lyrics

Fresh new kicks and pants

You got it like that now you know you wanna dance

So move out of your seat

And get a fly girl and catch this beat

While it's rollin' hold on pump a little bit

And let me know it's going on like that like that

Cold on a mission so follow back

Let 'em know that you're too much

And this is a group uh u can't touch

Yo I told you u can't touch this

Why you standing there man can't touch this

Yo sound the bells school is in sucker can't touch this

Give me a song or rhythm

Making 'em sweat that's what I'm giving 'em

Now u know when you talk about the Hammer

You talk about a show that's hyped and tight

Singers are sweatin' so pass them a wipe

Or a tape to learn what it's gonna take

in the 90's to burn

The charts legit either work hard

Or you might as well quit

That's word because you know

Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh-oh-oh) (x2)

Break it down

(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh) (x2)

S Hammer time

Go with the flow it is said if you can't move to this

Then you probably are dead

So wave your hands in the air

Bust a few moves run your fingers through your hair

This is it for a winner

Dance to this and you're gonna get thinner

Move slide your rump

Just for a minute let's all do the bump

Bump bump bump yeah

Can't touch this

Look man u can't touch this

You'll probably get hyped boy 'cause you know you can't u can't touch


Ring the bell school's back in break it down

(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) (x2)

S Hammer time

(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) (x2)

(Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh)

(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) can't touch this (x3)

(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) break it down

(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) (x3)

S Hammer time

Every time you see me that Hammer's just so hype

I'm dope on the floor and magic on the mic

Now why would I ever s doing this

With others makin' records they just dont get it

I toured around the world from London to The Bay

It's Hammer go Hammer MC Hammer Yo Hammer

and the rest go and play

Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)

Can't touch this (oh-oh oh-oh-oh)

Yeah u can't touch this

I told you u can't touch this (oh-oh oh-oh-oh)

Too hype can't touch this

Get me outta here u can't touch this



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/jiehun/2292158.html

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