英语作文:New Year 最好带翻译,80词左右

英语作文:New Year 最好带翻译,80词左右,第1张

New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important, interesting festival in China

Before the Chinese New Year, everyone is very busy They want the Spring Festival to be a new beginning, so everyone is busy cleaning the room They keep the room tidy This is the first thing to welcome the Spring Festival

The elderly take children to buy snacks and fireworks But parents just stay at home to make tasty meals for dinner On the evening of New Year’s Eve, my parents and my sister have dinner with me We have a good time After dinner, Oh! Yeah! My father is ready to give us red pockets Oh, how nice the red pockets are! My sister and I both all say, “Peace all year round to my parents! Now, give us red pockets” My parents give us the red pockets at once with a smile on their faces

What a wonderful time we have!

I think “Everything goes well” this year!








歌曲名:The New Year



I'm sick of cleaning up the mess you left behind

Oh what a way to start the new year

On my hands and knees and cleaning out the dirt and grime

Oh what a way to start the new year

I'm sick of holding both ends of a tightrope

Cause when you fall all that's left is old high hopes for me

I'm stretched thin to the end tryna keep it all in

Oh what a way to start the new year

Won't you say that it's all right

Won't you tell me it's okay

Because there is three hundred and sixty four more days

I might be smiling but you'll never even hear me say

That I like it in the shadows

Counting down to zero, just to start again

Oh what a way to start the new year

Don't get me wrong I hate this holiday

(Oh what a way to start the new year)

On my hands and knees and choosing what I have to say

(Oh what a way to start the new year)

I never realized it could mean so much

Just to go to bed later when we have to get up, all the same

And we scream and clap

For the end of what was, and what we become oh

Won't you say that it's all right

Won't you tell me it's okay

Cause we have three hundred and sixty four more days

I might be smiling but you'll never even here me say

That I like it in the shadows

Counting down to zero, just to start again

Oh what a way to start the new year

But was it really that bad

And could it be better

Well I don't know, but with you I still have hope

That this, could be, all my year

(We have) Three hundred and sixty four more days

One million chances left to find you and to see your face

Making light out of my shadows

Finally get to zero and maybe we'll both say

(We have) Three hundred and sixty four more days

One million chances left to find you and to see your face

Making light out of my shadows

Finally get to zero and maybe we'll both say

Oh what a way to start the new year

// BY FEN //



1、happy读音:英 [ˈhæpi],美 [ˈhæpi]。  




Happy Birthday 生日快乐 ; 引爆摩天楼 ; 华诞高兴 ; 英文的生日快乐。

Happy Together 春光乍泄 ; 嘉士伯啤酒广告歌曲 ; 欢乐时光 ; 花好月圆。

Happy Hour 欢乐时光 ; 快乐时光 ; 幸福时光。               


We are both so happy, you have no idea 


He had happy memories of his father 


Happy New Year to you 


As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy 


Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy 


It's year 2011 now! In the new year,I have a hope that I can go to Beijing this yearWhy I want to go to Beijing There are some reasons One is Susan,who is my best netfriendShe lives in Beijing,and she wants me go to visit herAnd one is Beijing is the capital , shie is a very beautiful city The last one is the snack in Beijing , it must be very deliciousAbove all,I really want to go to Beijing this year!




english english english please!!

太古时期,有一种凶猛的怪兽,散居在深山密林中,人们管它们叫“年”。“年”的形貌狰狞,生性凶残,专食飞禽走兽、鳞介虫豸,一天换一种口味,从磕头虫一直吃到大活人,让人谈“年”色变。慢慢地,人们掌握了“年”的活动规律,原来它每隔三百六十五天窜到人群聚居的地方尝一次口鲜,而且出没的时间都是在天黑以后,等到鸡鸣破晓,它们便返回山林中去了。算准了“年”的肆虐日期,男男女女便把这可怕的一夜视为关煞,称作“年关”,并且想出了一整套“过年关”的办法:每到这一天晚上,家家户户提前做好晚饭,熄火净灶,再把鸡圈牛栏全部拴牢,然后把宅院的大门封住,躲在屋里吃“年夜饭”——由于这顿晚餐具有凶吉未卜的意味,所以置办得很丰盛,除了要全家老小围在一起用餐表示和睦团圆外,还须在吃饭前先供祭祖先,祈求祖先的神灵保佑他们平平安安地度过这一夜。吃过晚饭后,谁都不敢睡觉,挤坐在一起闲聊壮胆。 天色渐渐黑了下来,“年”从深山老林里窜了出来,摸进人群聚居的村落。只见家家户户宅门紧闭,门前还堆著芝麻杆,街上却瞧不见一个人影儿。转了大半个晚上的“年”毫无所获,只好啃些芝麻杆充饥。再过些时,公鸡啼晓,这些凶残而又愚蠢的怪物只得怏怏返回。熬过“年关”的人们欣喜不已,要感谢天地祖宗的护佑,要互相祝贺没有被“年”吃掉,还要打开大门燃放鞭炮,去同邻里亲友见面道喜……,人们见面互相拱手作揖,祝贺道喜,庆幸没被年兽吃掉。这样过了好多年,没出什么事情,人们对年兽放松了警惕。就在有一年三十晚上,年兽突然窜到江南的一个村子里。一村子人几乎被年兽吃光了,只有一家挂红布帘、穿红衣的新婚小两口平安无事。还有几个童稚,在院里点了一堆竹子在玩耍,火光通红,竹子燃烧后“啪啪”地爆响,年兽转到此处,看见火光吓得掉头逃窜。此后,人们知道年兽怕红、怕光、怕响声,每至年末岁首,家家户户就贴红纸、穿红袍、挂红灯、敲锣打鼓、燃放爆竹,这样年兽就不敢再来了。在《诗经·小雅·庭燎》篇中,就有“庭燎之光”的记载。所谓“庭燎”就是用竹竿之类制作的火炬。竹竿燃烧后,竹节里的空气膨胀,竹腔爆裂,发出劈劈啪啪的响声,这也即是“爆竹”的由来。可是有的地方,村民不知年兽怕红,常常被年兽吃掉。这事后来传到天上的紫微那儿,他为了拯救人们,决心消灭年兽。有一年,他待年兽出来时,就用火球将它击倒,再用粗铁链将它锁在石柱上。从此,每到过年,人们总要烧香,请紫微星下界来保平安。 这种现象逐渐蔚成了绵绵相传的“过年”和“拜年”的风俗,“拜年”的风俗内容丰富,通常的顺序是:“先拜天地,次拜祖宗,再拜高堂,然后出门去拜亲朋友好,亦有初一拜本家、初二拜岳家、初三拜亲戚……等各种讲究,直至拜到正月十五,所谓拜个晚年。”

参考: geocities/angel_19920220/page3

Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays It consists of a period of celebrations

starting on New Year's Day

celebrated on the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar Traditionally

red packets (利是) are passed out during the Chinese New Year's celebrations

from married couples to unmarried people

especially children The envelopes contain money

usually varying from a dollar to several hundred dollars Chinese New Year is celebrated with firecrackers

dragon dances and lion dances Typically the game of mahjong is played in some families New clothing is also worn on the first day

1 Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival/Lunar New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays The Chinese New Year period lasts for 15 days

beginning on the first day of the first lunar month (正月 Zheng Yue) of the Chinese calendar The holiday period ends with 元宵节 (Yuan Xiao Jie)

on the 15th day of the festival It is possible that the beginning of the year began with month 1 during the Xia Dynasty

month 12 during the Shang Dynasty

and month 11 during the Zhou Dynasty in China

but intercalary months were added after month 12 during both the Shang Dynasty according to surviving oracle bones and the Zhou Dynasty according to Sima Qian The first Emperor of China Qin Shi Huang changed the beginning of the year to month 10 in 221 BC Whether the New Year was celebrated at the beginning of these months or at the beginning of month 1 or both is unknown In 104 BC

Emperor Wu established month 1 as the beginning of the year where it remains According to legend

in ancient China

nian ("Nyan")

a man-eating beast from the mountains

could infiltrate houses silently to prey on hum The people later learned that nian was sensitive to loud noises and the color red

so they scared it away with explosions

fireworks and the liberal use of the color red So guo nian actually me surviving the nian These customs led to the first New Year celebrations ================================================ 2 Features / Common Practices Red Packets Traditionally

red packets (Mandarin: 'hóng bāo' (红包); Hokkien: 'ang pow' (POJ: âng-pau); Hakka: 'fung bao'; Cantonese: 'leih síh' (利市)) are passed out during the Chinese New Year's celebrations

from married couples to unmarried people It is also mon for s to give red packets to children Red packets are also known as 压岁钱 (Ya Sui Qian lit age suppressing money) The key idea is to distribute the red paper

however the red envelopes will always contain money

usually varying from a few dollars to several hundred dollars The amount of money in the red packets should be of even numbers as odd numbers are associated with cash given during funerals (白金 : Bai Jin) New Year Markets Markets are set up near the New Year especially for vendors to sell New Year-related products These usually open-air markets feature floral products



for shoppers to buy ts for new year visitations as well as decor for their homes The practice of shopping for the perfect plum tree is not dissimilar to the Western tradition of buying a Christmas tree Firecrackers Firecrackers e individually or strung on a long string They are cased in red paper

as red is auspicious The loud popping noise created by the explosion is thought to scare away evil spirits Fireworks Fireworks are banned in Hong Kong for safety reasons

but the ernment will put on a fireworks display in Victoria Harbour on the second day of the Chinese New Year Similar displays are also held in many other cities in and outside China Clothing Red clothing is worn throughout the Chinese New Year

as red will scare away evil spirits and bad fortune Also

people typically wear new clothes from head to toe to symbolize starting anew in the new year Food Fish




Turnip/Taro cakes =========================================

参考: en /wiki/Chinese_new_year

资料来源于EnglishPod,内容覆盖生活、学习、工作、娱乐等各个方面的小专题,纯正地道的美音,内容非常的实用,希望对大家喜欢。, Intermediate - Chinese New Year (C0037) ,A: I’m so excited about Chinese New Year! When do I get to visit Grandma Grandma makes the best dumplings in the world!

B: Ha ha, right Sounds to me like you’re more excited about the dumplings than seeing your Grandma

A: Of course I miss Grandma, too I bet she’s gonna teach me how to play Mahjong! Hey, Dad, are you going to buy me firecrackers this year We’re going to have the best fireworks! I’m really looking forward to lighting them!

B: Son, firecrackers aren’t toys; they’re dangerous!

A: No, fireworks are awesome!,B: Whoa, don’t you remember Last year when I set off the firecrackers, you covered both your ears and hid behind your mother

A: Dad! I was scared because because I saw a bug That’s all

B: Hahaha really

A: Oh, and I can’t wait to watch the dragon dance!Dad, can I sit on your shoulders this time

B: Hey, I offered last year

A: Well, I anyways, I was just thinking of the red envelopes I wanna make a list of all the things I’m gonna buy with my red envelope money! I can’t wait! I’m gonna have so much money! Mom, can I get a pen and a piece of paper



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