

#英语口语# 导语婚礼是一种宗教仪式或法律公证仪式,其意义在于获取社会的承认和祝福,防止重婚,帮助新婚夫妇适应新的社会角色和要求,准备承担社会责任。下面就由 考 网来说说家庭婚礼的英语口语对话吧!


Todd: So Travis, you said your brother is getting married


Travis: Well, actually not my brother, my cousin is getting married On my family's side of the family, on my father's side of the family, I have quite a few cousins and quite a few uncles and aunts My dad is one of eight children, so we've always been very close and basically we've been a nuclear family around my grandparents of my dad's side, so my cousin, Brian, is going to be getting married in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and I think that wedding is taking place about August 9th


Todd: Oh, wow


Travis: So we are all going to be going out there as a family Hopefully we'll have as many as maybe forty of us, and whoever the bride invites , and we'll be on the beach for about 3 or 4 days, and have a wedding of Saturday, so it should be pretty exciting


Todd: Mexico, that's an interesting choice I mean, that's pretty far away


Travis: It is pretty far away so it should be kind of expensive for all the guests to get there, which might be planned on my cousin's side because he might be trying to limit the amount of people who come to his wedding, so it won't get to overly large, and Mexico is actually cheaper to have a wedding than the United States because the power of the dollar versus the power of the peso, is you know, quite strong, so you can go down to Mexico and for maybe a third the price have the same lavish wedding you might have in the United States, though Puerto Vallarta might be a little more expensive than a normal Mexican wedding because Puerto Viarta is sort of a tourist and resort community


Todd: Have you been to Puerto Viarta before


Travis: I've never been there before In fact, even though I am from Southern California and from Los Angeles basically, which is only two hours from Mexico, I've never been to Mexico


Todd: I'm from San Francisco and even I've been to Mexico


Travis: Well, Tijuana is a place everybody goes to, and it's never had any big appeal for me Typically, southern Californians will go there, as soon they turn 18, cause at 18 you can drink in Tijuana, and you can't drink in California when you're 18 You have to wait until you are 21, so that's a big reason to go I suppose, but I never made it down there


Todd: Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy Mexico


Travis: I'm sure I will



1 get married

2 get hitched

hitch本意是指车辆后的拖钩,用get hitched表示两个人从此牵在了一起。

3 tie the knot据说来历是因为婚床上的帐子必须用打结的绳子才能支起来哦。

4 walk down the aisleaisle是指婚礼礼堂宾客之间的走廊,走过这段就到了举行仪式的地方。


1 求婚 proposal

2 订婚 engagement

3 订婚戒指 engagement ring

4 旅行婚礼 destination wedding

5 海滨婚礼 beachfront wedding

6 教堂婚礼 chruch wedding

7 草坪婚礼 lawn wedding

8 后花园婚礼 backyard wedding

9 婚宴/室内婚礼 ballroom wedding

10 婚礼筹备 wedding preparations

11 婚礼彩排 wedding rehearsal

12 伴郎 groomsmen

13 伴娘 bridesmaids

14 婚纱 wedding dress

15 结婚戒指 wedding rings

16 喜糖 wedding favors

17 婚宴 reception

18 第一伴郎 best-man

19 第一伴娘 maid of honor

20 抛花球 the bride bouquet

21 抛袜圈 garter

22 新娘送礼会 bridal shower

23 单身晚会 bachelor's party

24 蜜月 honeymoon

25 婚礼誓词 wedding vows


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/jiehun/2404681.html

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