姓名:李俊基(其实是李准基) (이준기)
居住地:釜山 昌原
家族成员:爸爸 妈妈 妹妹
兴趣:特长택견1段,跆拳道 公认2段 /足球 上网
呢称:猴子 起重机
性格:比较沉默寡言 酒喝多了对同事比较活泼,180度转变
喜欢的食物:咖喱饭,牛排 五花肉
讨厌的类型:神经质 目中无人的类型
"b `7~![)bJmI mGuest 在《王的男人》里一起参与演出的甘宇成说:“李俊基尽最大的努力演戏了,导演和其他前辈们也尽力地帮助他,对李俊基来说这是幸运,能接到好的前辈,好的作品,都是幸运,这样的机会不是很容易遇到的,有点担心以后遇到不好的作品时怎么办,要学着自己一个人——战胜一切!”
|8tfW^0Nv CGuest 第一次读到《王的男人》时,李俊基的心情激动的不得了,当他读孔吉的角色的时候,认为自己只能演这样的角色,但很多人怀疑他能否演好如此中性的孔吉角色,李俊基需要了解“孔吉”和“长生”的关系,当时网上开始传出关于他的新闻,于是有些人问他是男人还是女人,但李俊基却得到了更强的自信心——“我的表演能引起观众的错觉,因此我更感到自信,不会担心自己的表演很古怪。”当大家看到跟《宾馆维纳斯》和《芭蕾舞训练班》里的角色不同的他的时候,感到很惊讶。《宾馆维纳斯》里的坚强角色和《芭蕾舞训练班》里的幽默角色跟孔吉一点都不同,“听很多人说我的模样会根据角色而不同,所以想知道以后的模样。”
)fYg}\-VT`WIGuest 李俊基说的没错,大家正因期待着他的新作而焦急等待着。
KN,l4[bO \Guest EnjoyKorea 博客fYK1N@$L x9e a!p&G I
2TB|aBGuest姓名:李俊基 Lee Jun Ki
OKZ7V&S{Guest出生日期:1982年4月17日EnjoyKorea 博客6@4uR N3|g
IV(ze_"fOJ8W"EGuest血型:B型EnjoyKorea 博客"LM`9A/^O,^:q8E
家庭状况:一男一女中的长男EnjoyKorea 博客p/@&e o~:pmeF
出生地:韩国釜山EnjoyKorea 博客t|0jV_czR#ee
绰号:猴子、起重机EnjoyKorea 博客P }(R3[3W8j
#tos kZy`Guest特长:跆拳道、足球、电脑游戏
2G r&\1Q MGuest喜欢的颜色:红色、蓝色 EnjoyKorea 博客G#|U`/oBw8h
喜欢的食物:咖喱饭、牛排、五花肉 EnjoyKorea 博客RnU f:y
^{-b4@ aN_+LGuest喜欢的季节:春天、秋天
5d}`u7^0nEGuest喜欢的演员:薛景求 EnjoyKorea 博客!bCL/E)K&H2H
睡觉习惯:睡觉喜欢左右翻,特别是没事的时候 EnjoyKorea 博客}r-l lJr
出道经历:2001年拍摄杂志封面照,SO-BASIC平面广告模特 EnjoyKorea 博客g3q[dSl
电视作品:日韩合拍剧《星的声音》EnjoyKorea 博客 |p-d+R9K@8sL:y
MBC《Non-stop4》(客串)EnjoyKorea 博客1pl'K~ Eh0Z
KBS电视短剧《我该怎么办》EnjoyKorea 博客%|I C+Xa
SBS电视剧《My Girl》EnjoyKorea 博客KXt!z/F{U
EnjoyKorea 博客 [9A8~{)Z2kh
如果看过**《王的男人》的话,李俊基绝对会成为聚集我们视线的演员,如果没有对**和李俊基有提前了解,大家都会把新人演员李俊基当成女演员的。对于国内的大部分观众来说,喜欢李俊基可能就是因为他的电视剧作品《My Girl》了。
&Ku8ELSg"^"b3JGuest 李俊基为了当演员高三毕业后从釜山到了首尔,那段时间他不顾一切困难做兼职,用辛苦挣的钱上首尔艺术大学学习演技**专业。做模特期间,他还曾和姜东元做过搭档,那时的姜东元已经在电视剧中出演了男主角,而李俊基还是个没有任何演技经验的模特。他为此着急过,也羡慕对方的好运。“有段时间,生活过的非常枯燥,除了去上课,就是穿着并不属于我的衣服拍照。想着这是我想要的人生吗?当然不是!我想要做可以演绎多彩人生的演员。看着身边的人一个个红起来,我的心也跟着浮躁起来。”EnjoyKorea 博客$_R Iead] ^9I
EnjoyKorea 博客p+](MN4dv[
JS \&VSBsc-ZGuest 李俊基?也许很多中国人对他的名字还很陌生,但现在的他,已经是韩国家喻户晓的人气王了。在上高中的时候就开始有强烈想当演员欲望的他,就有演“有广大血统的,不像女人的女人,不像男人的男人”的孔吉这样角色的想法,也许是一生再也见不到的角色,所以当初他的欲望很强烈。
~+YnI6h5JGuest “第一次参加面试的时候没想到自己能通过,但第2、3次面试的时候,我的信心开始逐渐变大,不想被别人夺走机会,但后来又担心自己演不好,导演说要成为不是李俊基的孔吉,单单模仿是不足的,后来觉得自己的声音、动作在慢慢地发生变化。拍摄**的时候不敢开玩笑,但拍完了以后就能用我自己的声音来和大家爱开玩笑了。EnjoyKorea 博客~3e)]%v)C;^vU
qM-iD,gGuest 李俊基说,自己从不盲目地崇拜前辈,而是喜欢像曹承佑前辈那样的表演热情,他的未来是明亮的。EnjoyKorea 博客g(GX w9a(m4Y"a t
《王的男人》里变身为“王的男人”EnjoyKorea 博客 rA-a~FI
&a(^8e Ra iCWp2sGuest 李俊基还非常具有爱心,4月11日,儿童保护基金会称李俊基按照约定将担任服装品牌Giordano一日店长活动时的慈善基金捐赠。原计划李俊基将于4月26日在位于首尔Coex Mall的Giordano卖场担任一日店长,但因怕人潮拥挤而发生意外,活动不得已取消了,但李俊基遵守本来约定,捐出当日收入的10%作为慈善基金。所以,虽然没能参加活动,李俊基还是主动捐出了100万韩元支持慈善活动。
i P-}D1Wh5QGuest 去年,他拍摄《王的男人》的时候,显得默默无言,很冷淡,但在拍摄《My Girl》时,又变成很开朗的男人了。“当时因投入于《王的男人》的角色,所以在日常生活里无法从角色中摆脱出来,现在还留下那样的形象,有时候手势和动作很像孔吉,所以会故意发出更粗的声音。”
x3w {o8a5N LGuest 拍摄《My Girl》的时候他努力地演花花公子正宇,但相比电视剧的摄影现场,他毕竟更熟悉**摄影现场。“连续剧跟**不一样,要瞬间地完成工作,所以有的时候觉得很糊涂,我是喜欢经常跟导演讨论的人,但连续剧拍的实在很快,所以没法讨论。而且连续剧需要瞬间爆发力,但我的能力还没达到那样的程度,所以有时候拍得不够仔细,觉得可惜,但很有意思。”《王的男人》带给了我们一个俊美的李俊基,那么《My Girl》则给了大家一个帅气潇洒的李俊基。“其实我是喜欢浪漫的男人,在拍摄《王的男人》之前,没有人说我像女人,喜欢的事物也和现在的年轻人一样。”做过的觉得浪漫的事情呢?“我希望别人为我做浪漫的事情^_^,如果遇到喜欢的人,我会当着很多人的面来承诺幸福的。”
Merry Go Round (Explicit) - Machine Gun Kelly
Merry, merry, merry go round
I don't want to see you down
I don't want to see you frown
Merry go round
Summer day
Bobby and this girl would wake up every summer day
This boy and girl had nothing, they were runaways
So in love that now all they wanted was pain and so it came
Never had a silver spoon present in the past
Now at last, the spoon is present and so the boy wet it
Told her bring him a slab, a cotton swab, and a match
And told her one day they'll fly across the world and have a wedding
Like "baby I have a plan, come with me to this place
Baby give me your hand, now flip it give me a vein
Baby take off your belt, we'll use it as a restraint"
She sees that it starts to melt, he reaches inside a case
Fills the needle with food, flicks the needle with haste
Brings the needle to her, she isn't right in the face
The boy can tell that she's scared, he says "I love you, okay"
Then shoves it into her arm and says "how the fuck does that taste baby!"
Merry, merry, merry go round
I don't want to see you down
I don't want to see you frown
Merry go round
Merry, merry, merry go round
I don't want to see you down
I don't want to see you frown
Merry, merry, merry go round
Her dress drops, her head drops
Swiggin' out of a whiskey bottle, he just watches
But he was not Bobby, see Bobby had joined the army
Been gone for a couple months now she's messin' with everybody
Everyone of the dealers, everyone hears her squealing
Trading pussy for product, she did anything for that feeling
But then she started that feeling, early morning she's kneelin'
In front of the toilet look at her belly there's no concealing
That she's expecting a child
This woman is living foul
She's only 20 years old
And hardly can even smile
Ultrasound shows a baby that's barely over a pound
Sold everything in her house just trying to score an ounce
News of her baby's father was that he died in the war
Now that syringe is all that keeps her alive anymore
No mattress, so her and her child dyin' on the floor
As a letter's at the door reading:
"I'll be home tomorrow love, Bobby"
Merry, merry, merry go round
I don't want to see you down
I don't want to see you frown
Merry go round
Merry, merry, merry go round
I don't want to see you down
I don't want to see you frown
Merry, merry, merry go round
Knockin' at the door but doesn't get an answer
Bobby's nervous, his heart starts to beat faster
He hasn't talked to his girl in so long
She sold his phone for a hit, damn how he wish
that he could hear her laughter
But his drug hit her like a cancer
And he forgot 'cause he had left and cleaned his act up
Passenger seat in his Acura got a picture of 'em kissing
Under the words "happily ever after"
He walks into the house, it's a fuckin' disaster
Every step he takes his shoe crushes a capsule
Holds his breath, he knows what he smells isn't natural
Looks down, it's the body of the queen of his castle
"Baby please, baby please!!!"
"Wake up!!!"
He screams on his knees and he sees her hands around her stomach
Inside was a child
And realizes it was his
Summer day,
An entire family died on that summer day
'cause a facade made a girl give her love away
But those were Bobby's consequences that he had to pay
Love is pain
Merry, merry, merry go round
I don't want to see you down
I don't want to see you frown
Merry go round
Merry, merry, merry go round
I don't want to see you down
I don't want to see you frown
Merry, merry, merry go round
He Gave Her His Art
George Aye, designer, 32, and Sara Aye, design consultant, 29, Chicago, Ill
He: It took about two months to plan my marriage proposal to Sara, my girlfriend of three and a half years We're both designers, and I wanted it to be something that would slowly reveal the words Will you marry me When a coworker put me in touch with the owner of an art gallery, I decided to stage a fake art show
Photographed by Andrew Brusso
Sara and George Aye are together by design; he handcrafted his marriage proposal
First I created it all with 3-D software Then I made the letters for Will you marry me out of foam core, using a laser cutter I broke them into even smaller shapes, so there were about 60 pieces in all, and I stuck each one on its own piece of aluminum siding The idea was to have the pieces at different heights, arranged seemingly randomly around the room But if Sara stood in just one place, she could read my question
I set up a video camera where Sara would be standing to make sure the letters lined up right; it took a full 40-hour workweek to arrange them It was a nightmare! I really sweated About a week before, I sent an e-mail to Sara and all our friends, saying, "There's an artist, Serge Gandaora, who's having a show on Friday called My Early Muir Owl" I played with words: Serge Gandaora was an anagram of "George and Sara," while My Early Muir Owl was a jumble of "Will you marry me" The studio owner even enlisted an actor friend to play Serge during the show
The day of the proposal, I texted a few friends, "This is a big day I hope I don't screw up" I just wanted Sara to know how much I loved her
She: At the gallery, after I'd chatted with people for a few minutes, George walked over and said, "My friend can introduce us to Serge" Serge said his artwork was "all about the intersection of text and space" I was thinking, I don't see any text But just to be polite, I said, "Oh, wow, that's great!" Then Serge said, "If you look through these frames, you'll see the world differently"
Well, I saw these frames-like little rectangles-placed all around the room I looked through one, but I just saw white pieces Then George steered me toward a pair of frames, one at eye level and the other a couple of feet off the ground The lower one was a vehicle for him to get on one knee! I looked through the frame, and after a second, I saw the word you It was magical, appearing as if out of nowhere I moved my head one degree and suddenly the whole thing just came together: Will you marry me
The room had gone silent Everybody was looking at me I turned and saw George on one knee and I started to freak out He was holding a ring, looking at me like, Well
And I said, "Of course I'll marry you!"
It was amazing I was crying, and I kind of fell against the wall I remember thinking that he didn't have to work so hard to persuade me I would have said yes anyway!
England's Wedding rich, from their honeymoon to marry him according to their own traditional way In northern England York City marry him rather peculiar way, inherit a legacy of the ancient folk, girls mature, the need to get married, they wear tight clothes of different colors to indicate male Different colors, different meaning that precisely the same and traffic lights Green said: "Come! I am willing to love, to pursue bold! "Amber said:" The opportunity is in the affirmative, if I of the Italian still has a chance of success "Red said:" I do not want to present minute, I will not pursue "Courageous man will root The color of each other's clothes, according to their own choice to pursue bold, not misconduct will be taken on the label
Once the two sides established a dating relationship, the woman gave the man to engagement rings and held a ceremony Such practices throughout the whole of the UK The rings are married or engaged to the traditions of many peoples, England held in the church wedding ceremony, the bride and groom to wear a ring is indispensable one important element Even people not wearing the rings that marriage is invalid When a priest asked whether the couple would be willing to do each other's wives or husbands, whether mutual respect and remain live after the bride and groom to wear a ring on my ring finger It symbolizes a husband to his wife of pure love, while his wife also accepted and be faithful to this love
The custom of wearing the ring can be traced back to ancient Egypt, China, it not only as a chop is a decoration Marriage is not the first ring inlaid diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and red accessories, as a symbol of pure circular jointly together by the marriage of two people together In some peoples as a symbol of a magical, bless the couple a long and happy life, while giving recipients the right to express confidence that the recipients are subject to loyalty
The rings symbolize the pure love, silver rings that emotional tenderness With Western countries like Britain, engagement rings is part of the system without any mosaic stones, wedding rings should be installed accessories, the quality of the rings are based on individual economic conditions are different Engagement, wedding rings can wear the same ring, wedding ring can be replaced engaged by the ring
Britain in the 16th century, wedding rings engraved on the inside is often pictorial or family Proverbs, such as "God made me a certain wife," Bishop's wife, a certain ring inscribed on one hand, one heart, one bishop and a skeleton champion, is the inscription: "Before I give you three, I detached the fourth "Today the inscription rings are only inscribed the names of the bride and groom initials
Married to British costume; The bride dressed in white, football, wearing a white garlands, but also cast a long white, carrying white flowers In short, the British advocating white symbolizes purity of love, acting The first yarn wearing the custom can be traced back to the 10th century BC, when women wearing Your brothers were first popular yarn In ancient Greece, held not only marriage ceremony bride to wear the first flax yarn or fabric, and must wear a new Corolla By Roman times, people of different religious beliefs to wear a different color yarn to show the first distinction Since the Middle Ages, the nobles of the court appeared Corolla decorated with pearls Afterward, become the first white yarn, and increasing the size of the extension, and throughout Europe
Held once married, the bride and groom from the church by the time, people would like to congratulate the couple, not on kissing and hugging and shaking hands, but they scattered to the colorful confetti Debris scattered on the origin of the custom Samai tablets 1491 Britain's King Henry VII portability queen travel to Bristol Travel the way, was a baker's wife that she yard from the window to Samai tablets, and shouted: "Welcome to you, Your Majesty! I wish you happiness and longevity "This has become a legendary, 16 century, the practice has been widely circulated, people to groom new Mother Samai tablets, sometimes with various colors Granule a symbol of good harvest and an affluent life, but also congratulate the newlyweds a long and happy life, quietly
Honeymoon is married British youth around one of the important contents They put down money for savings tourism, and tourism after marriage to be known as the honeymoon This was originally an ancient custom, when the wedding must drink a special drink with honey, to symbolize the family happy, love sweet and happy life This marriage began drinking beverages from 30 days, put the wedding of the month as a honeymoon
In Britain attaches great importance to the wedding anniversary, celebrated every year and with different title Paper is the first year of marriage, the second marriage is cotton, leather for the third year of marriage, Yi married for the fourth year, the fifth year that wooden marriage, said Rail sixth year of marriage, copper is the seventh year of marriage, pottery is the eighth year of marriage, Liu married for the ninth year, is the tenth year Tin, is the future of marriage, around-marriage, marriage lace, as teeth marriage, crystal marriage After the 15th, have a five-year term, followed by enamel married Heroes (Diershiwunian a ceremony), beads of marriage, marital coral, ruby marriage, sapphire marriage, marriage (50 years is the second ceremony), jade marriage, marriage diamonds This last one is the third largest celebration, but few people can celebrate the celebrations
DARCY: Might I ask why, with so little endeavour at civility, I am thus repulsed
LIZZIE: (trembling with emotion) I might as well enquire why, with so evident a design of insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your better judgement If I was uncivil, that was some excuse -
DARCY: Believe me, I didn't mean
LIZZIE: But I have other reasons, you know I have!
DARCY: What reasons
LIZZIE: Do you think that anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined, perhaps for ever, the happiness of a most beloved sister
Silence Darcy looks as if he's been struck across the face
LIZZIE: (cont'd) Do you deny it, Mr Darcy That you've separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to the censure of the world for caprice, and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes, and involving them both in misery of the acutest kind
DARCY: I do not deny it
LIZZIE: (blurts out) How could you do it
DARCY: Because I believed your sister indifferent to him
LIZZIE: Indifferent
DARCY: I watched them most carefully, and realized his attachment was much deeper than hers
LIZZIE: That's because she's shy!
DARCY: Bingley too is modest, and was persuaded that she didn't feel strongly for him
LIZZIE: Because you suggested it!
DARCY: I did it for his own good
LIZZIE: My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me! (pause, takes a breath) I suppose you suspect that his fortune had same bearing on the matter
DARCY: ( sharply) No! I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour Though it was suggested (stops)
LIZZIE: What was
DARCY: It was made perfectly clear thatan advantageous marriage (stops)
LIZZIE: Did my sister give that impression
An awkward pause
DARCY: (cont'd) There was, however, I have to admit the matter of your family
LIZZIE: Our want of connection Mr Bingley didn't vex himself about that!
DARCY: No, it was more than that
LIZZIE: How, sir
DARCY: (pause, very uncomfortable) It pains me to say this, but it was the lack of propriety shown by your mother, your three younger sisters - even, on occasion, your father Forgive me
Lizzie blushes He has hit home Darcy paces up and down
DARCY: (cont'd) You and your sister - I must exclude from this
Darcy stops He is in turmoil Lizzie glares at him, ablaze
In the spring of 1971,I met a girl The first time I saw her, we were, appropriately enough, in aclass on political and civil rights She had thick blond hair, big glassesWore no makeup And she exuded this strength of self-possession I found magnetic
After the class, Ifollowed her out, intending to introduce myself I got close enough to touchher back, but I couldn't do it Somehow, I knew this would not be just anothertap on the shoulder, that I might be starting something I couldn't stop I saw herseveral more times the next few days but still didn't speak to her Then onenight in the law library talking to a classmate who wanted me to join the YaleLaw Journal, he said it would guarantee me a job at a big firm or a clerkshipwith a federal judge I really wasn’t interested — I just wanted to go home toArkansas
Then I saw the girlagain, standing at the opposite end of that long room Finally, she was staringback at me So I watched her She closed her book, put it down, and startedwalking toward me She walked the whole length of the library, came up to me,and said, "Look, if you are going to keep staring at me, we at least oughtto know each other's name I'm Hillary Rodham, who are you" I was soimpressed and surprised that, whether you believe it or not, momentarily, I wasspeechless
Finally, I sort ofblurted out my name and we exchanged a few words, and she went away Well, Ididn't join the Law Review, but I did leave that library with a whole new goalin mind A couple days later, I saw her again, wearing a long, white, floweryskirt, and I went up to her and she said she was going to register for classesfor the next term I said I would go too
We stood in line andtalked — you had to do that to register back then I thought I was doing prettywell until we got to the front of the line and the registrar looked up andsaid, "Bill, what are you doing here You registered this morning"
I turned red and shelaughed that big laugh of hers and I thought, well, heck, since my cover hasbeen blown, I asked her to take a walk down to the art museum We have beenwalking, and talking, and laughing together ever since
And we have done it ingood times, through joy and heartbreak We cried together this morning on thenews that our good friend and a lot of your good friend, Mark Weiner, passedaway early this morning We built up a lifetime of memories After the firstmonth and that first walk, I drove her home to Park Ridge, Illinois, to meether family and see the town where she grew up, a perfect example of post-WorldWar II middle-class America Street after street of nice houses, great schools,good parks, a big public swimming pool And almost all white
I really liked herfamily, her crusty, conservative father, her rambunctious brothers, allextolling the virtue of rooting for the bears and the cubs And for the peopleof Illinois here, they even told me what waiting for next year meant — could benext year, guys
Now, her mother wasdifferent She was more liberal than the boys She had a childhood that mademine look like a piece of cake She was easy to underestimate with her softmanner and she reminded me all over again of the truth of that old saying thatyou should never judge a book by its cover Knowing her was one of the greatestgifts Hillary ever gave me
I learned that Hillarygot her introduction to social justice through her Methodist youth minister,Don Jones He took her downtown to Chicago to hear Martin Luther King Jr speakand he remained her friend for the rest of his life This will be the onlycampaign of hers he ever missed
When she got tocollege, her opposition to the Vietnam War compelled her to change parties andbecome a Democrat And then between college and law school, on a total lark,she went alone to Alaska and spent time sliming fish
More to the point, bythe time I met her she had already been involved in the law school's legalservices project and she had been influenced by Marian Wright Edelman She tooka summer internship interviewing workers in migrant camps for Sen WalterMondale’s subcommittee She had also begun working in the Yale New Havenhospital to develop procedures to handle suspected child abuse cases
She got so involved inchildren's issues that she actually took an extra year in law school working atthe child studies center to learn what more could be done to improve the livesand futures of poor children She was already determined to figure out how tomake things better
Hillary opened my eyesto a whole new world of public service by private citizens In the summer of1972, she went to Dothan, Alabama, to visit one of those segregated academiesthat enrolled over a half a million white kids in the South The only way theeconomics worked was if they claimed federal tax exemptions to which they werenot legally entitled She got sent to prove they weren't
So she sauntered intoone of these academies all by herself, pretending to be a housewife that justmoved to town and needed to find a school for her son And they exchangepleasantries and finally, she said, "Look, let's get to the bottom lineIf I enroll my son in this school, will he be in a segregated school Yes orno" And the guy said "Absolutely" She had him I’ve seen it athousand times since
And she went back andher encounter was part of a report that gave Marian Wright Edelman the forcethey needed to keep working to get the Nixon administration to take those taxexemptions away and give our kids access to an equal education
Then she went down toSouth Texas, where she met one of the nicest fellows I ever met, the wonderfulunion leader Franklin Garcia, and he helped her register Mexican-Americanvoters I think some of them are still around to vote for her in 2016 Andthen, in our last year in law school, Hillary kept up this work She went toSouth Carolina to see why so many young African-American boys — I mean, youngteenagers — were being jailed for years with adults in men's prisons She fileda report on that, which led to some changes too Always making things better
Meanwhile, let's getback to business I was trying to convince her to marry me I first proposed toher on a trip to Great Britain, the first time she'd ever been overseas Wewere on the shoreline of this wonderful lake, Lake Ennerdale I asked her tomarry me and she said, "I can't do it"
So in 1974, I wenthome to teach in law school and Hillary moved to Massachusetts to keep workingon children's issues This time, trying to figure out why so many kids countedin the census weren't enrolled in school
She found one of themsitting alone on her porch in a wheelchair Once more, she filed a report aboutthese kids and that helped influence ultimately the Congress to adopt theproposition that children with disabilities, physical or otherwise, should haveequal access to public education You saw the result of that last night whenAnastasia Somoza talked She never made fun of people with disabilities Shetried to empower them based on their abilities
Meanwhile, I was stilltrying to get her to marry me The second time I asked, I tried a differenttactic I said, "I really want you to marry me, but you shouldn't doit" She smiled and looked at me like what is this boy up to She said,"That is not a very good sales pitch" I said, "I know but it'strue" And I meant it It was true I said, "I know most of the youngDemocrats our age who want to go into politics, they mean well and they speakwell, but none of them is as good as you are at actually doing things to makepositive changes in people's lives"
So I suggested she gohome to Illinois or move to New York and look for a chance to run for officeShe laughed and said, "Are you out of your mind Nobody would ever votefor me" So I finally got her to come visit me in Arkansas And when shedid, the people at the law school were so impressed, they offered her ateaching position And she decided to take a huge chance
She moved to a strangeplace, more rural and conservative than anywhere she had been Where she knewgood and well that people were wondering what in the world she was like andwhether they could or should accept her Didn't take them long to find out whatshe was like
She loved herteaching She got frustrated when one of her students said, "What do youexpect, I'm just from Arkansas" She said, "Don’t tell me thatYou’re as smart as anybody You just have to believe in yourself and work forit and set high goals" She believed anyone could make it She alsostarted the first legal aid clinic in northwest Arkansas, providing legal aidservices to poor people who couldn't pay for them
One day, I was drivingher to the airport to fly back to Chicago when we passed this little brickhouse that had a for-sale sign on it and she said, "Boy, that's a prettyhouse" It had 1,100 square feet, an attic fan and no air conditioner inhot Arkansas, and a screened-in porch Hillary commented on what a uniquelydesigned and beautiful house it was
So I took a bigchance I bought the house My mortgage was $175 a month When she came back, Ipicked her up and said, "You remember that house you like" I said,"While you were gone, I bought it, and you have to marry me now" Thethird time was the charm We were married in that little house on October 11,1975 I married my best friend