










Quest ID: SexLabAmorousAdventuresTailors

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Amorous Adventures: Threading The Needle / Finest Materials 爱的大冒险:穿针引线/最好的材料

Quest ID: SexLabAmorousAdventuresTailors

STAGE 2: I have found a strange Wedding Dress on a dead woman in Broken Oar Grotto Sybille Stentor might have some insight into what this means and how it could be related to the strange illness Elisif has come down with

STAGE 3: I should see the bard Pantea Ateia and see if she has any lore regarding the Wedding Dress I have found

STAGE 6: Pantea Ateia has given me a book of ancient curses Perhaps this holds the secret to the mystery of the Wedding Dress and Elisif I should read it

STAGE 10: The book mentions a method to break the curse Apparently a new dress will be required I should seek out the tailors in Solitude who create all the finery worn by the court in the Blue Palace Perhaps they would know something about the make of this Cursed Wedding Dress used to attack Elisif

STAGE 20: The tailor Taarie in Solitude has asked me to look into the needs of her sister Endarie Perhaps we can come to an equitable trade of services for information

STAGE 29: I have hit a snag in my attempt to woo Endarie, a tailor at Radiant Raiment in Solitude She is quite the harpy She said to come back "with a friend" I'll try asking Jordis if she will aid me in this pursuit

STAGE 30: My Housecarl Jordis has proven inflexible in this matter I should talk to the tailor Taarie and demand the information I seek on this wedding dress!

STAGE 35: Taarie has told me she can make me a new Wedding Dress - a component required to break the curse on Lady Elisif She has given me a list of materials I shall need to collect I should read the list

STAGE 40: Taarie has given me a list of items needed to create the dress that can save Elisif and break the curse It seems I will need to investigate a Forsworn stronghold - the source of the Cursed Wedding Dress Perhaps I will find some materials there

STAGE 50: My Housecarl Jordis is proving to be somewhat inflexible The Adventurers trade requires a sidekick that that is more adaptable to odd circumstances Perhaps my Housecarl Lydia can help her understand I will take Jordis to meet with Lydia

STAGE 55: I need to talk to Jordis and she if she is finally comfortable with her role as my Housecarl

STAGE 60: To complete the dress, I must enlist the aid of Endarie, a tailor at Radiant Raiment in Solitude I will take my Housecarl Jordis with me on this mission to woo the Elf

STAGE 65: Jordis and I have satisfied the tailor Endarie She will now aid in making the special dress I need and has asked me to return to enjoy her company in the future

STAGE 70: I must speak to Taarie about making the dress once I have provided her all the materials she requested

STAGE 80: I have provided all the things needed to make the dress to break the curse on Elisif Taarie says she will have the dress made soon I owe her for this - all of Solitude does if it works I should try to please her in the future with my bard skills

STAGE 200: Quest Complete


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/jiehun/8246717.html

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