


Ms女士,通常不知其是否已婚或不知其丈夫的姓氏。如:张女士:Ms Zhang

Miss**,指未婚女性。如: 王**:Miss Wang  




英 [ˈleɪdi]   美 [ˈledi]  


Sharon was a wonderful lady and I know she'll be greatly missed 



英 [ˈmædəm]   美 [ˈmædəm]  


Oh! What a pity! I'm sorry I can do nothing to help you, madam 


3、young lady

英 [jʌŋ ˈleidi]   美 [jʌŋ ˈledi]  


He married a young lady of Indian extraction 





 A:Hello, this is HR of Future Clothes Company May I speak to Fred


 B:This is Fred So glad to have your phone call


 A:I'm calling to inform you have passed the interview


 B:Really My god! I'm so excited to hear the good news


 A:Wait…wait…one more thing, please come here to sign the employment contract tomorrow morning


 B:I see Thank you again for calling us


 A:Don't mention it We will be colleagues from now on and I hope we will get along well with each other


 B:That's for sure There are lots of things we should learn from you


 C:Fred, I have good news to tell you


 B:What good news


 C:Next month I will become one member of Pineapple Computer Company


 B:Is that true I can not believe this David and I are also members of Future Clothes Company


 C:Congratulations! Let's go out to have a drink




 When did you graduate from school Which school and which program


 I graduated from Nantong Medical School as a major of nursing care in 1995


 How many years have you been working From which year


 Five years Since 1995


 How will you spend your salaries How much money do you want to make In Singapore


 I will leave some for daily use , and post other money to my home, or save them in the bank


 How many nurses and doctors are there in your hospital


 About 100 nurses,80 doctors and 2 foreign experts They are from

 问:到新加坡后如不适应新环境, 新气候,怎么办?

 What will you do if you can not suit the new environment and new climate in Singapore


 I have confidence in my ability I can overcome every difficulties Also, I believe that adversities can improve me


 Can you take an introduction to yourself, and tell me all about yourself


 Yes, my name is Zhang ping, I come from Qidong City, Jiangsu province, I graduated from a middle medical school I am 25 years old


 Where do you work now and what’s your job position Please tell me your work procedures


 I now work in Qidong people’s Hospital as a nurse


 In which way do you know Singapore


 I know Singapore through watching TV, reading newspapers, listening to radio and so on


 Do you work on shift in the hospital How many persons are there in your group team


 Yes, I work on shift There are eight persons in my group team


 Can you keep working twelve hours a day And what will you do if the head nurse deliberately puts up obstacles for you


 Yes, I can


 If the patients or their relatives do not understand your works, and so are unkind to you , what will you, what will you do


 First, I will check whether I have done something wrong or improperly If I find I am right, I will give an explanation patiently till they are satisfied


 If they make trouble to you deliberately, what will you do



 What’s your monthly salary in the hospital


 About one thousand Renminbi yuan , not including overthime salary


 How many people are there in your family


 Three people: my husband, my daughter, and me


 You want to go to Singapore, and do your parents agree with you


 Yes, they do And they support me very much They hope I can learn more technologies and make more money


 Who will take care of your parents if you go to Singapore If your parents miss you, or you miss them, what will you do


 They are very healthy They can work now If something happens, many of my relatives, say ,my uncles, aunts, and cousins, can help them


 Are you married or single

 答:没有/ 结婚了。

 No/ Yes, I am married


 Do you have boyfriend Why have not you got married


 No, I am single/ I had a boyfriend, but now we were separated/ Yes, I have, and he also encourages me to work in Singapore to improve myself My hospital is a state-owned hospital in general However, there are investment from Hong Kong in the gynecology department, obstetrics department and pediatrics department, which I work at And people from Hong Kong also manage the three departments


 Can you tell me something about your hospital


 OK It is a Class-two Grade-one hospital in China Among the best hospitals at county level It is also a Baby-friendly Hospital named by WHO, United Nations Children’s Fund and the Ministry of Public Health of China My hospital is also the teaching and training base or many medical colleges


 答:There are 传染病科(Infectious disease department), 结核病科(tuberculosis department), 妇科(gynecology department),产科(obstetrics department), 儿科(pediatrics department), 内科(internal medicine department), 外科(surgical

 department), 普通外科(general surgery department), 急救站(first-aid station), 眼科(ophihaimonogy department), 牙科(dental department), 耳鼻喉科(ENT department), 泌尿科(urology department), 皮肤科(dermatology department), 麻醉科(anesthesiology department),中医科(TCM department), 精神病科(psychiatry department), 骨科(orthopediacs department), 胸外科(cerebral surgery depart) 脑外科(thoraeic surgery depart) 心脏内科(cardiology depart) 心脏外科(cardiology surgery depart), 神经内科

 (neurology depart),, 神经外科(neuro-surgery depart), 手术室(operation theater)等等and so on


 Please take off your mask and gloves, OK Or Would you please take off your mask and gloves



 A:What do you consider to be your strong points


 B:I think I’m tough not only physically but mentally


 A:Why do you say that


 B:I have been playing football since high school At present, I’m a member of a community football club


 A:Really Are you still playing


 B:Yes I practice every weekend with my teammates


 A:I see You must be tough


 B:I never get tired I think this comes from practicing football


 A:What do you consider to be your weak points


 B:Frankly speaking, I’m a typical Chinese workaholic I don’t mind working late at night Due to that, I tend to leave the office late


 A:What kind of people are you reluctant to work with


 B:So far I haven’t met any particular kind However, I may rule out those who prefer chatting to working


 A:Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team


 B:It depends on the type of work Usually I prefer to work alone, because I’m self-motivated But I can work either way If necessary, I don’t hesitate to join the team



只要你没有结婚,我会一直等你,直到你结婚我才放弃As long as you don't get married, I'll wait for you, until you get married I didn't give up

After thinking for a long time, but finally decided to use a full stop as a title, and this period also represents a great deal of sense Argumentative, that is, right now the end of a bar

Like a lot, today is definitely a Hune day, but also themselves and their friends are mature one day, people might like this should come to it, day by day grow up, people always want to listen to next to individuals and thus would like to know something to make a final thought before a decision can not or does not, this is the life bar

Today, allow them to drink with root and bin Hemen Jiu-drawing stuffy smoke, is actually branded himself too long and unable to give a feeling of the outbreak can not Biequ too long, too long and it is easy to go wrong Looking for individuals to be those Cangzaixinli fermentation pour out the pain I would not want stupid people to climb up alone in a top floor to hammer the wall kick wall, and then did not want to use nicotine to their nerve paralysis, so really very painful, so I really will collapse

Jigen at the point of the heel of evil, the concrete and I do not know, and the collapse of the whole person must be, and I certainly would not have suicide thoughts, and I have not married, I do not honor their parents, all this just unknown Different individuals ultimately bear all this alone, I'm looking for my two brothers out of chat, I want to buried for a long time I did not tell them that all talk of the heartache out of that came out like this would not be as they are now like there is no soul wretch

In the canteen to buy a box of wine, plus had just bought two packets of Zhongnanhai, today let something die

Silent in the blowing of the bottles, the first began to faint, fluttering feeling began when I told them today that things could be something really very strange, slowly, and talked and talked, even today, the main characters not me, and today's biggest winner turned out to be root, root contrast, today obviously I am not a hero in injury time of the most emotional life even more miserable, and had someone else, while he had these personal feelings in front of him appearing to it's not worth mentioning Today, if I do not unpleasant, they will not want to drink out of three buddies talk, the root of the pain in this life may never be understood

It will always be deep in the hearts of those unknown, while the injured is always pinned himself The Hunhunee not know how many smoke cigarettes just feel that three of us a few hours is not enough to tell the hearts of those who did not reveal the scars too far from sufficient

Perhaps because we are too young, perhaps because we are too stupid, we are not able to pay for their actions, there would be no capital to say really love a person, how kind of like a can in the future still full of unknown Today, I want what means are to go to the next location, the speed of today's 1 o'clock tomorrow will always remain a mystery how much regret, but the result is positive, the absolute someone is injured, then I can how to do, only for their own temporary heart relief, rather than to face up to the tragedy it would certainly, I can not, I will not, for us

In fact, I made the final decision was made not at that time, as promised to them, but ultimately I was feeling relaxed to go back, because I know how to do

Let one is still in its period of know-nothing, she may have to face a fact that caused her injury, it should allow her to his insignificant reduction of one friend, a friend also found, injured, there is a scar, always indelible scars, I do not want to leave her, because there are girls who stay in their own hearts had a similar scar, I know that taste

All in all blame themselves, too emotional, and that after the defeat of their own make up an emotional sustenance make themselves better, but also thought he had finally found a break that flooded the chest pain one year to another one, the results found he was only another one falling into the abyss of the unknown at the end Fortunately, someone I've lost my rope, I have to climb, climb up that sunny place, when the golden sunlight bathed my body when it's all over, leaving only its shadow

Friends, I am sorry, I will leave you!



How time flies, a twinkling of an age to get married

I still don't have a girlfriend, give you introduce a bai!

I'm so sorry i didn't make myself clear

抱歉的英文是sorry,表达清楚的词组则是make myself clear。

make myself clear的相关例句

1、I'm sorry to have failed to make myself clear 


2、I'm not sure whether I make myself clear 





英 [dɪ'stɪŋ(k)t]  美 [dɪ'stɪŋkt] 

adj 明显的;独特的;清楚的;有区别的


distinct relationships 位格有相距的关系

distinct grammar [计] 相异文法 ; 翻译

distinct characteristics 特色明显 ; 鲜明特征 ; 鲜明特点 ; 鲜明特色


英 [faɪn]  美 [faɪn] 

adj 好的;优良的;细小的,精美的;健康的;晴朗的

n 罚款

vt 罚款;澄清

adv 很好地;精巧地

n (Fine)人名;(意)菲内;(英)法恩


Fine Chemicals 精细化学品 ; 精细化工 ; 精制化学品 ; 叫做化工助剂

fine gold 纯金 ; 成色好的金子 ; 精金

fine crusher 细碎机 ; 细碎破碎机 ; 细压碎机 ; 细碎用破碎机



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