口腔综合治疗台 dental treatment system
口腔综合治疗机 dental unit
高速涡轮牙钻机 air turbine dental engine
立式电动牙钻机 vertical dental electric drill
台式电动牙钻机 table dental electric drill
牙科微型电机 dental polish machine
充电式牙钻机 electronic micro motor dental machine
喷砂式磨牙机 ejector-sand dental machine
高速涡轮手机 hi-speed tubine handpiece
低速手机 low handpiece
牙科椅 dental china
超声波洁牙机 ultrasonic scaler
喷砂洁牙机 sand-ejector scaler
光固化机 light curing unit
银汞调和器 silver amalgam mixer
龋齿探测器 care monitor
牙科多功能测试仪 more function monitor
牙髓活力测定仪 pulp tester
根管长度测定仪 root canal length tester
根管扩大仪 root canal enlarge instrument
龈沟渗出液测定仪 gingival grouve shabber tester
牙动度测定仪 tooth excursion tester
咬合肌张力计 occlusion moster
咬合 音诊断装置 ocelusal soundscope
下颌运动轨迹仪 mandibular movement monitor
颞颌关节运动分析系统 cadiax system
微波口腔治疗机 microware treat apparatus
牙科激光治疗仪 dental laser unit
高频电刀 high frequency electrome
微型电动骨锯、骨钻 oral and maxilofacal microelectric system
牙科局部麻醉仪 dental local anesthetic unit
牙种植机 dental unit –implant
高压蒸汽灭菌器 dental sterilizer
清洗消毒机 steam cleaner
高频离心铸造机 high frequency casting machine
中频铸造机 middle frequency casting machine
钛铸造机 T-cating machine
真空烤瓷炉 vacuum furnace
离心铸造机 centfrifico casting machine
齿科熔合器 dental melt machine
喷砂机 dental sand blower
电解抛光机 electrolytic polisher
琼脂搅拌机 araragar mixer
硅橡胶搅拌机 silicone urbber mixer
真空搅拌机 vacuum whip mixer
观测研磨仪 milling machine parallel
超声波清洗机 ultrasonic cleaner
模型种钉机 plaster drill (a nail embedding unit)
自动冲蜡机 auyomatic rinse-wax machine (wax melt unit)
加热炉 burnout furnaces
技工振荡器 craftsmans shaker (vibrator)
石膏模型修整机 plaster trimmer
技工研磨机 grinder
技工打磨切割机 dental polish cutting machine
齿科技工桌 dental working table
真空成型机 vacuum forming unit
玻璃瓷牙光聚合机 dent-glass carami polymerizer aignum
聚合器 plastic polymerizer
硅喷涂机 MD system
金属活化机 siloc unit
义齿成型机 plastic forming unit
铸造陶瓷机 castable ceramics unit
陶瓷聚合机 targostunitt
复合树脂桥成型机 vestries unit
注塑机 palsjet base unit
油压机 oil pressure
电脑比色仪 shade eye
黄金电镀仪 gold electroplate
齿科点焊机 dental spot welder
激光焊接机 laser welder
激光点焊机 laser spot-welder
CAD/CAM 修复系统 computer –aided deign computer aided manufacturing
空压机 dental compressor
真空泵 diaphragm pump
颞颌关节内窥镜系统 arthroscopic/cranionmandibuler joint vista system
口腔内摄像系统 infraoral camera system
数字化牙科 X 线影像系统 dental X-vista-ray (dental digital X-image ) systemCR
影像片(成箱板)成像牙片机 dental X-ray unit
全景 X 线机 dental panoramic X-ray unit
洗片机 automatic X-ray film processor
Extracting a tooth
(Patient=P Doctor=D)
P: I have a bad tooth Should it be filled
P: 我有个牙齿坏了,您看还能补吗?
D: This tooth is too bad to be filled any more It has to be pulled Do you agree to have it extracted
D: 这个牙齿坏得太厉害,已经不能补了,必须把它拔掉。您同意把它拔掉吗?
P: It's up to you to decide what to do
P: 由您决定吧。
D: Have you ever had an injection of procaine Have you ever been allergic to anything
D: 您曾经是否注射过普鲁卡因(局部麻醉药)?您有没有对什么东西过敏的情况?
P: No
P: 没有。
D: That's fine Now I'll give you an injection Please open your mouth as wide as you can But relax It won't hurt much Now you've gotten the injection Please wash your mouth and spit out the water into the spittoon If you feel your heart palpitate a little, it doesn't matter That's the effect of the procaine, and it'll soon be over Now, do you feel numb Do you have a sensation of swelling on the lips and the tongue This tooth is in very bad condition It needs a careful operation, which may last a little longer than usual Now, the tooth is out Please bite and hold the cotton ball tightly in place Don't spit it out until half an hour from now You may eat in two hours But don't rinse your mouth today because it may cause bleeding Please go to make the payment and get the medicines
D: 很好。现在我先给您打一针。请尽量把嘴张大。但是请放轻松,不会很疼的。已经注射好了,请漱漱口,吐到痰盂中。如果您感觉心跳有点快,那是正常的。是因为注射了普鲁卡因的关系,很快就会恢复。有没有觉得有些麻?嘴唇和舌头有没有肿胀的感觉?您的这颗牙齿情况很糟糕,需要仔细地操作,可能要比平时花费更长一点的时间。好了拔掉了。请咬紧棉球,让它固定不动,从现在起过半小时再把它吐掉。两小时内您就可以吃东西了,但是今天不要漱口,那样可能会让牙齿出血。现在请去付款领药吧。
P: Thank you very much, Doctor
P: 太感谢您了,医生。
1,你的妈妈怎么了? ——她发烧了,并且头疼
1, what's wrong with your mother - she's got a fever and a headache
2, you should see a dentist, and take X light
3, Jane yesterday cut his hand
4, Lisa back pain because she was sitting in the same position for a long time, did not move
5, the bus driver did not hesitate to the underground car
6, to my surprise, all my classmates came to my party
7, thanks to my math teacher, I got a good result in the last math test
8, he hit me on the head
9, no one wants to get into trouble
10, he used to take a bath in the morning
11, he used to take a shower in the morning
12, computers are used by students to play computer games
13, he used up all the money
14, Aron cut his arm so that he could save his life
15, he is so clever a boy that he can answer all the questions
16, you should be in charge of your own life
17, students volunteered to help clean up the city park
18, this book has a great influence on her life
19, I am very interested in English, and my strong point is to say English
20, the idea is very effective
21, schools make it possible for children to receive education
22, Alice decided to participate in the selection of volleyball team
23, he gave up playing basketball
热情的问候我greet me passionately
匆匆的走了go away hurriedly
看牙医see a doctor
作好预约make an appointment
此刻this moment
等到今天下午wait till this afternoon
看着天空look at the sky六年前six years ago
十分钟之前ten minutes ago
买了一辆新车buy a new car
听新闻listen to the news
倒空垃圾箱dump the dustbin
带我去动物园take me too the zoo
对营业员说话talk to the salesman
问候我的爷爷greet my grandpa
写一张购物清单write a shopping list
许多东西many things
去食品杂货店go to the grocery
去肉店go to the butcher's
在文具店里in the stationery shop
在药店in the drugstore
在报刊零售店in the newsagent's
许多蜂蜜与果酱much honey and jam
一块奶酪a piece of cheese
一瓶胶水a bottle of glue
你在干什么What are you doing
你需要什么What do you need
我必须去面包店I have to go the bakery
我们没有一些茶和咖啡了We don't have any tea or coffee
我们需要一些羊肉We need some lamb
我希望我们有许多杂志I hope we have many magazines
我们一点牛奶也没有了We don't have any milk at all
我正在做蛋糕We are baking a cake
我不打算去买一些饼干I'm not going to buy some biscuits
我们没有许多信封了We don't have many envelopes问题补充:我恐怕医生现在不能见你I'm afraid the doctor cannot see you now
你能在11月1日星期一的上午十点来吗?Can you come at ten on Monday, November 1st
难道你不能等到今天晚上吗Can't wait till tonight
我和医生约好了I have an appointment with the doctor
昨天上午我觉得很不舒服I didn't feel very well last morning