

Hero - Jessie J

I'm gonna be risky

Life and soul of the party

No more stressing me out

Pulling me down

Making me feel like I am better off lonely

I'm gonna be fearless

And take care of my business

You stopped keeping me safe

I need to be brave

Shout it out

Shout it out

Shout it, shout it every day now

Try steal my powers right from me

Just like a criminal

But I won't have it

I'm not flying into your arms, no

I never thought that you'd drain the fight out of me

Oops, look what you did to me

Now I figured out

I don't need no hero-oooo

I can save myself no hero-oooo-oooo

Anything is possible, feeling indestructible

I don't need no hero-oooo

I don't need no hero

I'm living dangerous

For what you did, I'll make you pay for it

See, I know that you're scared

Watching me over head

Watch me, watch-watch me now

I see you watch me every day now

Can't steal my powers right from me

Just like a criminal

But I won't have it

I'm not flying into your arms

I never thought that you'd drain the fight out of me

Oops, look what you did to me

Now I figured out

I don't need no hero-oooo

I can save myself no hero-oooo-oooo

Anything is possible, feeling indestructible

I don't need no hero-oooo

I don't need no hero

I don't need no hero

I don't need no hero

I don't need no hero

I don't need no hero

I don't need no hero-oooo

I can save myself no hero-oooo-oooo

Anything is possible, feeling indestructible

I don't need no hero-oooo

I don't need no hero


看到2022年第02期“腾讯音乐由你榜TOP10的”的榜单,我又激动了,恭喜周深三首歌上榜,《My Only》夺得冠军、《念归去》第三,《你是我的城》第八,不得不感慨,周深优秀啊,而且这三首歌曲都是电视剧的OST,又特别好听,我也是十分喜欢。

《My Only》是周深为电视剧《开端》演唱的片尾曲,这部剧剧情充满悬疑,节奏紧凑,由 白敬亭、赵今麦领衔主演,另外还有刘奕君、刘涛、黄觉、刘丹等精彩演绎,我也是一边听歌一边追剧,周深 演唱的这首歌曲让人感觉到了浪漫,尤其是“You are my only”,让人印象深刻,在这首歌曲中,周深的高音、低音都有了充分展示,关键还是英文歌,旋律也非常好,夺得冠军实至名归。

《念归去》是周深为电视剧 《镜·双城》演唱的主题曲 ,这首歌曲也是非常好听,周深深情演绎,通过他的低吟浅唱就能让人想象到故事中主人公们的情爱交织,非常有 画面感,配合上好看的电视剧,越看越上瘾,这首歌曲排名第三。


恭喜周深三首歌上榜,《My Only》夺得冠军,《念归去》第三!你们喜欢这三首歌曲吗?在评论区留言吧。

推荐你Bon Jovi乐队 的一首的歌Always,主题很鲜明,一首感人的爱情歌曲。


J Bon Jovi

This romeo is bleeding罗密欧在流血

But you can't see his blood不过你看不到

It's nothing but some feelings只是一些感觉

That this old dog kicked up被这只老狗唤起

It's been raining since you left me你离去后雨一直下不停

Now I'm drowning in the flood我被雨水淹没

You see I've always been a fighter你明白我向来是个斗士

But without you I give up但失去你 我只能投降

Now I can't sing a love song

Like the way it's meant to be现在我不能再像从前 把情歌唱得那么动听

Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore我想我已不如以往

But baby, that's just me但这就是我

And I will love you, baby – Always我会爱着你,直到永远

And I'll be there forever and a day – Always我会守着你 直到海枯石烂

I'll be there till the stars don't shine我会守着你 直到星辰消逝

Till the heavens burst and直到天堂毁灭

The words don't rhyme直到言语悄然

And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind至死你都会萦绕在我脑海

And I'll love you - Always我会爰着你 直到永远

Now your pictures that you left behind那些你留下的照片

Are just memories of a different life对你来说只是过往回忆

Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry其中我们有欢笑 有泪水

One that made you have to say goodbye也有你的道别

What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair如何才能再次拨弄你的长发

To touch your lips, to hold you near抱着你 轻触你的唇

When you say your prayers try to understand聆听你的祈祷

I've made mistakes, I'm just a man我承认我犯了错 但我只是个凡人

When he holds you close, when he pulls you near当他把你拥入怀中

When he says the words you've been needing to hear当他对你甜言蜜语

I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine我希望是我在你身旁细语

To say to you till the end of time对你诉说 直到世界末日

Yeah, I will love you baby – Always我会爱着你,直到永远

And I'll be there forever and a day – Always我会守着你 直到海枯石烂

If you told me to cry for you

I could


If you told me to die for you

I would


Take a look at my face看着我的脸

There's no price I won't pay请相信我愿牺牲一切

To say these words to you只为对你诉说这些话语

Well, there ain't no luck In these loaded dice手中的骰子已用尽运气

But baby if you give me just one more try但若你能再给我一次机会

We can pack up our old dreams

And our old lives我们可以重拾过往的梦想与生活

We'll find a place where the sun still shines找个阳光灿烂的地方重新开始

And I will love you, baby – Always我会爱着你,直到永远

And I'll be there forever and a day – Always我会守着你 直到海枯石烂

I'll be there till the stars don't shine我会守着你 直到星辰消逝

Till the heavens burst and直到天堂毁灭

The words don't rhyme直到言语悄然

And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind至死你都会萦绕在我脑海

And I'll love you – Always我会爱着你,直到永远

下一首是Bon jovi的these days,这首歌很好听,歌曲中透漏着歌者对现实世界的愤慨和对现实生活的无助,唯一可能不足的就是,感觉这不是一首激励人奋发向上的歌曲。这首歌是Bon转变中的一首值得细细聆听的歌曲。

These days

Jon bon jovi

I was walking around, just a face in the crowd在汹涌的人群中我只不过是张陌生的面孔

Trying to keep myself out of the rain只求躲避风雨

Saw a vagabond king wear a styrofoam crown一个流浪汉头戴塑料王冠

Wondered if I might end up the same不知我是否也会有如此结局

There’s a man out on the corner, singing old songs about change转角的街头艺人唱着关于时代变迁的老歌

Everybody got their cross to bare, these days每个人心中都充满了苦痛,在这个年代

She came looking for some shelter with a suitcase full of dreams她拎着装满梦想的行囊,找寻遮蔽风雨的地方

To a motel room on the boulevard最后落脚在大街上的汽车旅馆

I guess she’s trying to be James Dean也许她想学詹姆士迪恩

She’s seen all the disciples and all the wanna be's她看遍这个年代的拜金主义者以及汲汲名利的众生

No one wants to be themselves these days这个年代没有人想作自己

Still there’s nothing to hold on to but these days也没有什么理想可以寄托

These days - the stars seem out of reach这个年代星星似乎遥不可及

These days - there ain’t a ladder on these streets这个年代 人人都想一步登天

These days - are fast, love don’t last in this graceless age时代蜕变迅速,没有永远的爱情 在这个不道德的年代

There ain’t anybody left but but us these days只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘

Jimmy shoes busted both his legs, trying to learn to fly吉姆摔伤自己的双腿 想学会如何飞翔

From a second story window, he just jumped and closed his eyes从二搂的窗口 他闭上双眼跳下

His mamma said he was crazy - he said mamma “I’ve got to try”妈妈说他疯了 他说 妈妈我必须试一下

Don’t you know that all my heroes died你可知我所有的英雄已不存在在这个世界

And I guess I’d rather die than fade away我情愿死也不愿被吞噬

These days - the stars seem out of reach这个年代 星星似乎遥不可及

But these days - there ain’t a ladder on the streets这个年代 人人都想一步登天

These days - are fast, nothing lasts in this graceless age时代蜕变迅速,没有什么可以永远 在这个不道德的年代

Even innocence has caught the midnight train纯真亦无处容身

And there ain’t anybody left but but us these days最后只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘

I know Rome’s still burning我知道罗马仍在燃烧

Though the times have changed虽然时代不同

This world keeps turning round and round and round and round这世界仍在不停转变 转变 转变

These days这个年代

These days - the stars seem out of reach这个年代星星似乎遥不可及

But these days - there ain’t a ladder on the streets这个年代 人人都想一步登天

These days - are fast, love don’t last in this graceless age时代蜕变迅速,没有永远的爱情 在这个不道德的年代

Even innocence has caught the midnight train纯真亦无处容身

And there ain’t anybody left but but us these days最后只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘

These days - the stars seem out of reach这个年代星星似乎遥不可及

These days - there ain’t a ladder on the streets这个年代 人人都想一步登天

These days - are fast, nothing lasts in this graceless age时代蜕变迅速,没有什么可以永远 在这个不道德的年代

There ain’t no time to waste似乎不应浪费时间思考这些

There ain’t anybody left to take the blame似乎不该有任何人为一切负责

And there ain’t anybody left but but us these days最后只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘

There ain’t anybody left but but us these days最后只有我们被时代洪流所遗忘



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