最浪漫的事 歌词 英文

最浪漫的事 歌词 英文,第1张

The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

Listens to the music to chat the desire

You hoped I am more and more gentle

I hoped you put me on the heart

You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

Even if with can complete for a lifetime

So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

Also couldn't go until our old where

You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

Listens to the music to chat the desire

You hoped I am more and more gentle

I hoped you put me on the heart

You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

Even if with can complete for a lifetime

So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

Also couldn't go until our old where

You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

Also couldn't go until our old where

You also still regard as me in the control the treasure





















歌曲排行:《万疆》《放空》《 New boy 》《星辰大海》《来迟》《自月光与朱砂痣》《目及皆是你》《气象站台》《别错过》《解药》《TA》《落日与晚风》《大风吹》《失眠的夜》《潮汐》《目娱自乐》《奔赴星空》


《let me down slowly》《慢热》《执迷不悟》《错位时空》《金玉良缘》《雾里》《STAY》《银河与星斗》《叹》《四季予你》《怕来者不是你》《热爱105C的你》《骁》《Ring Ring Ring 》《时光背面的我》《我想要》《时光洪流》《不如》《执迷不悟》《你的眼睛像星星》《穷叉叉》《海底》《你头顶的风》《自愈》《一路生花》《我们俩》《南半球与北海道》《茫》《假面舞会》《百年孤寂》


1 真的好想你 (周冰倩) 2 梦里共醉 (梅艳芳) 3 傻瓜 (苏慧伦)

4 爱 (小虎队) 5 海阔天空 (beyond) 6 上海滩 (叶丽仪)

7 谁的眼泪在飞 (孟庭苇) 8 梅花三弄 (姜育恒) 9 大海 (张雨生)

10 送别 (蔡琴) 11 飘雪 (陈慧娴) 12 感恩的心 (欧阳菲菲)

13 是你给我一片天 (成龙) 14 心雨 (高胜美) 15 情人 (杜德伟)

16 胭脂扣 (梅艳芳) 17 敖包相会 (蔡琴) 18 吻别 (张学友)

22 朋友 (谭咏麟) 23 爱你 (郭富城) 24 一剪梅 (张明敏)

25 爱我的人和我爱的人 (裘海正) 26 没有情人的情人节 (孟庭苇) 27 涟漪 (陈百强)

28 明天会更好 (罗大佑) 29 永远爱着你 (草蜢) 30 回家 (顺子)

31 梁祝 (吴奇隆) 32 浪人情歌 (伍佰) 33 你的样子 (罗大佑)

34 红日 (李克勤) 35 屋顶 (吴宗宪) 36 样样红 (黄安)

37 女人花 (梅艳芳) 38 朋友别哭 (吕方) 39 昨日重现 (高胜美)

40 最浪漫的事 (赵咏华) 41 爱要怎么说出口 (赵传) 42 七天七世纪 (李天华)

43 我是真的爱你 (张信哲) 44 相逢在雨中 (黎明) 45 精忠报国 (屠洪刚)

46 爱如潮水 (张信哲) 47 挪威的森林 (伍佰) 48 留恋 (陈慧娴)

49 回家 (王杰) 50 情人 (beyond) 51 大约在冬季 (齐秦)

52 祝你一路顺风 (吴奇隆) 53 谢谢你的爱 (刘德华) 54 铁血丹心 (罗文)

55 千千阙歌 (陈慧娴) 56 别怕我伤心 (张信哲) 57 听说爱情回来过 (林忆莲)

58 一千个伤心的理由 (张学友) 59 白月光 (张信哲) 60 知心爱人 (付笛生/任静)

61 讲不出再见 (谭咏麟) 62 追梦人 (凤飞飞) 63 如果这都不算爱 (张学友)

64 一生爱你千百回 (梅艳芳) 65 窗外 (李琛) 66 童年 (蔡国权)

67 童年 (罗大佑) 68 宝贝对不起 (草蜢) 69 你怎么舍得我难过 (黄品源)

70 我恨我痴心 (刘德华) 71 相思风雨中 (张学友/汤宝如) 72 情书 (张学友)

73 喜欢你 (beyond) 74 祝福 (张学友) 75 大地 (beyond)

The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

Listens to the music to chat the desire

You hoped I am more and more gentle

I hoped you put me on the heart

You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

Even if with can complete for a lifetime

So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

Also couldn't go until our old where

You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

Listens to the music to chat the desire

You hoped I am more and more gentle

I hoped you put me on the heart

You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

Even if with can complete for a lifetime

So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

Also couldn't go until our old where

You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

Also couldn't go until our old where

You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

最浪漫的事(The most romantic thing)歌手:

阿兰 达瓦卓玛(Alan)

The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

Listens to the music to chat the desire

You hoped I am more and more gentle

I hoped you put me on the heart

You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

Even if with can complete for a lifetime

So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

Also couldn't go until our old where

You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

Listens to the music to chat the desire

You hoped I am more and more gentle

I hoped you put me on the heart

You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

Even if with can complete for a lifetime

So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

Also couldn't go until our old where

You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

I can think of the most romantic matter

Is and you slowly ages together

Also couldn't go until our old where

You also still regard as me in the control the treasure



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