神经兮兮 总以为别人想追求自己的星座女?

神经兮兮 总以为别人想追求自己的星座女?,第1张


  双子女:情商为零  双子女有着很高的智商,可以说是用实力证明能力与性别无关的超强存在。但可惜的是,双子女的情商很低,虽然做人也做得不错,但是理解能力却很差,常常说话不在一个频道上。恋爱方面,双子女经常觉得某个异性对她好,就是喜欢她,甚至是在追求她。

  狮子女:自视甚高  狮子女的自尊心很高,所以喜欢谁也不会说出口,只是用文艺女青年的处事方式和众多优秀异性搞暧昧。很多时候,因为被狮子女的外表蒙骗,身边的异性都会对狮子女比较尊重、绅士。而狮子女就以为这些异性已经被自己征服了,一边幻想,一边装矜持。

  水瓶女:桃花太烂  水瓶女很有魅力,但是也招来了很多烂桃花。她们总是不停的收到约会邀请,甚至有人拿黄段子来调戏水瓶女。久而久之,水瓶女看到异性就会觉得对方是个满脑子下流想法的人。因此,水瓶女总以为别人想追求自己,对别人避之不及,更喜欢一个人待着了。

  双鱼女:浪漫幻想  双鱼女神经兮兮的,总是在幻想有一个王子来追求自己。生活中,只要有稍微好看的异性,双鱼女就会觉得对方喜欢自己。而且双鱼女的脑补能力是很强大的,从相识到告白,还有欲拒还迎的好人卡,双鱼女早就在夜里幻想好多次了,是真正的花痴。




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。。。 常识,应该知道吧//





The Tzolk'in is the sacred calendar of the Maya and is based on the cycles of the Pleiades The cycle of the Pleiades uses 26,000 years, but is reflected in the calendar we are using by encompassing 260 days Their calendric year began when the Maya priests first remarked the asterism rising heliacally in the east, immediately before the sun's dawn light obliterated the view of the stars In the beginning, the Maya understood that they came from the Pleiades, or “Tzab-ek", (Rattlesnake's tail), as they are known by the Maya

The relationship with the Pleiades and the Mayan world is written in the sacred books of the Maya It is in the consciousness of the grandmothers and grandfathers who had it passed on to them It is an important record

[/size][/color]The elders say the universe comes from the Pleiades With the Hubble Telescope, it was discovered about ten years ago, that there is a place where stars are born in a great spiral that originates at the site of the Pleiades At the outside of the spiral is complete empty space In coordination with the galactic precession, the Mayas also look at the precession of time through the Pleiades Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades, is located at 30 degrees from Taurus, near the constellation Orion Alcyone, in Taurus, represents the Earth Goddess The lessons from Alcyone are those dealing with compassion, higher wisdom and vision, and Earth consciousness

Much has been channeled from the Pleiades Alcyone figures prominently in Mayan astronomy The Mayas believe it is the home of their ancestors The Pleiades star system is referred to as the seven sisters and our sun aligns with Alcyone every 52 years In Mayan cosmology the precession of the Pleiades is tracked using the Calendar Round (52 years) and the New Fire ceremony In the Early Preclassic Site of Ujuxte, the central plaza appears to have a celestial alignment that coincides with the rise and fall of the Pleiades The present-day Maya in Guatemala, make use of the Pleiades to begin their planting for the year

However, a number of researchers believe that the length of the 260 day component of the Calendar Round cycle is defined by a 260 day period from one zenith transit of the sun until the next In the zone between theTropics of Cancer and Capricorn there are days on which the sun passes directly overhead at local noon Vertical objects at that time cast no shadow On the Tropic of Cancer there is a single such day, June 22, the summer solstice On the Tropic of Capricorn the day is December 22, the winter solstice On the equator the zenith transits of the sun divide the year into two equal halves Between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer, the zenith transits of the sun divide the year into a longer portion with the sun transiting to the south of the zenith, and a shorter portion with the sun transiting to the north of the zenith The zenith transit days are always equidistant from the summer solstice A 260-day zenith transit interval occurs at a latitude of 14°47’21” The transit dates are April 30 and August 13 That August 13 is one of the classic Maya creation days lends credibility to this interpretation

Perhaps the most famous star cluster on the sky, the Pleiades can be seen without binoculars from even the depths of a light-polluted city Also known as the Seven Sisters and M45, the Pleiades is one of the brightest and closest open clusters The Pleiades contains over 3000 stars, is about 400 light years away, and only 13 light years across Quite evident in the above photograph are the blue reflection nebulae that surround the brighter cluster stars Low mass, faint, brown dwarfs have also been found in the Pleiades([i]Editors' note: [/i] The prominent diffraction spikes are caused by the telescope itself and may be either distracting or provide aesthetic enhancement, depending on your point of view)

古远的玛雅文明(Maya civilization)是一个谜一样“失去了的”文明,它的种种秘密都深隐在神秘莫测的热带丛林之中。在玛雅地区尚有大量未被发现的古代城市,当某一天偶然遇见这样的城市建筑群落之时,它带给人们惊讶、神妙的景观。










人们有时会有神秘主义的倾向,不知不觉地去追求某种“距离美感”。是的,当我们对玛雅文明的基本事实一无所知时,那一鳞半爪、吉光片羽的东西,就会被我们自由无拘的个人想像力以及以讹传讹的社会传播效应,弄成一幅神秘兮兮、浪漫兮兮的画卷。这时候,玛雅金字塔形坛庙就被说成人力无法企及的“另一个世界” 的馈赠(遗留),玛雅人极高的天文、数学知识就被说成外星人带来的福音,……




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