Titanic 铁达尼号 (急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Titanic 铁达尼号 (急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!),第1张

影片简介 为了寻找1912年在大西洋沉没的泰坦尼克号和船上的珍贵财宝-价值连城的“海洋之心”,寻宝探险家布洛克从沉船上打捞起一个锈迹斑斑的保险柜,不料其中只有一幅保存完好的素描-一位佩戴着钻石项链的年轻女子。这则电视新闻引起了一位元百岁老妇人的注意

老人激动不已,随即乘直升飞机赶到布洛克的打捞船上。原来她名叫罗丝道森,正是画像上的女子。  看着画像,往事一幕幕重新浮现在老人的眼前:1912年4月12日,准备首航的泰坦尼克号停泊在港口,码头上人山人海,争相目睹人类有史以来最庞大、最豪华的轮船。罗丝,一位美丽漂亮而又不乏气质的贵族**与她的母亲及未婚夫-钢铁大王之子卡尔霍利一同登上了头等舱。与此同时,影片的另一位主人公-年轻的流浪画家杰克道森靠幸运地赢到了三等舱的船票,高喊著“我们是世界上最幸运”的他在最后一刻登上了巨轮。泰坦尼克号启航了,早春的大西洋上风和日丽,碧波万里,杰克和他的伙伴站在船头眺望前方,高声欢呼,兴奋不已,仿佛此时世界已属于他们。  罗丝在上层社会的交际圈中生活,早已厌倦了贵族们的无聊谈话,感觉自己无异于笼中之鸟,她愁眉不展地来到甲板上眺望远方,排遣愁情。杰克一看到罗丝,就被她的气质所深深吸引。夜幕降临,又一场灯红酒绿之后,罗丝对未来和婚姻感到万分无奈;她冲向甲板,试图跳入大海结束一生。杰克及时发现并且在关键时刻以自己的真诚和独到的幽默说服了罗丝。尽管卡尔很不情愿,但为答谢杰克的救妻之恩,他只好邀请杰克到头等舱里进餐。卡尔本想借机寒碜杰克一番,没想到杰克在餐桌前的坦诚之言竟博得满堂喝彩。杰克和罗丝两人从此相识并开始了解对方,罗丝向杰克吐露心中郁闷:"我觉得这一生不外如此,就象已经活了一辈子似的。无数的宴会、舞会、游艇赛、马球赛,能接触到的都是思想狭隘、有口无心的人。我感觉就象站在悬崖边,没人拉我回来,没人关心,甚至无人理会。”在杰克的开导和陪伴下,罗丝找回了失去已久的快乐,灿烂的笑容终于重新洋溢在她的脸庞。  罗丝的未婚夫卡尔发现了杰克和罗丝的来往之后,心中十分不快,他送给罗丝一条价值连城的钻石项链“海洋之心”,并对她表白了自己的心迹意图博得罗丝的欢心。然而在罗丝的眼里,卡尔只是一个十足的势利小人,她从心底里不愿嫁给他。可是在母亲与未婚夫的压力之下,罗丝不得不有意回避杰克的感情,可正因为这样罗丝才意识到自己已经深深的爱上了杰克。  从相知到相爱,虽然只是短短几天时间,罗丝和杰克已经无法分开。在卧室中,罗丝戴上了“海洋之心”,由杰克绘出了那张令她永生难忘的画像。罗丝决定无视家庭和礼数的压力在泰坦尼克号靠岸后与杰克一起生活,幸福似乎距离这对情侣仅咫尺之遥。  白星航运公司经理布鲁斯伊斯梅为了让泰坦尼克号创造横跨大西洋的最快纪录,不顾潜在的冰山威胁暗示船长史密斯提高船速。14日夜晚,海面出奇的平静,泰坦尼克号仍然全速行驶。瞭望台发现正前方的冰山后立刻通知了驾驶舱和大副,可是惯性极大的轮船已来不及躲避

船身右侧被冰山割裂,六个舱室进水。号称永不沉没的泰坦尼克号将在两小时内沉没。而此时船上的救生艇只够一半乘客使用,船上陷入一片恐慌。  不料,这时杰克却被霍利以偷窃钻石之名栽赃陷害,并被关在下层船舱。不明真相的罗丝随众人一起在甲板上等候救生艇,可她终究还是相信杰克是无辜的。罗丝不顾一切回到空无一人的船舱寻找杰克,并在紧要关头找来救生斧救出他。两人来到甲板,罗丝在杰克的劝说下上了救生艇。救生艇徐徐放下,罗丝神情恍惚,突然她放弃了也许是最后的逃生机会跳回泰坦尼克号,这对情侣紧紧地拥抱在一起。  “梦幻之船”泰坦尼克号开始缓缓下沈,一幕悲剧开始上演。漆黑的海洋和天空连成一片,无情的吞噬著绝望的乘客。杰克带着罗丝跑到船尾,爬上栏杆(也就是他们爱情开始的地方)坚持到最后,直到泰坦尼克号沉没。两人全力挣扎出巨大的漩涡之后,杰克将罗丝推上一块漂浮木板,自己却浸泡在冰冷的海水中。  几个小时之后,救援船返回救起了奄奄一息的罗丝,而此时早已冻僵的杰克却被冰海无情的吞没。罗丝信守对杰克许下的诺言,勇敢地活着。  八十四年后,罗丝又来到泰坦尼克号沉没的地方,将“海洋之心”抛入海中,以告杰克在天之灵…… Jack 姓名 Name: 里奥勒度狄卡比奥 Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio 姓别 Sex: 男 Male 血统:德义混血儿 出生日期 Date of Birth: November 11

1974 出生地 Place of Birth: 美国加州 眼睛:蓝绿色 身高 Height: 185cm 体重 Weight: 64kg 星座 Horoscope: 天蝎座 Scorpio 能操语言Spoken Language: 英语、德语 嗜好 Hobbies: 滑雪 喜爱颜色 Favourite Colours: 黑、紫、绿 最爱男演员 盖瑞欧德曼、劳勃狄尼洛、约翰马可维奇、杰克尼克森、 Al Pacino 最爱女演员 Meg Ryan 最爱** Freaks [1932] (畸形人)、Taxi Driver [1976] (计程车司机)、A woman Under the influence [1974] (权势下的女人) 作品集 1991CRITTERS 3 外星通缉者3 --- 这是李欧的银幕处女作 1992POISON IVY 带毒的常春藤 1993THIS BOY'S LIFE男孩的生活 1993WHAT'S EATING GILBERT GRAPE恋恋情深 1995THE QUICK AND THE DEAD 致命的 1995THE BASKETBALL DIARIES 赤子本色 1995TOTAL ECLIPSE 全蚀狂爱 1996ROMEO AND JULIET罗蜜欧与茱丽叶 1996MARVIN'S ROOM 亲亲坏姊妹 1997TITANIC 铁达尼号 1998THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK 铁面人 geocities/Tokyo/Flats/2236/Leo dicaprio/ execpc/~rsalkow/dicaprio/#pics geocities/Hollywood/Academy/1743/leo geocities/Hollywood/Studio/9133/ leonardodicaprio/ Rose Kate Winslet 凯特温丝蕾 11岁时因成为早餐麦片的电视广告代言人 1975年10月5日出生于英国瑞汀的一个演艺世家:双亲皆是舞台表演者 外祖父母经营一间戏院,舅舅则是West End剧场的固定演员。 15岁时温丝蕾虽有体重过重和忧郁症的问题 但她仍立志成为一个专业女演员。 从「红屋顶表演艺术高中」毕业后第八天,温丝蕾已经拍了英国电视影集Get Back 17岁的处女作变色的天堂中饰演一个爱幻想的女孩,却与朋友卷入了谋杀案。 这部票房平平的**得到了不少好评及奖项,也使温丝蕾有了进军好莱坞的契机。 先是演了迪斯尼**A Kid in King Arthur's Court 接着她参加了由李安执导,根据奥斯汀原著拍摄的理性与感性面试 理性与感性上映后佳评如潮,温丝蕾也得到奥斯卡最佳女配角的提名 温丝蕾接下来拍了由英国小说家汤玛士哈第作品改编的绝恋 以及肯尼斯布莱纳导演的莎士比亚作品王子复仇记。 温丝蕾明星的光芒持续闪亮,但同时她也走到了十字路口 必须抉择是否应充实自己,以成为一个全方位的全能艺人为目标 还是要受限于所谓的海伦娜邦汉卡特症候群,以专演小说、史诗等历史女主角自满。 1997年铁达尼号不仅让温丝蕾幸运地摆脱了被定型的困扰 更一举使她成为国际巨星。这部由詹姆斯卡麦隆导演,与超级偶像李奥纳多狄卡皮里欧合演的世界影坛钜作,让温丝蕾再度受到奥斯卡提名最佳女主角的肯定。 虽然铁达尼号带来了意想不到的名气,之后她却拒绝了莎翁情史 和安娜与国王等大片,而垂青制片** 1999年在北非情人中饰演一个1960年代的年轻单亲妈妈 与女儿旅行横越摩洛哥;以及性烟中的澳洲女子在印度旅行的经验。 作品鹅毛笔则可看见温丝蕾再次穿着紧身马甲衣,饰演一位洗衣女侍。 你去呢个网站


系全免架 /resultssearch_query=titanic

Titanic is a romantic drama film written

directed and co-produced by James Cameron It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater respectively

members of different social strata who fall in love aboard the 1912 maiden voyage of RMS Titanic The film co-stars Billy Zane as Rose's fiancé

Caledon Hockley

Kathy Bates as Margaret "Molly" Brown

Frances Fisher as Rose's mother


and Danny Nucci as Jack's best friend

Fabrizio Bill Paxton plays Brock Lovett

the leader of a treasure hunting expedition

while Gloria Stuart has the role of the elderly Rose (renamed Calvert)

who narrates the story in 1996 由于字数限制

请你到以下网页观看影片的英文内容介绍 : en /wiki/Titanic_-_Movie_1997 2007-02-07 01:28:20 补充: 不是要用英文回答吗

铁达尼号以缠绵悱恻的爱情故事,浩大逼真的船难场面不仅是美国影史上最卖座的**,也追平了奥斯卡得奖最多项(宾汉,十一项)的记录,总共囊括了最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳艺术指导、最佳主题歌曲、最佳剪接、最佳原著音乐、最佳视效、最佳音效、最佳录音、最佳服装设计,拿奖拿到手软! 本片改编自二十世纪初铁达尼号传奇海难的真实事件,片中部份角色也是真有其人,由詹姆斯柯麦隆执导,李奥纳多、凯特温斯蕾、凯西贝兹等主演,李奥纳多因为本片红上了半边天,成为世界上最令人疯狂的偶像,〃My Heart Will Go On〃更是传颂大街小巷,不少人一看再看,为杰克和罗丝坚贞却悲凄的爱情落泪,尽管影评褒贬互见,铁达尼号创下的多项记录还是令人侧目的。 1912年,爱尔兰海岸旁,“梦之船”的铁达尼号首次出航,年轻美貌的贵族少女罗丝随着母亲和未婚夫卡尔乘上豪华舒适的铁达尼号巨轮。为博得罗丝的欢心,卡尔不仅许诺满足罗丝的一切要求,而且将一条镶有五十六克拉蓝钻石的项链送给了罗丝,但罗丝仍感到精神上孤独寂寞。她常常因单调乏味的贵族生活而郁郁寡欢。 与之相比,同船三等舱的年轻画家杰克就显得兴高采烈。他虽然生活窘迫,连三等舱都是从赌桌上赢得的,但他却乐天知命。在他眼中人生如同一场幸运的游戏,珍惜生活、珍惜自由就是他的生活真谛。 闷闷不乐的罗丝无法忍受生活的无奈,面对着滚滚的海浪欲结束自己的生命。但杰克的出现不仅挽救了她的生命,更挽救了她的灵魂。在与杰克的交往中,罗丝感受到了爱情的美妙和生活的活力。她冲破世俗观念,不顾贪图虚荣的母亲的反对,不受卡尔财富的诱惑,毅然选择了自己的真爱与杰克沉浸在爱情的喜悦之中。然而,随着铁达尼号的沉没,这段浪漫的情感溶入了大西洋的滔滔海水…… 八十四年后,寻宝探险家布克在三千英尺深处的铁达尼号残骸中找到了一幅完美无损的少女裸身素描画画中人正是年逾百岁的沉船幸存者罗丝。面对这张熟悉的画像,饱经沧桑的老人不禁陷入了对往事的追忆之中…… 《开眼**网》

参考: appatmovies/movie/moviecfmaction=filmdata&film_id=fTatm0874020


en /wiki/Titanic_%281997_film%29


Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of utopias and dreams, mother and child fighting for power and greed, idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity

This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology, success is understandable

Very successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect





泰坦尼克号英语影评为:Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of utopias and dreams, mother and child fighting for power and greed, idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology, success is understandable Very successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect 中文为:泰坦尼克号丰富了我们一个浪漫的故事,年轻的爱,激情和感情,充满了乌托邦的梦想,母亲和儿童战斗的权力和贪婪,理想主义和自我认同的冲突在同意人的野心社会和受害者自己的虚荣和傲慢。这是一部**,最震惊公众在过去的二十年。巨大的集合,是因为他们有明显的逻辑泰坦尼克号的故事充满力量的感觉,非常引人注目的内容。如果我们把绝色美女的形象,由于数字技术的进步,成功是可以理解的。非常成功的**,它讲述了沉没的船,但在背景中展示了一个充满激情的爱情故事。它达到了一种和谐的平衡,在混合的历史和感受,并使得它几乎完美。

"Hello, jack I changed my mind I've been looking for you" A very weak, seems to have come from the voice woke jack, this voice though was light and low, but jack was like JingLei, he not only, still can must distinguishable as shock was jumped up

Lucy is behind a few meters away, she stands calmly, can behave collected from the first-class cabin, here, she has in the Titanic left many paths The way she had to adjust their mood materialism basic idea of system, production relations (see the thoughts of his pace, Lenin, show in front of jack Dawson is a brand-new, complete and ended up split personality, the heart of the fault, so she rose appears so leisurely and composed as a statue

One of the few hours at metamorphosis, suddenly everything new and old body off, a life of dies, another has been born

For a few minutes before a face of depression, jack blew XianQi immediately be like a spirit, to guide his eyes wide, light, the light, uncontrollable happy mood that his radiant, he couldn't help to arm the rose But immediately, he stopped, using hand signal is coming to the rose, let her first don't move

Disappointment and depression are swept, jack and restore the optimistic nature, he will trace the DaiLou silk to experience life rare moment - to fly emptied the fairyland

"SHHH" Jack press with finger to the lips, Lucy, Ruth quiet don't hold your breath submissive

"Give me your hand close your eyes, quick close, come, follow me, and caught hold micky column, don't open your eyes, not peek" Jack for kids speak like a rose, charge Lucy's hand in his hands clasped, she was guided ahead for a few steps, then boarded a step And go forward paces, and a step on the liao Lucy's eyes closed, although not habit, but she felt relieved, jack hand to her strength, although she see, also go smoothly

When Ruth felt a lot of body position high, jack put her hand to help her two firmly grasp the railings Jack fell in Ruth's ear asked: "trust me" Ruth smiled answered: "I believe you!" Then, jack stood behind the Ruth clung to her body, Lucy's hands from the railing, and his two arms unbend, simultaneously, for rose said:

"Good, open your eyes!"

Gosh! Ruth replied the zheng big eyes This is how magnificent landscape! Say nothing, arouses the sea waves on foot, except for jack and rose again without any creature, around all substance has disappeared, but Nick's all set to oneself is directly behind, it seems, or from the sea, or simply place the Haitian between It feels like the sea gulls fly low post, can interfere with seawater, and like the dolphins and whales from the sea, in the midst of the sea, gentle rolling at himself Stick together tightly with jack, the two arms is a double wings, it can vacate, can fly, can go to any place

Lucy's heart is like the heart of a newborn baby brilliant naive, the deep sea, the clear only last a glow of the sky, let her excitement, she detached, she sniffed5 yelling:

"I fly, I fly up, jack!"

Jack tightly around her waist and make her stand She clung to the ear, jack shouted:

"Fly, fly, I sit on the ship and Josephine, I fly! Fly, fly, we have the sky"

The Titanic was a violin, lyrical melodies sprightly convey to the new life, passionate with a good rhythm, singing the song of victory jack and Lucy new life journey



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