名词解释 ,什么是 “诉讼”、什么是“仲裁”、什么是“行政复议”

名词解释 ,什么是 “诉讼”、什么是“仲裁”、什么是“行政复议”,第1张

诉讼:指法院主持下按照法定程序审理案件的过程。 仲裁:指争议双方在争议发生前或争议发生后达成协议,自愿将争议交给第三者作出裁决,双方有义务执行的一种解决争议的方法。 行政复议:是指公民、法人或者其他组织不服行政主体作出的具体行政行为,认为行政主体的具体行政行为侵犯了其合法权益,依法向法定的行政复议机关提出复议申请,行政复议机关依法对该具体行政行为进行合法性、适当性审查,并作出行政复议决定的行政行为。是公民,法人或其他组织通过行政救济途径解决行政争议的一种方法。


What Are the Differences Between Arbitration and Litigation

Arbitration and litigation are two types of legal dispute resolution Litigation refers to the traditional court-based method of solving civil cases, while arbitration involves a more informal process that allows greater control by the involved parties Arbitration and litigation are both legally binding forms of resolution, but each has distinct characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages

When a civil dispute cannot be solved through conflict resolution matters outside of the legal system, deciding between arbitration and litigation becomes an important choice Litigation typically must be used for the management of any criminal charges, but arbitration is usually a viable option for civil trials Litigation may be brought by either party at any time, but choosing arbitration must be a joint decision by both involved parties Arbitration may also be the result of a valid contract that requires the process as the only permissible means of solving legal disputes

In litigation, attorneys and the judge nearly always run the show Primary parties may be take part in the formation of the case, and may be called on to provide evidence and give testimony, but generally need to allow attorneys to handle the legal technicalities of the issue Judges are chosen by the court, and neither clients nor attorneys have much say in which judge handles a case

Arbitration, on the other hand, allows for greater involvement by the primary parties Though attorneys can be used, many arbitrated disputes are done with limited lawyer involvement The arbiter or arbitrating panel is jointly chosen by the parties, and may impose more limitations on permissible evidence and trial length

One major difference between arbitration and litigation is the amount of public exposure Court trials are nearly always open to the public, unless the judge has a specific reason to order the trial to be sealed Arbitration, in contrast, is more private and usually held behind closed doors, which may be int the interest of the public reputation of one or both parties

Cost and expediency may also distinguish arbitration and litigation Arbitration is normally handled in a few short sessions or even a single day, leading to lower court costs The more limited involvement of attorneys can also cut down on legal fees for both sides Since arbitration has a much more limited docket than a court, disputes are also typically handled much faster, resulting in speedy closure to stressful disputes

Despite the advantages in cost and expediency, many civil disputes end up in litigation instead of arbitration because of the availability of an appellate system Most decisions reached through arbitration are considered final, and are not open to appeal by either side, unless clear, demonstrable bias can be shown by the appealing party In cases where results are far from black and white, parties in a dispute may be justifiably concerned about the outcome and find it prohibitive to give up the opportunity for appeal if a judgment does not run their way



Article 11 Governing Law

第11款 管辖法律

The validity, formation, and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China


Article 12 Arbitration

第12款 仲裁

All disputes, controversies, or differences which may arise between the parties out of or in relation to or in connection with the Agreement or for the breach thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in Shanghai, China in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Chinese Commercial Arbitration Board The award rendered by arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon both parties concerned


Article 13 Non-Waiver

第13款 不弃权

No claim or right of either party under this Agreement shall be deemed to be waived or renounced in whole or in part unless the waiver or renunciation of such claim or right is acknowledged and confirmed in writing by such party


Article 14 Severability

If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected and in such case the parties hereto oblige themselves to reach the intended purpose of the invalid provision by a new, valid and legal stipulation

第14款 协议的可分割性


Article 15 Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, all prior representations having been merged herein, and may not be modified except by a writing signed by a duly authorized representatives of both parties

第15款 完整的协议

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties through their authorized representatives have executed the Agreement as of the date first above written




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