









安然和齐晓之间的爱:炽烈而强烈,是两个独立灵魂的爱情。安然是北京师范大学的女学生。齐晓是一位摄影师,他是来北京从台北开设婚纱影楼的。两国人的身份不同,但没有交汇,只是因为齐秦的《关于冬天》相遇。 1991年冬天,在一个下雪的夜晚,秦琴在北京举行了一场音乐会。在体育馆外,没有失去灵魂的门票。齐晓的手刚好又多了一张票。当他看到安然的凄凉表情时,便把票交给了安然。没有人这张票能成为两者的媒人。

在体育馆里,齐琴在舞台上热情洋溢地唱歌,而歌曲《 About Winter》回荡在头上。安然坐在观众席上,挥舞着一条**的围巾。看着这一幕,齐晓的身边不禁加速了心跳。是的,那一刻,他爱上了她!看完音乐会后,安然将他的地址留给了齐晓。由于齐晓向她许诺,她将把演唱会的照片发送给她。我不知道后来发生了什么,齐晓失去了地址,两人中断了联系。两年后,在安倍伦教授的故乡,安然再次遇到了齐晓。当我这次见面时,他们两个都很友善。很快,他们谈论了爱情。那时,他们一起走在北京的大街上,吃街边小摊,一起去音像店逛逛。仅仅因为安然喜欢齐秦的海报,齐晓就没有说他已经扔了一百张并扔给了店主。一百,什么都没有,但是是在1990年代初期。那时,一个工作一个月的工人可能无法赚到一百,而齐晓想花一百来买一张海报。它显示了他有多爱安然。

两人坠入爱河时,齐小渊的台湾老父亲突然中风了,齐晓不得不赶回台湾。到达台湾后,在亲眼目睹父亲的恐怖之后,齐晓在现实的压力下被迫与安然分手。安然很痛苦,但他选择放手。当你恋爱了,总是会有太多美好的时光,但在分手的那一刻,无助无止境。经过二十年的眨眼,安然结婚并育有孩子,并定居美国。齐晓和他的妻子离婚了,他与儿子独自一人住在台北。 2011年,秦琴再次在北京举行了一场音乐会。当歌曲“ About Winter”响起时,无数观众流下了眼泪。熟悉的场地,熟悉的歌曲,二十年的弹指,然后回到海中。


|浪漫主义时期|• 简介


Gothic novel ,a type of romantic fiction that predominanted in the late eighteenth century, was one phase of the Romantic movementIts principal elements are violence, horror,and the supernatural,which strongly appeal to the reader’s emotion 

哥特式小说是浪漫主义运动的一种形式 盛于浪漫主义前期18世纪末。



1William Blake

2William Wordsworth

3Percy Bysshe Shelley

4Jane Austen

How is Romanticism different from Neoclassicism Provide brief evidence from the literary works you know best

1: Neoclassicists upheld that artistic ideals should be order,logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity, and thus, literary expression should be of proportion, unity, harmony and grace

2: Romanticists tended to see the individual as the very center of all experience, including art, and thus, literary work should be “spontaneous overflow of strong feelings ”, and no matter how fragmentary those experiences were, the value of the work lied in the accuracy of presenting those unique feelings and particular attitudes

3: In a word, Neoclassicism emphasizes rationality and form but Romanticism attached great importance to the individual’s mind

威廉•布莱克 生于伦敦一个爱尔兰裔小商人家庭,一生中,他都身兼诗人与雕刻家两重角色,他的天才在他的有生之年是默默无闻的,只是在他去世后才被人挖掘出来并一举成名。




1| Songs of Innocence & Songs of Experience |

Brief introduce

A The Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evils and sufferings

B His Songs of Experience paints a different world, a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone

C Childhood is the central to Blake's concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience

2 | Tyger |

What does "symmetry" mean

The well-proportioned body of the tiger

What does "tyger" refer to

There are different opinions about the tiger Some say the tiger is made by God Others say it is made by men One more idea thinks that The Tyger is a poem about work, about artistic creation

  Please make a comment on William Blake's poetry

A His first collection of poems Poetical Sketches is one of youthful verse with joy, laughter, love and harmony as its prevailing notes

B The second volume of his Songs of Innocence presents a happy and innocent world

C The third --- Songs of Experience paints a different world, a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone

The last two hold the similar subject-matter, but their tone, emphasis and conclusion differ Childhood remains central to the poet's concern in the two, with a number of poems from them can be pairs

For example, the two poems both entitled "Chimney Sweeper" are such pairs, for the one in the Songs of Innocence indicates the conditions of the exploitation of child labor, which make religion a consolation, but the one in the Songs of Experience reveals the true nature of religion which helps bring misery to the poor children

D The maturity of Blake's poetry is shown in his poem Marriage of Heaven and Hell in which the relationship of the contraries is explored, for in the poet's eyes, "without contraries, there is no progression"

  What does the poem "The Chimney Sweeper (from Songs of Experience)" reveal

The two “Chimney Sweeper”poems are good examples to reveal the relation between an economic circumstance, iethe exploitation of child labor, and ideological circumstance iethe role played by religion in making people compliant to exploitationIn the Songs of Experience reveals the true nature of religion which helps bring misery to the poor children


• 1797年,结识了科勒律治,两人成为知心密友,合作完成了《抒情歌谣集》。

• 诗人骚塞、科勒律治、和华兹华斯三人一并成为“湖畔诗人”。

• 1842年,华兹华斯荣获政府津贴,次年他压倒骚塞成为“桂冠诗人”(Poet Laureate)

• 华兹华斯被称为“大自然的膜拜者”。

• 华兹华斯是一个怀旧的诗人,对他来说,生命犹如轮回的旅程,生命之始也是生命之终。他的这种人生哲学体现在他的代表作《序曲》中。

• 华兹华斯追求简洁朴素的风格,厌恶粉饰真实。他强调诗歌创作最要紧的是把握素材的真实来源,即“在静谧中找回情感”。他的创作理论核心是普通人的生活经历。

• 华兹华斯是英国诗歌史上的巨星,是浪漫主义时期的杰出代表,他号召人们用清新、自然、关心的目光去看待周围的事物,开创了运用百姓生活语言写诗的新道路,并号召人们回归自然。


The Prelude

Composed upon Westminster Brige

Lyrical Ballads

I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud

The Solitary Reaper

1 | I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud |

This poem typically depicts the author's respect for nature / His love for the daffodils

2 | Composed upon Westminster Brige |

3 | She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways |

《独自幽居》By comparing a country girl (Lucy) to a violet, the poet intends to show her quality of beauty and her virtue which are often neglected by the common people just like a wild flower blooming by an untrodden road

4 | The Solitary Reaper |

《孤独的收割者》It tells us, to Romanticists, poetry is an expression of an individual's feelings and experience no matter how fragmentary and momentary these feelings and experiences are (无论他们的情感是微不足道的还是伟大的)

| Questions |

Please discuss the significance of William Wordsworth's poetry in the history of English literature

A First of all, Wordsworth's theory, as stated in his "preface" to the second edition of the Lyrical Ballads, serves as a manifesto of Romanticism The poet takes the direct experience of the senses as the source of poetic truth as poetry comes from the "emotion recollected in tranquillity" The significance of the "Preface" also presents itself in the poet's advocation of the writing of the common people in ordinary language

B Secondly, his practice is what his theory implies, for the joys and sorrows of the common people are his themes, in many of his poems such as the "Lucy poems"

C Thirdly, natural scenery with its beauty and mystery acts also as one of his favorite themes and the sympathy out of the poet's nature towards the poor in rural places becomes part of his concern

D Finally, the seemingly simplicity of the poet both in diction and description is immersed in a profound and sympathetic longing for a better world So the most important contribution he has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry, the poetry of his growing inner self, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature

雪莱 出生于一个富有家庭,父亲是个保守的乡绅,母亲貌美。

• 雪莱对自由的渴望及对暴政的憎恶都体现在诗作中,如《自由颂》《那不勒斯颂》等。

• 雪莱最著名的政治抒情诗是《致英格兰人民》,诗中号召工人,农民起来斗争,在宪章运动时期成为英国***的战歌。

• 雪莱最著名的抒情诗当属《西风颂》。瑟瑟寒风熄灭了一年的生机,却孕育着新春的希望,诗人希望自己也化作这西风,把他对未来的预言传遍人间。

• 雪莱最有造诣的作品是他的四幕诗剧《被解放的普罗米修斯》。

• 雪莱的诗歌语言清新别致,文化底蕴深厚,含有丰富的典故,并多用拟人和隐喻,将我们看到的事物完全生动地描绘出来。


To a Skylark

Men of England

Ode to the West Wind

| Men of England | 

《致英格兰人民》It is not only a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, but an address to them pointing out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation

"drones" refers to the parasitic class in human society

"bees of England" refers to the laboring people in England

| Ode to the West Wind | (theme)

The poem expresses his eagerness to enjoy the boundless freedom from the reality


| Pride and Prejudice | (Theme)

A It was oringinally drafted as "First Impressions" in 1796, is the most delightful of Jane Austen's works The title tells of a major concern of the novel: pride and prejudice

| Questions |

What are Austen's writing features

Jane Austen is one of the realistic novelists Austen's work has a very narrow literary field Her novels show a wealth of humor, wit and delicate satire

Based on her writings discuss Jane Austen's greatest contribution to English literature

A Jane Austen is one of the most important Romantic novelists in English literature She creates six influential novels

B Her main literary concern is about human beings in their personal relationships She makes trivial daily life as important as the concerns about human belief, career and salient social event This is what makes her important in English literature

C Jane Austen has brought the English novel, as an art of form, to its maturity because of her sensitivity to universal patterns of human behavior and her accurate portrayal of human individuals

D She describe the world from a woman's point of view, and depicts a group of authentic and common women

Make comments on Austen's attitude towards the three kinds of motivations of marriage the middle class people had in the second of the 18th century (with specific examples from Pride and Prejudice )

A Motivation one: to pursue material interest through marriage;

B Motivation two: to seek sensual pleasure and beauty; Lydia and Mr,Bennet are examples of this kind

C Motivation three: to search for true love and also take personal merits and financial position into consideration; Elizabeth Bennet is a typical example of this kind

Austen celebrated the third kind of motivation of marriage while criticizing the first two wrong motivations


带思维导图版笔记在这里:  英美文学笔记


亚圣 :  孟子。

酒圣:杜康; 书圣:王羲之;

草圣:张旭; 史圣:司马迁;

至圣:孔丘; 文圣:欧阳修;

亚圣:孟子; 医圣:张仲景;

武圣:关羽; 乐圣:李鬼年;

茶圣:陆羽; 棋圣:黄龙士;

诗圣:杜甫; 画圣:吴道子;

词圣:苏轼; 曲圣:关汉卿






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