

威廉华兹华斯是一位英国作家,英文为William Wordsworth。威廉华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义诗人,曾当上桂冠诗人。其诗歌理论动摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,有力地推动了英国诗歌的革新和浪漫主义运动的发展。他是文艺复兴运动以来最重要的英语诗人之一,其诗句“朴素生活,高尚思考(plain living and high thinking)”被作为牛津大学基布尔学院的格言。






(1) 抒情诗: 《抒情歌谣集》《丁登寺旁》

(2) 长诗: 《序曲》《远游》

(3) 自传体叙事诗 :《革命与独立》



Romanticism (literature)


Romanticism (literature), a movement in the literature of virtually every country of Europe, the United States, and Latin America that lasted from about 1750 to about 1870, characterized by reliance on the imagination and subjectivity of approach, freedom of thought and expression, and an idealization of nature The term romantic first appeared in 18th-century English and originally meant “romancelike”—that is, resembling the fanciful character of medieval romances


By the late 18th century in France and Germany, literary taste began to turn from classical and neoclassical conventions (see Classic, Classical, and Classicism) Inspiration for the romantic approach initially came from two great shapers of thought, French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau and German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A The Romantic Spirit

Rousseau established the cult of the individual and championed the freedom of the human spirit; his famous announcement was “I felt before I thought” Goethe and his compatriots, philosopher and critic Johann Gottfried von Herder and historian Justus Möser, provided more formal precepts and collaborated on a group of essays entitled Von deutscher Art und Kunst (Of German Style and Art, 1773) In this work the authors extolled the romantic spirit as manifested in German folk songs, Gothic architecture, and the plays of English playwright William Shakespeare Goethe sought to imitate Shakespeare's free and untrammeled style in his Götz von Berlichingen (1773; translated 1799), a historical drama about a 16th-century robber knight The play, which justifies revolt against political authority, inaugurated the Sturm und Drang (storm and stress) movement, a forerunner of German romanticism Goethe's novel The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774; translated 1779) was also in this tradition One of the great influential documents of romanticism, this work exalts sentiment, even to the point of justifying committing suicide because of unrequited love The book set a tone and mood much copied by the romantics in their works and often in their personal lives: a fashionable tendency to frenzy, melancholy, world-weariness, and even self-destruction

B The Romantic Style

The preface to the second edition of Lyrical Ballads (1800), by English poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge was also of prime importance as a manifesto of literary romanticism Here, the two poets affirmed the importance of feeling and imagination to poetic creation and disclaimed conventional literary forms and subjects Thus, as romantic literature everywhere developed, imagination was praised over reason, emotions over logic, and intuition over science—making way for a vast body of literature of great sensibility and passion This literature emphasized a new flexibility of form adapted to varying content, encouraged the development of complex and fast-moving plots, and allowed mixed genres (tragicomedy and the mingling of the grotesque and the sublime) and freer style

No longer tolerated, for example, were the fixed classical conventions, such as the famous three unities (time, place, and action) of tragedy An increasing demand for spontaneity and lyricism—qualities that the adherents of romanticism found in folk poetry and in medieval romance—led to a rejection of regular meters, strict forms, and other conventions of the classical tradition In English poetry, for example, blank verse largely superseded the rhymed couplet that dominated 18th-century poetry The opening lines of the swashbuckling melodrama Hernani (1830; translated 1830), by the great French romantic writer Victor Hugo, are a departure from the conventional 18th-century rules of French versification; and in the preface to his drama Cromwell (1827; translated 1896), a famous critical document in its own right, Hugo not only defended his break from traditional dramatic structure but also justified the introduction of the grotesque into art In their choice of heroes, also, the romantic writers replaced the static universal types of classical 18th-century literature with more complex, idiosyncratic characters; and a great deal of drama, fiction, and poetry was devoted to a celebration of Rousseau's “common man”


As the romantic movement spread from France and Germany to England and then to the rest of Europe and across to the western hemisphere, certain themes and moods, often intertwined, became the concern of almost all 19th-century writers

A Libertarianism

Many of the libertarian (see Libertarianism) and abolitionist movements of the late 18th and early 19th centuries were engendered by the romantic philosophy—the desire to be free of convention and tyranny, and the new emphasis on the rights and dignity of the individual Just as the insistence on rational, formal, and conventional subject matter that had typified neoclassicism was reversed, the authoritarian regimes that had encouraged and sustained neoclassicism in the arts were inevitably subjected to popular revolutions Political and social causes became dominant themes in romantic poetry and prose throughout the Western world, producing many vital human documents that are still pertinent The year 1848, in which Europe was wracked by political upheaval, marked the flood tide of romanticism in Italy, Austria, Germany, and France

In William Tell (1804; translated 1825), by German dramatist Friedrich von Schiller, an obscure medieval mountaineer becomes an immortal symbol of opposition to tyranny and foreign rule In the novel The Betrothed (1825-1827; translated 1834), by Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni, a peasant couple become instruments in the final crushing of feudalism in northern Italy Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, who for some most typify the romantic poet (in their personal lives as well as in their work), wrote resoundingly in protest against social and political wrongs and in defense of the struggles for liberty in Italy and Greece Russian poet Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin, whose admiration for the work of Byron is clearly manifested, attracted notoriety for his “Ode to Liberty” (1820); like many other romanticists, he was persecuted for political subversion

The general romantic dissatisfaction with the organization of society was often channeled into specific criticism of urban society La maison du berger (The Shepherd's Hut, 1844), by French poet Alfred Victor de Vigny, expresses the view that such an abode has more nobility than a palace Earlier, Rousseau had written that people were born free but that everywhere civilization put them in chains This feeling of oppression was frequently expressed in poetry—for example, in the work of English visionary William Blake, writing in the poem “Milton” (about 1804-1808) of the “dark Satanic mills” that were beginning to deface the English countryside; or in Wordsworth's long poem The Prelude (1850), which speaks of “ the close and overcrowded haunts/Of cities, where the human heart is sick”

B Nature

Basic to such sentiments was an interest central to the romantic movement: the concern with nature and natural surroundings Delight in unspoiled scenery and in the (presumably) innocent life of rural dwellers is perhaps first recognizable as a literary theme in such a work as “The Seasons” (1726-1730), by Scottish poet James Thomson The work is commonly cited as a formative influence on later English romantic poetry and on the nature tradition represented in English literature, most notably by Wordsworth Often combined with this feeling for rural life is a generalized romantic melancholy, a sense that change is imminent and that a way of life is being threatened Such intimations were early evinced in “Ode to Evening” (1747) by William Collins, “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (1751) by Thomas Gray, and The Borough (1810) by George Crabbe The melancholic strain later developed as a separate theme, as in “Ode on Melancholy” (1820) by John Keats, or—in a different time and place—in the works of American writers: the novels and tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne, which probe the depths of human nature in puritanical New England, or the macabre tales and melancholy poetry of Edgar Allan Poe

In another vein in American literature, the romantic interest in untrammeled nature is found in such writers as Washington Irving, whose Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent (1819-1820), a collection of descriptive stories about the Hudson River valley, reflects the author's knowledge of European folktales as well as contemporary romantic poetry and the Gothic novel The Leather-Stocking Tales by James Fenimore Cooper celebrate the beauty of the American wilderness and the simple frontier life; in romantic fashion they also idealize the Native American as (in Rousseau's phrase) the “noble savage” By the middle of the 19th century the nature tradition was absorbed by American literary transcendentalism, chiefly expressed in the essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau

C The Lure of the Exotic

In the spirit of their new freedom, romantic writers in all cultures expanded their imaginary horizons spatially and chronologically They turned back to the Middle Ages (5th century to 15th century) for themes and settings and chose locales ranging from the awesome Hebrides of the Ossianic tradition, as in the work of Scottish poet James MacPherson (see Ossian and Ossianic Ballads), to the Asian setting of Xanadu evoked by Coleridge in his unfinished lyric “Kubla Khan” (1797) The compilation of old English and Scottish ballads by English poet Thomas Percy was a seminal work; his Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765) exerted a significant influence on the form and content of later romantic poetry The nostalgia for the Gothic past mingled with the tendency to the melancholic and produced a fondness for ruins, graveyards, and the supernatural as themes In English literature, representative works include Keats's “The Eve of St Agnes,” the Gothic novels of Matthew Gregory Lewis, and The Castle of Otranto (1764) by Horace Walpole The Lay of the Last Minstrel (1805), by Scottish writer Sir Walter Scott, and his historical novels, the Waverley series (1814-1825), combine these concerns: love of the picturesque, preoccupation with the heroic past, and delight in mystery and superstition

D The Supernatural

The trend toward the irrational and the supernatural was an important component of English and German romantic literature It was reinforced on the one hand by disillusion with 18th-century rationalism and on the other by the rediscovery of a body of older literature—folktales and ballads—collected by Percy and by German scholars Jacob and Wilhelm Karl Grimm (see Grimm Brothers) and Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen From such material comes, for example, the motif of the doppelgänger (German for “double”) Many romantic writers, especially in Germany, were fascinated with this concept, perhaps because of the general romantic concern with self-identity Poet Heinrich Heine wrote a lyric apocryphally titled “Der Doppelgänger” (1827; translated 1846); The Devil's Elixir (1815-1816; translated 1824), a short novel by E T A Hoffmann, is about a double; and Peter Schlemihl's Remarkable Story (1814; translated 1927), by Adelbert von Chamisso, the tale of a man who sells his shadow to the devil, can be considered a variation on the theme Later, Russian master Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky wrote his famous novel The Double (1846), an analysis of paranoia in a humble clerk


By about the middle of the 19th century, romanticism began to give way to new literary movements: the Parnassians and the symbolist movement in poetry, and realism and naturalism in prose

See also American Literature: Poetry; American Literature: Prose; Brazilian Literature; Danish Literature; Dutch Literature; English Literature; French Literature; German Literature; Italian Literature; Latin American Literature; Polish Literature; Portuguese Literature; Russian Literature; Spanish Literature; Swedish Literature

Contributed By:

Robert J Clements

Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2003 © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved

乔治·戈登·拜伦(George Gordon Byron)(1788122-1824419),是英国浪漫主义文学的杰出代表。1788年1月22日出生于伦敦,父母皆出自没落贵族家庭。他天生跛一足,并对此很敏感。十岁时,拜伦家族的世袭爵位及产业(纽斯泰德寺院是其府邸)落到他身上,成为拜伦第六世勋爵。哈罗公学毕业后,1805-1808年在剑桥大学学文学及历史,他是个不刻苦的学生,很少听课,却广泛阅读了欧洲和英国的文学、哲学和历史著作,同时也从事射击、赌博、饮酒、打猎、游泳、拳击等各种活动。1809年3月,他作为世袭贵族进入了贵族院,他出席议院和发言的次数不多,但这些发言都鲜明地表示了拜伦的自由主义的进步立场。









  1The publication in 1812 of the first two cantos of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, brought Byron fame拜伦早期代表作是长篇叙事诗《恰尔德哈罗德游记》第一,第二章(1812)。

  2 In Geneva, he wrote the third canto of Childe Harold and the narrative poem The Prisoner of Chillon在日内瓦,拜伦写下了《哈罗德游记》第三章及叙事诗《齐伦的囚犯》。

  3 he produced the verse drama Manfred, the first two cantos of Don Juan他创作了诗剧《曼弗雷德》,《唐璜》的前两章。

  4 Don Juan is Byron’s masterpiece, a great comic epic of the early 19th century他的代表作《唐璜》是19世纪初期的著名讽刺史诗。

  5 Byron invests in Juan the moral positives like courage, generosity and frankness, are virtues neglected by the modern society拜伦在唐璜身上开发出勇敢,慷慨,诚恳直白等优点。

  6 the poet’s true intention is, by making use of Juan’s adventures, to present a panoramic view of different types of society诗人的创作意旨在于通过唐璜的游历来体现不同的社会情形。

  7 Byron’s satire on the English society in the later part of the poem can be compared with Pope’s; and his satire is much less personal than that of Pope’s, for Byron is here attacking not a personal enemy but the whole hypocritical society拜伦在诗的末尾对英国社会的讽刺与蒲柏相媲美,有过之而无不及,因为拜伦讽刺的不是个人恩怨,而是整个社会的虚伪。

  8 As a leading Romanticist, Byron’s chief contribution is his creation of the “Byronic hero,” a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin Such a hero appears first in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, and then further developed in later works such as the Oriented Tales, Manfred, and Dan Juan in different guises作为浪漫主义的代表诗人,拜伦的主要贡献在于他创造了“拜伦式英雄”,高傲,神秘,反叛却带有贵族血统。这种拜伦式英雄出现在《哈罗德游记》,《东方故事集》,《曼弗雷德》及《唐璜》等多部作品中。

  9 Actually Byron has enriched European poetry with an abundance of ideas, images, artistic forms and innovations拜伦以丰富的思想,想象力,艺术形式和创新欧洲的诗歌得到了发展

Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:

What if my leaves are falling like its own!

The tumult of thy mighty harmonies

Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone,

Sweet though in sadness Be thou, Spirit fierce,

My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!

Drive my dead thoughts over the universe

Like wither'd leaves to quicken a new birth!

And, by the incantation of this verse,

Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth

Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!

Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth

The trumpet of a prophecy! Oh Wind,

If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind

















布莱克 华兹华斯 拜伦 雪莱 济慈

威廉·布莱克(William Blake,1757---1827),英国第一位重要的浪漫主义诗人、版画家。主要诗作有诗集《天真之歌》、《经验之歌》等。早期作品简洁明快,中后期作品趋向玄妙晦涩,充满神秘色彩。

威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850)与柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)、骚塞(Robert Southey)同被称为“湖畔派”诗人(Lake Poets)。他们也是英国文学中最早出现的浪漫主义作家。他们喜爱大自然,描写宗法制农村生活,厌恶资本主义的城市文明和冷酷的金钱关系,他们远离城市,隐居在昆布兰湖区和格拉斯米尔湖区,由此得名“湖畔派”。华兹华斯的主要作品有《抒情歌谣集》《丁登寺旁》《序曲》 《革命与独立》《不朽颂》《远足》。


珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792年8月4日-1822年7月8日)英国文学史上最有才华的抒情诗人之一。William Wordsworth曾称其为“One of the best artists of us all”,同时期的拜伦称其为“Without exception the best and least selfish man I ever knew”,更被誉为诗人中的诗人。其一生见识广泛,不仅是柏拉图主义者,更是个伟大的理想主义者。创作的诗歌节奏明快,积极向上。




My favorite Chinese poet is Li Bai I want to friends, no one can say is known, no one knows all don't know, li bai is an ancient time of the most famous poet, his poetry by many people look up to, from which, we left by the culture in li bai learned many worth us to collect and mining, whether before or, now, we have studied poetry to most of li bai and left over from psalm, if without ever li bai the old man left the ancient culture of poetry, in the real world, we also can't see the old man's li bai once all the great performance, for a great poetry creation, we respect him, who admires him

望采纳 谢谢


The person I love is my lover


For love, you dare or can not


I like people, he has a body of etimes, sleep is also a kind of enjoyment


Distant love and embrace are extravagant hopes


Just passion




Once friendship is earnest, love is more unforgettable than love



I am happy, because I love, because I have love


Niu Chicao, Ma eat material, cattle enjoy the least, the output is the largest, so still fortable, you do not have happiness does not matter, to see others to get a happy life is also comfortable


Only for his contemporaries perfect, for their happiness and happen, as by little advantages that occur every day


Happiness is like a thief, fortable


Science is not an egoistic enjoyment of Have the honor to be able to parison, a kind of satisfaction


To love and to be loved are the things that make people happy Don't let them become pain


The greatest happiness of mankind lies in the fact that an together will feel happy


A person with lofty ideals, is in the most difficult time of suffering, will feel happy


Happiness is limited, for God's gift is limited


Happiness and unhappiness, happiness and unhappiness, is to be able to choose, do not have any psychological burden, you are for their own life, not for others


For people, the greatest joy, the greatest happiness is to give their spiritual strength to others


No matter how hard it is, it is not a kind of pain, but a happy one, not a tragedy, but a drama


I love the people I want to personally give him happiness, others I do not rest assured


If the work is not the cost of life, but the purpose of human life, human beings will be how happy


The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness


1At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

2Those days an is ent。我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。

13Love e ething eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence。 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

25Love me little and love me long。不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

26You make my heart smile。我的心因你而笑。

27Dont spend time eone nes and hoping that person kno you love love the person who is with you! 如果你没能和你爱的人在一起,那就爱那个和你在一起的人吧!




To believe that happiness is so simple, as simple as fortable


Looking at your eyes, I sae a pity


Happiness is limited, for God's gift is limited


To the e back


Forget the se a barrier, good life is not so expensive Begin to achieve your most recent dream


Happiness is not a kind of perfect and eternal, but the heart and life of a kind of induction and resonance


Love is love dearly, can like many people, but only a real love


Happiness is the barefoot hikers, summer breeze, is autumn e together, I do not knoend to forget, just for you and I describe the CI too delicate


Know how to cherish all around, this is the greatest happiness in life


The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness


e lovers, and a pair of lovers into a stranger's game


Simple life, in fact, very happy; silly to live, in fact, very happy


The happiness of others as their own happiness, flowers given to others, left to their own thorns!


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/448104.html

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