my favourite song作文

my favourite song作文,第1张

My favorite song英语作文:

My favorite song is a popular song ,its name is Heal the world, Micheal Jackson sang this song Meanwhile , this song was produced by Micheal The song is about our worse and worse environment and the cons people on protecting earth

For example from the song ,’heal the world ,make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race’ I like this lyric very much I like this song because its melody and content By this song ,we can realizewhat about our earth and how we can do in the future






Hero's come back!




2013年最好听的网络流行歌曲 中国风 1 《红尘客栈》——周杰伦 [超好听] 剑出鞘 恩怨了 2 《伴虎》—— 许嵩 [好听] 来者可追 文过饰非 谁说你对 我笑谁可悲 3 《桃花扇》—— 汪苏泷 [好听] 暮雨入画 将离愁 绘入这纸深秋 4 《无颜女》——徐良 镜中的自己 偶尔红妆是谁伤了你 碎了模样 5 《芊芊》——回音哥 [超好听] 一曲轻描淡写勾勒尽是我的呼吸 山穷水绝处回眸一遍你 6 《细雨飘飘》——傲艺 [超好听] 春雨不觉晓 处处悲声悼 夜来风雨浇 问泪有多少 7 《狱龙三国志》——林俊杰 [好听] 天命 豪情笑纳 定天下 刀狂剑妄 甜蜜 1 《爱很美》——刘佳 爱很美 sara 刘佳 [超好听] 用白色的蜡笔画一场婚礼 度过每个四季 永不分离 2 《有点甜》——汪苏泷 [超好听] 是你让我看见干枯沙漠开出花一朵 是你让我想要每天为你写一首情歌 3 《没有这首歌》——后弦 忽然间 才发觉 你是心上 漏掉的一点 4 《爱的魔法》—— 金莎 [超好听] 要保持魅力 忽远又忽近 不能随意献殷勤 5 《爱太萌》——傲艺 [超好听] 美丽夕阳西下 和你种下一串串的牵挂 6 《万有引力》——汪苏泷 [超好听] 你说靠在我的肩膀有心电感应 说不清又不像是梦境 7 《手语》——周杰伦 [好听] 你的美 太过梦幻 太过迷人 太多太多太多 我说不完 8 《见习爱》——武艺 [超好听] 我渴望在你们的肩膀上悄悄耳语 看着她红着脸庞转身在你的怀里 舞曲 1 《狂草》——韩庚 [超好听] 我挥舞那狂草(狂草) 一霎那黑与白都分开 2 《十二生肖》——王力宏 [好听] 子鼠丑牛寅虎卯兔 辰龙巳蛇午马未羊 申猴酉鸡戌狗亥猪 3 《SO HOT》—— 陈晓东 气氛很杀 快融化 快融化 太火辣 4 《陪玩》——傲艺 [超好听] 一场午夜的狂欢 别逼我吃软饭 5 《杜老师》——后弦 [好听] 你的笔墨家书抵万金 我的功课两吨差一斤 6 《无底线》——本兮 [好听] 一个心跳 一个微笑 能让我开心多一秒 伤感 流行 1 《风度》——汪苏泷 [超好听] 我知道你的眼泪只是一种无奈 何必虚情假意的勾勒着未来 2 《友情岁月》——黄晓明 余文乐 [好听] 消失的光阴散在风里 仿佛一切不能逃避 3 《未拆的礼物》——品冠 [超好听] 你是我这一生等了半世未拆的礼物 这份爱太贵重捧在掌心再没有假如 4 《幻听》——许嵩 [超好听] 如今一个人听歌总是会觉得难过 爱已不在这里我却还没走脱 5 《胡萝卜须》——许嵩 [好听] 青春舞台来来往往很多人 人模狗样 6 《停止跳动》——汪苏泷 [好听] 爱被雨淋成沙漏 被时间带走 7 《明明就》——周杰伦 [好听] 明明就不习惯牵手 为何却主动把手勾 8 《那一年》——汪苏泷 [好听] 那一年放肆的自由 就这样牵着你的手 9 《第一首情歌》——汪苏泷 [好听] 第一首情歌 写的都是忐忑 10 《悲伤专卖店》——胜屿 [超好听] 来悲伤专卖店 或许你会好过一点 11 《我们的故事》——光良 [好听] 流着眼泪看完你的日记 12 《落单的恋人》——香香 [好听] 可怜这一对落单的恋人 怎么成了心里的陌生人 13 《心还是热的》——SHE 心还是热的 眼睛更透澈 曲折的历史 完整了自我 14 《不舍》——任和 [超好听] 我用不舍把你的笑容深埋 记忆如何能重新干净纯白 15 《偶阵雨》——梁静茹 [超好听] 谁的青春没有浅浅的瘀青 谁的伤心能不留胎记 16 《经过》——陈楚生 何洁 [超好听] 浪漫被岁月滴水穿石 散落却从来都未发觉 17 《该是时候》—— 张柏芝 [好听] 有人去爱 就有人走 有多少人懂 细水长流 18 《碎梦的芬芳》——傲艺 [超好听] 天空放晴朗 还有你在身旁 原来幸福那么慈祥 19 《分手潮流》——乔洋 [超好听] 分手已成了潮流 在最后有人开心有人难受 20 《海誓山盟亦会分开》——本兮 [好听] 谁说那片阴霾 就不会散开 我会离开 在不经意的将来


Many people like music It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music GREat, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting You can pick and choose whatever you like Now popular songs are in fashion If you like music, you usually like singing, too I am no exception My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music We are a musical family Do you like music Is your family full of music, too Music is really GREat! I like it very much

pop的意思有很多种啊,如果光用pop还可能是汽水等其他意思,让人误解。而且只用pop意思意境不太符合。这么来说吧,pop song意思是流行歌曲,某一首流行歌曲(为什么流行歌曲不用pop一样),pop music是流行音乐,指的是流行音乐全部。英语中这种情况很多,比如要说某一类东西会加上the一样,可能我的表述并不能完全说清楚,毕竟语言嘛~希望能帮到你


音乐英语高一作文80词 篇1

 It is said that Musicis the soul of a manI agree on the viewI love not only listening to music,but also singing the songwhatever cheering or sorrowful,music can know about my mood and accompany meIt seems to me that music is a good friend

 I can express my feelingby musicI take delight in singing in KTVSentiment in myself can go outIt’s so coolSinging in the front of people can raise my confidence and make me highWhen joyless,nobody can undersdand my heart and I am clined to sing the song aloneIt’s a mode that nobody can break intoSo music can bring much to me

 Apart from this,some musics are classicalThe rhythm and song lyrics are greatFor example,song lyrics of Let it Go encoage many peopleAny words of the song let you brave”Be the good girl ,you always have to be” and I always have to be

 Nowadays I listen to music every dayMusic is the part of my lifeI love music and let it in my heart

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇2

 Today is a very happy day I have just watched a rockˊnˊroll music When it became popular in the late 1950s, accompanied by accompanied by a great variety of energetic dance styles

 The idea was to “ move to the music ” Anyway you felt like moving Popular dance has become more and more free since that time

 The music emphasized harmony and repeated melodies; the dancing , like the music, was smooth

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇3

 Many people like music

 It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music great, light music relaing, and children, music interesting you can pick and choose whatever you like now popular songs are in fashion if you like music, you usually like singing, too i am no eception my brother and i like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music we are a musical family do you like music is your family full of music, too

 Music is really great! i like it very much

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇4

 Pop music, often called simply pop, is contemporary music and a common type of popular music (distinguished from classical or art music and from folk music) The term does not refer specifically to a single genre or sound, and its meaning is different depending on the time and place

 Within popular music, "pop music" is often distinguished from other subgenres by stylistic traits such as a danceable rhythm or beat, simple melodies and a repeating structure Pop song lyrics are often emotional, relating to love or dancing

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇5

 Many people like music It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music GREat, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting You can pick and choose whatever you like Now popular songs are in fashion If you like music, you usually like singing, too I am no exception My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music We are a musical family Do you like music Is your family full of music, too Music is really GREat! I like it very much

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇6

 Many people like music It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music great, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting You can pick and choose whatever you like Now popular songs are in fashion If you like music, you usually like singing, too

 I am no exception My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music We are a musical family Do you like music Is your family full of music, too Music is really great! I like it very much

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇7

 I like listening to the music,because it makes me relaxed Last summer holiday, my father bought me a MP3 as the birthday giftI usually put it in my schoolbag On the way to school or go home, I usually listen to music Pop music is my favorite Jay and Stephy are my favorite singers I like their songs The rhyme and lyrics are wonderful


音乐英语高一作文80词 篇8


 These days I am learning to blow gourd silk Suddenly I see a yellow thing in the corner So I went to ask the teacher The teacher said that the instrument was called "Sax" Then, the teacher played a part for me! After listening to it for a while, I found it very pleasant So, I also want to try I'll pick up sax and blow hard, huh Why not Then the teacher told me how to play


 How funny Sax is!

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇9

 Music is very good to relax When I’m very boring, I usually like listening to the music My favorite kinds of music is pop music It’s good and many young people love it

 I like pop music, because it’s very suit me to happy

 Sometimes I like R&B and classical R&B is very popular and makes me excited Classical music can make me relax

 My favorite musicians are Starauss,Tchaikovsky,Beethoven and Jay Their music and song are great, reat, I think

 I can play the piano! But I can’t play it very well I like to play it a little I intend to study to play guitar when I’m nineteen

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇10

 Almost everybody loves music, because music has its power It can brings joy to people when they feel upset As for me, when I am not happy, I will turn up the music in my bedroom, singing loudly and shaking my body As I'm immersed in the music world, I will forget the annoyance and become active again Music also brings me the happy memories Some songs have special meaning for me Whenever I hear them, the happy memories will appear in my mind I feel life is such wonderful for me Music is the most beautiful language in the world It touches everybody's heart with beautiful rhythm

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇11

 Almost everyone is fond of musicI am a music loverListening to music is a hobby in my life Listening to music will make me feel relaxed Whenever I feel sad, I can just turn on theradio and listen to some music Music can cheer me up when I am sad

 I enjoy different kinds of music Light music fills my heart with joyfulness Country music tells me the feelings of country people Pop music tells me the young people's concern and I am willing to share their happiness and trouble Music comes from the heart and flows into the heart

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇12

 (Music)Many people like music It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music GREat, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting You can pick and choose whatever you like Now popular songs are in fashion If you like music, you usually like singing, too I am no exception My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music We are a musical family Do you like music Is your family full of music, too Music is really GREat! I like it very much

音乐英语高一作文80词 篇13

 I believe everybody has their own hobby Different people have different hobbies For me, my hobby is music

 Ilike music very much It is magical for me It gives me the sense of happiness

 It can make me happy when I am sad I will listen to music every day I listen to it on my way home and school, before fall asleep in bed and eat

 Sometimes I will try to sing songs



音乐英语高一作文80词 篇14

 many people like music it has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music great, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting

 you can pick and choose whatever you like now popular songs are in fashion if you like music, you usually like singing, too i am no exception my brother and i like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music

 we are a musical family do you like music is your family full of music, too music is really great! i like it very much



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