

A pass of phrasing mean because of a passes of problem of the phrasing, if abridge the structure, some phrase or the phrase sets to have more than two phrasing function etcs

(7)Which lager can claim to be truly German This can( Flank the painting contain a beer)

Translate the text:Which big bottle beer can call up is German goods of the tunnelThis

This is the advertisement of a Lager card near beerCan in the sentence since can make the demeanor verb, can make the word( the beverage bottle) againBecause of one a pass of language of can, plus the Lager a pass of the brand name, and the extraordinary effect of the flank illustration, make the advertisement produce the certain humor result, give reader with deep impression

Rare but happens to have a counterpart, the Coca-Cola Company also does the article on this can word

(8)Coke refreshes you like no other can 10

Translate the text:Have no what can be like the cola to make the pure spirit of your absolute being great so

Can in sentence since apprehensible is the word" bottle, hear", can see again is the demeanor verb" ability", the whole is apprehensible is the Coke refreshes you like no other( can: Tin, drink) can( the refresh you) 11 This advertises the humorous tactful, rich in the writing interesting aspect, can make merchandise advertised the phrase print together and once in a very long while together with this in reader remember

24 lay particular emphasis on to translate the method

Sometimes do not have a pass technique of expression of the mental strategy in the advertisement" the hard form say in translate in the text, as a result have to sacrifice the form meaning, the homophonic 寓 righteousness and hint at the demeanor", is some advertisements to imply several passes and a languages to close much particularly, have to adopt to lay particular emphasis on to translate the method, guard the concept meaning

(18)The driver is safer when the road is dry; The road is safer when the driver is dry

This advertisement that publicizees the transportation safety made use of two heavy phrase righteousnesses of one phrase of dry( dry;Did not drink alcohol of) constitute a pass, have the caution function very much to the driverWhile translate, a two heavy meanings of the phrase of dries are in ascend, nextly only the ability is each to take with complete devotion:The road face dry, driver safety;The driver is awake, road safety

(19)When the wind has a bite … and you feel like a bite … then bite on a whole Nut

One phrase of bite has many layer meaning here:Piercing;Food;BiteThe many of layer meaning make the whole nourishment nut given the people of the suffering from cold and hunger the feeling that bring jump howeverThis translation that advertises the phrase can say out many heavy meaning forms that the bite a phrase expresses respectively:" When the bise stabs the bone but you again want to eat some son what, please chew the whole nourishment nut"

(20)Butlin' s – the right choice

Don' the t labour the point, the or be conservative in your choice, or liberal with your money The Come to Butlin' s for the real party

英汉的我就知道一个“TO BE OR NOT TO BE,THAT'S A QUESTION”生还是死,这是一个问题。还有几个没有英语的。“目眩时更要旋转,自己痛不欲生的悲伤,以别人的悲伤,就能够治愈”“当我们还买不起幸福的时候,绝不应该走得离橱窗太近,盯着幸福出神”“人们可支配自己的命运,若我们受制于人,那错不在命运,而在我们自己”“一个本领超群的人,必须在一群劲敌之前,方才可显出他不同凡响的身手”

1 请把这两份中文简历 翻译成英语

Translated these two Chinese resume into English please

2 我看过你的简历了,你的 工作经验丰富 / 工作经验不足

I have seen your resume, your work experience is insufficient

3 你的性格过于温和,需要强硬一些。

Your character is too mild, you have to be tougher

4 你因为上班迟到 / 上班玩游戏,而被罚款了吗?

Are you be fined in the reason for lating for work / playing games on work time

5 因为上班抽烟, / 因为上班玩电脑游戏,被罚款多少钱?

How much did you be fined for playing games on work time

6 他有很多缺点,但是也有很多的优点,不要只记住别人的缺点。

He has a lot of shortcomings, but also has a lot of shining qualitiess, Don’t only remember the faults of others



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