


I can accept failure but I can't accept not trying


I'm back 我回来了。

I play to win, whether during practice or a real game And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive

enthusiasm to win


I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come I don't do things half-heartedly (半心半意) Because

I know if I do, then I can expect (预期) half-hearted results

I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed


I've missed (错过) more than 9000 shots (投篮) in my career (职业生涯中) I've lost (输掉) almost 300 games 26 times, I've

been trusted (信赖) to take the game winning shot and missed

I've reached the pinnacle of my career I just feel that I don't have anything else to prove


If someone gets the best of me, I try not to let that happen again


If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome


If you're trying to achieve (有所成就), there will be roadblocks (路障) I've had them; everybody has had them But obstacles

(障碍物) don't have to stop you If you run into a wall, don't turn around (掉头) and give up Figure out (弄清楚) how to

climb it, go through it, or work around it

Just play Have fun Enjoy the game

Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by

brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best


My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness

into a strength


My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn’t stand the sideline


Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships


The game is my wife It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace


The game will never be the same 没有一场球赛是相同的。

There is only one person who can define success in your life -- and that's you

只有一个人能界定你一生的成就 – 那就是你自己。

To be successful you have to be selfish (自私), or else (否则) you never achieve (成就) And once (一旦) you get to your

highest level (水平;等级), then you have to be unselfish (无私心) Stay (保持) reachable (平易近人) Stay in touch Don't

isolate (孤立)

When I step onto (踏进) the court (球场), I'm ready to play If you're going up against (对抗) me, you'd better be ready If

you're not going to compete (竞争), l will dominate (主宰) you

被乔丹的脏话气得激得丧失理智的对手实在太多。最经典出现在1998年东部决赛第4场,乔丹与米勒进行了长大48分钟的对骂。1996年刚从北卡进入江湖的斯塔克豪斯对乔丹表示不敬,学长乔丹在1月13日的夜晚费城砍下48分10个篮板,只要对位斯塔克豪斯,几乎全都用单兵强打结束进攻。公牛以120比93羞辱76人和,乔丹的口水又开始泉涌:“我告诉过杰里,他是在说梦话。”此时此刻,斯塔克豪斯几乎处在无力还击的挨打状态,在日后遇到飞人师兄的时候,再也不敢放肆。被飞人口水淹过的还有有名的脏话宗师佩顿。记得有一次,手套遇上飞人,絮叨着唾沫星子喷上天:“嗨!迈克尔! 我已经拿到了上百万的薪水!我也能买法拉利和Testarossas(法拉利旗下名贵跑车)了!,这证明了我的身价。”乔丹嘴角一撇看都不看他一眼说:“我得到这些从来都是免费,是厂商直接赠送的。”有一次乔丹在斯托克顿头上扣了个篮,爵士的一位板凳球员嘲笑乔丹只敢在小个子头上扣篮,一会儿乔丹在奥斯特塔格(2米16)的防守下扣进两分,然后对着那位板凳球员说:“他够高了吗?”。一次,乔丹只将皮球往头顶一举就把梅森晃到了半空中,随即笑道:“呃哦——你得站稳点。”梅森下落时,乔丹身体往前一靠,造犯规成功。“别相信我的假动作。”乔丹说完,扬长而去…… 当然,乔丹最折磨人的两句脏话是,防守时挑衅对手:你投呀,我让你投,你投呀 (对手一般都没投进);进攻时打击对手:加油,你差点就守住我了 (对手已经守到全力还是被吃)。对手名字、车、鞋子甚至老婆,没有一个不是他脏话的对象



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