浪漫làngmàn (1) [romantic] (2) 富有诗意,充满幻想 我的想法也许有点浪漫 (3) 行为放荡,不拘小节(常指男女关系而言) 他们的关系太浪漫了 (4)英文:romantic,又称为罗曼蒂克 浪漫是什么?就是她哭时,你给她的温柔的肩膀,手足无措的递过去的手帕!!! 浪漫是什么?就是她跟你说她想要星星时,你平静而温柔的告诉她“我就是她的太阳”!!! 浪漫是什么?就是她忙碌一天,回到家里,看着平时不善厨艺的你也系上了围裙,桌上摆着她平时爱吃而你又不会做的菜,当她含着泪慢慢的咀嚼那种幸福时,你脸上那憨憨的笑!!! 浪漫是什么?她病了,而且很重,是那种死亡率极高的脑部疾患,开了刀以后你就不曾离开过她的病床,一直温柔的呼唤着她,希望她能醒过来,三天揪心的守护让你衣衫不整,胡须满面,终于她醒了,而你:一个不曾流过泪的大男人,却象一个孩子般无助的哭出声来,虽然,你在对她微笑! 浪漫是什么?对她来说就是你在教堂里,牧师说:“你愿意一生一世,无论是富贵还是贫穷,都会爱她和保护她吗?”你充满深情的那句:我愿意!!! 浪漫是什么?你要加夜班,回来时已经午夜一点多了,疲倦的你,爬了三层楼,到了你家的门口,这时,门开了。同样略显疲倦的她,接过你手中的东西,微笑的对你说到:“你回来了!”浪漫是什么?听过林忆莲的一首歌,歌名叫《至少还有你》。里面有一段这样的歌词:“我怕来不及,我要抱着你,直到看着你的发线有了白雪的痕迹,直到视现变的模糊,直到不能呼吸,让我们形影不离!!!如果全世界我可以放弃,至少还有你值得我去珍惜,而你在这里就是生命的奇迹!也许全世界我也可以忘记,只是不愿意失去你的消息,你掌心的痔我还记得在哪里! 浪漫是什么?古有苏轼的“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”今有轻舞飞扬的“如果把整个浴缸的水倒出,也浇不熄我对你爱情的火。整个浴缸的水全部倒得出吗?可以。所以,是的,我爱你!!! 浪漫是在下雨的时候,递给你一把伞 浪漫的雨 浪漫是在寒冷的时候,拥你在怀里 浪漫是在你幸福的时候,你爱的人在你身边 浪漫是重复着平常的平常。 浪漫是什么?也许就是一句话,一个眼神,一个微笑或是一段岁月!也许,什么也不是? 其实重要的不是浪漫是什么,而是我们有爱,我们有爱的感觉,即使我们不曾浪漫过,但我们爱过。谁又能说爱过不是一种浪漫呢? 虽然人们常说这样做那样做很浪漫,从事什么工作很浪漫,某某人多浪漫,但若真正给浪漫下个定义,就会感到浪漫似乎是只可意会不能言传的。我们所说的浪漫有以下几种: 1、浪漫的性格。 2、 浪漫的生活方式(或工作)。 3、 浪漫的行为。某些行为充满诗情画意,很浪漫。我的一个同学,常到雨中散步,自称心里感到很浪漫。又有一对很好的恋人,平时紧张工作,每逢周末,便手拉手迎着朝阳,漫步十里长堤,至傍晚迎着夕阳回来。这些行为,其实是一种特殊心情的外在表现。 4、浪漫的心境。浪漫可以体现在做某一件很小的事情上,或在一种工作中,或是一生中生活的某个方面,是一种很高的精神活动。 那么,怎样才能成为一个浪漫的人呢? 1、 要有质朴清纯的性格。很显然,没有一定的诗人气质的人纵使被大雨淋透也体会不出浪漫来。这种性格是自然而然依天性而成的,追功逐利,虚情假意只能削弱这种天性。 2、浪漫的行为不是刻意追求所能得到的。这是一种很美好的心境,一种很美好的形象,只有对诗情画意敏感的人才能体会到。对自然,对人,对事物深深地喜欢、用心爱着的时候,往往会悄然升起这种感受。刻意模仿别人,那不是源于自然,所以很难体会到这种心境。浪漫纯乎是一种灵性的浮现。 3、提高自己的艺术欣赏能力,增加对美的体会能力,可以使自己更易体验到美好的心境。诗人、艺术家、文学家中多浪漫人物,与他们本人的艺术修养有很大关系。 由此看来,勿须抱怨自己缺乏浪漫,也勿须羡慕别人,自己用美好的心境,纯真的感情,去生活,去工作,小至走路散步,大至人生理想等,都有一种天然的真意。这种心境会使人体会到很高的人生境界,使你感到周围充满诗情画意,生活得悠然自得 浪漫,不仅是在生日时收到令人尖叫的花束,也不是在每一个纪念日里翻云覆雨一番。新兴的浪漫主义,要你偷取每一个能够相聚的小片刻,感性的分享,性感的共处。其实,亲密关系的营造并非一定要大费周章才能完成;也不是劳师动众的邀集一整个乐队来伴奏的烛光晚餐才算数。不妨试着就只是一双紧握的手,一本两人共享的漫画书,一段有轻音乐陪伴的减压按摩,你会知道,原来贴近一个人,是可以如此轻易。 以下,我们便为你提供几个点子,让两人生活更多添一点浪漫与甜蜜: 幽默感:无论在任何情况下,幽默感都不会是个讨人厌的角色。笑倒在一起的甜蜜更是能快速地解除危机或治疗受伤的情绪。 1纪念日: 纪念不一定非要有个特别的理由才行。随时发挥想象力创造庆祝的理由,不管是雨天、摔跤日,或是好不容易排了3小时才买到Kitty的纪念日都可以是一个浪漫一下的好理由。当然最重要的结婚纪念日绝对不宜遗忘,让彼此都回想起最初心跳的感觉,就是最好的加温方式! 2拥抱: 轻轻的一个拥抱能够融化一颗层层防御的心。当你为他斟上一杯香醇的咖啡时,别忘了多加上一个体贴的拥抱这可比糖和奶精更让他甜在心里呢! 3满足: 这是常被低估掉的部分,总以为结了婚,还有什么不满足的呢?跳上往巴黎大血拼的飞机,或是前往只为一顿烛光晚餐的罗马,这些都只能算是新奇的花招罢了。聪明女人以拥有健康的自尊为满足。他们期许自己成为一个在感情中仍然独立的女人。学着给予尊重,让彼此站在同一个高度,分享共同的人生视野。 4调情: 这不是热恋中的情侣专有的特权,婚姻中的你们拥有更多理直气壮的理由。用一个迂回的方式来邀请他共进午餐,牵起他的手或是紧紧的搂着他,让他有一个温暖的依靠,按摩他紧绷的肩膀,顺势在他颈后磨蹭,或是以视觉、听觉、或香味抓住他的注意力,让他的双眼在你身上多停留几秒。浪漫,就从舍不得离开的眼神开始蔓延 5亲密时刻: 拥有分享的亲密时刻。试着没有压力的共享彼此的想法和价值观。甚至,先具体地从共享一个衣橱、浴室,逐步开启你的浪漫神经。 6我的心里只有你: 还处在约会阶段时,要你们松开彼此的手是多么难的一件事。那么,结了婚,这样甜蜜的镜头就不见了吗?安排个别出心裁的约会来为你们的感情打打气吧!或者就带着心爱的他,在热情的周末出走,找间悠闲的度假饭店,好好的浪漫一下。 7临别一吻: 你绝对想不到,当你急着出门时的匆匆一吻有多么大的魔力。临别的一吻能把你们彼此的心紧紧的系住,让你一整天都沉浸在甜甜的亲密中,好像他从没离开过似的。如果你必须因公出差,也别忘打个长途电话,让他知道,你的心好端端地放在他那儿。 8惊喜: 偶尔意外地为他煮顿丰盛的晚餐或是偕他一同去他最喜欢的餐厅。经心地营造一室的浪漫,或者冰镇一瓶纯酿红酒,再点上带有香氲的蜡烛,随着飘来的音乐,让累了一天的心上人,有一个如历仙境的惊喜。 9承诺: 婚姻不仅仅只是一纸法律上的合约,它还包含了肢体、情感上的结合。在婚姻里,双方都引颈期盼彼此感情归属的忠诚及患难与共的相互扶持。在这儿,没有中间的灰色地带,你不能粗糙地只做一半的承诺,把另一半留给可能发生的一见钟情。 10关上你的必需品电视: 关掉电视吧!即使就是一两个小时也罢。一起看看书,聊聊一天的趣事,或者就是享受一下还不太习惯的沉默……多么奢侈的享受!你看,浪漫就是这么简单! 11万众瞩目 像新闻一样,将寝室大楼的所有灯都熄掉,在分开之前,突然亮了,是三个大大的字"我爱你"!!! 这就挺浪漫的,也挺感人的
让人感到惊艳的句子,唯美简洁,让人越看越喜欢,属于治愈系文字,唯美的句子就属此类。在您的生活和人际沟通中善用这些句子,能让您的生活乐趣倍增。 我们一起欣赏《浪漫的英语句子, Love never dies》!
I munity, ridiculous but no king's life
Life, there and ramble faree out of my missing
You laugh so brilliantly, but I don't kno no in one season, incense in the street, grief in one season and injury in the pillow
My world is silent, unable to accommodate others
Don't always miss others, even if you pay more, they won't cry
A few years of youth, a few years of friendship, students and teenagers always remember each other
Fate is so bad that we can't know what will happen next
I know the result, but still lose to you my unwillingness
e country Lingling refused to play, and his shadow was startled
美丽的英语句子I dont ise me a happy ending 只要是喜剧收尾,过程你让我怎么哭都行。
Give up the abandoned the helpless, is incapable of giving up should not give up; do not give up the abandoned ignorance, do not give up should not give up the attachment 放弃该放弃的是无奈,放弃不该放弃的是无能;不放弃该放弃的是无知,不放弃不该放弃的是执着。
I love that you are the last person I e on beautiful, pick yourself up, shoeone will walk into your life, and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else有一天,当那个人走进你的生活,你就会明白,为什么其他人对你而言都是浮云
I dont need a photograph because youve never left my mind 我不需要一张照片把你记起,因为在我脑海你从未曾离去。
Before finding the right people, the only need to do is to make yourself good enough 在找到合适的人之前,唯一需要做的,就是让自己足够的优秀。If my future has you in it, Im not afraid of the rest 如果我的未来有你在,那其他的什么我都不怕了。
Some memories are set to be irremovableJust like some people ething, the better you remember; the only thing you can do when you no longer ha一ve something is not to forget你越想知道自己是不是忘记的时候,你反而记得越清楚;当你不能再拥有的时候,唯一可以做的就是令自己不要忘记。
If you love two people at the same time,choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldnt ha一ve fallen for the second 如果你同时喜欢两个人,选第二个,因为如果你真一爱一第一个人,你的心就不会装得下第二个人。
Love is a romantic kind of encounter, and one can neither eone, the more you fall for them 有时候,你越隐藏你对一个人的感觉,你陷得越深。
生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。 Let life be beautiful like summer floent after it is missed人生中不可挽回的几样东西:说出去的话,消逝的时间,失去的机会。
Just because you dont see the tears on the outside doesnt mean it isnt pouring on the inside 仅仅因为你没有看见我流泪,不代表我内心没有流泪。
I am etimes the things you eone breaks your heart, there is alents in my life that Ill always remember, not because they were important, but because they were with you 生命中有些时刻我是不会忘记的,不是因为他们很重要,而是因为那都是有你在的时光。
Its amazing hoeone,it is because of the happiness eone other than yourself最好的一爱一情,让你不断完善自身,却不用丢一了自己。
etimes tears can express feelings easier than after ended不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要轻言放弃。不论你在什么时候结束,重要的是结束之后就不要后悔。
etimes, oblivion, is the best way of liberation; silence, is the best way of expression.有时候,失忆,是最好的解脱;沉默,是最好的诉说。
Dont dream to other peoples ideas, to understand other peoples spiritual activities, never have to worry about their own future
Deep in the heart of the human mind, there are many deep sleep hatred, restraint, in a calm mood to go further
As the hard work of life is inevitable, even if there is no harvest of hope in a calm mood to continue
Long in our brains around the ears, often about our brains
Opportunity plays an important role, but on the other hand, even in those who are successful in the discovery of opportunity, the opportunity will only play a part
Great cause is not done by strength, speed and agility of the body, but by the strength of character, will, and knowledge
Change is to change the world, I am born to be useful, he is a program is very important in the whole universe, to believe in their own potential
Everything that can stand the language of reading again, it must be worth thinking about
The future of the road, orro the text of Lu Xun Noething meaningful in your lifetime, then it is enough
Only for his contemporaries perfect, for their happiness and of the valley, do not despair, looked up, you will see a bright star
Life may not always be good, but those who struggle can make you stronger Those changes can make you smarter
Bete of the scenery e empty and small
God never complains peoples ignorance the distance that you decided to achieve
All great action and thought, there is a trivial beginning
Every rose has its thorn, and every mans character has a part of you that you cant stand
You may be facing the most difficult problem is the achievement of your life
persons life, not a bitter, no eternal pain; no step but the Hom, no break but the relationship
The ability of a person to bear alone hoe people, eone orrow, the sun will come out
Be kind to yourself, dont be left or right, dont go to other people, you are confident and elegant
Accustomed to your existence, so hoorro is a person's feeling toen say goodbye Just to keep him
Life is like a cup of tea, not bitter for a lifetime, but al noe is crushed to pieces
If you can't be happy, it depends on your happiness In short, I s of endless disaster, smiling through the water is difficult to recover
It is man's greatest sorrow to seek, to give up and not to give up
Love is the fountain of knowledge, just as fire is the fountain of light
eone who fantasizes about you
Travel, al
Travel time is not used, the time of travel, the time of travel is not the time to travel, life becomes regular and beautiful
Life is a journey full of unknopanions can shorten the journey time
I don't beg for money, I don't the foot of the mountain, snow capped mountains suddenly hidden Zhaxian, like "still holds partly concealed" goddess of beauty
A backpack, a ticket, a single camera, a lover who can take pictures, I long for a journey without a deadline
As a young age, travel is a part of education
Good mood will have good scenery, good vision will have a good find, good thinking will have a good idea
Life is a long journey Don't waste your time waiting for people who are not willing to walk with you
Only a person in the travel, to hear his voice, it will tell you, this world is wider than the imagination
ing home, but I forget nobody gives me a home
I just panies you is my once-in-a-lifetime earnestness
If the piano lost Bai Jian, is it al all poisons, you knoeone to drink snoetimes choosing to let go is not to insist, but to find that something is doomed to be impossible
Real abandonment is not publicity, but sloetimes, I knoise to you is not unfulfilled, but I also have my o corner
You never kno dreams several times
The day I let go of my hand and turned around, I still feel like an illusion until I shed tears
The best scenery and the most touching e to have an object, but I envy seeing people in pairs on the street
You knoething to each other
I can't copy all the doors of those friends you haven't contacted for a long time They talk on the phone for an hour and a half
Standing in the lonely sea of people, has been looking for people If you have eyes, please don't understand me orroe Let the beginning begin anee first!
passing scenery, e here for a visit
If one day I give up, please remember, because you don't care
Don't aleone to replace you, but found that no one is qualified
I stare at your head, but I don't have the courage to say hello
I ing the remnants of the season
plain about the silent stars and the moon
Drunk alone, drink off the sno a distance, a peach tree looks like an open umbrella
You are like sunshine, shining into the haze of my heart, stabbing sadness
Unutterable grievance is grievance, cry until laughter is pain
How long have you been dreaming , people come and go, flourishing like brocade
Who can be like him, shush cold ask warm, three meals a day concern Russia
I must continue to breathe, even if there is no reason to hope
The sunset slowly sinks, it seems afraid to arouse our endless sorrow, so it chose to leave quietly But this is only a short separation Tomorrow morning it will come back, and it will come back to us in another way
Suddenly two white clouds appeared in the sky, but in a flash, they were dyed red by the sunlight again They continued to move forward and were getting closer and closer to me Ah! The cloud in front of it is like a rabbit It has a bamboo basket in its left hand and a big mushroom in its right hand It runs forward quickly, followed by a fierce tiger When the big tiger opened its mouth and was about to eat the little rabbit, the little rabbit was so art that he hid in the clouds So they disappeared
Sunset is the greatest makeup artist in the world The clouds on the horizon are carefully dressed up in the setting sun They are leisurely and brilliantly turned into beautiful sunset clouds They are clipped into the blue pages of poems in the sky and become eternal memories The beautiful green hill was veiled with haze by her It changed from the grandeur of the past and nestled gently in the embrace of the earth It was as quiet as a girl
Suddenly, a brilliant sunshine burst out from the horizon In a flash, the sky was dyed deep red It was like a magnificent red ocean It was magnificent It was really "this scene should only be seen in the sky, and the world can see it several times" At this time, the sunset became more and more red, almost dripping blood, like a huge red peony blooming in the horizon, full of fragrance and brilliance At this moment, her beauty made me forget everything around me
When the sunset turns to the west, it is no longer so dazzling It's so big, so red, so round, hanging at the top of the tree When you look at him, you will instantly have infinite fantasies, infinite hopes and infinite courage
The sunset is hanging in mid-air, just like a jade plate When it shines on people's faces, they seem to be coated with gold; when it shines on the water, the river floats with gold, as if a magical little star is shining; when it shines on the trees, the trees seem to be coated with oil, making them even greener
And there are some whole clouds slowly moving towards it This time, it can't get rid of them So, it cutely pulled away a little cloud, put out its head, eyes left, right, want to see the world before going to bed It sat on the clouds, directed them, and gradually flew towards the horizon The sun is sitting in a cloud chair like a fairyland, enjoying, looking around the world it once illuminated Now, only half of the sunlight is left, just like a dog eating the moon, disappearing bit by bit in the western sky
When the sunset turned to the west, it was no longer so bright It's so big, so red, so round, hanging at the top of the tree When you look at him, you will instantly have infinite fantasies, infinite hopes and infinite courage
Just as the sun is sinking, it emits more brilliant colors, and the colors in the sky change rapidly Sometimes red, sometimes light blue with purple; sometimes red with blue and gold, the sun has completely sunk, but the sky's afterglow has not dispersed It didn't fade until the moon rose
The setting sun, unlike the early morning sun, has its own unique light; the setting sun, unlike the hot afternoon sun, abandons its strong and dazzling light When we are at dusk, we can see the sunset by looking at the distance At this time, we can face it with the naked eye, the endless sunset becomes beautiful, because of it, the mind becomes unpredictable
The clouds and clouds beside the setting sun change a lot White, golden, purple and yellow, grey and red are the colours
Perhaps, many people will be sad about the quiet departure of such a beautiful sunset, but if you can sit quietly on the beach like me and watch the whole process of the beautiful sunset setting, you will think of the sunrise of tomorrow as I do, and you will not feel sad On the contrary, you will find it very beautiful and praise the sunset will arise spontaneously
At sunset, many clouds appeared in the sky The shape of clouds varies from end to end, especially the color of clouds The clouds in the sky are like Lily cotton and golden waves The most interesting are the two clouds: one is like a half-gray and half-red rouge, and the other is like a red sandalwood cockscomb The whole sky looks colorful The ever-changing clouds make the sky full of wonderful mystery
In the warm glow of sunset, hard-working and simple people tread on hardships, unload the heavy plough rake on their shoulders, and the sunset gives them a holy aura, encircling the fatigue of years and the heaviness of life, and giving them relaxation The setting sun gives her everything to the world and to the earth Only then can there be a thousand rays of sunshine, beautiful mountains and rivers, a quiet countryside and hard-working and simple people
、晚霞的色彩是火艳的,气氛是热烈的,对我们的感染是强烈的。看看这里的天空,像正在燃烧的火焰,像一个美丽的仙女穿着火红的裙子向你走来。这时候的感觉像整个身子被火焰所包围,四周 辣的,让你感觉在太上老军的炼丹炉里翻液着,跑着。那颜色有大红,橙红,金黄,杏黄……就是把全世界最好最鲜艳的
The color of sunset is bright, the atmosphere is warm, and the infection to us is strong Look at the sky here, like a burning flame, like a beautiful fairy coming to you in a red skirt At this time, it feels like the whole body is surrounded by flames, hot around, so that you feel in the old army's elting furnace of Tai Shang, turning liquid, running The color is bright red, orange red, golden yellow, apricot yellow It's the best and brightest in the world
我能想到最浪漫的事情就是能和你一起旅行,看最美的风景和海边的日落。翻译成英语 在线等
I think that the most romantic things are going on vacation/ holiday with you, seeing the sceneries and watching the sunset on the beach
The most romantic things I think are going on vacation with you, seeing all the wonderful sceneries and watching the beautiful sunset on the beach
The most romantic things I think are travelling together with you, seeing all the wonderful sceneries and watching the beautiful sunset on the beach
日落跌进昭昭星野,人间勿晚,山河已秋。Sunsetfellintotheclearstarwild,notlateintheworld,mountainsandrivershaveautumn一站式出国留学攻略 http://wwwoffercomingcom
It must be the most beautiful scene / sight when the two in love are enjoying themselves in romantic sunset
1 英文写天空夕阳的诗歌
《Hold Me Close under,the sunset 》紧紧拥抱我,在夕阳下
Hold me close, under the sunset
and let Gods reds and oranges soothe your eyes,
like this is all a me close, under the can kiss my neck a little, if you better yet, walk my silk shirt off my me close, under the sunset
and hear me chuckle as you do the same-
staring deep into my me close, under the sunset
in the middle of the don't mind; with you it could be me close, under the for me, scream for me
and light me up like all those years me close, under the sunset-
I whisper to you as you close your probably passed mind;
You won't remember me, next time I slip something in your Alexander Howell
《As The Sunset》 当夕阳落下
As the sunset I think to myself the sunset I sit down and why life got to be a the sunset I dropp my the sunset I think about you can I go home and get in my the sunset I say the sunset I just don't love that I have for u just wont the sunset I look to the the sunset I wait to me how to say the sunset I say a the sunset how can I giving up, I just don't by the window watching the sun to I'm going to see you again,
and you coming back home at the Smith
2 关于描写夕阳的英语语句
The sunset is very beautiful and lovely Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the 英语 作文) When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the GREen fields the clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn GREy and the mountains become black Then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature。
3 关于 夕阳 的五行打油诗 英语
A jolly young fellow from Yuma
Told an elephant joke to a puma
Now his skeleton lies
Beneath hot western skies –
The puma had no sense of huma (Ogden Nash)
4 外国描写夕阳的诗歌
5 用Sunset造个唯美的英文句子
sunset was merely a flush of rose on a dome of silver 银灰色的天穹上,落日只剩下最后一抹玫瑰色的余辉。
there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset! 愿你的生命中有足够的云翳来造成一个美丽的黄昏! as the sunset,their love was so strong and beautiful for one time but only destined to be a memory for ever 就像西沉的落日一样,他们一度如此强烈而美丽的爱注定只会成为永远的记忆 come floating into my life from other days no longer to shed rain or usher storm but to give colour to my sunset sky 从别的日子里飘浮到我的生命里的云,不再落下雨点或引起风暴了,而给予我的夕阳的天空以色彩。
6 关于描写夕阳外形的语句
1) 远处的地平线上,一轮太阳将要落下,西天的晚霞挥动着绚丽的纱巾。膜糊间,遍地的小草都镀上了一片金**。晚风吹起来,一支支狗尾草摇响一渠黄昏的抒情曲。一排排白色的小木屋出现了,像童话一般精致,又像梦一样美丽。
2) 时光悄悄地溜走,暑气跟着阵阵海风徐徐地远离。夕阳也渐渐收敛了光芒,变得温和起来,像一只光焰柔和的大红灯笼,悬在海与天的边缘。兴许是悬得太久的缘故,只见它慢慢地下沉,刚一挨到海面,又平稳地停住了。它似乎借助了大海的支撑,再一次任性地在这张硕大无朋的床面上顽皮地蹦跳。大海失去了原色,像饱饮了玫瑰酒似的,醉醺醺地涨溢出光与彩。
3) 夕阳西去,一盏茶饮到无色,无味,暮色渐起。拈一朵花,端坐禅房,静寂,燃一炷香,菖蒲上默诵经文;凉的夜,如注的雨,落打荷叶声声起,可否,凝聚我所有念,于佛前虔诚的祈祷,佑:青城无恙,亭廊深巷歌吟唱,岁月静好,静好安然。
4) 那一刻,巡古苑,采幽香,笑看芳草添新妆。临风陌上,邀文谈笔友,作诗万首,琴棋书画,饮酒千壶,且看翠柳醉夕阳。曲径通幽处,剪红情,裁绿意,莺歌燕舞,心静,影动。
5) 秋天的夕阳也富有诗情画意,夕阳染红了天边的云彩,圆盘大的夕阳很快在云彩的映衬下落下墙头,黑暗的阴影逐渐笼罩了大地。最后,太阳像捉迷藏一样跳进了山里,黑暗立刻吞噬了大地,既而,如同白昼的灯光亮了起来,打破了短暂而可贵的黑夜。
7 关于夕阳的古诗句
青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。——《临江仙》 年代:明 作者: 杨慎
夕阳悬高树,薄暮入青峰。——《道吾山》 年代:清 作者: 谭嗣同
紫阁峰西清渭东,野烟深处夕阳中。——《县西郊秋寄赠马造》 年代:唐 作者: 白居易
春浪棹声急,夕阳帆影残。——《渡淮》 年代:唐 作者: 白居易
夕阳依岸尽,清磬隔潮闻。——《送僧归金山寺》 年代:唐 作者: 马戴
竹间残照入,池上夕阳浮。——《同独孤使君东斋作》 年代:唐 作者: 孟浩然
戍鼓一声帆影尽,水禽飞起夕阳中。——《西江晚泊》 年代:唐 作者: 赵嘏
送飞鸟以极目,怨夕阳之西斜。——《代寄情楚词体》 年代:唐 作者: 李
山密夕阳多,人稀芳草远。——《长安送友人游湖南》 年代:唐 作者: 杜牧
横烟秋水上,疏雨夕阳中。——《秋霁寄远》 年代:唐 作者: 杜牧
夕阳,傍晚的太阳,英文为:the setting sun