


1 揣着一口袋的开心满载而归

2 好想和喜欢的人一起坐摩天轮一起去迪士尼

3 阳光明媚的大晴天

4 童话世界走一遭 然后 更爱这个世界。

5 恐高怕晕的人不配去游乐场玩,玩个碰碰车只能度原地转,旁边看的人以为我是个傻的。

6 我要去后花园晒太阳了。

7 没想到本公主如今回自己的城堡都要买门票了。

8 像星星燃烧天空,像花坠落在春天,像大雪覆盖冬天。你也这样,点亮了我所有的世界。

9 总有一天,我会丢下我所有的疲倦和理想,带着我的相机和电脑,远离繁华,走向空旷。

10 为什么回家要收我门票钱?

11 就喜欢你对我偷瞄,陷入的无可救药。别对我忽冷忽热,毕竟我抵抗力不好,容易感冒。

12 游乐园这种地方,至少一年去一次

13 保持可爱 适当撒娇 几乎不心动

14 最好的时光在路上,一路向阳

15 我又要快乐花钱了。

16 瞒了大家这么久我要回城堡了。

17 想要当个一直长不大的小孩

18 记住,可以哭,可以恨,但是不可以不坚强。因为后面还有一群人在等着看你的笑话。

19 对这个装满梦想的地方说一句我爱你。

20 和你在一起,我就是小朋友


1 好吃好玩好开心

2 岁月不饶人,今天去游乐场玩了一整天,好多项目不敢玩了不说,这两腿还仿佛出走了。

3 游乐园有个旋转什么来着

4 旅游和旅行的最大区别在于:旅游仅仅是用双脚与眼晴,而旅行还要带上灵魂和梦想。

5 定要和最喜欢的人去迪士尼!预祝和果果半年快乐!

6 夏天超喜欢泡泡袖,有迪士尼在逃公主的感觉。

7 请善待珍惜自己,因为零件不好配,贵!有钱还不一定有货,更别提你连钱都没有了。

8 掬一捧蓝天,蓝得纯粹蓝得深邃~

9 介绍一下,我家。

10 本迪士尼在逃公主回来了!

11 一定要跟喜欢的人去一次游乐园

12 真的是被治愈的一天。

13 游乐园get

14 书上说每个女孩子都是公主,无论是破阁楼里还是城堡里

15 今天要去宝藏湾当海盗啦!

16 气球在我手上  我牵着你瞎逛

17 定一定要带喜欢的人来一次迪士尼, 可惜这次身边没有你了。

19 很多事情就像是旅行一样,当你决定要出发的时候,最困难的那部分其实就已经完成了。

20 忙着拍照 忙着玩耍


1 好喜欢乐佩公主呀~是目前迪士尼公主里最喜欢的一个。

2 愿你我既可以朝九晚五、又可以浪迹天涯

3 想去游乐场啊、想坐旋转木马啊。飞起来、蹦起来、跳起来、转起来啊。好想出去玩啊。

4 再聪明的女人在自己的相貌上也是糊涂的,再愚蠢的男人在女人的相貌上也是清醒的。

5 就算到了一百岁也要去游乐园

6 是喜欢的游乐园啊

7 室友突然拿起我桌上的水猛地往脸上倒,然后愣了几秒钟,说了句,我刚是不是没张嘴?

8 希望现在的碎碎念念都能变成将来的岁岁年年谁不喜欢迪士尼呢!

9 睹物思人的后半句 永远都是物是人非

10 想起我第一次坐过山车,全程都是尖叫,感觉整个人都要掉下去了,那次之后就没去过。

11 我喜欢的人也在喜欢我啊, 去迪士尼过的夏天啦。

12 欢迎来到快乐星球

13 本公主准备回家逛逛亲戚。

14 一定要跟喜欢的人去一次游乐园

15 我想牵着你的手带你去游乐场直到黄昏也悄悄吻上了夕阳。

16 虽然时间不长,但是玩的很开心

17 昨天和男朋友去游乐园玩了,他的摄影技术越来越好了

18 大概每个女生都想和喜欢的人去上海迪士尼乐园看烟花。

19 和喜欢的人来迪士尼 ,等于把浪漫拉满。

20 迪士尼是要和喜欢的人一起去环球影城呢, 就踏实玩到痛快吧。









7忙着拍照 忙着玩耍。







14无论多大都要热爱魔法, 英雄和童话。















28气球在我手上  我牵着你瞎逛。






34吨吨吨 夏天游乐园的快乐源泉。





















13童话世界走一遭 然后 更爱这个世界。


















30天空很高风很清澈 从头到脚趾都很快乐。


32仲夏 烟火 、梅子酒 、沙丁鱼 、樱花汇成的隧道、游乐园,火车经过的小镇,夏天,我在想念你的味道。








40出去玩没有拍到好看的照片 =没玩无语子 今天去水上游乐园了!










8迪士尼是要和喜欢的人一起去环球影城呢, 就踏实玩到痛快吧。

9好吧, 我承认我是神秘星球最不像公主的公主。

10和喜欢的人来迪士尼 ,等于把浪漫拉满。






16天空很高风很清澈 从头到脚趾都很快乐。
































"I feel a great sense of obligation and gratitude toward the Order of DeMolay for the important part it played in my life Its precepts have been invaluable in ma-ki-ng decisions, facing dilemmas and crises DeMolay stands for all that is good for the family and for our country I feel privileged to have enjoyed membership in DeMolay"

"People like to think their world is somehow more grown up than Papa's was"

"I sell corn, and I love corn"

"My big brother Roy was already in Los Angeles as a patient in the Veteran's Hospital When he got out, we had more in common than brotherly love Both of us were unemployed and neither could get a job We solved the problem by going into businefor ourselves We established the first animated cartoon studio in Hollywood"

来源:Walt Disney's Speech - "Showman of the World" 10/1/66

"Well, in order to crack the field, I said, 'I've got to get something a little unique,' you see Now they had the clown out of the inkwell who played with the live people So I reversed it I took the live person and put him into the cartoon field I said, 'that's a new twist' And it sold I was surprised myself (ANIMATED CARTOONS)

来源:ABC Radio Portrait - Walt Disney with Pat McGinnis 1/30/65



"Disneyland will never be completed, as long as there is imagination left in the world"


来源:KNBC Survey between Walt Disney and Bob Wright 8/24/66

Disneyland Tencennial newspa-pe-r supplement

Dateline Disneyland TV show (Disneyland opening)

Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"When we opened Disneyland, a lot of people got the impression that it was a get-rich-quick thing, but they didn't realize that behind Disneyland was this great organization that I built here at the Studio, and they all got into it and we were doing it because we loved to do it" (ORGANIZATION)

来源:Walt Disney's interview with Bert Reisfeld 1965

"Disneyland is a thing that I can keep molding and shaping It's a three-dimensional thing to play with But when I say, 'play with it,' I don't mean that Everything I do I keep a practical eye towards its appeal to the public"

来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 11

"Disneyland would be a world of Americans, past and present, seen through the eyes of my imagination-a place of warmth and nostalgia, of illusion and color and delight"

来源:Walt's Files - Disneyland folder

"When I started on Disneyland, my wife used to say, 'But why do you want to build an amusement park They're so dirty' I told her that was just the point - mine wouldn't be"


来源:Walt Disney Interviews from newspa-pe-r clippings on Walt Disney World

"Disneyland is like Alice stepping through the Looking Glass, to step through the portals of Disneyland will be like entering another world"

来源:Walt's Files - Disneyland folder

"Physically, Disneyland would be a small world in itself - it would encompathe essence of the things that were good and true in American life It would reflect the faith and challenge of the future, the entertainment, the interest in intelligently presented facts, the stimulation of the imagination, the standards of health and achievement, and above all, a sense of strength, contentment and well-being"

来源:Walt's Files - Disneyland folder

"A word may be said in regard to the concept and conduct of Disneyland's operational tone Although various sections will have the fun and flavor of a carnival or amusement park, there will be none of the 'pitches,' game wheels, sharp practices and devices designed to milk the visitor's pocketbook"

来源:Walt's Files - Disneyland folder

"Almost everyone warned us that Disneyland would be a Hollywood spectacular - a spectacular failure But they were thinking about an amusement park, and we believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun - together"

来源:Total Image Presentation Walt Disney 1965

"A lot of people don't realize that we have some very serious problems here, keepin' this thing going and gettin' it started I remember when we opened, if anybody recalls, we didn't have enough money to finish the landscaping and I had Bill Evans go out and put Latin tags on all the weeds"

来源:Disneyland Tencennial Disneyland Hotel 7/17/65

"I had different cost estimates; one time it was three and a half million and then I kept fooling around a little more with it and it got up to seven and a half million and I kept fooling around a little more and pretty soon it was twelve and a half and I think when we opened Disneyland it was seventeen million dollars"

来源:Walt Disney's interview with Fletcher Markel for the Canadian Broadcasting Co 9/25/63

"It came about when my daughters were very young and Saturday was always daddy's day with the two daughters So we'd start out and try to go someplace, you know, different things, and I'd take them to the merry-go-round and I took them different places and as I'd sit while they rode the merry-go-round and did all these things - sit on a bench, you know, eating peanuts - I felt that there should be something built where the parents and the children could have fun together So that's how Disneyland started Well, it took many years it was a period of maybe 15 years developing I started with many ideas, threw them away, started all over again And eventually it evolved into what you see today at Disneyland But it all started from a daddy with two daughters wondering where he could take them where he could have a little fun with them, too"

来源:Walt Disney's interview with Fletcher Markel for the Canadian Broadcasting Co 9/25/63

"I just want to leave you with this thought, that it's just been sort of a drerehearsal and we're just getting started So if any of you start resting on your laurels, I mean just forget it, becausewe are just getting started"

来源:Disneyland Tencennial Disneyland Hotel 7/17/65

"To all who come to this happy place: Welcome Disneyland is your land Here age relives fond memories of the past - and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America - with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world"

来源:Dateline Disneyland TV show (Disneyland opening)

"Disneyland is like a piece of clay, if there is something I don't like, I'm not stuck with it I can reshape and revamp"

来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 2

"Whenever I go on a ride, I'm always thinking of what's wrong with the thing and how it can be improved"


来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 2

"It's no secret that we were sticking just about every nickel we had on the chance that people would really be interested in something totally new and unique in the field of entertainment" (ENTERTAINMENT)

来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 1

"We did it, in the knowledge that most of the people I talked to thought it would be a financial disaster - closed and forgotten within the first year"

来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 1

"The more I go to other amusement parks in all parts of the world, the more I am convinced of the wisdom of the original concepts of Disneyland I mean, have a single entrance through which all the traffic would flow, then a hub off which the various areas were situated That gives people a sense of orientation - they know where they are at all times And it saves a lot of walking"

来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 1

"Disneyland will be the essence of America as we know it, the nostalgia of the past, with exciting glimpses into the future It will give meaning to the pleasure of the children - and pleasure to the experience of adults It will focus a new interest upon Southern California through the mediums of television and other exploitation It will be a place for California to be at home, to bring its guests, to demonstrate its faith in the future And, mostly as stated at the beginning - it will be a place for the people to find happineand knowledge"

来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"The idea of Disneyland is a si-mp-le one It will be a place for people to find happineand knowledge It will be a place for parents and children to share pleasant times in one another's company; a place for teachers and pupils to discover greater ways of understanding and education Here the older generation can recapture the nostalgia of days gone by, and the younger generation can savor the challenge of the future Here will be the wonders of Nature and Man for all to see and understand Disneyland will be based upon and dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and hard facts that have created America And it will be uniquely equipped to dramatize these dreams and facts and send them forth as a source of courage and inspiration to all the world Disneyland will be sometimes a fair, an exhibition, a playground, a community center, a museum of living facts, and a showplace of beauty and magic It will be filled with accomplishments, the joys and hopes of the world we live in And it will remind us and show us how to make these wonders part of our own lives"

来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"Disneyland is a show"


来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 1 (1961)

"In the wintertime you can go out there during the week and you won't see any children You'll see the oldsters out there riding all these rides and having fun and everything Summertime, of course, the average would drop down But the overall, year-round average, it's four adults to one child"

来源:Walt Disney's interview with Fletcher Markel for the Canadian Broadcasting Co 9/25/63

"The idea for Disneyland lay dormant for several years It came along when I was taking my kids around to these kiddie parksI took them to zoos, I took them everywhere, and while they were on the merry-go-round riding 40 times or something, I'd be sitting there trying to figure what I could do When I built the Studio I thought we ought to have a three-dimension thing that people could actually come and visit - they can't visit our Studio because the rooms are small So I had a little dream for Disneyland adjoining the Studio, but I couldn't get anybody to go in with me because we were going through this depression And whenever I'd go down and talk to my brother about it, why he'd always suddenly get busy with some figures so, I mean, I didn't dare bring it up But I kept working on it and I worked on it with my own money Not the Studio's money, but my own money"

来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 9

"Disneyland is a work of love We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of ma-ki-ng money" (MONEY)


来源:Walt Disney's interview with Bert Reisfeld 1965 [

"When we were planning Disneyland, we hoped that we could build something that would command the respect of the community and after 10 years, I feel that we've accomplished that, not only the community but the country as a whole"

来源:Florida PreConference 11/15/65

"Drawing up plans and dreaming of what I could do, everything It was just something I kind of kept playing around with"

来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 9

"It's something that will never be finished Something that I can keep developing, keep plussing and adding to It's alive It will be a live breathing thing that will need change A picture is a thing, once you wrap it up and turn it over to Technicolor you're through Snow White is a dead issue with me A live picture I just finished, the one I wrapped up a few weeks ago, it's gone, I can't touch it There's things in it I don't like; I can't do anything about it I wanted something alive, something that could grow, something I could keep plussing with ideas; the Park is that Not only can I add things but even the trees will keep growing The things will get more beautiful each year And as I find out what the public likes and when a picture's finished and I put it out, I find out what the public doesn't like, I can't change it, it's finished, but I can change the Park, because it's alive That is why I wanted that Park"

来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 9

"I don't want the public to see the world they live in while they're in the Park I want them to feel they're in another world"

来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"Disneyland is not just another amusement park It's unique,and I want it kept that way Besides, you don't work for a dollar - you work to create and have fun"

来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"Everybody thinks that the Park is a gold mine - but we have had our problems You've got to work it and know how to handle it Even trying to keep that park clean is a tremendous expense And those sharp pencil guys tell you, 'Walt, if we cut down on maintenance, we'd save a lot of money' But I don't believe in that - it's like any other show on the road; it must be kept clean and fresh"

"To try to keep an operation like Disneyland going you have to pour it in there It's what I call 'Keeping the show on the road' Not just new attractions, but keeping it staffed properlyyou know, never letting your personnel get sloppynever let them be unfriendly That's been our policy all our lives My brother and I have done that and that is what has built our organization" (PERSONNEL, ORGANIZATION)

"There are many ways that you can use those certain basic things and give them a new decor, a new treatment I've been doing that with Disneyland Some of my things I've redone as I've gone along, reshaped them"

来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"The first year I leased out the parking concession, brought in the usual security guards - things like that - but soon realized my mistake I couldn't have outside help and still get over my idea of hospitality So now we recruit and train every one of our employees I tell the security police, for instance, that they are never to consider themselves cops They are there to help people The visitors are our guests It's like running a fine restaurant Once you get the policy going, it grows" (PERSONNEL)

来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"It has that thing - the imagination, and the feeling of happy excitement - I knew when I was a kid"

来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"You can't live on things made for children - or for critics I've never made films for either of them Disneyland is not just for children I don't play down" (CHILDREN)

来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"Disneyland will never be completed It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world"

另一版本:"Disneyland will never be completed, as long as there is imagination left in the world"


来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"To make the dreams of Disneyland come true took the combined skills and talents of hundreds of artisans, carpenters, engineers, scientists and craftsmen The dreams that they built now become your heritage It is you who will make Disneyland truly a magic kingdom and a happy place for the millions of guests who will visit us now and in the future"

来源:Disneyland Guide Books "Your Disneyland" 1955

"Disneyland is the star Everything else is in the supporting role"

来源:"The Art and Management of the Theme Park Show" by Van France

"Disneyland is often called a Magic Kingdom because it combines fantasy and history, adventure and learning, together with every variety of recreation and fun designed to appeal to everyone

来源:Disneyland Guide Books "Walt Disney's Guide to Disneyland"

"Disneyland will always be building and growing and adding new things new ways of having fun, of learning things and sharing the many exciting adventures which may be experienced here in the company of family and friends"

来源:Disneyland Guide Book "The Story of Disneyland" 1955

"Here you leave today - and visit the worlds of yesterday,tomorrow and fantasy

来源:Disneyland Dictionary 1959

"I think what I want Disneyland to be most of all is a happy place - a place where adults and children can experience together some of the wonders of life, of adventure, and feel better because of it"


来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967

"Well, I think by this time my staff, my young group of executives, and everything else, are convinced that Walt is right That quality will out And so I think they're going to stay with that policy because it's proved that it's a good businepolicy Give the people everything you can give them Keep the place as clean as you can keep it Keep it friendly, you know Make it a real fun place to be I think they're convinced and I think they'll hang on after as you saywellafter Disney" ( RECREATION)

来源:Dateline Disneyland TV Show (Disneyland opening)

"The way I see it, Disneyland will never be finished It's something we can keep developing and adding to A motion picture is different Once it's wrapped up and sent out for processing,we're through with it If there are things that could be improved,we can't do anything about them anymore I've always wanted to work on something alive, something that keeps growing We've got that in Disneyland"

"Well, it took many years I started with many ideas, threw them away, started all over again And eventually it evolved into what you see today at Disneyland"

"Disneyland really began when my two daughters were very young Saturday was always Daddy's Day, and I would take them to the merry-go-round, and sit on a bench eating peanuts, while they rode And sitting there alone, I felt there should be something built, some kind of family park where parents and children could have fun together"

来源:Dateline Disneyland TV Show (Disneyland opening)


1 前往迪士尼乐园


2 拍照留念


3 美食之旅


4 欢乐互动


5 带回家的小礼物


6 常识提醒


7 旅途结束


8 结束语









8、男人爱女人的过程:爱-怕-烦-离开,女人爱男人的步骤:无所谓-喜欢-爱-真情难收。 男人的爱是把天鹅逐渐变成癞蛤蟆的过程;女人的爱是把青蛙逐渐变成王子的过程。和男人在一起时,你是他的全部;和男人分开时,你什么都不是。和女人在一起时,你是她的全部;和女人分开时,你还是她的全部。



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/486666.html

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