








一、意思:adj 梦幻般的;心不在焉的;不切实际的;轻柔的。

二、读音:英 ['driːmi];美 ['driːmi] 。


The misty scene had a dreamy quality about it



dreamy epilepsy 梦样癫痫。


1}love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you


2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry


3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them


4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile


5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world


6) Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you


7) Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have


8) Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to


9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful


10) Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened



The Romance of a Busy Broker证券经纪人的浪漫故事

Pitcher, confidential clerk in the office of Harvey Maxwell, broker, allowed a look of mild interest and surprise to visit his usually expressionless countenance when his employer briskly entered at half past nine in company with his young lady stenographer With a snappy Good-morning, Pitcher, Maxwell dashed at his desk as though he were intending to leap over it, and then plunged into the great heap of letters and telegrams waiting there for him

The young lady had been Maxwell's stenographer for a year She was beautiful in a way that was decidedly unstenographic She forewent the pomp of the alluring pompadour She wore no chains, bracelets or lockets She had not the air of being about to accept an invitation to luncheon Her dress was grey and plain, but it fitted her figure with fidelity and discretion In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine peachblow, her expression a happy one, tinged with reminiscence

Pitcher, still mildly curious, noticed a difference in her ways this morning Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office Once she moved over by Maxwell's desk, near enough for him to be aware of her presence

The machine sitting at that desk was no longer a man; it was a busy New York broker, moved by buzzing wheels and uncoiling springs

Well--what is it Anything asked Maxwell sharply His opened mail lay like a bank of stage snow on his crowded desk His keen grey eye, impersonal and brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently

Nothing, answered the stenographer, moving away with a little smile

Mr Pitcher, she said to the confidential clerk, did Mr Maxwell say anything yesterday about engaging another stenographer

He did, answered Pitcher He told me to get another one I notified the agency yesterday afternoon to send over a few samples this morning It's 945 o'clock, and not a single picture hat or piece of pineapple chewing gum has showed up yet

I will do the work as usual, then, said the young lady, until some one comes to fill the place And she went to her desk at once and hung the black turban hat with the gold-green macaw wing in its accustomed place

He who has been denied the spectacle of a busy Manhattan broker during a rush of business is handicapped for the profession of anthropology The poet sings of the crowded hour of glorious life The broker's hour is not only crowded, but the minutes and seconds are hanging to all the straps and packing both front and rear platforms

And this day was Harvey Maxwell's busy day The ticker began to reel out jerkily its fitful coils of tape, the desk telephone had a chronic attack of buzzing Men began to throng into the office and call at him over the railing, jovially, sharply, viciously, excitedly Messenger boys ran in and out with messages and telegrams The clerks in the office jumped about like sailors during a storm Even Pitcher's face relaxed into something resembling animation

On the Exchange there were hurricanes and landslides and snowstorms and glaciers and volcanoes, and those elemental disturbances were reproduced in miniature in the broker's offices Maxwell shoved his chair against the wall and transacted business after the manner of a toe dancer He jumped from ticker to 'phone, from desk to door with the trained agility of a harlequin

In the midst of this growing and important stress the broker became suddenly aware of a high-rolled fringe of golden hair under a nodding canopy of velvet and ostrich tips, an imitation sealskin sacque and a string of beads as large as hickory nuts, ending near the floor with a silver heart There was a self-possessed young lady connected with these accessories; and Pitcher was there to construe her

Lady from the Stenographer's Agency to see about the position, said Pitcher

Maxwell turned half around, with his hands full of papers and ticker tape

What position he asked, with a frown

Position of stenographer, said Pitcher You told me yesterday to call them up and have one sent over this morning

You are losing your mind, Pitcher, said Maxwell Why should I have given you any such instructions Miss Leslie has given perfect satisfaction during the year she has been here The place is hers as long as she chooses to retain it There's no place open here, madam Countermand that order with the agency, Pitcher, and don't bring any more of 'em in here

The silver heart left the office, swinging and banging itself independently against the office furniture as it indignantly departed Pitcher seized a moment to remark to the bookkeeper that the old man seemed to get more absent-minded and forgetful every day of the world

The rush and pace of business grew fiercer and faster On the floor they were pounding half a dozen stocks in which Maxwell's customers were heavy investors Orders to buy and sell were coming and going as swift as the flight of swallows Some of his own holdings were imperilled, and the man was working like some high-geared, delicate, strong machine--strung to full tension, going at full speed, accurate, never hesitating, with the proper word and decision and act ready and prompt as clockwork Stocks and bonds, loans and mortgages, margins and securities--here was a world of finance, and there was no room in it for the human world or the world of nature

When the luncheon hour drew near there came a slight lull in the uproar

Maxwell stood by his desk with his hands full of telegrams and memoranda, with a fountain pen over his right ear and his hair hanging in disorderly strings over his forehead His window was open, for the beloved janitress Spring had turned on a little warmth through the waking registers of the earth

And through the window came a wandering--perhaps a lost--odour--a delicate, sweet odour of lilac that fixed the broker for a moment immovable For this odour belonged to Miss Leslie; it was her own, and hers only

The odour brought her vividly, almost tangibly before him The world of finance dwindled suddenly to a speck And she was in the next room--twenty steps away

By George, I'll do it now, said Maxwell, half aloud I'll ask her now I wonder I didn't do it long ago

He dashed into the inner office with the haste of a short trying to cover He charged upon the desk of the stenographer

She looked up at him with a smile A soft pink crept over her cheek, and her eyes were kind and frank Maxwell leaned one elbow on her desk He still clutched fluttering papers with both hands and the pen was above his ear

Miss Leslie, he began hurriedly, I have but a moment to spare I want to say something in that moment Will you he my wife I haven't had time to make love to you in the ordinary way, but I really do love you Talk quick, please--those fellows are clubbing the stuffing out of Union Pacific

Oh, what are you talking about exclaimed the young lady She rose to her feet and gazed upon him, round-eyed

Don't you understand said Maxwell, restively I want you to marry me I love you, Miss Leslie I wanted to tell you, and I snatched a minute when things had slackened up a bit They're calling me for the 'phone now Tell 'em to wait a minute, Pitcher Won't you, Miss Leslie

The stenographer acted very queerly At first she seemed overcome with amazement; then tears flowed from her wondering eyes; and then she smiled sunnily through them, and one of her arms slid tenderly about the broker's neck

I know now, she said, softly It's this old business that has driven everything else out of your head for the time I was frightened at first Don't you remember, Harvey We were married last evening at 8 o'clock in the Little Church Around the Corner







































 浪漫小镇 Romance Town ;

 浪漫鬼屋 Ghost House ;

 浪漫樱花 Para Para Sakura ; para ; Romatic Cherry Blossom ; romantic sakura

 浪漫小夜曲 Solid Serenade ; Romantica serenade

 浪漫文学 romance ; Romance Languages & Literature ; romantic literature

 浪漫岛屿 Romantic Island

 浪漫小说 Romance ; Romantic Fiction ; Camelot's Destiny by Cynthia Breeding ; Romance Novels

 浪漫宣言 Romansong

 浪漫夏日 Summer romance ; Lovely Summer


 1 Married life was not as idyllic as he had imagined


 2 The reality of mothering is frequently very different from the romantic ideal


 3 He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize them


 4 She clings to a romantic fantasy of wedded bliss


 5 She loved him so much: it was a fairytale romance


 6 There's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood


 7 The whole place was the romantic vision of the paternalist local squire


 8 The band alternated romantic love songs with bouncy dance numbers


 9 All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance


 10 This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park's stories


 11 He romanticized the past as he became disillusioned with his present


 12 Seacliff House is one of the most romantic ruins in Scotland


 13 Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river's twisting course


 14 They danced a romantic bolero together


 15 Poor old William is an incurable romantic




  “ 儿童 故事 ”是儿童成长和生活的重要组成部分,也是儿童喜闻乐见的一种文学样式,下面这些是我为大家推荐的几篇英文 睡前故事

英文睡前故事:The deer and the bear's story

 Winter arrived, the outside blowing winds, the day it was The deer has just returned from a friend's house, walk in the way, the wind was greater and the her trembling with cold Pass by little bear's home at this moment, through the window, can see the bear was lying in bed rest comfortably The deer hurriedly stepped forward to knock at the door The bear to hear the knock at the door, just open the door, revealing a head The fawn hurriedly said: "brother, beg you, let me in warm! My hands are freezing" The bear with a very difficult of say: "my house is too small to hold two people, you should go home" He shut the door The fawn listen, sadly left

 Summer arrived One day, the little bear out to handle affairs, it rained on the way back The bear didn't bring umbrella, was wet all over Then he is easy in her baby's doorstep Last year he thought, I didn't let her go to my house to keep warm in winter, she won't let me in shelters Thought of here, he is so sad At this time, the little deer found him in the house, hurriedly opened the door, "brother, hurry up to come in from the shelter" Closing the house said, and he put the little bear, bear back a bowl of hot soup The bear saw very embarrassed, cover his face with his hands, ashamed to say: "the last time I was wrong, I must learn from you"

 Pinda where

  英文睡前故事:Winter passed and spring came

 At eight o 'clock on Sunday morning, the rabbit ran to the vegetable patch in the busy kind of peanuts! The rabbit bewick Think of it: such as the flower grows, I want to squeeze it into peanut oil, no! So I can't taste the delicious peanuts Or I will come to eat boiled peanuts with winter, well, that's settled! The rabbit is very, very much in heart, it worked even harder!

 Little rabbit every day regular watering regular fertilization, never lazy, want to delicious peanuts in my heart After more than half a month, peanuts sprouted More than half a month passed, and blossomed peanuts Rabbit so happy, it to the fields every day said to himself: "peanuts! You hurry up!"

 Very not easy cook in the fall, the rabbit every day carrying a small basket around vegetable patch, but wasn't getting a peanut, rabbit angrily said: "the peanut is their long legs to run, or is stolen by someone!" Its aggressive vowed to find people to steal to eat peanuts

 When a worm from the soil, the rabbit quickly ask it: "earthworm brother, did you see is who stole my peanuts" "Oh! No one steal, your peanuts also buried in the ground!" Earthworms fingers to underground with a smile

 Little rabbit heard a grain of salt to pull up the peanut vine, indeed as expected with a string of peanuts, above the rabbit embarrassedly say: "oh, the original peanut long is not long in the outside but inside the dirt! Today, I can eat peanuts, and learned knowledge, I'm glad"

 Before long, the rabbit was cheerfully carrying a basket of peanuts to go home

英文睡前故事:High or short good

 In the grasslands of green grass shade, there is a pair of natural enemy, that is the giraffe and little goat

 A cool afternoon, the giraffe and the little goats are eating grass on the grassland Young goats eat quickly, and the giraffe is in a tough ate, the giraffe's neck is acid and pain Kid say: "you see, I said good short, you do not believe, also suit" Giraffes have no kid In a short time, finished eating the grass on the ground, they walked to other places, suddenly found a forest The giraffe looked at the young goats, proudly looked up to eat Little goats at magic giraffe is very angry, he toward the back, trying to jump up, however, far from enough to leaves, also fell a casualty Giraffe look at little goat's woe, laughed and said: "you say is tall or short good" Kid stood up, jerked under the giraffe with his horns The giraffe made a sputtering, stabilizing the body, a leg kick a little goat Then they played in combat, as the king of fighters champions

 At this time, a lovely lark said to them, "don't call just now, I have been listening to your argument Each of us has our own strengths, you should not take your strengths and weaknesses of the other You should correct this defect"

 The giraffe and little goat heard, carefully wanted to think the lark, blush with shame

英文睡前故事相关 文章 :

1 婴儿睡前英文小故事

2 儿童睡前英语小故事

3 睡前英语小故事

4 英文浪漫爱情故事

5 原创睡前故事


1、I do love you,Livyas the dew loves the flowers;as the birds love the sunshine;as the wavelets love the breeze;as mothers love their first-born;as memory loves old faces;as the yearning tides love the moon;as the angels love the pure in heart Take my kiss and my benediction,and try to be reconciled to the fact that I am


2、Your sonnet is quite lovely,and it is a marvel that those red-roseleaf lips of yours should be made no less for the madness of music and song than for the madness of kissing Your slim gilt soul walks between passion and poetry I know Hyacinthus,whom Apollo loved so madly,was you in Greek days


3、Dear First Lady,this is the day,the day that marks 31 years of such happiness as comes to few men I told you once that it was like an adolescent's dream of what marriage should be like That hasnt changed I more than love you,I'm not whole without you You are life itself to me Happy Anniversary thank you for 31 wonderful years




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