斯里兰卡 加勒
白色海滩、历史悠久的街道、艺术、美食、豪华住所,便宜价格,令人难 以置信。加勒古城,位于斯里兰卡西南 ,加勒不仅拥有环城要塞的雄伟气势,还有三面环海的优美自然环境,你可以漫步在荷兰 风情的小街小巷,流连在各种博物馆,还可以驻足珊瑚砌成的城墙之上,欣赏印度 洋上的日出日落。加勒,既是一座小资的小镇,也是一个风情万种的古城。
意大利 韦尔 纳扎
韦尔纳扎小城:又称“五渔村”。狭窄的街道,陡峭的崖壁,湛蓝的大海以及别致的建筑是这里的特色,是世界文化遗产。在这里,还有一个浪漫景点即情人路,位于风景如画的里奥马乔列村庄和马纳罗拉村庄。在这里野餐,骑车穿过葡萄牙 ,欣赏美景,的确是不错的选择。
每个人都想拥有属于自己的私人岛屿,岛屿上景色优美。彼得岛,私人度假村,遍布温泉 ,度假的好地方。它包括一个码头、两个娱乐场所,三种类型的房间、四种就餐选择、五个海滩、无数的帆船、潜水设备。你可以在这里尽情游玩。世界上很难找到另外一个像这样的度假天堂了。
莫斯塔尔是波黑 第四大城 市,为波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那联邦 黑塞哥维那-涅雷特瓦州的中心,也是黑塞哥维那非官方的首都,是波斯尼亚战争的战场。然而,在联合国教科文组织的资助下,经过十多年的恢复维修,这一中世 纪城市恢复了往日的繁荣。
莫斯塔尔恢复莫斯塔尔古桥区域,集中体现了城市文化与面貌以及土耳其 、地中海和西欧的建筑风格。莫斯塔尔古桥在巴尔干半岛是民族团结的象征,是古镇的灵魂与核心。战争带来的伤痛依旧可见,但是如果人们不说,莫斯塔尔仍是很 浪漫的城市,很吸引人。
美国 弗吉尼亚州米德尔堡
弗吉尼亚历史悠久,拥有连绵起伏的山脉,聪明过人的人民。但是近年来,弗吉尼亚又有了新的引以为豪的领域——美酒。维吉尼亚 酒业发展迅速,成为美国第五大葡萄酒生产地。米德尔堡是华盛顿 以外鲜为人知的最浪漫的旅行地。
莫桑比克 基林巴群岛
漫步在塞舌尔 和毛里求斯 ,那里有高端的印度洋度假村。基林巴群岛在莫桑比克的东北海 岸,现已成为非洲 最大的度假区,游客可跳水、观鸟、闲逛。
保护基林巴群岛是奎林巴斯 国家公园的一部分。如果情侣们想远离人群,那就来这里吧。
越南 会安
阿根廷 卡法亚特
卡法亚特风景优美,有吸引人的安第斯山脉、山顶大牧场。诱人的街边咖啡。此外,它也是继门多萨 之后的阿根廷第二大葡萄酒产区。白葡萄酒在烈风和山谷 中生长的很好。你可以边喝葡萄酒边欣赏美景
新西兰 怀希基岛
奥克兰 是新西兰在北岛 最大的城市,有隐蔽的灌木丛、沙滩以及港湾。怀希基岛是城市富翁和嬉皮士渔民聚集的地方。每年来这里旅游 的人数逐渐增多,乘飞机或游艇经豪拉基湾来到这一浪漫岛屿。
说到“浪漫”圣地,第一个出现在脑海里的地方是哪里呢可能不是印度吧,但是乌代普尔的拉贾斯坦邦绿洲却是名副其实的浪漫之地。乌代普尔像海市蜃楼一般 出现在塔尔沙漠的边缘,它拥有华丽的宫殿、宏伟的城堡以及满是珠宝商和工匠的街道。当然,乌代普尔还有别的特点。在皮秋拉湖边晒太阳,很容易就可以看出来 为什么乌代普尔是亚洲 最浪漫的景点之一。
1The Egyptian pyramids埃及金字塔
2Louvre Museum in Paris 在巴黎的卢佛尔宫博物馆
卢浮宫的面积达到652,300 平方英尺。馆内收藏有超过三万五千多件藏品。一些举世闻名的艺术品收藏于此,如:著名的“蒙娜丽莎”,以及其他的手工制品和绘画。有来自埃及、希腊和罗马的古董。还有手工制作文化及美丽的玻璃绘画作品。
3Venice 威尼斯
4Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫
But I have a fancy romantic city---Pairs,where is the hometown of my adored "Fashion Queen "Coco Chanel
LONDON, England A capital city full of art and history An important political centre A huge financial market place
Whatever you think about London, visiting as a tourist is very different from living there Each part of London has its own character Some parts are richer than others, or more industrial, or have better housing
Let's start with the centre, the "Square Mile" This is the oldest part of London In the past, this is where all financial business was done Not many people live here, but 300,000 people work here every day
Moving west, we come to the West End This busy shopping and entertainment district is bursting with things to do Take a walk down Oxford Street, past big department stores like Selfridges and Harrods Rents here are very high, a one-bedroom apartment may cost around 1000 pounds (14,845 yuan) a week
Further away is West London This area is more residential and very fashionable Go see the home of Diana, the Princess of Wales: Kensington Palace Notting Hill, made famous by the film starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts, is here
The East End contains the Port of London, which historically is where many immigrants first arrived Waves of French, Belgians, Jews, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have all lived here This makes the area very diverse, but also quite poor It has a reputation as being dangerous Since London won the bid to hold the Olympics in 2012, many Londoners hope that housing, education and employment for many people in this area will improve
It is difficult to be general about London The city is made up of a "collection of villages", each area with its own character and community
Put them all together, and you have London, a cosmopolitan capital
London (pronounced /ˈlʌndən/) is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom It has been an influential city for two millennia, and its history goes back to its founding by the Romans, then named Londinium[6] London's core, the ancient City of London, the 'square mile', retains its medieval boundaries However, since at least the nineteenth century, the name "London" has also referred to the whole metropolis that has developed around it[7] Today, the bulk of this conurbation forms the London region[8] and the Greater London administrative area,[9] with its own elected mayor and assembly[10]
London is a global city[11][12] and one of the world's largest financial centres[13][14][15][16] Central London is home to the headquarters of more than half of the UK's top 100 listed companies (the FTSE 100) and more than 100 of Europe's 500 largest London's influence in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion, the arts and culture in general contributes to its global position It is a major tourist destination for both domestic and overseas visitors London hosted the 1908 and 1948 Summer Olympics and will host the 2012 Summer Olympics[17]
London contains four World Heritage Sites: the Tower of London; the historic settlement of Greenwich; the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; and the site comprising the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and St Margaret's Church[18]
London has a wide range of peoples, cultures, and religions, and more than 300 languages are spoken within its boundaries[19] In July 2007, it had an official population of 7,556,900 within the boundaries of Greater London,[20] making it the most populous municipality in the European Union[21] The Greater London Urban Area (the second largest in the EU) has a population of 8,278,251[2] while the metropolitan area (the largest in the EU) has an estimated total population of between 12 million[3] and 14 million[4] The public transport network, administered by Transport for London, is the most extensive in the world,[22] London Heathrow Airport is the world's busiest airport by number of international passengers[23] and the airspace is the busiest of any urban centre in the world[24]
伦敦是一个国际城市[11] [12]以及世界上最大的金融中心之一。[13] [14] [15] [16]伦敦市中心的家以上英国最大的100家上市公司的一半总部(金融时报100)和100多名欧洲最大的500家。伦敦在政治,教育,娱乐,媒体,时尚,艺术和文化的影响一般有利于它的国际地位。这是一个为国内和海外游客的主要旅游目的地。伦敦主办了1908年和1948年夏季奥运会,将举办2012年夏季奥运会。[17]
伦敦的民族,多种文化和宗教,以及300多个语言对境内发言。[19]在2007年7月,它在大伦敦地区的边界正式的75569万人口,[20]使在欧盟人口最多的直辖市。[21]大伦敦都市区(在欧盟第二大)有8278251人。[2],而首都地区(在欧盟最大的)的总人口估计年龄介乎12万[3]和1400万美元。[4]公共交通网络,交通管理的伦敦,是世界上最广泛,[22]伦敦的希思罗机场是世界最繁忙的国际机场乘客人数[ 23]和领空,是世界上任何城市中心最繁忙的。[24]
Paris is a romantic city Paris's most famous Leaning Tower in Paris Parisians rarely speak English, but also most of the foreigners go to Paris, said French Paris has very beautiful scenery
Paris, the capital of France, is located in northern France on both banks of the Seine River, 145 km (90 mi) from the river's mouth on the English Channel A total of 2,135,300 (2002) inhabitants live in Paris proper, and almost 11 million persons (1999) live in greater Paris (the Ile-de-France region), which is one of Europe's largest metropolitan areas A city of world importance and the business, historic, intellectual, diplomatic, religious, educational, artistic, and tourist center of France, Paris owes its prosperity in large part to its favorable position on the Seine, which has been a major commercial artery since the Roman period
Location: On the Thames River, southeast England
Language: English
Currency: Pound sterling (£), made up of 100 pence (p)
Notes: £5, £10, £20 (rarely used: £1, £50, £100)
Coins: 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, £2 (rarely used: £5)
Should you tip In England's restaurants, there is sometimes a "discretionary" service charge added to the bill When there is no extra charge, tips of 10%-15% are expected, unless the service is particularly poor Bartenders at pubs do not expect a tip, but are happy to receive one Some tour guides expect a tip, though it is not obligatory Taxi drivers generally get a tip of about 10%; many simply round the fare up to the nearest £
Airports: Five airports serve the greater London area
London Heathrow Airport, located 15 miles (24 km) west of Central London, is one of the world's busiest airports
London Gatwick Airport, located 28 mi (46 km) south of London, and 248 miles (40 km) north of Brighton, serves the most routes in Europe
London Stansted Airport, a single runway airport, 30 miles (48 km) north-east of London It is the center for low-priced and commuter airlines in England
London Luton Airport is located about 35 miles (56 km) north of London
London City Airport, located in the London Borough of Newham in East London, primarily serves the London financial district
A Quick Look
London was established by the Romans in the 1st century CE and was called Londinium It went through a series of conquests, and in 1066 the Normans selected Westminster as their center of government London became one of Europe's largest cities, and — even after being struck by Black Death in the 14th century, by plague and the Great Fire of London in the 17th century, and by German bombs during World War II — it has remained one of the world's most influential cities
Today, London, with its population of more than seven million, is the capital of England and the United Kingdom and a center of business, finance, politics, culture, arts and style, as well as a busy port city Greater London stretches over both sides of the Thames River and consists of 32 boroughs that surround the City of London — a one-square-mile area that includes the old city of London and what constitutes the commercial hub of today's London A region of immigrants, some 30% of London's population is foreign born
Be sure to wander through the city's parks, including Hyde Park, St James's Park, Kensington Gardens and The Green Park[大集合哈~]
《大连》作文 篇1:
Dalian, a beautiful coastal city northeastern China, is known for its charming beaches, lush green forests, and pleasant climate The city boasts many attractions, such as Xinghai Square, Dalian Forest Zoo, and Tiger Beach Ocean Park, making it a popular destination for tourists and locals alike
《大连》作文 篇2:
Dalian's history holds a fascinating blend of both Chinese and foreign influences, as it was once a major port during the late Qing Dynasty and occupied by Russia and Japan in the early 20th century rich historical background gives Dalian its unique architectural styles and traditional customs that attract visitors from around the world
《大连》作文 篇3:
Dalian is a city that offers a variety of recreational opportunities like hiking in its numerous parks, exploring the stunning coastline, and enjoying the lively atmosphere in Zhongshan Square The city is also home to an array of delectable seafood dishes, thanks to its proximity to the ocean
《大连》作文 篇4:
One of the most enjoyable aspects of visiting Dalian is attending its yearly International Beer Festival, usually held in late July or early August The festival showcases various beers from around the globe, accompanied by live music performances and mouthwatering food offerings
《大连》作文 篇5:
Dalian's transportation network is highly accessible and efficient, making it easy for visitors to explore the city The city is well-connected through a modern airport, railway stations, and a well-planned public transportation system Overall, Dalian is a truly captivating destination that offers breathtaking natural scenery and a unique cultural experience
Zhuhai is a beautiful romantic city,which located in the south-west of the Pearl River estuary of Guangdong provinceZhuhai have a pleasant climate, with plenty of sunshine, clean air,throughout the year the fresh flower is in full bloom,usually has the flowered city the fine reputation by media