wet 英 [wet] 美 [wet]
adj 湿的;雨天的;懦弱的
比较级: wetter 最高级: wettest 过去式: wet/wetted 过去分词: wet/wetted 现在分词: wetting 第三人称单数: wets
adj (形容词)
n (名词)
用作形容词 (adj)
The paper has wrinkled where it got wet
You will get wet if you go out without an umbrella
rain 英 [reɪn] 美 [reɪn]
n 雨;雨水 ;v 下雨;(雨点般)落下
形容词: rainless 过去式: rained 过去分词: rained 现在分词: raining 第三人称单数: rains
n (名词)
1、rain的意思是“雨”,通常用作不可数名词, a rain指“一次雨、一阵雨、一场…样的雨”, rains指“几场雨,大阵雨”。
v (动词)
1、drizzle 下蒙蒙细雨,下毛毛雨
例:a dull, drizzly morning
2、sprinkle 毛毛雨(气象术语 )
例:It's only sprinkling We can still go out
3、 scattered rain 零星小雨
例:We have to cancel the track and field contestbecause of the scattered rain
4、downpour / rain buckets倾盆大雨
例:I got caught in a downpour, and now I’m soaking wet
5、a heavy rain 也是形容雨很大
例:Here was a heavy rain this morning
6、Torrential rain 暴雨,瓢泼大雨
例:Beijing was hit by torrential rain last night
7、It’s pouring 倾盆而下
例:Look out the window! It’s pouring outside
8、Thundershower n 雷阵雨,常伴随闪电雷鸣
例:We were playing soccer when a violent thundershower occurred
9、It’s raining cats and dogs(习语)
例:It’s raining cats and dogs out there
10、raining hard 雨下得很大
例:It's raining really hard outside
11、let up 减小,变弱
例:The rain is beginning to let up
12、relent 缓和、减弱
例:The rain relented a little
13、abate 减弱,减退,减轻,减少
例:The rain has abated
14、pass off 逐渐消失
The rain has passed/over (= off) and the sky cleared up
15、shower 阵雨,阵雪
scattered showers 零星小雨
April showers 四月的阵雨
spring rain 春雨
summer rain 夏雨
autumn rain 秋雨
winter rain 冬雨
convective rain 对流雨
frontal rain 锋面雨
topographic rain 地形雨
cyclone rain 气旋雨
adj 可怕的,令人恐惧的;糟糕的,讨厌的;不友好的
Horrible Histories 糟糕历史 ; 恐怖历史 ; 糟糕的历史 ; 看电视学历史
Horrible Bosses 老板不是人 ; 恶老板 ; 边个波士唔抵死 ; 可恶的老板
Horrible Science 可怕的科学
horrible a 骇人听闻的 ; 可怕的 ; 极讨厌的 ; 令人恐惧的
A Horrible Experience 一次恐怖的经历 ; 上一篇
The soup tasted horrible 形容词
horrible disaster 惨祸 ; 严重的灾祸
When trouble comes they behave selfishly and horribly
heavy rain。
“We are worried about it raining”是一个含有动词-ing的复合句。主语是we;谓语是are worried;宾语是it raining。
需要注意的是,it是关系代词,代替了先行词,即上下文中提到的具体某件事或物。而这儿的it代指的就是下雨这个事件。同时,raining是动名词形式,表示一个正在进行中的动作,所以it raining代表“正在下雨”。整个句子的意思是“我们担心(现在/未来)会下雨。”。
例如造句:“We are worried about it raining during our picnic”。译文:“我们担心野餐时会下雨。”“我们担心会下雨”的英文还有“We are concerned that it will rain”。"We are concerned that it will rain"是一个包含从句的主句。主语是we;谓语是are concerned;宾语从句是that it will rain。
宾语从句that it will rain是一个引导词为that的宾语从句。包含主语是it,谓语是will rain。主句中的concerned表示“关心,担心”,表示主语对下雨的可能性感到担忧;从句中的will rain则表示将来时,表示目前的担忧是针对还没有发生的可能性。
1、“The picnic was cancelled because we were worried about it raining”。译文是:野餐被取消了,因为我们担心下雨。
2、“We decided to bring umbrellas because we were worried about it raining”。译文是:我们决定带雨伞,因为我们担心下雨。
3、“The wedding venue had a contingency plan in case we were worried about it raining”。译文是:婚礼场地有应急计划,以防我们担心下雨。
4、“I checked the weather forecast every day because I was worried about it raining during my camping trip”。译文是:我每天都查看天气预报,因为我担心露营时会下雨。
5、“We postponed the outdoor concert because we were worried about it raining”。译文是:由于担心下雨,我们推迟了户外音乐会。
1 在雨天的英语作文怎么写(要用现在时)
Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in spring and autumnI like the weather with sunshine because sunny weather make people pleasant and happy But I really don't like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city's typical weather Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is spring and summer In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigorIn summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhereI think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn So I hope it is going to be held in this seasonI also agree that usually sunny weather can make people happy while rainy or cloudy or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and fortable in sunny weatherSo nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。
2 雨的英文怎么写啊
rain1 / ren; ren/ n [U] condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling as separate drops; fall of these drops 雨; 下雨: heavy/light rain 大[小]雨 Don't go out in the rain 不要冒着雨出去 Come in out of the rain 快进来, 别让雨淋着 It looks like (ie as if there will be a fall of) rain 像是要下雨了 the rains [pl] season of heavy continuous rain in tropical countries (热带地区 的)雨季: The rains e in September 雨季於九月到来 [sing] (preceded by an adj 用於形容词之后) shower of rain of the specified type 某种类型的雨: There was a heavy rain during the night 夜间下了一场大雨 [sing] ~ of sth (esp fig 尤作比喻) great number of things falling like rain 像雨点般降落的东西: a rain of arrows, bullets, etc 箭﹑ 子弹等如雨点一般 a rain of ashes, eg from a volcano 如雨点般落下的灰尘(如从火山口中喷出者) (idm 习语) e ,rain, e `shine; (e) ,rain or `shine whether there is rain or sunshine; whatever happens 不论晴雨; 不管发生什麽事情: The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine 游园义卖会定於星期日举行, 风雨无阻 right as rain => right > rainless adj: a rainless day 无雨天 # rainbow / renbu; ˋrenbo/ n arch containing the colours of the spectrum, formed in the sky when the sun shines through rain or spray 虹; 彩虹: silks dyed in all (the) colours of the rainbow 染成彩虹那样七种颜色的丝绸服装 `rainbow trout black-spotted trout with o reddish bands from nose to tail 虹鳟鱼(身上有黑点, 从鼻到尾有两条红线) `rain-check n (US) 1 ticket for later use when a match, show, etc is cancelled because of rain (比赛﹑ 表演等)因雨延期有效票 2 (idm 习语) take a rain-check (on sth) (infml 口) decline an offer, etc but promise to accept it later 谢绝一项好意, 但答应日后接受: Thanks for the invitation, but I'll have to take a rain-check on it 你的邀请我心领了, 感谢盛意改日一定践约 `raincoat n light waterproof or water-resistant coat 雨衣 `raindrop n single drop of rain 雨点 `rainfall n [U] total amount of rain falling within a given area in a given time 降雨量: an annual rainfall of 10 cm 年降雨量10厘米 =>App 4 见附录4 `rain forest thick evergreen forest in tropical regions with heavy rainfall 雨林(热带地区多雨的茂密常绿森林) `rain-gauge n instrument for measuring rainfall 雨量计 `rainproof adj that can keep rain out 防雨的: a rainproof jacket 防雨短上衣 `rain-water n soft water that has fallen as rain, eg not taken from wells, etc 雨水(软水, 如并非井水等) rain2 / ren; ren/ v [I] (used with it 与it连用) fall as rain 下雨; 降雨: It is raining, ie Rain is falling 下着雨呢 It rained hard all day 下了一整天的大雨 [Ipr] ~ on /sth (fig 比喻) fall like rain on /sth 像雨点般落在某人[某物]上: Blows rained on the door 敲门声像雨点一样 The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor 手提箱裂开了, 里面的东西纷纷落在地板上 (idm 习语) it ,never ,rains but it `pours (saying 谚) misfortunes, etc usually e in large numbers 不雨则已, 一雨倾盆; 灾祸等不发生则已, 一发生便接踵而至: First my car broke down, then I lost my key: it never rains but it pours! 先是我的汽车出了故障, 接着又丢了钥匙, 真是祸不单行! rain `buckets; rain cats and `dogs (esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态) rain very heavily 下倾盆大雨 (phr v) rain down (sth) flow or e down in large quantities 大量流下; 大量落下: Tears rained down her cheeks 她泪流满面 Loose rocks rained down (the hillside) 松动的岩石大量滚下(山坡) rain down (on /sth) e down on /sth 传给某人[某事物]: Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows 穿过敞开的窗户传来对那些喧闹学生的责骂声 Invitations rained down on the visiting writer 来访的这位作家收到了许多邀请信 rain in (used with it 与it连用): It is raining in, ie Rain is ing through the roof, tent, etc 漏雨了 rain sth off; US rain sth out (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) (infml 口) prevent (eg an event) from taking place because of rain 因雨而使(事情等)受阻: The match was rained off ice 比赛因雨而被迫两次改期。
3 用“下雨时”为题写一篇英语作文人人都知道粗心是我们生活中最危险的敌人,但有时我们并没有意识到自己的粗心。所以三思而后行是有必要的。一个月前,我就深受粗心之苦。一天我去姑姑家,妈妈嘱咐我带把伞以防下雨。我含糊地答应着,没拿伞就走了。在我回家的路上,果真下起了雨。我淋了雨,结果病倒了,害得我在床上躺了半个多月。
Everybody knows that carelessness is the most dangerous enemy in our life But we sometimes can't realize it So it is necessary to think ice when starting to do something I suffered from my carelessness a month ago One day i was going to my antie's homemom told me to bring an umbrella in case it rained I answered casually and went out without taking the umbrellaI was walking on my way to my auntie's home when it began to rain,i realized i was caught in the rainthen i hurried to the gate of a store and was standing there for hours to wait for the rain to stop it was noon when i got my untie's home after a while i fell illI could do nothing but stayed in bed for half a monthso in future i should be always careful
4 (雨)的英文怎么写rain(从云层中降向地面的水)
torrential rain; rainstorm
seek shelter from the rain
heavy rain
timely [wele] rain
The rain is ing down in sheets
The rain is pelting down; It rains cats and dogs
The rain came down in torrents
The rain menced pouring violently down
Here es the rain!
The rain has stopped; It has rained over
It has rained all the week
5 雨英文怎么写飘泼大雨 heavy rain,rain in torrents,rain cats and dogs,rain cat and dog, rain buckets,downpour 形容飘泼大雨,英文有句有趣的话:Raining cats and dogs。
(直译是下猫下狗),这多用于进行时。 It rains cats and dogs。
形容大雨倾盆,大雨如注,大雨哗啦不停歇。 不同的雨势英语有不同的形容词,例如下飘泼大雨可说:It's bucketing down。
Bucket解‘桶’,意思就好像一桶桶水掉下来,或者说:It's pouring。 如果下毛毛雨英文叫drizzling,下骤雨叫shower,一点点微雨叫spitting。
说飘泼大雨,英文还有其它常用语。Torrents原意是‘激流’,常用来比喻大雨:The rain is ing down in torrents。
(大雨如注,飘泼大雨)、What a torrential downpour !(多么大雨 !)。Downpour本身也是指大雨,The fields are flooded by the downpour。
即‘大雨淹没了田野’。Pour是‘倒水’,所以It is pouring。
也有‘倾盆大雨’的意思。英文甚至有‘倾桶 (bucket) 大雨’:The rain is ing down in buckets。
或It is bucketing down。 例句: It was raining cats and dogs as he was leaving。
他走时天正下着飘泼大雨。 No sooner had I gone home than it began to rain heavily。
我一回到家里,就开始下起飘泼大雨来。 The rain es down in torrents (=rain in torrents) 。
下倾盆大雨; 大雨; 大雨滂沱,飘泼大雨 pour:下倾盆大雨,如:It poured for four days。下了四天倾盆大雨。
pour down:倾泻 The rain pours down。大雨飘泼而下,大雨倾盆而下。
rain buckets下倾盆大雨 driving rain 大风雨 hard rain 暴雨 rainstorm 暴风雨 rain down大量降下 rain on使大量降下 rain pitchforks下大雨。
这是唐朝诗人刘禹锡在《竹枝词》中描述的是边出太阳边下雨的情形。对中国人而言,下太阳雨或许是一种好兆头,但对美国人而言,他们觉得这是一种异象,并不是件好事。所以当他们小时候好奇地问父母为什么会一边下雨一边又出太阳呢,他们的爸妈就会告诉他们:"The devil's beating his wife (魔鬼正在打他的老婆。)"
在英语中,晴天下雨还有个很有意思的说法,叫“monkey's wedding”(猴子的婚礼)。
I rushed to grab my camera and managed to get a few shots of this monkey's wedding before it was all over我抓起照相机,趁着雨停之前抓拍到了几张晴天下雨的照片。
we were buffeted by the wind and rain。(buffet 冲击声)
the rain splashed on/against the window。(splash激溅声)
the drums of the rain against my window。(drum 重击声)
We heard the drip, drip, drip of the rain (我们听到滴答滴答的雨声。)
The drumming on the roof is heard all night。 (终夜听到大雨打在屋顶上的声音。)
在英国有三件雨具(rainwear)是必备的:雨伞(umbrella),雨衣(raincoat 或 shicker),雨鞋(rain shoes, boots, rubbers, galoshes)。雨披(rain cape),雨帽(rain hat)等,都是可防雨的(water proof)。英国的绅士们出门不管下不下雨总要戴上帽子拿把雨伞,大街的商铺,超市的'门口,各种样式的雨伞便摆得到处都是,就像香烟和糖果一样随手可取。没有带雨具,就会被雨淋到(get caught), 比如说外面下着大雨, 你一回家就有人问你, "Did you get caught in the rain"
中文里人们常说"淋成了落汤鸡",英文里常用 "I am soaked" 。
"It's raining cats and dogs out there so I am soaked" (雨下得很大,我淋成了落汤鸡。)
They were soaking wet and dripping when coming home
They were caught in a downpour and were all drenched to the skin(他们出门遇到大雨,淋得透湿。)
宋朝诗人刘攽在《海陵》中所写的冻雨,可能实际上讲的是冷雨,我们可以理解为A cold rain。比如:A cold rain was drizzling down(冷雨蒙蒙的下个不停)
在水文学 (hydrology) 上,降水 (precipitation) 可分为几种: rain, snow, sleet 和 freezing rain rain 和 snow 大家都知道, 不必多说, 而 sleet 呢
指的则是"冰雹",是没有结晶的冰粒,不像雪花有着不可思议的六角形结晶。还有 freezing rain 指的是"冻雨",形成的原因是雨水的温度早就低于零度,却因为缺少结晶的条件所以没有凝结成冰晶,但是一降到地面就立刻冻住了, 这就是 freezing rain,在初冬的时候常会见到这种情况。
We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week 上个星期下了三英的雪和冰雹。
唐代诗人张志和的《渔歌子》中的细雨,要穿蓑衣,带斗笠,很明显就是小雨了。在英语中气象用语用light,little rain 小雨。
The weather will consist of sunshine interchanging with periods of light rain( 天气将是晴天和小雨相间。)
"零星小雨"用scattered rain,例如:
"We have to cancel the track and field contest because of the scattered rain (因为零星的降雨所以我们必须取消田径赛)"
口语里面, 因为It rained cats and dogs last night这个俚语表示下倾盆大雨,所以有人很有创新地把下小雨说成:It rained puppies(小狗)and kittens(小猫),或者说:It rained roaches (蟑螂) and ants
表示雨下小了,用relent 或者 let up这个词,如:
The rain relented a little(雨下小了。)
The rain is beginning to let up (雨渐渐小了。)
苏轼这首《望湖楼醉书》中所描述的暴雨,英语中一般可用heavy, hard rain。如:
"It's raining really hard "
"We're having a heavy rain"
如:a hard slanting rain (斜降的暴雨);a pluvial rain (大雨、大量的雨) ;a copious rain (大雨,copious,丰富的);a gully-washer(倾盆大雨 大暴雨,gully 是暴雨冲刷出的沟);a driving/ pounding rain(倾盆大雨,driving 和 pounding是重重地打击);a drenching rain(drench 是让人湿透的意思);a torrential rain( 似急流的雨);rainwater cascading down the window(大雨倾泻而下)。
中文里常形容下雨像是用"倒"的一样, 这在英文里也有同样对等的downpour 这个词如:
After lightning and thunder came a heavy downpour (雷电过后,大雨倾盆而下。)
人们偶尔也会用pissing rain 或者piddling rain 来说大雨,这两个词原意是小孩口语中撒尿的意思。