


After watching the movie romantic mouse, I fell in love with the little mouse named de Perot in the movie

De Perot likes reading very much It saw a Book of heroes saving beauty in the castle It told the story to the princess 

The princess was very interested and wanted to know the ending, so de Perot tried his best to read in the library of the castle I really like reading de Perot

De Perot also likes music Once when the king was playing the guitar, de Perot was fascinated by the music 

He felt that the music was as charming as the story in the book, which could make him forget all his fears I also like de Perot who loves listening to beautiful music

De Perot, it's brave The princess was caught by the mice It bravely broke into the mice to save the princess 

Other mice dare not go to the dungeon, and it dares to break into the dungeon; Other mice were frightened when they heard the cat, but it dared to fight the cat bravely I like such a brave de Perot

De Perot loves reading and listening to beautiful music He is also very brave How can I not like such a little mouse








  The Tale of Despereaux


  Long long ago, in the distant horizon, there is a kingdom called the kingdom of the There all day long laughter, is the world's most delicious delicacies, there is the annual sweet feast, even the air is full of magic However, in the whole country to celebrate the day, an unfortunate accident! The king and queen of sudden death, heart, banned all delicacies from the Kingdom low-spirited, doyle


  In this dark and lifeless Kingdom, a little mouse named Depero was born It has two gigantic stature, big ears, frail and sick child, but very cute During the process of growing up, it has to live with the brothers and sisters in the library to eat books, and learned to read He read the most love hero story, often imagine he can become a brave knight, in beauty draw a sword and render help when in trouble, and let all become loved and respected hero "Days will be down to the great man also, must suffer, desire to be a hero Depero finally broke the harsh discipline because the expulsion by Dr Later In the vast expanse of land outside the king of kings, Depero met with his country's expulsion of the rat Ross Kulow Kindness Ross Krol (rat) deported because over the Queen's soup, then did not dare to look in the mirror, for fear that it will make it remembered all make it happy and bring it to a painful thing


  Soon after, the exiled Depero learned that the princess and the pea was put into the dungeon, with love to the princess Depero decided to rescue the princess; dirty low rodent intends to low water ditch as the starting in the call its leader under the challenge of human hair Ross finally returned to the princess, forgiveness is the best The kingdom of the kingdom of the Kingdom has returned to its former life

When he loses his driver's license, an inept police officer (Jimmy Fallon) must rely on the reckless driving skills of a taxi driver who would prefer to drive race cars (Queen Latifah) to help him stop a gang of beautiful Brazilian bank robbers

The premise sounds like one of those film that are really stupid yet still kind of funny However, it didn't really work out like that The film wasn't a complete dud it just wasn't very funny I wasn't surprised this film didn't do so well in theaters The previews were weak and a lot of people don't like Jimmy Fallon I only saw it because of Queen Latifah Unfortunately, she couldn't save the movie The film was just too childish and unoriginal There were a few funny lines yet nothing that really made me laugh a lot It starts off well but then it starts to drag and it feels a lot longer than 97 minutes I even had low expectations because the critics murdered the movie but it was not very funny

Queen Latifah is easily the best thing about Taxi She has a lot of charisma and she makes the film watchable Jimmy Fallon was okay, nothing special Sometimes he tried too hard to be funny though For his first movie, he sure made a poor choice He could have a successful movie career, he just needs to make better choices Gisele Bundchen is very beautiful and she did a good job but her role didn't exactly call for a lot of acting talent The direction was uneven and Tim Story isn't a very good director Also, the chemistry between Latifah and Fallon just wasn't there and they didn't seem right for each other This comedy just suffered from a weak script and weak direction It ended up being a below average comedy and it wasn't worth watching in theaters In the end, if you're interested in watching Taxi wait for video

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  回复数:13 [The Tale of Despereaux]大耳朵侠传奇

  Lola (亚特兰大) 2008-12-22 7:20:00

  今天去看了大耳朵老鼠,发现和wall-e时候一样,**院里都是带小孩的家长,只有我一个是单身成年人。坐在那里感觉有点尴尬,从看到trailor那天开始,这大耳朵老鼠就把我给萌翻了。话说mouse和rat其实是不一样的,mouse大概就是体面人家,生活在较比明亮的世界,rat都是下九流,生活在见不得光的地方,类似于一百多年前的白人和黑人。despereaux出生在一个很有爱的mouse家庭,上面有个… [全文]

  回复数:12 浪漫鼠佩德罗:未完成的骑士(图文)

  评:78 苏乏 (北京) 2009-4-26 0:26:00

  以迪士尼、皮克斯、梦工厂为例,其动画片中出现的动物或其他非人生物数量应该是较之人类角色更为可观。原因不外乎受众多为孩子,孩子喜欢动物,并且如人类的面部表情一样,动物的毛发质感也极具挑战。而将故事安在动物身上,本身便是一件折中的事情。就好像中国的鬼狐仙怪等带有封建迷信色彩的题材,只允许以古装形式演绎,这样便减少了很多不必要的麻烦,成就了内行看门道,外行看热闹的大众娱乐。当然,也必然会有人 [全文]

  回复数:11 浪漫老鼠,够烂漫的!

  评:4 动动不动了 (广州) 2009-3-25 21:09:00

  咱们现在看看浪漫老鼠的第一个烂漫之处啊: 学英语时,同学们肯定一直在疑问,老鼠在英语中为什么有RAT和MOUSE两种,看完这部片,终于知道了这个秘密: 原来RAT大些,长的丑些,鼻子也长些,最明显的特征是:RAT可是会吃MOUSE的哦! 于是情理之中的,长的小巧些,长的漂亮些,可爱些的,鼻子很普通的,当然就是MOUSE 了。 [全文]

  回复数:2 浪漫鼠佩德罗

  himyqq (北京) 2009-3-19 20:25:00

  昨天听广播,今晚我们说**,第一部说的就是本片。艾玛配音,当然要去看看了。放到公主的时候,仔细聆听,觉得艾玛好专业……这是一个具有多米诺骨牌效应的故事:老鼠吓死了王后,国王伤心,颁布禁令,整个王国都陷入到愁云惨雾之中,公主痛恨吓死母亲的老鼠,老鼠报复……这样下去,不会有好的结局。但是不用但心,本片的主人公——佩德罗出场了,它注定就是一个英雄救美式的另类,两只大大的招风耳是它的标志性特征,也是滑翔的… [全文]

  回复数:2 《浪漫的老鼠》:老鼠上演浪漫传奇

  ↓逆流↑ (北京) 2009-5-15 23:20:00

  首先,这位亲爱の小“男主角”太吸引我了,看到海报,我就觉得要一睹这位男主角的风采。 其实说实话,刚开始我并没怎么看懂,整部片子甚至给了我一种压抑的感觉;我并不太能明白为什么这片会用“浪漫”来命名。但我一直都相信所有影片都是看完了才能明白其中的道理,《浪漫的老鼠》就是这么一部影片。 在小大耳没出现前,主要讲的是一只"rat",影片里也译大灰鼠。这里要明细的一点 [全文]

  回复数:2 《浪漫鼠》

  王耳朵 (北京) 2009-3-6 21:41:00

  一个关于脆弱与坚强的话题。 [全文]

  回复数:2 有一种勇敢

  夜猫子 (昆明) 2009-5-12 13:52:00

  你可以说所有的这一切都是一个非常大的误会 国王被伤害,所以他伤害大灰鼠, 大灰鼠被伤害,所以他伤害公主, 公主被伤害,所以她无意间伤害了女仆, 而女仆被伤害了很长时间,没有事能让她开心, 这是个错误还是个好的开始? 小老鼠是英雄,因为他无畏,善良,为荣耀而战, 其他人也是英雄,因为他们学会了原谅。 原谅也许不会让你立刻幸福,但是至少你会得到轻松, 轻松地做回自己,不被悲伤和怨恨羁绊。有一种勇敢,叫… [全文]

  回复数:2 《浪漫鼠德佩罗》,还不错的动画片

  评:75 lightwing (保定) 2009-4-11 17:08:00

  如今的3D动画**已经不能像往年一般的以制作水准来作为衡量质量的标准之一了,因为但凡是敢拿出来在大屏幕上放映的都还是在画面上有两把刷子的,也就是说对于现在的3D动画画面的评定应该转向为对场面的把控以及细节处理的审视方面才对。 之前对于本片并没有太大的印象,毕竟环球不是以动画见长的片厂,因此观看伊始就是一副马马虎虎的态度,然**看到一半之后感觉还不错,处理的挺有感觉,手法运用 [全文]

  回复数:2 对《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话点评

  评:6 小屁孩 (杭州) 2009-4-7 18:21:00

  怎么写一句话点评呢? [全文]

  回复数:2 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:3 小念 (悉尼) 2009-4-3 17:51:58

  所有的角色都是疯的 [全文]

  回复数:2 浪漫的老鼠不浪漫

  July (北京) 2009-5-29 9:10:00

  虽然小老鼠的造型很萌,虽然有达斯汀霍夫曼和爱玛沃特森加盟的配音阵容很可观,虽然原著小说获得了许多儿童文学奖项,可是**真的让人失望。 [全文]

  回复数:1 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:59 昵子 (梵蒂冈) 2009-3-25 23:11:00

  三维画面很出色~但剧情根本就是浪费时间,建议想看的同学看影片介绍就够了,反正会把画面出色的地方和大概脚本截出来的。 [全文]

  回复数:1 特立独行的老鼠——《浪漫的老鼠》

  评:6 妙介子 (泰州) 2009-3-30 20:29:00


  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:8 Lizzie (上海) 2009-4-17 19:15:26

  我承认人有时候需要幼稚一下,而Despereaux是我见过的最可爱的动画老鼠 [全文]

  回复数:0 《浪漫的老鼠》,只能定义为儿童类动画片

  评:67 阿饭 (广州) 2009-3-26 19:54:00

  只能说,这是给小孩子看的动画片,剧情对于我们来说实在是太无聊了。少了故事情节这么重要的躯壳,制作再精美的动画都是一般而已。 [全文]

  回复数:0 环球影业动画CG片《浪漫鼠德佩罗》介绍

  殠尗杰 (佛山) 2008-7-3 16:27:00

  从梦工厂《鼠国流浪记》(Flushed Away)到皮克斯的《料理鼠王》(Ratatouille),从20世纪福克斯的《艾尔文和花栗鼠》(Alvin and the Chipmunks),再到今年圣诞节期间上映的这部环球影业出品的动画CG片《浪漫鼠德佩罗》(The Tale of Despereaux),小老鼠可真是与大银幕有缘啊,另外也许故事说的是一支叫“德佩罗”(Despereaux)的小… [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:62 Rockweed (黑山共和国) 2009-3-31 21:19:09

  当老鼠也开始浪漫,这世界是不是已经疯癫了。从小就与众不同的mouse再加上一个漂游的浪子rat这个老套的故事就从一碗浓汤开始。一直以为只有英雄才能救美,这次才发现原来gentleman也能做得到。 [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:74 灰烬里的日子 (上海) 2008-9-21 6:57:00

  有达斯汀·霍夫曼,爱玛·沃特森的配音,画面也很不错, 恩是部值得期待的影片。 [全文]

  回复数:0 耳大福大

  评:5 asam (上海) 2009-3-29 8:03:00

  前天看了这部英美动画新作The Tale of Despereaux,总体感觉一般。影片的主角是两只老鼠(或者说是一只mouse和一只rat),分别叫做Roscuro和Despereaux。当1922年一文不名的华特迪士尼在他那破烂不堪的车库里面画出第一个米奇老鼠形象后,老鼠这种平日里令人讨厌的动物就成为了孩子们追宠的对象。80多年过去了,这个一现象仍然没有任何衰减的势头,精灵鼠小弟,捕鼠记,料理… [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:63 小欣 (亚特兰大) 2009-2-22 22:23:37

  剧情虽然粗糙老套,但胜在动画形象可爱,发现老鼠永远是动画界的赚钱王道,米老鼠,猫和老鼠,料理鼠王,冲走小老鼠,就连闪电狗身边都有个神经质的仓鼠! [全文]

  回复数:0 大耳仔,真是太cute了

  热冰 (北京) 2009-3-22 10:24:00

  去年看到这个片子的宣传,wow,那个大耳朵啊,太可爱了! 等等啊,终于等到可以下载。 什么都不说啦,就截图了,剧情一般,就爱这个大耳朵,嘿嘿 [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:31 BillieJoe (北京) 2009-3-24 10:41:55

  故事太散,也没什么主题,画面风格跟风美食总动员,中间睡着了几乎。。。 [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  Randull (杭州) 2009-3-31 21:08:00

  小人物的意*,几乎有着唐吉柯德的感觉,只不过在童话世界里梦想可以成真。片子拍得不怎么样,但是精神却很敲人心扉,每个男孩心中都有一个骑士。 [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:79 车王要泰坦 (呼和浩特) 2009-3-27 15:30:29

  没什么特别的感觉之处,只是一部普通的动画 [全文]

  回复数:0 老鼠罗曼司

  评:69 Luin (石家庄) 2009-3-27 17:15:00

  《浪漫的老鼠》。这个中文名翻译得真囧,害我初看的时候还以为是个关于老鼠的爱情故事。好吧,我承认我是把romance的意思理解得太片面了(或者是想歪了= =),不过,The Tale of…的题目,本来还是翻译成《传奇》比较正统吧。 言归正传。尽管之后看到很多影评把此片批得体无完肤,但我觉得,影片的开头还是挺有新意的:旁白温温柔柔地说了一大通后,一只老鼠隆重登场,它——不是主人公。。… [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:77 歪歪cat (镇江) 2009-3-31 18:31:37

  这是一个关于勇气、宽容和荣誉的故事~一定是小朋友会喜欢的**~~每个男生都要做一个富有荣誉感的绅士~每个女生都要相信自己是somebody的princess~~主人公小老鼠超级萌~~红宝石的眼睛,超大的耳朵,真可爱!~ [全文]

  回复数:0 并不可爱的老鼠~~《浪漫鼠佩德罗》

  评:1 wordgirl (北京) 2009-4-22 22:54:00

  由于是新下载的片子,又是卡通,于是在硬盘的众多**里我选择了这部《浪漫鼠佩德罗》。但是看完之后,我很遗憾地说:这不是一部好**。而且非常难得的是,我不喜欢这部**中的任何一个角色,从主角到配角到龙套,没有一个是能让我心动的。 佩德罗--一个不服从管教,鲁莽而且自以为是的大耳朵老鼠。为什么不把你那过盛的精力用在正经地方呢,整天总想着公主公主,难道和公主扯上关系就是英雄了吗? 戴耳环的… [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:62 票票 (上海) 2009-3-18 22:08:30

  有《料理鼠王》在前,这部也讲老鼠和美食的动画**表现就一般了,画面上还是无可挑剔的,不过剧情什么的就有点老套了,没什么新鲜感! [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  隐博的**博客 (潍坊) 2009-3-22 20:48:00

  一个是普通老鼠的世界,生活在较比明亮的世界,他们胆小惧怕人类;一个是大灰鼠的世界,生活在见不得光的地方,他们凶残憎恨人类。这两个不同世界的3D画面很精彩,各有各得特色,做的都很不错。影片的3D画面做的很逼真和生动,画面上还是无可挑剔的,比如德佩罗的那两只大耳朵就做的非常可爱,很讨人喜欢。 [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:6 steven (乌鲁木齐) 2009-3-31 14:31:00

  没怎么看懂,抱歉 [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:7 Mirabelle (贵阳) 2009-4-2 21:53:19

  浪漫、诚信、勇敢、荣耀的的老鼠。相互的包容,让阳光照耀进来! [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:74 莉莉丝 (成都) 2009-4-5 21:54:59

  一切的悲哀都不要迁怒于任何一个不相干的因素。审视自己。信念、正义、勇气人人都缺,人人都希望拥有。音乐很赞,我喜欢。PS:我还真不知道老鼠和耗子的区别!! [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:6 小屁孩 (杭州) 2009-4-18 11:38:18

  之所以给它我的历史最低分,是因为故事拼凑,主题薄弱,情节有些"不可思议",不过单从儿童片的角度,我愿意和我的宝宝一起看,若干年后还想得起来的话。PS:国王思念王后时弹的曲子很好听! [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:97 格洛芬德尔 (天津) 2009-3-28 19:32:10

  这是一部很不错的“动画片” [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:93 狼捕手 (成都) 2008-8-6 17:54:43

  浪漫,可爱的小老鼠,还有机会做英雄救美的梦啊哎,想当年我也做过,只可惜至此依是一个梦啊~~ [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:69 clark sun (济南) 2009-5-10 15:12:34

  You could call all of this a big misunderstanding if you wanted toA king was hurt,so he hurt a ratAnd a rat was hurt,so he hurt a princessAnd a princess was hurt,so she hurt a servent girl,without … [全文]

  回复数:0 The tale of despereaux

  评:87 城堡园丁 (温州) 2009-1-31 20:07:00

  浪漫,意味着童话的…… [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:69 Ashes (成都) 2009-3-21 8:52:54

  前三分之一部分给我惊喜,时时的搞笑,并且展现了一个新奇的世界。Despereaux的出生也是非常可爱的。后半部分处理的就让人失望了,一种脱离儿童趋于成人性质的追求过于强烈,反而弄巧成拙,失去它本应有的美感。我只认得霍夫曼和艾玛的声音,觉得都一般。 [全文]

  回复数:0 对**《浪漫的老鼠》的一句话影评

  评:59 风之魂 (重庆) 2009-3-21 23:11:16

  由误会产生的仇恨要靠宽恕去化解,坚守着勇气、正义则必会收获荣耀。片中成人化、说教式的旁白有些大煞风景,从另一个角度来看却也正是这部动画片全部的精华所在。 [全文]

  回复数:0 浪漫的老鼠

  meanless (天津) 2009-3-31 20:49:00


The main character in the story is a named \"capello's\" (Despereaux) the little mouse, it brings since childhood, very not easy to grow up into the rat, with brothers and sisters live in the library book eat live, on the learned to read His most like to read the hero save the United States story, frequent fantasies can also be a brave knights, at beauty when the victim bat Then he fell in love with the princess peas, unfortunately, because a thought when the princess maid jealousy and bad mouse of hate, of the poor princess was downstairs into a dungeon To the person that oneself love, capello's alone into the dungeon, eventually save the princess, and win the princess's heart

I watched the movie Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince on SaturdayIt's a great movieI think it's one of the best in the Harry Potter seriousAlthough it's not as good as the original book,but it is still a good movieThere are a lot of horror elements in the movie giving the movie a dark feelingThere are also a lot of humours in the movie making the movie enjoyable and more suitable for teenagersIt's a wonderful movieI think everyone should watch it if they have the chance


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/566970.html

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