

The romantic literature in the United States is influenced by the romantic literature in Western Europe 19 centuries half leaf, the rapid development of American capitalism, national consciousness and patriotic enthusiasm, get rid of bondage of English literature pay attention to the spirit of creation and the pursuit of freedom of the transcendental doctrine presented a splendid sight, so far the American romantic literature began to flourish Therefore, its works from the content to the form have a distinct national characteristics Romanticism emphasizes the spiritual function and the significance of intuition It is believed that nature is full of spirit and man should return to nature It advocates that art should make the reader get the stimulation and achieve the sublimation of the soul
American Realism pays great attention the fact or reality; from idealism, hypotheses or sentimental doctrine of objective process; objectively and not by feelings to deal with thought and action, against all unrealistic or Utopian character The reality of the early cheap optimism, began to show social contradictions Under the influence of realistic and naturalistic literature in Europe, American Realism reflects the negative side of society from many aspects
American realism with distinctive artistic features, lifelike, reflecting the broad picture of society, the introduction of impressionism has even opened a way of American short stories, mature on American literature made great contribution


【= =,望采纳,来自英语帝】。



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