天总星系, 宇宙
宇宙; 万有; 天地万物
世界; 全人类
天恒星 与星辰系; 银河系
Our world is but a small part of the universe
biological universe
closed universe
Einstein universe
Einstein static universe
expanding universe
finite universe
Friedmann universe
hypothetical universe
infinite universe
island universe
isotropic universe
Lemaitre universe
material universe
Minkowski universe
open universe
static universe
statistical universe
universe of discourse
Where do we e from How did the universe beginWhy is the universe the way it is How will it end
All my life, I have been fascinated by the big questions that face us, and have tried to find scientific answers to themIf, like me, you have looked at the stars, and tried to make sense of what you see, you too have started to wonder what makes the universe exist The questions are clear, and deceptively simple But the answers have always seemed well beyond our reach Until nOW
The ideas which had grown over two thousand years of observation have had to be radically re-
vised In less than a hundred years, we have found a new way to think of ourselves From sitting at the center of the universe, we now find ourselves orbiting an average-sized sun, which is just one of millions of stars in our own Milky Way galaxy And our galaxy itself is just one of billions of galaxies, in a universe that is infinite and expanding But this is far from the end of a long history of inquiryHuge questions remain to be answered, before we can hope to have a plete picture of the universe we live in
I want you to share my excitement at the discoveries,past and present, which have revolutionized the way we think From the Big Bang to black holes, from dark matter to a possible Big Crunch, our image of the universe today is full of strange sounding ideas, and remarkable truths The story of how we arrived at this picture is the story of learning to understand what we see
1 In 1961, scientists set up gigantic, sensitive apparatus to collect radio waves from the far reaches of space, hoping to discover in them some mathematical pattern indicating that the waves were sent out by other intelligent beings The first attempt failed: but someday the experiment may succeed
What reason is there to think that we may actually detect intelligent life in outer space To begin with, modern theories of the development of stars suggest that almost every star has some sort of family of planets So any star like our wan sun (and there are billions of such stars in the universe) is likely to have a planet situated at such a distance that it would receive about the same amount of radiation as the earth
Furthermore, such a planet would probably have the same general composition as our own; so, allowing a billion years or two — or three — there would be a very good chance for life to develop, if current theories of the origin of life are correct
But intelligent life Life that has reached the stage of being able to sent radio waves out into space in a deliberate pattern Our own planet may have been in existence for five billion years and may have had life on it for two billion, but it is only in the last fifty years that intelligent life capable of sending radio waves into space has lived on earth From this it might seem that even if there were no technical problems involved, the chance of receiving signals from any particular earth-type planet would be extremely small
This does not mean that intelligent life at our level does not exist somewhere There is such an unimaginable number of stars that, even at such miserable odds, it seems certain that there are million of intelligent life forms scattered through space The only trouble is, none may be within hailing distance of us Perhaps none ever will be; perhaps the appalling distances that separate us from our fellow denizens of this universe will forever remain too great to be conquered And yet it is conceivable that someday we may come across one of them or, frighteningly, one of them may come across us What would they be like, these extraterrestrial creatures
2 Tiny Tonga Launches Space Tourism Plan
The tiny poverty-stricken South Pacific state f Tonga has always had serious problems raising money, and so it has always been entrepreneurial It his sold Tongan passports to Hong Kong businessmen; it sold possible satellite broadcasting locations in space; it even officially changed to a different time zone to be the first country to welcome the new millennium1
Now Tonga’s latest money-making venture is a plan to become the world center of space tourism The Tonga government has made an agreement with a US company to allow it to use on of its 170 islands to launch rockets that will take tourists on week-long trips into space at a cost of US$2 million each2
For this price, space tourists receive 60 days’ training in a “resort setting”, followed by the holiday of a lifetime orbiting the Earth3 Two astronaut pilots and four astronaut tourists will make the trip However, skeptics say that these budgets are inadequate Although they predict that space tourism will eventually bring an income of US$10-20 billion a year, they calculate that the budget of $8 million per trip will not be enough to pay for the required technology
Comparison with the current space tourism programme suggests this maths may be accurate To ride the Russian Soyuz (the only tourist ride currently available) costs more than US$20 million per person However, other people, including one important ex-cosmonaut4, criticize the Russian government for raising money in this way, even though it uses the money for the space quota of space missions without achieving anything He also believes that these inexperienced tourists would e a danger in a difficult or life-threatening crisis in space5
3 Astronomy (天文学) is the oldest science known to manThousands of years ago man looked at the stars and wondered about the heavensBut man was limited (限制) by six planets that he could see with his eyes alone
The Greeks (希腊人) studied astronomy over 2,000 years agoThey could see the size, color, and brightness of a starThey could see its place in the skyThey watched the stars move as the seasons changedBut the Greeks had no tools to help themselves study the heavens
Each new tool added to the field of astronomy helped man reach out into space Until there were telescopes (望远镜), man knew a little about the moonHe did not know that the planet called Saturn (土星) had rings around itHis sight was so limited that he could not see all the planetsIn the early 1700s, people thought there were only six planetsPluto (冥王星), the last of nine planets to be discovered, was not seen until 1930
Before the spectroscope (分光镜), man did not know what kind of gases was in the sun or other starsWithout the radiotelescope (射电望远镜), we did not know that radio noises came from far in space
Today, astronomy is a growing scienceWe have learned more in the last fifty years than in the whole history of astronomy
Earth 地球
moon 月亮
sun 太阳
star 恒星
planet 行星
Mercury 水星
Venus 金星
Mars 火星
Jupiter 木星
Saturn 土星
Uranus 天王星
Neptune 海王星
Pluto 冥王星
asteroid 小行星
comet 彗星
galaxy 星系
latitude 纬度
meteor 流星
nebula 星云
satellite 卫星
solar system太阳系
shooting star 流星
spaceship 宇宙飞船
black hole 黑洞(大质量恒星因引力坍缩为一个没有体积的奇点,其周围逃逸速度大于光速的一个区域)
anthropic principle人择原理(我们看到的世界之所以是这个样子,是因为只有这样的世界能保证我们这样的观察者的存活)()
big bang宇宙大爆炸(宇宙从一个点膨胀到现在状态的理论)
gravitational collapse引力坍缩(巨大物质天体因无法抵抗自身引力而产生的坍缩)
dark matter暗物质(宇宙中可以被证明存在却无法直接观测到的物质)
event horizon事件视界(黑洞周围逃逸速度大于光速的区域,外界观察者无法获得内部任何信息)
special theory of relativity狭义相对论(爱因斯坦在惯性参考系中所描述的一系列时间,空间和质能关系)
general theory of relativity广义相对论(在狭义相对论的基础上引入弯曲时空,将参考系拓展为一切参考系)
grand unified theory (GUT)大统一理论(物理学家所追求的能够统一四种相互作用力的理论)
imaginary time虚时间(用虚数测量的时间)
light cone光锥(在最大光速内,一个事件在时间空间中所能影响并产生因果关系的范围,边界就是光速)
microwave background radiation 微波背景辐射(3K的背景辐射,是宇宙大爆炸的余温)
absolute zero绝对零度(理论上一切物质粒子的动能到达最低点的状态)
neutron star中子星(中等质量恒星因引力坍缩,原子核被压力挤碎,电子与质子中和,只剩下中子的高密度星体)
white dwarf白矮星(小质量恒星因引力坍缩而成的体积小,密度高的星体)
quantum mechanics量子力学(研究物质微观运动的力学)
uncertainty principle不确定性原理(观察者不可能同时知道一个粒子的速度与位置)
string theory弦理论(该理论认为物质的基本单元不是粒子而是细小的弦,涉及宇宙最基础的形态)
strong interaction强相互作用力(原子核中夸克之间的相互作用力,力程最短,强度最大)
weak interaction弱相互作用力(原子内部的另一种相互作用力,力程很短,强度较大)
electromagnetic force电磁力(电荷和电流在磁场中受力的通称,力程和强度中等)
Earth / E:W/ 地球
moon / mu:n/ 月亮
sun / sQn/ 太阳
star / sta:/ 星
planet / 5plAnit/ 行星
Venus / 5vi:nEs/ 金星
Jupiter / 5dVu:pitE/ 木星
Mercury / 5mE:kjuri/ 水星
Mars / ma:z/ 火星
Saturn / 5sAtE(:)n/ 土星
Uranus / 5jurEnEs/ 天王星
Neptune / 5neptju:n/ 海王星
Pluto / 5plu:tou/ 冥王星
constellation / kRnstE5leiFEn/ 星座
the Bull / / 金牛座
the Ram / / 白羊座
the Crab / / 巨蟹座
the Twins / / 双子座
the Scorpion / / 天蝎座
the Lion / / 狮子座
the Balance / / 天秤座
the Virgin / / 处女座
the Water Bearer / / 水瓶座
the Goat / / 山羊座
the Archer / / 人马座
the Fishes / / 双鱼座
asteroid / 5AstErRid/ 小行星
comet / 5kRmit/ 彗星
equator / i5kweitE/ 赤道
galaxy / 5gAlEksi/ 银河系
gravity / 5grAviti/ 重力
latitude / 5lAtitju:d/ 纬度
longitude / 5lRndVitju:d/ 经度
meteor / 5mi:tjE/ 流星
meteorite / 5mi:tjErait/ 陨星
nebula / 5nebjulE/ 星云
orbit / 5R:bit/ 轨道
revolution / revE5lu:FEn/ 公转
satellite / 5sAtElait/ 卫星
solar system / 5sEulE5sistim/ 太阳系
shooting star / / 流星
space / speis/ 太空
spaceship / 5speisFip/ 宇宙飞船
sphere / sfiE/ 天体,星
The universe is space,time,matter and energy,the unity of compositionAll space and time integratedA general understanding of the universe that we exist in a space-time continuous system,including during all of the material,energy and eventsThe universe according to the big bang model projections,the age of the universe is about 20000000000 years