2001年在葡萄酒业掀起一股跨国并购旋风。澳大利亚BrlHardy公司斥巨资并购美国第二大葡萄酒公司Con Stecation和贝灵哲酒庄;英国葡萄酒集团Domecq公司则先后收购了阿根延Craffigna和Saintelice公司、德国第四大红酒厂Kuemmerling Gom bh及智利等国葡萄酒厂;意大利Montatcino公司则将保加利亚Yal 2000公司和瑞典等国葡萄酒厂纳入其麾下。由此可见,葡萄酒业国际化可谓气势如虹,风起云涌,焉能不波及中国?
人无远忧,必有近虑。外面世界很无奈,亦很精彩。加入 WTO后,中国葡萄酒必须勇敢走出国门,大胆参加国际竞争,全力加强自己在全新环境中的国际竞争力,闭门造车,鄙帚自珍,只有面临被市场淘汰的命运。而从市场战略方面讲,加入WTO参与国际化竞争,不仅可以建立自己的世界市场根据地,更能扰乱敌人后方,打乱敌人布署,从而达到防御敌人,保护自己,状大自己的目的。同时,入世也给中国葡萄酒业参与国际竞争提供同等发展的平台。因此中国葡萄业如何未雨绸缪,及早应对,主动去学习、适应并创新,师夷之长以制夷,参与全球竞争,打造属于自己的强势国际品牌,从而立于不败之地?以下有几点是中国葡萄酒业非进行不可的动作。
(一) 文化国际化
(二) 网络国际化
1- 大力宣传自己的网站。
2- 有奖促销自己的网站,提高点击率。
3- 与国际著名网络尤其是酒类食品网站合纵连横。
4- 提高网站服务质量,解决网上资金交易的瓶颈
5- 与中国各地政府网站,尤其是中国政府商务网站连结,进入其网站首页。
1Orvieto Classico 1999 非常简单容易入口的一款意大利白酒,在ALDI,Plus也有。不必担心年份,白葡萄酒,除了Chardonnay能蕴藏多几年外,酒标上经常会看Reserve Chardonnay,很多白葡萄酒大都是很适合年轻时的饮用的。 2 Pinot Grigio Gargane Delle Venezie Parini 2003 Italia 意大利的本土葡萄,在法国叫Pinot Gris,但是在texture和body上法国的Pinot Gris明显更full,rich。这种葡萄品种真的很棒! 3 介绍一款白葡萄酒。Blanchet Blanc de Blanc。Schlecker和Mini Markt,Kaisers 都有。 4 德国的Riesling,不必苦苦寻觅,因为酒质都很不错,全世界都知道德国酿Riesling是最好的。千万不要买了国内的华东薏斯林,就误认为是德国的Riesling,那是一种意大利品种,Italian Riesling,和德国品种完全是两码子的事儿。 5 Chianti DOCG Colli Senesi 1999 这是一款意大利的酒,意大利是世界上产酒最多的国家,但是质量就是很难界定。同一地区的葡萄酒,同是DOCG,但其风味有可能一个天上,一个地下,但意大利酒的价格一直比较合理的。 6西西里的Nero d‘Abruzo个人感觉非常好喝,是一款性价比都很好的意大利酒。这款可能现在也只有较轻的年份了,不过意大利01-03的葡萄酒都喝不错哩! 7 Cotes du Rhone 00-03(现在Kaiser’s和Plus 只有2003年的了)这是一款风味稍重的法国龙谷的酒,果味相当明显。作为餐酒,是很不错的。吞一些货,留着慢品也不错。毕竟法国2003年也是个葡萄丰收的好年分啊! 8压轴,为你推荐一瓶个人认为真的是性价比超合适的法国Medoc酒庄的红酒(Medoc是波尔多的一个非常著名的产酒小区)。Ch Guiraud Peyrebrune, AC Médoc ,这款酒就算是放上2-3年再来喝也绝对不成问题的!总结:以上8款国外红酒希望你会喜欢,也希望我的回答能够对你有所帮助,谢谢!
China's wine culture has 5000 years of history, has a long history of wine in our wine culture, the development of long-term process, making many as the "Shen Pin" 'Qiongjiang "wine treasures I am the principal of Liquor comparison of Chinese and Western culture, and focus on understanding the culture of wine in China history of the development
I think in a different cultural background and different walks of life, different people, and even different frame of mind which was to understand the extent of different ways For Chinese and Western culture, a different understanding of wine, the key is to make the best wine culture development, better for our services, which require the integration of Chinese and Western cultures of wine Today, the West's wine culture to a large extent, the impact of China's wine culture, particularly in the tasting the mood in the West tend to be more, can hope to make more Westerners to understand China's fine tradition of wine culture
Talking about China's fine tradition of wine culture, wine and poetry had mentioned the close relationship between the poetry of wine is given a new interpretation of the source of origin so that the culture of wine in a long, and is deeply rooted From ancient times people do not know the number of Jie Jiu literati ink to write a good poem passed down until today, to express his or hi or bad feelings, a lot of people describe the beauty away Such as: "grape wine Remanbar" scenery, "Doujiu 100 poems," the passion, "Jiejiuxiaochou worry even more unhappy" analogy, "When the wine song, geometry of life" Free and easy, "Do not make Jinzun Air-to-month "spirit,"酒逢知己千杯少"the joy of" non-intoxicating liquor drunk people from "conception," ulterior motives "of the Miao Yu," live for today "no alternative , "Yao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen shepherd boy" sad, "hand-crisp red, yellow wine tie up" suffering "Yizuifangxiu" happy, as well, "Zhu Jiuge" Bold, "The Divine Comedy wine," the rough
Liquor heroes were also given to the extraordinary feat, given the strong cultural flavor of life, Cao Cao Quiz cooking wine, toast the invitation of Li Bai's moon, burning the midnight oil to see Zuili Xin Jian, Su asked the Liquor blue sky, Li Qingzhao sleep of course, very strong residual liquor, Huang Fei determined to swig (Southern Song Dynasty in the early years of anti-gold star, and Yue Fei was drinking too much at fault, Emperor Zhao Gou and his mother have let him quit drinking, he listened to the advice immediately broken wine However, he has made under the vows: "Huang Zhi Dao House (the capital of the Jin), and those who swig ears!" In which "those who swig and ears" Hero is full of pride), In fact, no matter Beixi, those who drink In the wine in the pursuit of life is freedom, forget the life and death for whom the honor easily, in the wine itself to be a real, I think this is what most people understand the essence of the spirit of wine in it!
In Europe, especially in the wine and romance to that of France, drink what kind of wine samples with what the wine glass, is the Yidingzhigui General with a complete set of wine should include a Jiuzun, a set of glass, a set of red wine, a set of champagne glasses, a white wine cup, a liquor glasses In the glass on the table are also placed special attention From left to right, the largest number in the cup on the left side, the smallest number in the right side of the cup So far the most popular European wine is still visible pure crystal cup Each of the different cup mouth and body shape of the Cup, Cup of different thickness and different designs and different floriation family of Crystal Cup, seemed to represent a beautiful feeling
China in the table, we usually drink the wine of beer, such as Hapi, Qingdao beer, beer and so on snow, or white wine, such as Maotai, Wuliangye, Beijing Wotou II, and so on In the United States, a lot of people who drink beer However, I see very few Americans have a direct high concentrations of fine drinking wine, and this is very different from China Also, I see very few Americans are on the table in a toast each other, we usually drink all of the Only in certain occasions, we will toast together This time is usually in a person after the speech, we cross a toast, a person wishing for a person something to celebrate Think carefully, can be found: the Chinese people are drinking seriously, and look who drink to drink is the atmosphere; in the West attaches great importance to drink wine, depends on what wine to drink, it is necessary to the full enjoyment of wine The delicious
China's ceremonial drinking of alcohol reflects the respect for human beings Masters of the guests have a fixed seat, have a fixed order of toast When a toast from the beginning of the master King, owner of disrespect End, is not eligible for other people's respect, if the order of the chaos to deserve to be punished And a toast from some of the most distinguished guests began to King, a toast to wine full time, that the toast was also a respect for human beings The younger generation of elders, the lower a toast to the higher authorities to take the initiative to propose a toast, but also pay attention to the first King to do The Hang Jiuling, Hua Quan, such as drinking etiquette, but also to allow people to drink more alcohol and enjoy the came into being It is clear that the Chinese wine culture by young and old hierarchy of traditional Chinese culture, ethics, in the course of drinking alcohol on the respect for human beings on the most important position The rituals of wine drinking in the West, reflect the respect for alcohol Kam goods to wine and watch their color, smell their fragrance, flavor of their products, to mobilize all kinds of sensory enjoyment of wine Goods in order to drink, pay attention to drink white wine after drinking red wine, the first products of light and then liquor products of the rich wine, to drink young wine to drink in the long years of wine, in accordance with the laws of taste changes gradually and in-depth Enjoy the taste of wine The wine's choice, but also around how to fight the full enjoyment of those who drink wine to the requirements of choice Aroma Cup together so that the tulip-mouth goblet, so full of wine-Shu start of the wine decanter, as well as to master the temperature of wine and drink products specially designed for the thermometer, all in the West reflect on the respect for alcohol, and their Ceremonial drinking, drinking culture is better to appreciate the delicious have been made
In China, wine is often used as a tool, the so-called ulterior motives Qingmeizhujiu as to demonstrate who is a hero; Cup Mo Jiang Jinjiu stop in order to eliminate forever the same and Seoul worry; bamboo Poets of the Seven Sages, in order to Jiejiu asylum Wine in the eyes of the Chinese people more as a communication tool in China's wine culture of wine for their own lack of scientific and systematic analysis and evaluation, but also about drinking after he brought a wonderful role In the West, often drinking purpose is very simple, in order to enjoy the wine and alcohol, in order to enjoy the wine and alcohol Of course, wine in the West also has the function of communication, but it's more pursuing is how much of the flavor of wine to enjoy
Comparison of wine culture in the West, can be found, the difference between the culture of wine is actually a way of thinking in the West differences
Whether China is the booze or the West tasting, wine culture can all hope that the next time a relatively more and better wine, wine culture can be developed and inheritance, so that more people understand the culture of wine, Enjoy the wine culture!