



 冬天的雨,冰凉而刺骨,无休止地下着,下着。而我,就在这茫茫雨中,与你邂逅。 冬天,这雨,犹如灰色的帘子,笼住了整个世界,天灰蒙蒙的。母亲载着刚上完兴趣班的我,撑着伞,阴冷又潮湿的天气让我浑身不自在,闷闷不乐。 街道上车水马龙,汽车飞驰而过,溅起浑浊的水花。十字路口水泄不通,人们摩肩接踵,行人雨伞上的水甩了我一身,我就像落汤鸡似的,焦躁不安,想让这路灯脸上的红晕“褪去”。 就在这时,我瞥见了你红色的身影。在都市的喧嚣中,你戴着红帽子,身着红马甲,坚挺着有些佝偻的背,矗立在车马喧嚣的十字路口中间。你就是千千万万志愿者的一员。 你十分称职,一手持着小红旗,另一只手紧紧攥着麻绳,防止人们闯红灯。你也许已年近古稀,皱纹已爬上你沧桑的脸庞,发丝也已花白。但在冰凉的雨幕下,你却只站在交警亭小小的檐下,半身已被雨打湿了,也不擦擦身子,喝一口脚旁保温杯里的水。怕一时疏忽、懈怠,就酿成一场交通事故作文。 冬雨,仍然不停歇,柏油路已被冲刷得油光发亮的,十分湿滑。而你就颤颤悠悠地用闽南话提醒:“地滑着哟,慢点,不差这点儿时间……” “这犟老头,跟牛似的,这雨也真烦,我正赶时间呢……”人们都朝抱怨的发源处投去鄙夷的目光,纷纷为老爷爷抱不平。这抱怨的人熟不知,为何老爷爷年近古稀,为何还要当志愿者只是为了要为社会贡献一份力呀……这些千千万万的志愿者中,有许多都是已退休的干部,他们希望在退休后,仍能为社会贡献一份微薄之力,加入了志愿者的行列中。 正因为有了这些志愿者,在默默地维护社会的交通秩序,我们社会才会更加和平,而他们无私奉献的精神,也使我终生受用不尽。 冬雨,仍一直下着下着,绿灯亮了,你如释重负地放下绳子,凝望着你削瘦的身躯。这次雨中的邂逅,你就如温暖的太阳,在这阴冷潮湿的雨天里,令我感到无比的温暖。 我望着你渐渐地从我的视线中逝去,默默地,在心中向你表达深深的敬意!


 秋,她从淡凉的细风中袭来,载着金色的梦幻的果实;秋,她在槛菊梳条中绽放,轻吐一缕幽人的芬芳;秋,她在骤雨霜天曙时含笑,寒江天,断愁肠。 倚窗外,秋声败叶狂飘。遥望远方,哀叹,愁怨,躲在惨绿悲红中,凝作千里暮霭,与那漫天的酒香,化作一场消黯。亦是便纵有千种风情,便与何人说的孤寂,或是望处雨收云断,凭阑悄悄,目送秋光的惆怅。破败的长衫下依旧掩映着柳永不羁的豪情,可分明那泪里,他却忍把浮名,换了浅斟低唱!情悲于秋,亦终于秋,只是空留无尽的叹息在金秋翻滚的岁月中荡漾。 错落的诗行间,诱人的墨香喷洒出别样的风情。大浪涛涛,两行秋雁双飞戏雨,海天沧袤,极目远眺,漫江秋水激荡多少壮志旦旦。秦皇岛外零丁的打鱼船,淹没在毛泽东豪情堪比天的情怀中。壮士心扉为谁开他曾把酒临风嘘叹英雄,甘愿醉卧沙场,笑看风云。而今,登临亲秋,又禁不住赋诗表志,狂饮高歌,一句“萧瑟秋风今又是,换了人间”是如何的惬意洒脱。卷帷望月,弹剑作歌,他们心中的思情幻化成不朽的诗词,滋养了一方芦花飞白。玉珠般的文字从诗人的笔下流淌着秋无限的韵味。与秋的邂逅,刘永空叹千里清秋,思悠悠。在蝉吟败叶,蛩响衰草,相应喧喧时,秋如蝶落般凄美,似流水般寂清;与秋的邂逅,毛泽东豪言惊梦:一年一度秋风劲,不似春光。胜似春光。那万里霜的江天中,又有多少雄心壮志未言! 邂逅秋,是收获金色的梦幻的果实,是嗅闻一缕幽人的芬芳,亦是寒江天,断愁肠的空寂凄哀。与秋的邂逅,缘于我们心中待绘的梦。



雨后的彩虹(rainbow after rain)

I like watching rainbow after rain all the time,Ithink it is colorful and lively

I first watched it when I was a primarry school studentThat day I was doing my homework,suddenly,I looked up,then I just like it deeply at that timeIcan not help standing up and drew a picture for it

Why I like this situation very much Becurse I watched some beautiful flowers growing under the sun,it is amazing and I knew what to live in my life

so, my friends, please remerber the rainbow after rain


  希望是人生的钟摆,须臾停止不得;希望是太阳升起的地方,光芒四射;是优美动听的歌;是奇丽无比的小诗。下面是我带来的 英语 作文 优美段落 带翻译,欢迎阅读!



 "After eighteen years of age to begin to accept more and more isolated In many cases, looking back, life really can not afford a few parting I have time and again tried to make her strong, but I can not put calm, I can not remember buried, unable to wipe the tears yesterday, I had to admit that he is such a sensitive and fragile, I can never do that cold person; ;"


 "Message boards and chats are not something one can easily read, you read in the process you will find that some people, some things, some emotions are detained each other because of the passage of time and disappear, finally settling down only a road injuries, torn reality"


 "Life itself is very simple, just happy enough Life is a state of mind, what kind of mentality who will naturally have what kind of life, do not follow the crowd, naturally optimistic attitude to face life, because your life colorful presence, bravely towards life! Better yet, you'll find yourself, life is wonderful because of you!"


 "Met two people to do, but it is a person to leave the decision to meet is a start, but it is left to meet the next one to leave It is a world popular to leave, but we are not good at goodbye"


 "Sometimes people feel ignored his own, he had been too busy to think about the possibility How I wish I was just a kid, give sweets to laugh, cry and fell There are always a few songs, let us sad, let us cry In fact, let's not cry those songs themselves, but those who are hidden in the memories of Habit is a very terrible thing, because the habit will feel taken for granted; because nobody used to think about is what he looks like if they lose"



 "Each gentle wet rain, I love sitting by the window, watching the tree leafy trees, have been washed crystal clear Each sunny days I love looking at the sky, look at those vagaries of the clouds, the wind was too ambiguous During this inexplicable youth, always fantasy Then sad Numerous familiar and unfamiliar looked around laughing, only fear"


 "Gazing smile, suddenly look back and see the old memories yesterday Li Sese trembling himself At that time, I suddenly found myself not to think that life will be able to erase all the memories and tampering Memorial day is all dust storms breakdown process, not the end all answer to everything"


 "I want happiness, or let you give me; you want happiness, or let me I'll give you Such a simple thing, but it is always the children do not understand, but also friends broke up, this is how silly thing, but do we have these people in cold blood after it refused the same"


 "On the youth stage, we fly freely, a man quietly too, walking in no small way, listening to the birds singing merrily, dark vomit smell the fragrance of flowers, enjoying the vitality of spring Stroking old trunk, feeling they experienced many vicissitudes Land unique fresh breath, appreciate the simplicity of nature Or through bright and clear glass, looking at the thriving things, could not help Jumping hope, pondering baptism mood"



 "Good Morning! Warm light accompanied by warm wind; Good Morning! Pearls green leaves swaying in the faceplate; Good morning! Spring and this season's mood a year; to join in such a beautiful morning, I was just an encounter, to feel natural, to the epiphany of life, to touch the halo Beautiful flower of youth, only this morning dew smile, open in the spring sunshine, it seemed so bright"


 "If at first you do not appear in front of me, then I probably would not know the taste of happiness You repeat itself cruel, all the land so full of love and death is less than Fangde gave me and tell me that you never liked me, never leave me I mistakenly thought that I could be happy was like a spoiled child, so I thought it was wrong, as long as you cling to, you can have the whole world"


 "As time goes by the calendar, but also how to turn but sad that one; I put down the dignity, personality down, put down a stubborn, only because does not fit you; close your eyes, that you miss the most; open eyes, the most want to see you; so stubborn, count unforgettable; love to pain, and pain to cry, chose to give up, perhaps to give up a helpless despair, people broke our hearts"


 "Life is not perfect, happiness is not the percentage Happiness in life bit by bit, and it is a feeling from the depths of the soul, often hidden in many small things, most of the time, it is a touch of soul throbbing, throbbing a little, but glow sweet feelings, and thus, the taste of happiness will spill out"

Gulangyu — A fairyland in the world

Gulangyu is a all island of Xiamen It’s like a garden on the water Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there, which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard

Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock, you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen, and when standing at its foot, you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it

Gulangyu produces bananas, coconuts, sugar cane and so on The people here, warm, simple and hardworking, are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to wele more visitors in the future

Such is Gulangyu, a beautiful and inviting island, where a warm wele awaits


任何景都可以吗?那我就介绍一下田园的景了My hometown is a beautiful village which is lying in the moutainsIt is the best creation of our great nature Here you can see and enjoy a very amazing scene that you've never imaginedTrees and flowers are the main roles of the mountainFlowers with different colours can be seen everywhere---red,yellow,white,you will get faint to count how many kinds of colours are thereThey grow together to form a huge flower-bed with a all but clean river flowing through itTrees are getting their colours tooIn summer and spring they're beautiful greenWhen it turns to aumtum,they put on yellow,and in winter,they change the clothe of white 字数可能多了一点,你取舍的参考一下吧


1 Beautiful homelandA into my village, saw the ground covered with grass, is so tender and beautiful Scan, like a green brocade A breeze, grass, like we nodded approvingly at to wele us Modest willow with it that slightness green girl's arm, and gently pat on the bankIn front of our house is a beautiful garden, the garden of lush trees and beautiful scenery, grass overgrown with all sorts of flowers and plants, like a big flower-bed, full of pigment beside a pool, pool of colorful fish swim to swim, clever! Our house is behind the building, neat flickering among the people, and street, car, a blastOur home is beautiful! We love our home! (。

美丽的家乡 一进我的村庄,看见地上覆盖着青草,如此温柔和美丽。





我们的家是美丽的!我们爱我们的家园)2 Hometown in autumnThe autumn is the hometown of neither too hot nor too cold, although the air is fresh, leaves no previous also started withered, but one thing more and more mature, it is rice Out of the door, scan, the first saw is rice, so much rice large full yes Rice in imperceptible in gradually grow matureThe autumn is the hometown of golden, basically everything is yellow The autumn, the hometown of rice mature into yellow Hometown of autumn, withered grass became yellow Hometown of autumn, the leaves on the trees grew up, r will wither soon In the field, and all roadside, entailed, no matter what the green plant basically are withered Especially the grass, it is waiting for the ing of spring, again to add a green worldHome is a season of harvest in autumn, peach on the big peaches and pears on the big pear, JuShu within large orange on the rice field, and mature etc can eat lots of fruits are ripeThe wind was so soft, the water is so fluent, the sky is so blue, people are so active The autumn is the hometown, and spring The autumn of home town than in winter to much warmer than the autumn, the home more to cool in summerAh, the hometown of autumn, you how soft! (家乡的秋天是不冷不热的,虽然空气是没有以前新鲜,树叶也开始凋谢了,但是有一样东西越来越成熟了——那就是水稻。














求一篇描写景物的 英语 文章

A sudden, late winter, spring has quietly e to earth Spring, are a better season, the season is full of poetry; spring, but also means that a vibrant start Since ancient times, poets like spring, praise spring, because spring scenic are everywhere in poetry can be Ancient hundred stroll garden, see Yong Chun colorful poetry, flourish, dizzying randomly pick几朵slowly read Goods, one of unknowingly has intoxicated "Ray of light overnight drop ten thousand silk, floating瓦碧Jiguang vary Paeoniflorin love with the spring of tears, unable to Rosa Xiao sticks lying" This is the Northern Song Dynasty poet Qin Guan's "Spring" Writing this poem spring after the rain Look, after the rain garden, the morning mist the cage thin, green glazed tile Jingying, Chunguang beautiful; Paeoniflorin rain tears, tenderness Feelings, Rosaceae supine dendrite, beautiful charming Here there is there is close-range vision, there is action there is quiet, affectionate attitude has randomly点染, irregular scattered Thinking绵密poem, describe vivid, since with a fresh, Wanli charm, very open to love "North Korea has e to Chambers songbird tree, red and green春上Fu Yuan-lin Suddenly there is好诗Health fundus, syntactic arrangements have been hard to find" This is the Song Dynasty poet, and Chen Yi's "spring" Writing this poem Zhijing spring morning Ear surplus birds, head Manqing sticks, green red catching different Hanfu attractive Poet, a few pens, a desire to drop the spring will be displayed at the screen readers, then, the poet simply ended pen, no longer describe spring, turn lyrical Spring rich, inspiration suddenly Health, but they have made use of treacherous poet "has a rare find," subterfuge to lure readers to feel their own spring, the actual situation Aioi methods give the reader left a lot of imagination "As days go far Head, Shuming the setting sun Dogs know where the dog Person line at the Mid-Levels" This is the Southern Song Dynasty poet, Yang Wanli's "Spring" Writing this poem of King spring evening Xieyang Phi Cong trees, green space and access day, dogs欢叫,晚归people This poem naturally apt often see Qiao Medium, Medium-Ping, see Qi, will bring readers a panoramic view of the Spring atmosphere, where there is wonderful landscape of Spring, there is the geous colors of Spring, there is the strong ell of Spring, there is春之声and Yuet , outside the meantime, open-minded people will enjoy singing "Chunshui newborn milk Yanfei, Hors all tail to the flower head Window with far almanac Heteropanax color, fish hook over Shannon near Rocky Stone" This is the Tang Dynasty poet Li He's "South Park" South Park's spring, vibrant and full of charm Chunshui newborn, before乳燕fly, honey bee child flowers stuffed fish hook over feeding, which are highly characteristic features of the spring, and the vision straight through the window into the study, people Shuxin nice, very happy This poem vivid vivid, fresh flow of God is read to gas Yat-ching转瞬间严冬已逝,春天已悄悄地来到人间。








瞧,雨 院,晨雾薄笼,碧瓦晶莹,春光明媚;芍药带雨含泪,脉脉含情,蔷薇静卧枝蔓,娇艳妩媚。



















描写一个地方的景色英语作文 (带翻译)

Beautiful sceneryDuring the summer vacation, my mother took me to the south of the Yangtze River touri The good, the beautiful scenery, I still can not fetOne morning, I watch the sunrise on the Bank of the river, that river deep blue is blue eyes Not for a moment, Water-day phase transfer line of golden light, the sky aglow Clouds are redThe sky, the sun seems to carry the burden of a longitudinal vertical upward, finally out of water, with a dazzling light, to open her eyes At this time, as long as we raised his head can see the birds in the sky flyRiverside flowers also seems to be in the sun with the bright colors: orange, red, pink, purple·· · · · ·they were open to us ilingAt this time, the golden Canna will water bearing on the blue river lining up, looks so sweet and charming, is really indulge in pleasures without stop Look at it from a distance, like a blue ribbonThe scenery is so beautiful, so an indulge in pleasures without stop!江南美景暑假里,妈妈带我去江南旅游。


一天早晨,我在江边观看日出,当时江水深蓝色好是蓝蓝的 眸子。










During their Duke careers, graduating seniors Gerald Oliver, Katie Mitchell and Ashley Joyce have helped improve race relations, Greek life, classroom honesty and other important aspects of campus lifeTheir work illustrates how many students are choosing to make a positive difference in their own munities, said Larry Moa, vice president for student affairs"Students are reclaiming their social life in a much broader way," Moa said "It's happening in key pockets around campus"Several student-led groups have emerged in the aftermath of the Women's Initiative, said Donna Lisker, director of the Women's Center Active Minds encourages students to think about mental illness Devil Dating aims to improve the campus dating scene A women's mentoring group links students with faculty and alumni"These initiatives represent all different kinds of students who see some piece of the puzzle that looks familiar to them, and they decide to take this particular piece on," Lisker said "That's been wonderful to see"Gerald OliverThe National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) arrived on Duke's campus when Gerald Oliver was a sophomore By his senior year, he was president of NPHC, the umbrella anization for the nine historically black fraternities and sororities, six of which are represented at DukeAs the leader of a young anization, Oliver worked to strengthen NPHC's voice, establish its place in the Greek system and ooth out munication beeen Duke administrators and black Greeks That entailed going to lots of meetings and speaking up, he said"I haven't been involved with big stuff that makes the paper," Oliver said "I didn't anize a super program; it was more day-to-day things"Oliver, who is also a member of Campus Council, made time for weekly meetings of the Community Executive Council, where the presidents of the four Greek councils -- NPHC, the Interfraternity Council, the Inter-Greek Council and the Pan-Hellenic Association -- discussed such issues as housing, recruitment, hazing policies and munity service"The things that IFC and Pan-Hell do affect us, and the things we do affect them," Oliver said "We made a lot of effort in that group to make sure we were working together since our fates are tied"Fraternities and sororities have been viewed as self-segregating anizations, but Oliver said that black fraternities and sororities have helped lift up the black munity that historically has had a disadvantage in higher education"It would be inaccurate to say there is no color division," said Oliver, a psychology major who is applying to business schools for the fall "But just because the anizations serve different purposes doesn't mean they can't interact and understand each other"The student-run Center for Race Relations has helped open lines of munication by bringing together Oliver's fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, and the almost all-white Kappa Alpha fraternity to discuss issues they previously hadn't had a venue to address"We had a lot of good conversations," Oliver said, "but it doesn't mean much if nobody beyond the leaders buys into that"The diversity of Duke provides an opportunity for ethnic and cultural exchange that many students might not have had up to that point When he returns to Duke over the years for homeing, he would like to see race relations remain a priority and more members involved in the discussions"As long as conversations like that continue to happen," he said, "race relations on campus will get better"Katie MitchellThe Greek system still needs work, said Katie Mitchell, president of the Duke chapter of Delta Delta Delta sorority But changes won't be easy to make because the Greek system is a microco of the larger world"The world is petitive; the world is exclusive; the world has standards that have little to do with who you are," Mitchell saidMitchell, and the Tri-Delts, fed ahead anywayThe alcohol-free casino night the Tri-Delts sponsored in November was open to everyone on campus The party attracted a cross-section of the student body, raised money for charity and may bee a Tri-Delt tradition to help shrug off a reputation of exclusivityOnce the Women's Initiative report added "effortless perfection" to the campus lexicon, Mitchell gathered the 170 women in her chapter for a discussion about eating disorders"Talking about it is the first step," she said "We need to talk about our experiences and move past them"Mitchell believes that change can evolve through " all things done with a good heart and good intentions""I


SNOW At dusk,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing stronglyIt seemed that it was going to snow soon A moment later,the snowflakes began to fall quietlySoon the land before my eyes was all white,like a beautiful blanketThen it snowed more and more heavilyThe trees were all covered with white quiltsThe whole city became a silver world The next morning,it stopped snowing and cleared upI went into the yardLooking far away,I saw a beautiful silver white worldA group of children were playing happilySome were throwing snowballs to each other,others were making a snowmanSnow seemed to bring us warm and wishesCold as it was,nobaby felt cold in the white world I love snow,because it is pure whiteIt brings us hope and vigour



描写游玩西湖景点的作文 I have been to many interesting places in Yiwu,but I have not been to many other parts of China yetLast month I went to the West Lake with my family by busAfter three hours we got to HangzhouThen we took a taxi to the West Lake The scenery around the lake was very beautifulThere were many tall trees and beautiful flowersSome people were walking around the lake and some people were boating on the lake We played near the lake and enjoyed the beautiful sceneryEach of us lost ourselves in the beautiful scenerySuddenly it rainedWe ran in the rain and we were all wetBut we were very happyAfter a while the rain stoppedThe sky became very colourful “How beautiful it is!”I said to myselfIn the afternoon we went back home by train My trip seemed very short,but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long


















转载请注明出处 » 写景物的英语作文


He is Sun Yue, November 6, 1985 born, he came from Hebei Cangzhou, he has 205 meters, weight 96 kg Started playing basketball when he was ten, 2005 basketball team was selected to participate in many petitions, mainly playing the point guard position also play the shooting guard position and the all forward position 2007年6 月29日, joined the NBA in China the fifth, he is the most potential is considered to be the next Yao Ming!

五年级听记试题 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!











①老乌鸦要求小乌鸦要小心奉承话里藏着阴谋诡计,小乌鸦记住了。( )

②老狐狸恶毒、无理的咒骂小乌鸦,小乌鸦气得火冒三丈。( )

③小乌鸦张口骂小狐狸这一瞬间,小乌鸦衔在嘴里的肉落地了。( )





附 听记内容
























生命因( )而精彩作文 急!



















什么情什么思成语 急!

周情孔思 周公、孔子的思想感情。封建社会奉之为思想情操的楷模、典范。

倡情冶思 冶荡轻佻的情思。

风情月思 指男女相互爱恋的情思。亦作“风情月意”。

孔情周思 指儒学的思想、情懆。孔,孔子;周,周公。


继续努力?keep up the great work work on

政治哲学问题 急





左下和右侧是俩个等腰三角形 所以上底+下底=10 梯形面积公式 (上底+下底)高/2=1010/2=50





d(距离)=Iy²/4+2y-4I / √(1²+2²) =Iy²+8y-16I /4√5=I(y+4)²-32I/4√5




{ 求得A(12-8√2,4√2 - 4),B(12+8√2,-4√2 - 4)


∴-4√2 - 4 ≤y≤4√2-4,即y=-4符合,此时x=4



篇一:每一天都是幸运的Every Day is a Lucky

I teach economics at UNLV three times per week Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been One young man said that his weekend had not been so good He had his wisdom teeth removed The young man then proceeded to ask me why I always seemed to be so cheerful


His question reminded me of something I'd read somewhere before: "Every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day," I said "I choose to be cheerful""Let me give you an example," I continued, addressing all sixty students in the class "In addition to teaching here at UNLV, I also teach out at the community college in Henderson, 17 miles down the freeway from where I live One day a few weeks ago I drove those 17 miles to Henderson I exited the freeway and turned onto College Drive I only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college But just then my car died I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn't turn over So I put my flashers on, grabbed my books, and marched down the road to the college"


"As soon as I got there I called AAA and arranged for a tow truck to meet me at my car after class The secretary in the Provost's office asked me what has happened 'This is my lucky day,' I replied, smiling"" 'Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day' She was puzzled 'What do you mean'"" 'I live 17 miles from here' I replied 'My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway It didn't Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here I'm still able to teach my class, and I've been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class If my car was meant to break down today, it couldn't have been arranged in a more convenient fashion'""The secretary's eyes opened wide, and then she smiled I smiled back and headed for class" So ended my story

“我一到学校就啊地叫了起来,课后才安排拖车来把我和我的车拖走。院长办公室的秘书问我发生了什么事情。‘这是我幸运日’ 我笑着回答。”“ 你的车都抛锚了,今天还是你的幸运日?” 她疑惑不解,“你是什么意思? ”“ 我住在17英里以外”我回答说,“我的车可能在高速公路的任何一处抛锚。但是它没有。而是在一个最理想的地方抛锚:下了高速公路,到这儿只有几步路远。我还能来教课,课后我还能安排拖车找到我。如果我的车今天注定要坏掉,那这样子已经被安排得不能再方便了。”“那个秘书瞪大了眼睛,然后笑了。我也朝她笑了一下,然后去上课了。” 这就是我的故事。

I scanned the sixty faces in my economics class at UNLV Despite the early hour, no one seemed to be asleep Somehow, my story had touched them Or maybe it wasn't the story at all In fact, it had all started with a student's observation that I was cheerful


篇二:幸运号码真的能带来好运吗?Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck

Lucky numbers are widely accepted by people in nowadays, the young especially Each constellation, each blood type has their own lucky numbers People choose a number as his or her lucky number because of various reasons, such as birthday, a special day or a story, which considered to bring good luck to them Generally speaking, numbers such as six, eight, sixteen and eighteen are regarded as lucky numbers due to their pronunciations that refers to the implication of luckiness


However, some other people hold the opinion that numbers have nothing to do with their fortune They believe in their own rather than “lucky numbers” As far as I am concerned, lucky numbers are only numbers that can bring nothing to you if you don’t try hard to get what you want If you want happiness, for example, it can’t be realized just relying on a number Only your effort can make happiness possible Anyway, lucky number is personal thing, and it does encourage the person who believes in it sometimes


篇三:幸运的一天(A lucky day)

Today is a fine dayAnd I am very lucky

In the morning,I’m go fishing in a river with my parentsAs time goes by,I am fishing a big fishI am very happy,but my parents have no one fishNext,I am fishing a small fish,but I still happyBecause my parents still have no one fishIt’s time to go home,I am fishing ten fishs,but my parents are only fishing a small fishIn the afternoon,I am playing football with my buddiesMingMing has the ball,he is kicking it to meI am kicking the ballIt’s a beautiful goal Next, PingPing has the ball,he is kicking to MikeNow,Mike has the ball,he is kicking itIt’s a goalNow,we are winning

Today I am very luckyAnd I am so happy

原文地址:http://fanwenwenku1com/article/17289905html篇一:每一天都是幸运的Every Day is a Lucky

I teach economics at UNLV three times per week Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been One young man said that his weekend had not been so good He had his wisdom teeth removed The young man then proceeded to ask me why I always seemed to be so cheerful


His question reminded me of something I'd read somewhere before: "Every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day," I said "I choose to be cheerful""Let me give you an example," I continued, addressing all sixty students in the class "In addition to teaching here at UNLV, I also teach out at the community college in Henderson, 17 miles down the freeway from where I live One day a few weeks ago I drove those 17 miles to Henderson I exited the freeway and turned onto College Drive I only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college But just then my car died I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn't turn over So I put my flashers on, grabbed my books, and marched down the road to the college"


"As soon as I got there I called AAA and arranged for a tow truck to meet me at my car after class The secretary in the Provost's office asked me what has happened 'This is my lucky day,' I replied, smiling"" 'Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day' She was puzzled 'What do you mean'"" 'I live 17 miles from here' I replied 'My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway It didn't Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here I'm still able to teach my class, and I've been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class If my car was meant to break down today, it couldn't have been arranged in a more convenient fashion'""The secretary's eyes opened wide, and then she smiled I smiled back and headed for class" So ended my story

“我一到学校就啊地叫了起来,课后才安排拖车来把我和我的车拖走。院长办公室的秘书问我发生了什么事情。‘这是我幸运日’ 我笑着回答。”“ 你的车都抛锚了,今天还是你的幸运日?” 她疑惑不解,“你是什么意思? ”“ 我住在17英里以外”我回答说,“我的车可能在高速公路的任何一处抛锚。但是它没有。而是在一个最理想的地方抛锚:下了高速公路,到这儿只有几步路远。我还能来教课,课后我还能安排拖车找到我。如果我的车今天注定要坏掉,那这样子已经被安排得不能再方便了。”“那个秘书瞪大了眼睛,然后笑了。我也朝她笑了一下,然后去上课了。” 这就是我的故事。

I scanned the sixty faces in my economics class at UNLV Despite the early hour, no one seemed to be asleep Somehow, my story had touched them Or maybe it wasn't the story at all In fact, it had all started with a student's observation that I was cheerful


篇二:幸运号码真的能带来好运吗?Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck

Lucky numbers are widely accepted by people in nowadays, the young especially Each constellation, each blood type has their own lucky numbers People choose a number as his or her lucky number because of various reasons, such as birthday, a special day or a story, which considered to bring good luck to them Generally speaking, numbers such as six, eight, sixteen and eighteen are regarded as lucky numbers due to their pronunciations that refers to the implication of luckiness


However, some other people hold the opinion that numbers have nothing to do with their fortune They believe in their own rather than “lucky numbers” As far as I am concerned, lucky numbers are only numbers that can bring nothing to you if you don’t try hard to get what you want If you want happiness, for example, it can’t be realized just relying on a number Only your effort can make happiness possible Anyway, lucky number is personal thing, and it does encourage the person who believes in it sometimes


篇三:幸运的一天(A lucky day)

Today is a fine dayAnd I am very lucky

In the morning,I’m go fishing in a river with my parentsAs time goes by,I am fishing a big fishI am very happy,but my parents have no one fishNext,I am fishing a small fish,but I still happyBecause my parents still have no one fishIt’s time to go home,I am fishing ten fishs,but my parents are only fishing a small fishIn the afternoon,I am playing football with my buddiesMingMing has the ball,he is kicking it to meI am kicking the ballIt’s a beautiful goal Next, PingPing has the ball,he is kicking to MikeNow,Mike has the ball,he is kicking itIt’s a goalNow,we are winning

Today I am very luckyAnd I am so happy



网整理好满载而归了。 今天真是美好的一天。福建南平松溪县实验小学三年级:李若容









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