

  Opening an account 开户

  I would like to open an account 我要开户

  What kind of account do you want 你要开什么样的账户

  A current account 活期存款账户

  A checking account 活期存款账户

  A saving account 活期存款账户


  A deposit account 存款账户

  bank post remittance 银行邮汇

  bank remittance 经 银行汇款汇票

  bank post bill 经 银行邮汇票据

  bank post paper 机 银行用纸

  post office saveings bank 邮局储蓄所(银行)


  Do you like to open a current account


  Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money


  What kind of account did you have in your mind


  A deposit or current account


  There's a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings


  How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account


  Would you please fill in the depositing form, giving the sum of money you're to deposit as well as your name, address and professional unit


  Here is your pasbook Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it


  Please sign your name on the bottom line if you want to cash the check


  I should like to open a current account


  Could you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account


  Is there any minimum for the first deposit


  I'd like to know whether I can cash a cheque here


  I'd like to cash this money order


  Will you please tell me whether you charge for cheques


  What if I overdraw


  I want to cash the balance of a traveler's letter of credit



Clerk: Hello, what can I do for you(Yes)


Customer: Please tell me my balance


Clerk: please speak slowly

Clerk: Please write it down on the paper


Clerk: Yes, sir(miss),wait a moment please


Clerk: Your balance at the bank is RMB 5,000


Customer: My magcard does not work, please take a look


Clerk: No problem, the magcard is locked, show me your passport, I will help you out


Clerk: The magcard need more magnetism, it is ok now


Customer: I want to close my account with you


Clerk: Please go to the number 6 counter


Clerk: Please go to the open counter


Clerk: Please take a seat over there for a moment; our client manager will help you


Customer: I would like to, thanks



Clerk: How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account


Customer: I want to deposit 300 yuan in my account


Customer: Please tell me the procedure for opening a savings account


Clerk: Please fill in the depositing form, the sum of money,your name, address and professional unit


Clerk: Please fill in your name, the number of the certificate and your telephone


Clerk: Words an d figures differ


Clerk: Signatures differ


Clerk: keep your receipt please


Clerk: Here is your passbook Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like


Clerk: Keep the passbook (magcard) well and inform us whenever you lose it


Customer: Thank you very much


Clerk: Not at all


3. 取款 DRAW

Clerk: yes


Customer: excuse me, Can you help me


Clerk: it is my pleasure Please tell me what I can do for you


Customer: I want to withdraw 8000RMB from my deposit account


Clerk: Sorry, no sufficient balance, the balance is 6000 RMB


Customer: I want to withdraw5000 RMB

顾客:取5000 RMB好了。

Customer: I want to draw 10,000-dollar and 30,000 RMB


Clerk: Please show me your passport。


Clerk: password please


Clerk: please sign your name


Clerk: please check carefully


Customer: Thank you very much


Clerk: Not at all



Customer: Can you change me some money, please


Clerk: What kind of currency do you want to change


Customer: Please change some RMB from my US dollars’ account


Clerk: Please tell me how much you want to change


Customer: Please change 3000 RMB


Clerk: Take Cash or deposit in your card (passbook)


Customer: I'd like to take cash (deposit in the card<passbook>)


Customer: What's the exchange rate today


Clerk: If you'll wait a moment, the rates of exchange is about 1:8


Customer: I'd like to break this 100 RMB Could you give me some small notes


Clerk: How would you like it


Customer: Three 20s, some 10s and 5s , please


Customer: Thanks a lot


Clerk: My pleasure



Customer: Excuse me, I forget the password of my card


Clerk: Report loss of the magcard please


Clerk: Do you remember the number of the magcard


Clerk: Please pay 15 yuan, includes 5 yuan cost and 10 yuan handling charge


Customer: Do you charge for remit


Clerk: Yes, we do, 1% of the sum, from 1 yuan to 50 yuan


Customer: I come for paying my telephone cost


Clerk: Show me the number of the telephone


Customer: I come for paying my gas cost


Customer: I come for paying my electricity cost


Clerk: Please show me your card。



T: Hello! May I help you


C: Yes, I hope so I need some more cash for my visit in China May I cash a traveler's check here


T: Of course We'd be happy cash it for you

当然, 我很乐意为您兑现。

C: I was going to cash it at the hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates

Intermediate business of commercial banks and the development of intermediate business of commercial banks in China with a comprehensive international comparison

The middle of a commercial banking business development activities because of

11 an inevitable choice for commercial banks

Intermediate business of commercial banks and the rapid development of the emergence of the underlying reasons are not only driven, but also the result of external factors First of all, the international community to enter the countries have relaxed controls, the liberalization of banking and international trends, including greatly to the middle of the business, including the pace of financial innovation; Second, market competition has also promoted the development of intermediary business, traditional business of commercial banks not only faced competition in the same industry, and along with the development of capital market countries, greatly increased the proportion of direct financing, the traditional commercial banks assets, liabilities, business increasingly showing a "sunset industry" the decline, therefore, commercial banks were forced to carry out new business innovation to create a new source of profits; again, the middle of business innovation is the result of market demand, due to frequent fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, enterprises and commercial banks in which the uncertainty of economic environment, increasing the risk of which the effective management tools, in particular, a number of financial derivatives had a demand for the development of the banking intermediary business that is risk management in order to satisfy customers, as well as other diversified financial services; Finally, the banks have their own advantages, as well as 20 practical information technology since the 80's the development and extensive use of commercial banks for the development of intermediary business possible February 1987 at Northwestern University in the United States held a deposit-taking institutions on asset securitization and the risk of development of intermediary business seminar, a scholar on the development of commercial banks in the middle of a large number of business reasons for concluding, that is, commercial banks the development of intermediary business and technology, control, interest rate risk, customer competition, factors such as capital adequacy ratio are closely related

12 The significance of the development of intermediary business

(A) can be extended into a commercial bank intermediary function, to expand their business scale

(B) commercial banks can spread business risks, and enhance the bank's ability to resist risks

(C) can play a variety of business, "bundling" effect to enhance the competitiveness of the banks Intermediate business of commercial banks between other business interaction and mutual influence, and the development of intermediary business for the banks not only bring direct profits, but also with other business, the second interaction of the market to enhance the competitiveness of banks

Second, commercial banks in the development of intermediary business

21 The broader business scope, a wide variety

Western countries of the middle-run commercial banks and a wide variety of products to meet the diverse needs of customers, the commercial banks for the new business innovation The scope of business covered by the middle of the traditional banking, trust services, investment banking, mutual funds and insurance business They can engage in money market operations, but also can engage in discounting commercial paper and capital markets business

Gradually expand the business scale of 22, rising income levels

From 1993 to 1996 among the US banking business grew from 912 billion US dollars to 12188 trillion US dollars, accounting for bank assets from 78% to 1429%, of which the seven largest banks in the middle of the business lending per cent more than doubled and more Living in the forefront of the US banking industry, Citigroup, the Americas, such as the middle of the five major banking groups involved in the operational activities of the total assets of more than 22 trillion US dollars has the same period, assets and liabilities that banks under the total assets of 780 billion US dollars for the capital sum for the 45 billion US dollars; intermediary business 3 years the average growth rate to 542%, much higher than the 9 percent average annual total assets and total capital at an average annual growth rate of 216 percent ①

23 Middle-income structure of the business change

Western commercial banks from 1980 to 1990 of 10 years, the total income of non-spread revenue rapid upward trend in both The middle of foreign banks operating income generally accounts for 40% of total revenue -50% Acceptance in the United States, Citibank, credit investigation, credit rating companies, assets evaluation business, personal financial advisor business, long-term foreign exchange trading, foreign exchange futures, foreign exchange options, and other intermediary business represented 80 percent brought their profits deposit and lending business profits accounted for only 20% of the total profits ②

24 Service means of advanced and high technology

Improvement in the level of science and technology for the development of intermediate business of commercial banks to provide a strong foundation for technical support and innovation, especially in recent years can be at any time and any place in any way to provide customers with personalized service network of banks, the emergence of Internet banking promoted the development of intermediary business With the international advanced banking payment system on its strong business in the middle was a huge amount of service fee revenue

Third, commercial banks Analysis of intermediate products

31 Clearing-type intermediate products

Clearing products are usually divided into promissory notes, bills of exchange, the three types of checks Settlement of funds between the time of the settlement act, for the customers, the main demand is to use the banking clearing system, security and timely transfer of funds Settlement is therefore a means of clearing operations to ensure the successful completion of an important link On the characteristics of the clearing business, its risk may come from three aspects: customer risk factors, risk factors of post and telecommunications sector and banking risk factors For the banks, the first two banks of external risks, which is the bank's internal risk ③

32 security type of intermediate products

With the development of international trade, the Western commercial banks faster development of the security business, including standby letters of credit, guarantee the payment, performance bond, bid security, supervision, such as payment by the common varieties Chinese and foreign commercial banks, the security business is production of the intermediate business with commercial banks to carry out security operations is the use of banks to provide credit support, that one has to bear because of the risks associated with credit support

Intermediate goods 33 Management

Mainly divided into the banking business, safe operations, Personal Financial Services Since the last century is the era, as the world's financial system, industry structure, organizational structure, operational modalities and competition is undergoing a profound transformation The changes in the traditional banking, securities, insurance, trust business increasingly blurred boundaries between the business, while seeking to promote and strengthen the commercial banking and financial activities of globalization and virtual organizations, the banks of the insurance industry to flourish here development With the development of the world economy, personal financial services showing a huge space for development And personal financial services customers of commercial banks is the core personal financial services in the commercial banks to the "financial services supermarket" the process of development, personal financial services of commercial banks at home and abroad has become the focal point of retail business one

34 Advisory type of intermediate products

Intermediary business consulting category refers to the transfer, sale information and provide intelligence services to the main contents of the intermediary business Commercial banks on their own information, talent, credibility and other areas, the collection and presentation of information and information of these customers, as well as banks and financial analysis of campaign records to form a system of information and programs made available to customers, one to meet their management or business development needs Include: credit, corporate credit rating, assets evaluation business and financial information; business and personal financial advisor business; business consultant business investment and financing, including financing and the international syndicated loan arrangement

35 bank cards, online banking intermediate products

Bank credit card is the issue of commercial banks to the community with consumer credit, debit settlement, access to cash in whole or in part, such as a credit payment function Its fast development, many countries have become an important business, many banks and the major source of profit for variety Internet banking is a banking service to provide customers with new tools, which the existing banking business, based on the use of Internet technology to provide customers with comprehensive, consent, security, real-time financial services Internet banking is not only a banking innovation is the organizational structure of a bank穿心At the same time, the emergence of Internet banking so that the expansion of commercial banks to find new channels for the middle of the business

Fourth, the middle of the latest developments in the direction of business

Securitization of credit assets 41

Securitization of credit assets refers to a group of poor liquidity through a portfolio of assets, so that this group of assets to generate stable and predictable cash flow proceeds through the intermediary of certain credit enhancement, the proceeds of these assets the right to change as flows in the financial markets, higher credit rating of bond-type securities In essence, will be financing the securitization of future cash proceeds of the assets and the corresponding right to transfer the risk to investors, and the transfer of ownership of the assets may not be entirely ④

42 fund business

A long time, China's commercial banks to develop intermediary business not as a main industry and the new profit growth point to run, but also our country's strict separation of management and other factors, so that the development of the banking sector has been greater restrictions A direct consequence of these restrictions is that domestic commercial banks and weak financial innovation Have been carried out in the middle of the retail business of the development of varieties, not to profit maximization as the goal, but as absorbing as a means of customer deposits, which resulted in business receipts in the middle of the contribution rate for banks with low profit situation Commercial banks in China's current total income, the proportion of all interest income more than 90% This revenue structure is to enable the assets of China's commercial banks profitability in the last century since the 90's has been in a continuous downward trend in one of the main reasons Studies have shown that commercial banks in the US the average asset profit rate of China's four state-owned commercial banks average of 1286 times This shows that the middle of my business cards, many types of projects though, but their purpose and profit with the situation in Western developed countries, significant differences between the modern commercial banking business and a lot of content has yet to enter our field of vision ⑥

8, China's commercial banks lag in the middle of the reasons for business development

81 on the traditional state-owned commercial businesses, as well as the long-term monopoly control of the central bank's interest rates led directly to commercial banks to create a modern inadequate

From abroad, the development of banking business, the increasingly intensified competition in the market forces and customers is to continuously strengthen the bank to speed up the expansion of the main reasons for non-margin business China's banking industry from the historical path of development, the historical factors strangle a certain extent, the domestic commercial banks to expand their business and the autonomy of consciousness "Unification" of thinking, as well as the banking system more rigid domestic commercial banks used to make the government's command, the lack of response to the economic situation to customers and the market as guide, based on the formulation and implementation of their own advantages for their own development strategies of motivation and ability

82 the development of intermediate business of commercial banks led to a substantial risk of financial regulation will make the existing system is facing tremendous pressure

The financial sector at the policy orientation of business limits the room for the development of intermediary business Most of the middle of the business belonging to banks and non-bank financial institutions operating in the field of cross-cutting, so inrong the state's macroeconomic management policies of banks, non-bank financial institutions, the limited scope of business directly determines the intermediate business of commercial banks to open up space I started in 1993 from a banking, securities, insurance, trust the strict separation of management, the banks can not create a cross-sectoral, comprehensive, multi-faceted business intermediate products, it is difficult to raise the level of business and level of intensive

83 Bank charges among the business and the lack of standardization

In the absence of corresponding fees and charges based mechanism, the intermediary business difficult and hard to charge fees, particularly the phenomenon of table Charges not specifically reflected in the financial institutions among the business no express provision charges Difficult to charge in fees and charges due to lack of enforcement mechanism, financial institutions are afraid of arbitrary collection of charges the suspect

84 China's banking industry has developed the "marketing model" and the "marketing habit" has severely constrained the development of intermediary business

From foreign banks to expand business model point of view, primarily by the consumer to facilitate this, fast, safe and customer service benefits, are a typical "product marketing" As for the domestic banking industry, the product quality and price are often relegated to a secondary position, "relationship marketing" has become the domestic banking industry to explore the middle of the main mode of business At present, commercial banks remain the main customer base to large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises and property rights Fuzzy principal - agent problem makes enterprise managers pay more attention to the pursuit of personal interests, at this time the relationship between banks and their customers has become a successful product whether or not the key ⑦

Main References:

① Bank for International Settlements: "International Financial Market Development Report", published in 1999

② Ho five-star: "Financial Innovation in Development", Southwest University of Finance and Economics Press, 2000

③ Yang Ming-sheng: "Commercial Bank's Intermediary Business Products practical manual" Beijing, China Financial Publishing House, 2002

④ Peter • Rose book, Liu Garden translation: "Commercial Bank Management", Beijing, Mechanical Industry Press, 2001

⑤ after lam-chun: "commercial banks intermediate innovative business risk prevention and control", containing "China's financial fortnightly" 2003

Zhang Guohai ⑥: "Commercial Bank's Intermediary Business Development Strategy in the International Comparison", in "Financial Research", 2003

⑦姚德良: "I have been the middle of the commercial business development implied by the low level of research", in "Finance and Trade Economy", 2004



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