











​他很可爱,他会害羞。我虽然已经过了那个年纪, 但是想到你还是:你好青涩,我好喜欢。


后来我才知道它作为名词 还有一层意思,是“短暂地、热烈地,但又羞涩地爱恋”。

比如,l had a crush on him,意思就是:我曾经短暂地、热烈地,但又羞涩的喜欢过你。










































































 1 After the thunderstorm, a rainbow appeared in the sky, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple It was very beautiful! The earth has also become much cooler Want to go swimming Go! Come with me, I am a master swimmer! Backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle Swimming in summer is a very pleasant thing!

 2 In the morning, when I opened the window, a fresh and cool wind blew in front of me, making me energetic The wind makes the carambola tree in my backyard sway gently The leaves are particularly green and the sky is particularly blue

 3 Today is another hot day I saw a clear sky, floating with a few pale white clouds At noon, people could not stand the heat They were sweating and panting, so they had to go to the shade of the tree to enjoy the cool The flowers and trees in the garden all look listless under the scorching sun Only cicadas kept shouting from the branches, as if they were shouting, "hot, hot!"

 4 The deep summer mat in the other courtyard is clear, and the pomegranate blossoms all over the curtain; When the trees were overcast and the ground was covered with sunshine, I dreamt of a floating warbler

 5 When the scorching sun is hanging high in the sky, Xiao Hes cheeks are red He enjoys the bath in Yangon and is also blooming harder, because he is eager to one day become a small tree that offers a green shade to passers-by

 6 Summer is green If you walk into our school and have a look, you will find that the campus is covered with green: big trees, small trees and grass are also green The banyan tree is tall and straight Looking up, a bright green leaf shines in the sun, showing infinite vitality

 7 The willows in the street seemed to be sick The leaves were hanging with dust on the branches, and the branches did not move The street was white, and the small vendors did not dare to shout The plexiglass signboard at the door of the store seemed to have been suntanned

 8 The scorching sun in August is like a fire umbrella At noon, the sky is bright, like a large piece of scalded white horse mouth iron plate The twigs of the weeping willows on the roadside did not move, the shadow of the trees shrank into a ball, and the leaves covered with a layer of dust were wilting and rolling The asphalt pavement is also soft Looking into the distance, it seems that there is a transparent steam rising on the silent road

 9 Summer comes so quickly that people will deeply understand what is unbearable heat in a few days

 10 Summer in my hometown is quiet, verdant, beautiful and colorful

 11 The summer sky is unpredictable, sometimes cloudy, sometimes low, as if it were an order to urge people to act; Sometimes the sun shines directly

 12 In summer, the weather is hot The students play games on the playground When they are tired and hot, they enjoy the cool under the camphor tree Camphor tree is like a big green velvet umbrella, supporting the students

 13 Open the window, and a smell of earth comes to my face Fresh air is like a medicine that can refresh the mind and moisten the lungs Ah! its raining Seeing the rain, I was in high spirits, sitting alone in front of the door, quietly enjoying the summer rain The cool rain drove away the summer heat and brought a comfortable feeling The air was filled with fresh grass fragrance A few ducklings were playing in the rain They liked the cool rain as much as I did The rain also saved the farmers uncle a lot of energy They dont have to work hard to water the dry crops Summer rain always gives people beautiful enjoyment, artistic conception and reverie

 14 The flat fields, green and soft rice seedlings and green banana leaves swayed in the wind, presenting a business

 15 The Buffalo has long been hiding in the pond, and its whole body is buried in the water Only one head is exposed to breathe on the water

 16 The flaming fire was so high in the air that the fish in the river did not dare to come out of the water, and the birds did not dare to fly out of the mountains Even the dogs in the village just stretched their tongues and panted endlessly

 17 Summer is like a picture, recording many summer customs Summer is the hottest time Some of my friends are adding ice cream, some are swimming in the pond, and some are dancing happily

 18 In summer, there is no recovery of all things in spring, and there are no fruits in autumn The only thing is the hot enthusiasm Only in summer can people enjoy swimming on the beach without worrying about the cold; Only in summer can people sweat heartily and do not dare to take a bath because of the cold; Only in summer can people show their enthusiasm without the excuse of cold

 19 The night in summer is always full of charming colors, a little deep but romantic Under the reflection of the sunset glow, the clouds in the sky are colorful and bright with their own beauty The full moon hung like a silver mirror and poured the water like brightness In the chirping of frogs and insects, the stars blinked mischievously and enjoyed the whirling shadow of trees At this time, the cool wind gently diffuses the troubles and worries in the day

 20 The earth was scorched by the fireball like sun, the trees were roasted with drooping heads, the dogs were lying in the shade of the trees with red tongues, and the cicadas were screaming desperately on the trees

 21 The wind is blowing with a slight warmth It sends the cuckoos cry from time to time It is telling us: "spring has gone" Green grass, reeds and red, white and purple wild flowers are steamed by the hot sun hanging in the sky, and the air is full of sweet and drunk breath

 22 In the midsummer of July, there was no cloud in the tile blue sky The hot sun scorched the earth The water in the river was hot and the soil in the ground was smoking

 23 On a midsummer day, the childs face will cry for a while Heavy rain fell in succession; Smile for a while ---- show the bright red sun Summer rain comes and goes quickly

 24 In the evening, I went for a walk by the stream alone Looking around, I saw that there were green clouds in the pond The only red lotus in the pond was red The color of the red lotus was like a pile of fire that was about to ignite Looking from a distance, it was like a beautiful young girl who was just emerging from the cottage dancing in the middle of the water Her posture was euphemistic and elegant

 25 In front of tile roofed houses, there are a few old trees that grow luxuriantly Several grandfathers are sitting under the old tree in front of the house, crossing their legs, sitting at a small wooden table and chatting leisurely Drinking their own rice wine and eating snails fried with tender green peppers, they couldnt help saying, "its a good day!" In the air, there was a strong and intoxicating aroma of wine

 26 At this time, the earth is dark green everywhere The threeorfour or two clear calls from early birds have crossed the sweet dreams of people in cities and villages The diligent shepherd boy led an old yellow cattle with a long rope, followed by a calf Next to him were several ancient trees, the grass rippling with the breeze, and the path leading to the green waves All of them were reflected in the crystal clear river, which formed a beautiful picture with the dawn

 27 Roses have been blooming all summer

 28 When the wind blew, it was soft and thin, but it was powerful It passed in a flash Such contempt was a little ironic and flirtatious This wandering feeling, I think, is terrible, but it makes people comfortable, and hides a knife in a smile I dont know what it is, and Im too lazy to think about it The trees also moved, and the tall treetops swayed leisurely, like the tip of an old mans hair blown by the wind The tree seems to be trying hard to show off its power, but it is really old and helpless - the years urge people I dont know how many scars the wind has made on its face The wind seems to be standing on the edge of life and death As soon as the wind pushes it, it begins to struggle It seems to shake, but it is actually the call of life

 29 Early in the morning, cicada shouted loudly to tell people that another hot day had begun

 30 In the scorching summer, the birds do not know where to hide; The plants and trees hung their heads; The dog was so hot that it stuck out its tongue and kept panting

 31 The scenery along the road is not bad The Midsummer in Jiangnan used to be a paradise in heaven There was no wasteland along the way There were green rice, green trees and green mulberry forests Occasionally, some ponds have thick lotus leaves and small rhombic leaves floating on the water

 32 When the sun lost its dignity at noon, it went down slowly As night fell, the street lights came on one after another The clear night sky is like a blue carpet

 33 Summer is so beautiful, "quack, quack!" Who shouts again Oh, it turned out that it was a little frog jumping again It seemed that he enjoyed this wonderful time very much The rain is dripping down, weaving valuable silk floss for summer

 34 Bearing the hope of spring and brewing the prosperity of autumn, the summer with enthusiasm leads people to feel the most vigorous and prosperous time of life

 35 Walking on the road, the oncoming wind is like a heat wave

 36 In the early morning of June, the morning light touches the window of the stilted building The crop tips and water plants in the fields are always covered with bright dewdrops, which reflect seven colors of brilliance under the reflection of the rising sun

 37 The spring flowers are blooming and the autumn fruits are fragrant The summer is hot and the winter is cold The best time of the year is to send a clockwork message to tell your heart Although the work is very busy, it doesnt matter to be happy every day I sincerely wish you all the best and happiness

 38 In midsummer, the rose is like a girl in pink, dancing among the green leaves; The peony blossoms are more beautiful She is charming, gorgeous and fragrant Those old poplar trees are also full of green, like an open green velvet umbrella

 39 It cannot be denied that spring is colorful, autumn is golden, and winter is white, which has really made people fall However, summer also has its own verdant costumes Which corner of summer is not full of green symbolizing life When you climb the top of the mountain, you can look around at the green fields The dark green mountains are like huge waves on the sea, one after another, meandering and connecting, stretching to distant places, and connecting with the gray and blue sky The whole earth becomes a huge carpet stretching everywhere, green and full of vitality

 40 The beautiful summer is hot Grandpa goes to enjoy the cool under the tree, and some are playing chess; The old lady is chatting while fanning under the tree The children like to play and play in the water


 1 Go and blow the summer evening wind Maybe you will meet romance

 2 Steal summer from the sugar cone, steal love from your eyes

 3 This summer is so hot, can I turn secret love into passionate love

 4 The temperature drop of soda water is a summer Adventure

 5 Dont cry dont cry, tears are pearls, cry too much become pigs

 6 Let us grow in summer, dream in summer, wish us a happy summer

 7 The wind said a lot and filled the summer

 8 Summer is blooming, with countless strands of blue

 9 Just be yourself Ill like you

 10 I want to sell the orange soda in summer to Van Gogh who has run out of paint

 11 This summer, the sunshine is very good, the ice cream is very sweet, you are very beautiful

 12 In summer, I want to hide in sea salt ice cream, or walk out of the window with the evening wind

 13 "What color do you like best" "Hot and sour noodles"

 14 Summer is the best season to adjust your mood, especially at dusk and evening wind

 15 The weather is very hot I want to find someone to fight

 16 In midsummer, the broken ice of white porcelain plum soup clattered against the wall

 17 If only I could lose 20 when I reached 100

 18 The summer wind has wrinkled the hustle and bustle of the city -- Wang Yuan

 19 What if I get old Those square dances are so hard

 20 Its such a long summer We must have a person who can pick watermelons together

 21 Every kilo of meat in the year of the pig is a happy meat

 22 I hope the watermelon my mother cut this summer doesnt taste like garlic

 23 I suspect you like me, but I have no evidence

 24 Its 40 degrees this summer

 25 There is a cute tiger in the heart, howling~

 26 The warm summer is too short Every second is worth loving

 27 Invite me to eat when you miss me Ill be right there

 28 Plum flavored sunset glow and twoorthree beer flavored stars in summer

 29 I am a lovely girl, and you are lovely

 30 Summer comes slowly Only in summer can there be romance


 1 I will always remember the summer wind

 2 The temperature drop of soda water is a summer adventure

 3 Year after year; Hurry and summer

 4 The summer wind wrinkled the noise of the city

 5 Its not the summer, its the future

 6 One side is sunlight, the other side is fruity

 7 I hope my grades can light up the whole summer

 8 I will look forward to rainy summer evenings

 9 The wind blows gently to my summer

 10 Get rid of me and summer

 11 Between you and me, we missed another summer

 12 The moment you have is the most brilliant flower in midsummer

 13 The fish were blown away by the sea wind

 14 Another midsummer, do you miss me occasionally

 15 I want to travel around the world with you all summer

 16 Summer summer sneaks past and leaves a little secret

 17 The grandeur of winter is restrained, and only summer gives it all

 18 When I meet you in summer, I will fall as many times as I can

 19 Summer wind, I will always remember, clearly, say you love me

 20 The world is full of emotions, but the white porcelain plum soup in midsummer makes the broken ice clatter against the wall

 21 On the train to summer, no girl was late, but some were overweight

 22 Late summer falls on the clock face of the cats eye, with a quiet sound A moment of light, is your light farewell

 23 The beginning of the story is a bottle of iced soda, which is the taste of summer and the green and astringent you

 24 Miss summer I mean that summer

 25 This summer, the wind met the clouds, the fireflies met the stars, and I met you

 26 Summer is so romantic Id like to invite it to dinner You can also come with me when you are free

 27 The summer wind is blowing through my hair and ears You and my summer, the wind whispers

 28 Do you remember Flying hair, let the starry sky answer for me

 29 Youths heart is a wasteland in midsummer night, which cannot be cut or burned When the long wind blows, the weeds stretch to the sky

 30 The unknown fruit fell into the window with a slap One side was sunlight and the other side was fruity



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