



A: Waiter, a table for two, please 服务生,请给我一张两人的桌子。

B: Yes, this way please 好的,请跟我来。

A: Can we see the menu, please能让我们看一看选单吗

B: Here you are 给您。

A: What’s good today 今天有什么好吃的

B: I remand crispy and fried duck 我推荐香酥鸭。

A: We don’t want that Well, perhaps we’ll begin with mushroom soup, and follow

by some seafood and chips


B: Do you want any dessert 要甜品吗

C: No dessert, thanks Just coffee 不,谢谢。 咖啡就行了。

After a few minutes 过了一会儿。

A: I can have the check, please 结帐。

C: George Let’s split this乔治,我们各自付帐吧。

A: No, it’s my treat tonight不,今天我请客。

B: Cash or charge, sir 现金还是记帐

A: Charge, please Put it on my American Express



A: Good morning Can I help you 早上好。有什么能效劳的吗

B: I want an American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up


A: What kind of juice do you prefer, sir 您想要哪种果汁呢

B: Grapefruit juice and please make my coffee very strong


A: Yes, sir American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up, grapefruit juice and

a black coffee Am I correct, sir


B: Yes, that’s right 是的。

A: Is there any thing else, sir 还有什么吗,先生

B: No, that’s all没有了,谢谢。


A: Good morning, sir I’ve brought the breakfast you ordered


B: Just put it on the table, please 请放在桌上。

A: Do you need anything else, sir 先生,还有其他需要吗

B: No thanks Ah, yes! Can I have some more juice for the minibar

没有,谢谢。 啊!可否多放一些果汁在冰箱里

A: What kind of juice would you like, sir 哪种果汁呢,先生

B: Tomato, orange and apple juice, please 番茄汁、橙汁及苹果汁。

A: Yes, sir I’ll get them for you right away Would you please sign this bill first Thank you, sir 好的,我立刻去取。麻烦您先签了这张帐单。


A: Oh, I’m starving I’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine What would you remend, waiter 啊,我快饿死啦。我想吃点真正的中国菜。您给我推荐什么呢,服务生 B: Well, it depends You see, there are eight famous Chinese instance, the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine


A: They are both spicy hot, I’ve heard 我听说这两种都很辣。

B: That’s right If you like hot dishes, you can try some


A: They might be too hot for me 对我来说可能太辣了点。

B: Then there’s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine Most southerners like

them 再有是粤菜和江苏菜。大多南方人都爱吃。

A: What about any special Beijing dishes 有什么特别的北京风味菜吗

B: There’s the Beijing roast duck 有北京烤鸭啊。

A: Oh, yes I’ve heard a lot about it I’d like very much to try it Where can I

find it 啊,对了,听过多次了。我很想试一试。在哪儿能吃到呢

B: You can find it in most restaurants, but the best place is certainly Quanjude

Restaurant 大多数饭店都有烤鸭,可是最好的当然还是全聚德烤鸭店。

A: Is it near here 离这儿近吗

B: Not too near but not too far either A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes,

if the traffic is not too bad, I mean


A: Well, thank you for your rmation But what is the name of that restaurant again


B: Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you You can show it to the taxi-driver


A: That’s very kind of you Thanks a lot 您真是太好了!多谢多谢。

B: You’re wele 不客气。



A:Wele to our hotel欢迎光临。

A:So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage您一共带了4件行李,是不是 B:Let me have a check again让我再看一下。

A:The Reception Desk is straight ahead接待处就在前面。

A:After you, please你先请。

B:Excuse me, where can I buy some cigarettes劳驾。我到哪儿可买到香菸 A:There is a shop on the ground floor一楼有个商店。

A:It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes在那儿可买到中国香菸和外国香菸。

B:Can I also get some souvenirs there也可以买到纪念品吗

A:There is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs有个柜台出售各种各样的纪念品。

B:Excuse me,where is the restaurant劳驾,请问饭厅在哪儿

A:We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant

Which one do you prefer我们有中餐厅和西餐厅,你愿意去哪个

B:I'd like to try some Chinese food today今天我想尝尝中国菜



非正式英语 正式英语

What’s your name May I have your name

您贵姓 请问您贵姓大名

Do you want some tea Could you like some tea

您要喝茶吗 请问您想喝茶吗

Over here, please Could you e this way please

这边请。 请您往这边走好吗

不要说OK, Sure, Yeah等等,而要说Certainly, Sir

Hey, uh-huh, Hang on 等等,也不适合在酒店中使用。

别说“I don’t know”回答“不知道”是非常不礼貌的说法。

可以说“just a moment, please I’ll check that for you” 请稍候,我来帮您确认,然后请有能力处理的人前来协助。

对男性客人,尊称为Sir; 面对女性客人时尊称为Ms

在招呼客人时,最好说“Excuse me, SirMs”, 不要直接称呼Mr或Ms 至于称呼小孩,可以直接使用Excuse me,但是不可以直接称呼boy或girl




  汉语有中四个字的 成语 ,英语中也有很多四个词的 句子 ,简短好用。以下是我给大家带来4个单词的英文句子表达,以供参阅。


 1 Are you by yourself 你一个人来吗

 2 Are you kidding me 跟我开玩笑啊

 3 Back in a moment! 马上回来!

 4 Boys will be boys! 本性难移!

 5 Come to the point! 有话直说!

 6 Do I have to 我一定要做吗

 7 Don't count on me! 别指望我!

 8 Don't fall for it! 别上当!

 9 Don't get me wrong! 你搞错了!

 10 Don't give me that! 少来这套!

 11 Don't let me down! 别让我失望!

 12 Don't over do it! 别做过头了!

 13 Drop me a line!要写信给我!

 14 Easy come easy go! 来得容易去也快!

 15 Get a move on! 快点吧!

 16 Give me a break! 饶了我吧!

 17 Glad you like it! 很高兴你喜欢!

 18 Great minds think alike! 英雄所见略同!

 19 He always talks big! 他老是吹牛!

 20 He's a double crosser! 他是个骗子!

 21 I cross my heart! 我发誓是真的!

 22 I just made it! 我做到了!

 23 I watch my money! 视财如命!

 24 I'll be right back! 我马上回来!

 25 I'll check it out! 我去查查看!

由4个英文单词组成 经典句子

 1 I’ll see to it! 我会留意的!

 2 I'm down and out! 我穷困潦倒!

 3 I’m in a hurry! 我赶时间!

 4 I’m not that bad! 我没那么差吧

 5 I’m short on cash! 我缺钱!

 6 I’ve got the blues! 我很郁闷!

 7 If I were you=if I were in your shoes如果我是你

 8 It kills my eyes! 太好看了!

 9 It’s Greek to me! 我完全不懂!

 10 It’s no big deal! 没什么大不了的!

 11 It’s worth a try! 值得一试!

 12 Just wait and see! 等着瞧!

 13 Know what I mean 明白我的意思

 14 Let’s change the subject! 换个话题吧!

 15 My mouth is watering! 我要流口水了!

 16 No pain no gain! 吃一堑长一智!

 17 None of your business! 没你事!

 18 She’s under the weather! 她今天很忧郁!

 19 So far, so good! 还过得去!

 20 Speaking of the devil! 说曹操,曹操到!

 21 Stay away from me! 离我远点!

 22 That makes no difference! 不都一样吗

 23 The walls have ears! 隔墙有耳!

 24 We better get going! 最好马上就走!

 25 We’re all for it! 我们都赞成!

 26 What’s on your mind 你在想什么

 27 You are the boss! 你是老大!

 28 You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃!

 29 You have my word! 我保证!

 30 You want a bet 你敢打赌吗


 Absolutely 这个词常用的很强的语气中,比如你和某人谈话,非常同意说话人的意见和看法时,用到这个字, Absolutely! 绝对正确 "Someone must have lost his mind to give this away" "Absulutely!"

 Amazing! 这个词也常用在很缋的语气中,当你看到一幕非常精彩的演出时,精彩的都让你目瞪口呆的时候,你会瞪大双眼嘴说出一句 Amazing! 太神奇了!

 Congratulations! 这个词大家一定要记住的,很常用的哟,比如你朋友高升啦,或朋友家里又添丁啦,或者长时间的失败,最后你终于通过了考试时,你的朋友会对你说 Congratulations! 恭喜呀!

 Disgusting! 呀,这个词也常用,也是强烈语气,意思是“好恶心哟!”。当你遇见你不想见的东西时,为了表达你的此时心境,你要说 Disgusting! 这个词不仅对脏东西表示恶心,也可以对那些你看着不顺眼的行为的表达。

 Horrible! 这个词的意思是“好可怕!好恐怖!”。在你看一部非常恐怖的**时,恐怖的都让你睁不开眼时,你会说 Horrible! 不仅对恐怖的**这么说,也可以表达你的一段不愉快的经历,比如你去某个国家旅游,钱包被偷,身无分文,此时又害着一场大病,通讯和交通又不便,一路乞讨回来后,对朋友介绍这段经历时会说这次旅游 It's horrible!

 Any discount 这句话很实用,意思是“有打折吗”。当你去跳骚市场买点东西时,会经常用到,用这句与street vender们讨价还价。

 Anything else 这句话的意思是“还要什么吗或者,还有吗”。当你妈让你去买瓶酱油回来,你不想因别的什么事再跑一趟,于是就问"Anything else"“还有别的吗”意思是还有别的东西要买吗。不仅仅只是买东西用的着,在你做完一件事的时候,你会用这句来问你的老板, 还有别的事吗

 Duty free 这个词实用,如果你去某个国家旅游时,在飞机场的候机厅里,你会看到很多商店,而且商品都具本国特色,这时你会发现很多地方都写着Duty free这个词, 它的意思是“免税”啦。免税的商品当然好,不用交这个国家的税,当然相比之下就便宜点呀。

 What's wrong with you 这句话意思是“你哪里不对劲”。如果你看到朋友由于想心事,在行动上有些异常,你就要用这句话问她。还有一句话与这句相似,What's the matter with you意思是“你怎么回事”。用这句的话要比What's wrong with you这句的口气要重点,不仅仅表示你怎么回事,也有点“你发神经呀”的意思在里面。

 What's on your mind 这句话的意思是“你在想什么”。当你见到你的朋友怔怔地发呆时,你要用这句来问她OR他。

 What do you think 别把它翻成了你在想什么啦,这句的意思是“你认为怎么样”。是一种征求意见,征求你的看法的意思。当你的朋友为准备出去约会而挑选衣服,在征求的你意思时,会用这句问你。"What do you think" "Mm, it seems too bright"

 Leave me alone! 这句也常用,意思是“离我远点”或“让我单独待会”。当你感到非常心烦时候,你就要用到这句啦,你不想和别人说话,也不想别人来找你说话,这时你要说Leave me alone!

 Hands off!! 这句要知道啦,意思是不许碰,不要碰。当你的朋友或家人,在做 蛋糕 或是一件精美的工艺品时,由于刚做,胶还没干,你不知道并伸手去摸它,你的朋友会说 Hands off!或者说Don't touch it!当然 Don't touch it!的口气要严厉一点喽。

 You are the boss! 这句字面上翻译就是,你是老板!或你是老大!,事实上大概就是这个意思。有时 英语口语 别在逐字翻译上叫真。这句说的意思就是:听你的!比如你和你的朋友出去喝酒或是喝茶时,你的朋友指定一个好地方可以去,此时你又没有好的主意,于是呢,你就会说You are the boss!听你的!

 Where does it locate 这句的意思就是“那个地方在哪儿”或“在什么地方呀”。 比如某人向你介绍一个美丽的风景区,或是一个不错的英语角,此时你非常想去,于是你就要问Where does it locate在什么地方呀

 Sorry to bother you! 要记住这句,这会显得你有礼貌。这句意思是:抱歉,打扰了!。当你在向某个人推销商品,或问一些事情或是耽搁一下别人的时间后,你要说一句Sorry to bother you!有一句相似的是Excuse me, 。这句是在要打扰别人之前先说的一句话,等打扰过后再补上一句 Sorry to bother you! 会显得你更有礼貌。

 Don't be silly! 这句的意思是:别傻里傻气的!当你的朋友总是冲你出怪像,比如歪眼斜嘴,伸舌或做出一些奇怪的举动或是不明智的举动时等等,这时你要用这句教训他Don't be silly!

 You loudmouth! 这句是在你有些生气的情况下,说出来的,即这句的意思是:你这个大嘴巴!,当你把一个小秘密告诉了你的一个朋友后,你的朋友马上又传给了别人,你听说后有些生气,就用这句来教训他You loudmouth!

 You lazybones! 这句意思是:你真是懒骨头!在学校生活,总是能碰到这种人,在寝室里不洗衣服不叠被,你要用这句话对待他You lazybones!

 I got you! 这句非常有意思, 在不同的气氛下,有不同的意思。比如,你在和一个比较要好的朋友谈话时,你的朋友不小心说漏了嘴,泄露了小秘密,或是说错了话,于是马上被你抓住了话柄: “Ha ha, I got you!”“哈哈,被我逮着了!”。另外一个情况是:和某人说话,或者是向某人(不一定是朋友)在讨教一些问题,当你弄明白时,你要说上一句:Got you!意思是:“我明白了”。这句话很常用。

 Whatever! 这句也很有趣,意思是“随你便吧!”或是“管它呢!”。当你和别人谈话不投机,你不相信别人所说的话,于是用这句来打断这次谈话:"Whatever!"“管它什么呢!”。另一种在正试文体中的用法,意思是:无论怎样,不管如何。

 You bet! 意思是“当然喽!”或是“肯定的啦!”。比如有一个舞会约你参加,那里有食物和酒,这时你的朋友问你“你会去参加舞会吗”这时你肯定地说:"You bet!"还有一句与这句意思差不多Of course!

 Here we go! 在美国由其是大城市里,这句话恐怕说的是最多的了。人们大多是自言自语地说这句话,意思是“这不!”或是你提醒注意的一句话。当你去某家餐馆吃饭时,服务员上菜时会自言自语地提醒你一句"Here we go!"自言自语地用这句话,可以增加友善的气氛。有时你看一部**,你已经猜出来了结果是什么,最后果然不错,你会情不自禁地说上一句"Here we go!"还有一句意思和这句差不多 Here we are!

 So cute! 这句是女性的专利,意思是“真可爱呀!”,当你看到一个非常爱的何事都可以用这句,可以是婴儿、动物或玩具之类。

 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。爱情是人生最美丽的际遇,就像一把精致的钥匙,打开心灵,享受快乐,分享痛苦。有哪些让人记忆深刻的关于恋爱官宣的句子呢?栏目我特别整理来自网络的表白文案英语短句, 请马上收藏本页,以方便再次阅读!


 1、met you I knew I would forever be by your side --forever your partner and forever your love。

 2、are like two parallel lines, will never be able to face to face

 3、You are the only man in my life that makes me so exciting, you are all I have in my life

 4、can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and lovea person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forgetyou。

 5、爱一个人,就要相信自己能给她最大的幸福!To love a person, you must believe that you can give her the greatest happiness!

 6、就把你深深藏在我心中。You hide in my heart deeply

 7、Ever lost in the heart, is you pull me out of loneliness

 8、Time cannot erase my thoughts of you even if Haikudanlan, your shadow forever in my heart!

 9、see your smile will meet, see you happy I would be satisfied, when happiness comes upon you, I will silently bless for you

 10、love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything, including you

 11、Are you free flying seabirds, I was a humble island Tired, you can rest here in my feet; hungry, you can find what you need here In fact, in addition to you, I nothing!

 12、send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window。

 13、The moonlight stands for my heart!

 14、You like a mirror, this life with you has been doomed; you like flowers, love you love to have no place to hide; you like green, I love only for you chase; you like the blue sky, I see you mad Love you, love you!

 15、You are my life, the most profound feeling!!

 16、It's you that led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind

 17、you so I don——t wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream

 18、rstands love;it need snotalk


 19、fire which burns unseen

 20、spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you

 21、When I decide to spend the rest of my life with you, I wish I had my life to start soon

 22、living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with you is the award of the lord…


 24、For you, I have unconditional surrender, you will sign the love contract! Otherwise, no one wants me! I'm ready to double my rights

 25、is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words。

 26、don’t know whether I really love you,but I know I cannot lose the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see。

 27、好笑吗身边没你,好怪,陪我一生一世好吗?It's not around you, good strange, with my life?

 28、regret to know you, you let me feel the pain when you are not around me

 29、Open flowers were blossoming blossoming with love, to love a flower, blossoming don't love, really blossoming love, had to hide the love, not blossoming hide, only to hide a flower, there is really no hiding, the flower is old

 30、Don't know love you count is a close reason?


 32、are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you。

 33、Funny side not you, good strange, with my whole life, OK?

 34、one in this world is as nervous as you are! So spoony love me So I decided to marry you in my life!

 35、If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with youis the award of the lord。

 36、really want to hold your hand, walk along the road of happiness, really want to hug your waist, from now on happy and free and unfettered; good want to kiss your face, we accompany forever!


 37、The white cloud never promised its presence to the sky, and the scenery never spoke to the eyes I don't have too many promises, no sweet words, just because true love without too many words!

 38、are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not。

 39、Wistfully, Trinidad Yunyan miss Facing the north, like you, in the spring of the season

 40、The reason I live now is to be able to say to you right now, I love you, I will protect you forever

 41、Don't need words, let me tell you with action, what is love

 42、You see, is the most real me!! A never ending move!! Moved the world to have you with me this most beautiful existence!!

 43、Thousand of time I have thought of you heart is going high intothe air and flying with my blessing towards you I don't care loneliness I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when Ithink of you!

 44、In every one of your companions night, never lonely lonely

 45、Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for mylifes time If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tellyou I love you and would be together with you forever。

 46、The fire of love, in the hearts of both of us, we will be fused in a

 47、It's not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in love with you

 48、words“I love you”were said by you for the first time,my world blossoms

 49、To meet you, for me, is the greatest happiness

 50、Can't forget the first time we met, your smiling eyes and silent expression, always so beautiful, fall in love with you is sentiment must by, don't let me alone guarding lonely, I have been trying to work and let you live a happy and happy!

 51、When the wind stopped chasing clouds, when the ice is not water, when the fire is not hot when the stone is no longer hard, do not love the world, I can stop love you

 52、day without you is like a book without pages。

 53、Don't say your sky is nothing, if not, I'll give you my sky, just let me stop in your sky

 54、know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart

 55、ing you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁。





 In your arms I feel so happy


 Back to the past, can not return to the original


 Doomed eternally, also want to walk with you


 Would like to have a heart, you will not leave


 Do not give up, is not dead heart


 A person, a city, a lifetime of love


 You are always so beautiful in your heart


 To have a strong, dare not forget


 Years cardamom, who made who The end of life


 Lively is their, I have nothing


 The fairy tale has ended, forgetting is happiness


 Life is a miss, don't you be willing to


 Look me in the eyes, baby, I love you!


 I've won all the people, but I've lost you


 Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to forget!


 Like you really is I insist on the most long thing


 I like you just want to be with you forever


 In their world, Russia is always redundant


 Really, lose you, won the world and how


 I think it is a kind of happiness to see you


 I love you, you can get all the pearls


 The past is no longer come back, come back no longer perfect


 You took her hand, is no longer my hero


 The original 1 years of feelings, I have all the heart


 No one who knows me doesn't know your name


 I send a love letter, sealed off with your kiss


 Helpless miss, the composition can not forget the youth past


 No one hundred percent of the lovers, only fifty points of two people


 A simple little love song, sing our little emotion


 In every night, accompanied by the sound of you no longer featured too


 Only when I can not leave her, I would like to break up with her to break up


 To respect others is a virtue, and to be respected is a kind of happiness


 You don't know how hard it is to love each other when you're apart


 I cannot do without you, can't forget you, but you have a girlfriend, she


 In the end we go all the way you did not look back I did not retain


 Red dust, the mo Previous life, this life meet


 Originally just a youth line, you made it into a painting


 May my heart be embedded in your heart so that our love will never change


 My heart all the people you can see only a detour


 I only leave your stubborn, but ultimately did not forget your strength


 If there is a person who likes to give me water, I can run one thousand and five hundred


 Real beauty, not the appearance of youth, but the heart of the bloom


 Youth is a book too hasty, our tears, read it again and again


 What is happiness Is to hide his sadness for everyone smile


 Do not want to wake up when the lamp projected on the wall only my lonely figure


 Those who used to say never separated, have scattered in the horizon


 Perfect, not necessarily the most beautiful; the most beautiful, often only regret


 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you


 Face the happiness of others can see, in the heart of pain and who can feel


 Good life, nothing more than personal shun their temperament, to do a duty


 Hide love in my heart, for I have no end This life is not in hand, the next life I also!


 After the pain will not feel pain, and some will only be a cold heart


 Life is a cup of wine, life is a bugle call, life is to enter the drum


 They are afraid of you, not a blessing, others bully you, not a disgrace


 I know this life I will not be your only, but you have really loved


 Happiness in a long winding road in love, drunk drunk is the sunrise, sunset


 A girl began to dream about her and her boyfriend's future This is the beginning of deep love


 We always hold the happiness of the left hand, but forget the loneliness of his right hand


 I am you turned forget a passer-by, with what accompany you waste time to the end


 Nostalgia, not because of how good the time, but that time, you are young


 Most people only do three things; self deception, deceptive, be bullied


 When I was young, I cried and cried and laughed When I was young, I grew up and was smiling, laughing and crying


 Happiness is just to hold the hand, even if it is lost everything, also won't be afraid


 Really like people can not make friends because they have to see a few more eyes are still want to have


 People should not remember him, as can increase knowledge; hold a grudge can increase the trouble


 Who, holding my hand, my lonely elimination half; who help me to the shoulder, flooding my silence


 All the patients, the doctor is the most difficult to treat all sentient beings, self righteous people the most difficult to cross


 Recall the encounter in the spring, as if a beautiful and sad picture from my mind


 Don't try to be someone else's favorite, and forget the true self


 The reason why people live tired, because not put shelf, tear open face, do not open complex


 Allow me to build a beautiful house in your heart, do not bother others that it is illegal construction


 Life is sad, there is always a Bo tears due to the deep love, you are my life not swimming in the sea


 Every time you will use your left hand to support the body's strength, it seems to lose the focus


 So, just like when I say love you, but is lonely Chengai, cannot go back once


 Young when we give up, thought it was just a feeling, and later learned that, in fact, is a lifetime


 I really love you, close my eyes, thinking that I could forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive themselves


 I didn't forget anything, but there are some things just for collection Can not say, can not think, but can not forget


 Or you all listen to me Or I'm all listening to you This is the only principle of getting along with two people


 Remember you said if you do not love, you have to let go, because you do not love, so I help you to let go


 Before others in my life as a traveler, and now I began to act as a traveler in the life of others


 In a moment of life can meet you, actually spend all the strength It was only on this day that there was a breath of air


 Angel with you, you are beautiful


 Look at the happiness of others, count their own pain


 Lights and stars, people's voice is silent, song is not the beacon fire in troubled times


 You are my young joy, like the youth is you


 Life is to learn to be strong while being hurt


 I'm willing to follow and feel brave once, just for you


 Love you is the best thing I've ever done


 After the wind and rain, the sun is still the same!


 Those who aspire to the top of the mountain will not covet the scenery on the mountainside


 1、Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness


 2、The shortest answer is doing


 3、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more


 4、All things in their being are good for something


 5、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people


 6、Failure is the mother of success


 7、For man is man and master of his fate


 8、Gratitude is the sign of noble souls


 9、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step


 10、All things in their being are good for something



 1 Take control of your own desting命运掌握在自己手上。

 2 Wasting time is robbing oneself浪费时间就是掠夺自己。

 3 Jack of all trades and master of none门门精通,样样稀松。

 4 Between two stools one falls to the ground脚踏两头要落空。

 5 Gratitude is the sign of noble souls感恩是精神高尚的标志。

 6 Storms make trees take deeper roots风暴使树木深深扎根。

 7 A bold attempt is half success勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。

 8 Youth means limitless possibilities年轻就是无限的可能。

 9 The first step is as good as half over第一步是最关键的一步。

 10 I know that my future is not just a dream我知道我的未来不是梦。

 11 Do one thing at a time, and do well一次只做一件事,做到最好!

 12 Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow今日事今日毕!

 13 You're uinique, nothing can replace you你举世无双,无人可以替代。

 14 Winners do what losers don't want to do胜利者做失败者不愿意做的事!

 15 Live well, love lots, and laugh often善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。

 16 Quitters never win and winners never quit退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩。

 17 Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

 18 The good seaman is known in bad weather惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。

 19 Better an empty purse than an empty head宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空。

 20 He that can have patience, can have what he will唯坚韧者始能遂其志。


 1、Quitters never win and winners never quit


 2、You're uinique, nothing can replace you


 3、Understand yourself in order to better understanding others


 4、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today


 5、Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future


 6、Learn and live


 7、Let bygones be bygones


 8、Life is not all roses


 9、Knowledge is power


 10、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud



 1、While there is life, there is hope


 2、Eternity is not a distance but a decision


 3、For a slim figure, share your foodwith the hungry


 4、The more you care, the more you have to lose


 5、Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand


 6、Don't try to hard, the best things come when you least expect them to


 7、The sandflass remembers the time we lost


 8、Pain past is pleasure


 9、The shortest answer is doing


 10、Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heartthe music of the ripples


 11、Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you


 12、For attractive lips, speak words of kindness


 13、she who has never loved, has never lived


 14、only want to pull your fingertip, circles Earth last!


 15、You're always there for me


 16、To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower


 17、precious things are very few in this world that is the reason there is just one you


 18、You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you


 19、what a loveiy world it well be with you away


 20、A paradise that you cannot leave is hell





1、He's a chef in the restaurant他是一个厨师在餐厅。

2、I like the ambiance of this restaurant我喜欢这家餐厅的气氛。

3、Robert: Did you eat in a restaurant罗伯特你在餐馆吃吗?

4、Near many famous restaurants, such as Macao Street restaurant, lmperial restaurant and Guangzhou restaurant附近的许多著名的餐馆,如澳门街餐厅,帝国饭店和广州的餐厅。

5、New Shanghai cuisine restaurant is an authentic Shanghai-style restaurant新上海菜餐厅是一个真实的上海风格餐厅。





1 Liwe a good life meet slomy 


2 Ihope you're here for me 


3 Want to give you a hug,let the world know 


4 The world is suidernly late the mountains rivers sre slready autum 


5 cross the stars and the moon to meet yourself better 




1 Don't deny yourself,you are very kind,very gentle,especially worthwhile


2 Around the galaxy,there are no brighter stars than you


3 The first one out of the big wind came home with me 


4 The fifth leter may be time to just your eyes smiling 



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