邂逅 用英语怎么写?

邂逅 用英语怎么写?,第1张


短语有:meet by chance

meet sb unexpectedly

run into sb

动词有: encounter

“邂逅”(xiè hòu) 的中文意思:

①不期而遇:一朝邂逅成相识。②偶然:事非邂逅。不期而遇 可以用来指以前见过的人也可以用来指不曾相识的人是不期而遇之义,又含有一丝缘分。


犹太青年圭多(罗伯托·贝尼尼 饰)邂逅美丽的女教师多拉(尼可莱塔·布拉斯基 饰),历经诸多令人啼笑皆非的周折后,天遂人愿,两人幸福美满的生活在一起。然而好景不长,法西斯政权下,圭多和儿子被强行送往犹太人集中营





《美丽人生》由罗伯托·贝尼尼执导,罗伯托·贝尼尼、尼可莱塔·布拉斯基、乔治·坎塔里尼等人主演的爱情战争类**。 于1997年12月20日在意大利上映。



圭多(罗伯托·贝尼尼 饰),一个外表看似笨拙,但心地善良而且生性乐观的犹太青年。他来到阿雷佐小镇,途中邂逅多拉,两人终成眷属。但是好景不长,圭多和儿子因犹太血统被强行送往集中营。他以游戏的方式让儿子的童心没有受到任何伤害,自己却惨死在纳粹的枪口下。

多拉(尼可莱塔·布拉斯基 饰),一位美丽的意大利女教师,圭多使用各种方式希望追到她,两人结婚后过了一段短暂的幸福时光。但是不久后,她的丈夫和儿子就被抓进集中营做苦役,多拉则因是女人而被送到女子集中营。最后美军抵达,多拉与儿子重逢。

乔舒亚(乔治·坎塔里尼 饰),他乖巧可爱,原本和父母过着幸福的生活。后来因为有犹太人的血统而与父亲一起被送往了集中营。



[词典] [**] Franck Spadone;

《致命的邂逅》是由理查德·波恩执导,Stanislas Merhar、莫妮卡·贝鲁齐等主演的意大利和法国合拍的伦理片,这部**在2002年上映。该片讲述了一名舞女与惯偷的故事。

Get along with people

Dear Students:

In society, people get along is extremely important, someone speech "touching", someone speeches are ", "a word out the same name, someone said, someone say not heard, so some of you heard, some failure "No successful individuals, only successful team", want to face the strong, successful people, you should know how to work with people, the first to let the man himself into a popular person

1 image

In with someone and beauty is human eternal topic, along with society's development, people to beautiful demand more and more is also high, we don't have to wear brands of clothing, but clean and neat, pure and fresh bright beautiful is needed, because this is the basic etiquette, is also a kind of respect for others

2 Sincere

As the saying goes: a man without believe and not made Trust each other, to get the trust and understanding, and the ability to get others welcome and be friends "Having money is not necessarily the wealth, but friends it is the wealth of the lifetime", let a person contact sincere, to enjoy the abundance

3 praise

Mouthful of good words, the eyeful of good man, full of the hands of the good thing, can bring full of joy To tell the truth as dialogue, said dialogue as good a good word to say, let person move than words Learned to look for and find others for their virtues and strengths, to praise others, others just like you Praise others is magnified the advantage of others, can be better to learn other people, "feet," has short a director, take everybody's long, longer than the "

4 positive

As the sun, as the positive to where where bright, like the moon, the negative 15 different Talk to give a person with hope, encourage others strenuously, progresses, positive enterprising, "as long as you work hard, you'll do!" If often give a person said negative, the discussion disappointing people or things, will not happy, as time passes, you'll become unpopular people

You have to work with a exciting, happiness can help others Choose passion float in the sky, or heaves a sigh, the results are not the same

5 inclusive

The angry is that taking the other's mistake to punish oneself, change others is to change yourself Tolerance is not submit to humiliation, but personal growth, is mature performance, "growth" difficult to mature Real life, sometimes happen to make himself can't bear to control yourself, can make anything drastic, but with time, you will find a sudden loss of that also is that big of a deal Prime minister belly inside, it is that can do something great man will be a tolerant attitude According to

I believe that in the future as long as the way we learn, change with image, positive and optimistic, treats people sincerely, inclusive of others, you will become one of the most popular people, you can achieve the life ideal and dreams







二. 真诚


三. 赞美



积极的人像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮,消极的人像月亮,初一十五不一样讲话时要给人以希望,鼓励别人发奋、上进、积极进取, “只要努力,你一定行!”如果经常给人说消极的、议论令人失望人或事,都不会开心,久而久之,你就会成为不受欢迎的人了






原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/lianai/8792255.html

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