


1、Elvis Presley本来有个头衔是The King of Western Bop(西方波普之王),再加上美国南部的歌迷把Elvis称作“The Hillbilly Cat”(山猫),就变成:The Hillbilly Cat and King of the Western Bop,之后简称“Cat King”,是华语区化繁为简的第二次创作。

2、Elvis标志性的舞蹈 (就是扭动胯部) 像条发了情的公猫,又因为他在当时如日中天,索性大家就叫他猫王,一开始是是对他的讽称,后来才传开的。

3、Elvis原本在乡村音乐领域发展,但后来他的歌吸取了黑人BLUES的成分之后,已经很难将他归类,于是人们给他起了个绰号叫"山猫" (The Hillbilly Cat)。直到后来歌迷认识到他所演唱的就是摇滚乐,又给了一个猫王的封号,以此标示他无与伦比的身价。




猫王埃尔维斯-普雷斯利--“猫王”(The Hillbilly Cat),这个绰号是狂热的美国南方歌迷为他取的昵称。 取源于美国的南方歌迷为他起的The Hillbilly Cat,意思为"来自南方的小猫"。 猫王详细档案 中文名:埃尔维斯-普雷斯利 英文名:Elvis Aron Presley 出生地:密西西比州 职业:摇滚歌手、演员 生日:1935年1月8日 祭日:1977年8月16日 配偶:Priscilla Presley 女儿:Lisa Marie Presley 猫王于1935年1月8日出生在美国一个贫穷的农场工人家庭里。他从小就沉迷于福音音乐。同时,贫民窟里流行的节奏强烈的黑人音乐,以及蓝调、民谣亦深深打动了年幼的猫王。教堂的唱诗班演唱给予了猫王音乐启蒙,教堂里教徒们充满激情的歌舞对猫王影响至深,他那著名的富有争议的扭胯动作就脱胎于此。 1948年,猫王举家迁到了孟菲斯。在这里,猫王开始接触了职业乐手,偶然中他参加了四人福音歌曲演唱组"黑森林兄弟"(Blackwood Brothers)的演出。可以说这次的搬家开启了猫王音乐生涯之路,曼菲斯的黑人灵魂乐及R&B,再结合白人乡村音乐成为了猫王特有音乐与演唱风格的形成根源。 一次很偶然的机会开始了猫王辉煌的音乐生涯。1953年的一天,他在Sun唱片公司老板萨姆-菲利普斯(Sam Phillips)名下的一家录音棚录制送给母亲的歌曲时,邂逅了菲利普斯的助手马里恩-凯斯克(Marion Keisker),并深得凯斯克的赏识。1954年6月,菲利普斯让猫王去SUN公司录制一首来自纳什维尔的歌曲,同时受邀请的还有本地乐手斯科蒂-穆尔(Scotty Moore,吉他)和比尔-布莱克(Bill Black,贝司),由他们为猫王伴奏。这一组合的效果开始并不理想,直到猫王演唱了阿瑟-克鲁杜皮茨(Arthur Crudupiz)的节奏与布鲁斯歌曲"好极了"(That's All Right),他们才找到了感觉。这首歌曲最终成为猫王在Sun唱片公司的首张单曲唱片,并征服了当地的歌迷。此后猫王顺势推出了几张唱片,并开始进行了巡回演出。他那种体现了乡村音乐和节奏与布鲁斯结合的音乐以及狂野不羁的姿态引爆摇滚乐前所未有的风暴。猫王从此走上成功之路,一颗超级巨星开始冉冉上升。 在1955年11月的一次由电台音乐节目主持人参加的民意评选中,他被认为是一位最有前途的"乡村与西部"风格的歌手。这时帕克"上校"成了猫王的经理人,菲利普斯则以35,000美元的价格把他与猫王签订的合同转让给了拥有在全国范围内推销和发行唱片实力的RCA公司的分公司Victor。再加上帕克成功地安排了猫王在电视上有选择地露面,猫王马上成为了全国性的明星,他此后的每一张唱片都在排行榜上名列前茅。加盟RCA的首支单曲"Heartbreak Hotel/I Was The One为猫王缔创首支冠军曲,并于同年3月推出加盟RCA首张专辑Elvis Presley,蝉连了Billboard专辑榜10周冠军。接着第2张专辑Elvis发行后,单曲Love Me Tender就占据了全美4项排行冠军。与此同时,衬衫、围巾、牛仔裤、口红在内的二十多种猫王商品接连问世,在猫王入主RCA第一年就赚进2000万美金。 到了50年代后期,猫王已具有了极高的身价,他的歌曲也处理得越来越精致和得心应手。1956年9月,RCA公司作了一次史无前例的尝试:将猫王的7首单曲同时发行,结果从8月到12月,猫王每周都高居排行榜首。 1958年3月24日,穿着英挺军服,前往位在德州Killeen郊区的第二装甲师营区报到,正式开始他的军旅生涯。1959年11月,空军上尉Joseph Beaulieu的14岁女儿Priscilla开启猫王的爱情心扉。1960年,猫王开拍退伍后的首部**"GI Blues从军乐",其**原声带10月发行后迅速再攀冠军王座,停留榜中达111周之久,排行停留周数傲视猫王一生的所有专辑。此时,Priscilla搬进Graceland与猫王同居。 1961年2月25日田纳西州州长宣布此日为"猫王日",往后每年圣诞节,猫王都会在家乡作慈善演唱。唱片"粘上你"推出和美国的"披头士狂热"(Beatlemania)开始兴起期间,猫王仍旧保持了他最杰出的以出版单曲为主的歌星地位,虽然只有为数极少的唱片:例如"布鲁斯弥撒"(A Mess Of Blues)和"这是最后的火焰"(It is Latest Flame)/"小妹妹"(Little Sister)--光辉并不逊于他的50年代。不过从这个时候起,猫王将事业重心转到好莱坞,接演了"蓝色夏威夷Blue Hawaii"等25部**。尽管从销量上看,猫王正处于他事业的顶峰,但事实上他的形象已远不如50年代时那么光芒四射。大多数的被推崇的歌曲都是一些温柔舒缓的作品,如"或是现在或是永不"(It's Now Or Never)、"你今夜否是否孤独"(Are You Lonesome Tonight)和"投降"(Surrender),或者是从**中选的插曲,如"无情的心"(Wooden Heart)和"乡间野趣"(Wild in the Country)。此外,他还推出了一些专辑,其中很大一部分都是从他开始出演的一大串好莱坞音乐片中选出的插曲组成的。 在挑选歌曲上所作出的这一系列努力和冒险使得猫王所推出的唱片效果一直不好这一现象变得更加无法解释。实际上,自1960年以来他象50年代那样显赫的作品非常少。1960年的宗教风格专辑《他引领我的手》(His Hand in Mine)在嗓音处理上十分精致和纯正,而唱片"亲吻老朋友"(Kissin' Cousins)的B面"伤害了我"(It Hurts Me)(1965)中,人们又突然看到了猫王50年代那种激动人心和冒险精神的光芒在闪烁。值得一提的是专辑《埃尔维斯在孟菲斯》(From Elvis in Memphis)和《埃尔维斯乡村》(Elvis Country)(1971)以及现场录音的"美国三部曲"专辑《Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite》(1973)。 到了70年代中期,猫王再次似乎绝望的放弃了任何为争取作为一名艺术家而受人尊敬的努力而完全栖身于他最后的那些陈规之中。他的嗓音比任何时候都要来得松散慵懒和漫不尽心,在音量高的时候显得粗糙刺耳,音量低的时候则摇摆不定,并且完全丧失了原有的生命力和细致。他的精神似乎变得迷离起来。更糟糕的是,大量服用药物、暴饮暴食,放荡不羁私生活也击垮了他的身体。 73年10月猫王因肺炎与胸膜炎复发、结肠扩张及肝炎住院,经纪人Parker图利自己的压榨式经纪策略,将健康状况恶劣的猫王推向财务危机。有指证指出,Parker在1973年之前有故意不支付版税酬劳给猫王的恶劣行为,猫王为了纾解经济惨况,只得疲于奔命的巡回演唱,身心劳累的他只能仰赖镇静剂等药物,健康问题日益严重。 即便如此,1976年整年都是紧凑的巡回演唱行程。11月底,猫王认识新女友Ginger Alden,Ginger成了猫王生前最后一位女友。1977年4月初,猫王再度病发入院,出院后强撑着继续演唱行程到6月。6月26日在印第安纳州的印第安纳波里的演唱会竟成为猫王生前最后一场演唱。原本在Graceland家中休养准备另一次演唱的猫王,却被巡回演唱行程经理发现(也有说是女友发现)倒卧在浴室,经紧急送往医院急救后,医师宣布猫王因心律严重失常(也有说是用药过量)导致心脏病突发过世,享年仅42岁。消息于下午发布,震惊全球,数千乐迷到Graceland志哀。猫王遗体最后跟母亲合葬在Graceland后方的'静默园'。 1979年猫王父亲辞世后,猫王的庞大遗产由唯一当时年仅11岁的女儿Lisa Marie继承,经过近两年四次官司诉讼,终于判定强制经纪人Parker将猫王的影像与录音作品全数交还给RCA与猫王家族。1982年秋天,Graceland成为观光胜地,平均每年吸引近60万人前往,猫王遗产的价值早已超过一亿。1986年,猫王成为乐坛前十位入列摇滚名人殿堂的歌手。截至1999年8月,RCA唱片公司和美国录音工业协会(RIAA)共追颁了131张的金唱片及白金唱片给猫王的女儿Lisa Marie,这是历史上获赠最多的金唱片及白金唱片纪录,猫王无疑是史上最伟大的演唱艺人。同时,RCA也颁予'世纪艺人Artsit Of The Century'特别纪念奖感念这位一代巨星。 50年代的猫王影响了至少整整一代人,60年代以后,他们一直抱着一个幻想:他们心中的猫王只是被他自己打败了,只要让上了年纪并变得肥胖的猫王改变他拉斯维加斯/好莱坞式的生活方式,让他在封闭的装满他早期唱片的自动电唱机的房子里,听一听他自己的音乐,他就会发现一个曾经如此伟大的猫王,曾经如此光芒夺目的自己。于是他会自己根自己斗争,最终取得胜利恢复往日的天才。 猫王普雷斯利,永远的摇滚之王

1 一篇描写猫的英语作文


More cute kittens when the full moon, legs are still unstable, they have learned to be naughty A feather, a coil, is it a good toy, it into the courtyard, courtyard flowers can meet with disaster Wrestling in the pot, holding a swing squid, wherever he went, zhe she You see, will never beat it It is so be full of vitality, innocent and lovely!

2 描写小猫的英语作文



I have got o baby cats they are very beautiful One is yellow the other is white they are very lovely the yellow cat is very naughty He likes to play with people He often runs here and there His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones But the white cat is very gentle She likes to wash her face And she doesn′t like to play with people She often jumps onto my knees I like to give her a bath

Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness We are very good friends I love them

3 求10篇关于猫的英语作文

3One day, cat is in the basket It's very lazy It is sleeping Now the cat's food is beside the cat One mouse is very hungry It is eating the cat's food The cat's food is so yummy

The cat wakes up He is behind the mouse He wants to catch the mouse So,he is chasing the mouse The mouse is afraid He jumps onto the door But, the door is high The cat can't catch the mouse The mouse is under the chair now It is runningThe cat still can't catch the mouse The mouse runs fast It runs into the hole The hole is all But, the cat is big It can't go into the hole So, the cat is angry and tired It is crying It's very sad But the mouse is very happy!

4 英语作文介绍猫的


Cats are cute animals,they are very special as well

It has pointy ears, round eyes,little claws,and short but soft furCats like eating fish and miceThey like to keep themselves clean, they do that by licking their furAlso they are nocturnal animals, they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night

We should love cat, because cats are our friends,too

5 介绍一篇关于猫的英语作文


Cats are very cute animals,they are very special as well

It has pointy ears, round eyes,little claws,and short but soft furCats like eating fish and miceThey like to keep themselves clean, they do that by licking their furAlso they are nocturnal animals, they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night

We should love cat, because cats are our friends,too

翻译: 猫




6 描写猫的英语作文(150字)

①I have got o baby cats they are very beautiful One is yellow the other is white they are very lovely the yellow cat is very naughty He likes to play with people He often runs here and there His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones But the white cat is very gentle She likes to wash her face And she doesn′t like to play with people She often jumps onto my knees I like to give her a bath Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness We are very good friends I love them我有两只小猫。








我爱他们。 ②The cat is what people dotes on all animals, it is sweet, lively, lovely, can catch mice, mand master's favour Newborn kitten, with your eyes closed, the cry is thin, and bare, like a will peristalsis meat pletely Full moon later, fluffy shall all minister neat Some white collar is covered with white hair, the limbs, back in the miscellaneous have black ash black, grey, tail, Some from beginning to end an ink peso "cloak," but white foot, people say thoroughbred, called "clouds cover; snow" Some body yellow, presently tiger stripes, people give its reputation JinBuHuan ";" And a white hair with a black hair tail, called "snow drag gun" Just a full moon cat cannot leave milk, walk also instability Cats eat are omnivorous, love fish and lean lean, if throw a fruit or vegetables such as to it, it just had one breath then went away The cat's paw had hypertrophy and soft pads, walk quietly silent, do not send stampedes rats and mice Toes ends with a sharp claws born, ok and optional expansion This makes it can not only on the flat land scurry such as fly, can also climb trees along the wall room, jump a wall Mice had to led, rarely can escape bad luck Cat teeth like a sharp cone, the lingual coarse, there are many barbs Once catch mice, the cat claw thorn, cat teeth bite, in an instant, their shameful deeds mouse will open bowel break belly, flesh mud The cat these body structure feature, make it have a rat trap various superior conditions As the saying goes, it doesn't matter if a cat, catch mice It's a good cat Will catch mice cat is not call When it finds rat tracer, immediately volts, patience to wait for attack timing When rats are close, with the trend of the eyepiece swoops up, suddenly bring mouse bite Cats and portable detector - beard Don't underestimate the cat's beautiful beard, be very intelligent, generally equal to their bust the maximum length, so, whether can thoroughly cat caves, as long as the beard measure the hole knew Cats and one trick: bone soft, can in midair consciously emancipated, so, even if it in high slip, also fell deathless, always four-footed first landing, hovering head, shrugged his body, lick sole, armi again as if nothing has occurredly pace opened FangBu The cat is mouse predators, the reason for high strength rat catching ability First, because a pair of special eyes, pupil to e with the strength of the light and shrinkage or amplification The strong light pupil pressed into a fine seam, Darkness, eyes wide and big, round, even reached unable to see the night, also can see clearly, more cunning mice are difficult to escape Its ears are flexible to randomly steering sound es from, even if it is extremely slight voice, but also timely worked out The most attractive is the "virgin after off milk cat" They are highly volatile, particularly strong curiosity You see, a group fluffy kitten roll toward it, it probably thought is a "monster" suddenly jump, far away, plush regiment stopped Kitten down mega stare at, very in a short while, see linear cluster have no action, just silently directed forward, mi blare - "let out a cry Linear cluster still remained motionless This time, the kitten could bear, ventured to close linear cluster, turned several turn round and then stretch out front PAWS gingerly touched When it understand line game doesn't exist danger, then be without scruple the ground play rise, while with nose ell ell, while carrying the "fair", in the middle of the courtyard and ran Like the hen laid eggs can call that "crack, catch mice cat will be issued" blare - "calls, said happy, display victory Cats, should get people to protect and pampering。

My dog My dog returned love for my cruelty(以德报怨)Several years ago, my brother brought a all, thin and dirty dog back It looked ugly and I didn't like it My brother gave him the 。

7 谁有描写小猫的英文文章

My lovely KittenI love animals, such as cats, dogs, birds, even tigers and lions…My ambition is to be a zoologistOne day about three months ago, when I got home, Mum told me that she had bought me a little kittenI was so surprised that I couldn't help crying, “A kitten! Why, Mum, you don't like cats!”Mum didn't like cats or dogs at all She was even afraid of cats Several years ago we had a cat, and Mum was always plaining about it If the cat jumped onto her seat, she would stand up at once and scream But that day Mum bought a cat for me! How happy I was!The kitten is very pretty Her all round head and all legs make her look like a woolen ballAt first, she seemed very shy and a little afraid I touched her gently “Don't be afraid We all love you Let us be good friends From now on, this is your home Well, I'll give you a name Let's see…”“Well,” Mum said with a ile, “I've been calling her 'Mi-Mi'”“OK, so she has a name But what does she eat”“I've been told that she likes liver with rice I've prepared some,” Mum answeredWith these words, Mum took out a all piece of liver, put it into a all dish, and added some rice to it Then I put it in front of Mi-Mi For a moment she seemed uneasy and nervous But then she ate her meal with great satisfactionShe's a lovely creature When we sit at the table to have dinner, she'll play around us She likes to lie near our feet, with her face up, stretching her legs, and acting just like a naughty child After dinner, I cook her meal And while I'm cooking, she is always circling around my feet, rubbing my legs, and mewing, seeming very anxious but happyEvery morning after I get up, I open the door of the sitting room to let her out And then she'll happily mew at me, as if saying “Good morning” Every evening when I e back home, she'll run to me at once, rubbing against my legs to show that she's glad to see me This is her way of greeting meMi-Mi seems like a member of our family and a special friend Oh, what a lovely kitten!词汇绝对简单……。

8 谁能给我一篇用英文写的有关介绍猫的作文

My cat I love animals, especially cats I raise a kitten, I called her Mimi, she was very cute She has a little black nose, her mouth is very all, very short legs Every time I got home, she always shaking her tail, I went to the fractious arms When she feels hungry when she was a very loud call to our attention I love my Mimi 我的猫 我很喜欢小动物,特别是猫。

我养有一个小猫,我叫她 ,她很可爱。她有一个黑色的小鼻子,她的嘴巴很小 ,腿很短。


我爱我的 。

9 写猫的感官的英语作文

The cat is people dotes on all animals, it sweet, lively, lovely, can catch mice, mand master's favour

Newborn kitten, eyes closed, bark thin, whole body bare, like a peristalsis meat pletely

Just a full moon cat cannot leave milk, walk also instability But have learned to naughty, like we these a lot of trouble

The cat teeth like a sharp cone, tongue surface is rough, there are many barbs Once catch mice, the cat claw thorn, cat teeth biting, instantly, evil im mice will open belly, flesh and blood

The cat's paw had hypertrophy and soft pads, walk quietly, from stampedes rodents Toe end with sharp claws, can scale This makes it not only can scurrying on flat ground such as fly, can also along the walls of rooms, climb trees jumps over the wall Mice were happened, rarely escape bad luck

These body structure characteristics of the cat, with various superior conditions to catch mice As the saying goes, no matter white cat black cat, catch mice are good cat Will catch mice cat is not called When it is found that the rat trace, immediately fell down, wait moment to strike When mice are near, just in the ea

普雷斯利原本在乡村音乐领域发展,但后来他的歌吸取了黑人BLUES的成分之后,已经很难将他归类,於是人们给他起了个绰号叫"山猫" (The Hillbilly Cat)。直到后来歌迷认识到他所演唱的就是摇滚乐,又给了一个猫王的封号,以此标示他无与伦比的身价。

英文名:Elvis Aron Presley





配偶:Priscilla Presley

女儿:Lisa Marie Presley

20世纪世界流行音乐中最重要的人物是谁?答案勿庸置疑,那就是猫王埃尔维斯-普雷斯利--“猫王”(The Hillbilly Cat),这个绰号是狂热的美国南方歌迷为他取的昵称。





1948年,猫王举家迁到了孟菲斯。在这里,猫王开始接触了职业乐手,偶然中他参加了四人福音歌曲演唱组"黑森林兄弟"(Blackwood Brothers)的演出。可以说这次的搬家开启了猫王音乐生涯之路,曼菲斯的黑人灵魂乐及R&B,再结合白人乡村音乐成为了猫王特有音乐与演唱风格的形成根源。

一次很偶然的机会开始了猫王辉煌的音乐生涯。1953年的一天,他在Sun唱片公司老板萨姆-菲利普斯(Sam Phillips)名下的一家录音棚录制送给母亲的歌曲时,邂逅了菲利普斯的助手马里恩-凯斯克(Marion Keisker),并深得凯斯克的赏识。1954年6月,菲利普斯让猫王去SUN公司录制一首来自纳什维尔的歌曲,同时受邀请的还有本地乐手斯科蒂-穆尔(Scotty Moore,吉他)和比尔-布莱克(Bill Black,贝司),由他们为猫王伴奏。这一组合的效果开始并不理想,直到猫王演唱了阿瑟-克鲁杜皮茨(Arthur Crudupiz)的节奏与布鲁斯歌曲"好极了"(That's All Right),他们才找到了感觉。这首歌曲最终成为猫王在Sun唱片公司的首张单曲唱片,并征服了当地的歌迷。此后猫王顺势推出了几张唱片,并开始进行了巡回演出。他那种体现了乡村音乐和节奏与布鲁斯结合的音乐以及狂野不羁的姿态引爆摇滚乐前所未有的风暴。猫王从此走上成功之路,一颗超级巨星开始冉冉上升。

A 小猫钓鱼的故事英语版(加翻译)

Cat and kitten together in the river fishing A dragonfly flying Kitty see, aside Diaoyugan on Quzhuo dragonflies Dragonflies flying away, kitten not Zhuozhao, fled back to the river Kitten, one sees a cat catching a big fish A moth flying Kitty see, aside Diaoyugan and Quzhuo Butterfly Butterfly flying away, kitten entered Zhuozhao, fled back to the river Kitten, one sees a cat and a big fish catch Kitty said : "ones, I can also catch a fish longer

"Cat was looking at the kitten, said :" Fishing on fishing, not so hearted

On catching dragonflies, while catching butterflies, how to catch a fish

"Kitty heard repeated, it wholeheartedly angling Also flying dragonflies, butterflies and flying, kitten as not to see Little one, the kitten also catch a big fish


一个晴朗的早晨,小猫妙妙和 姐弟俩跟着妈妈去河边钓鱼。妙妙很仔细地看着妈妈的钓鱼动作,然后专心致志地钓鱼,不一会儿便钓了好多鱼。顽皮的 没有耐心,投下钓钩就去玩耍,鱼饵很快就被小鱼吃掉了。这时在一旁看着它钓鱼的青蛙可乐了,它决定与 开个玩笑,它从水底捞了只破草鞋挂在 的鱼钩上。 忽然觉得鱼竿很沉,“一定是大鱼上钩了”,它心里好开心,可是当它用足气力把钩拉上来一看,却气得吹胡子瞪眼。这时,太阳升到头顶上,妈妈带着姐弟俩回家吃饭。在饭桌上妙妙嘲笑 一上午没有钓到一条鱼, 一脸的不高兴。妈妈批评了妙妙,接着耐心地教育 ,告诉它钓鱼一定要专心。 听了妈妈的话,想起自己的行为,很是惭愧。下午,它又来到河边。这次它下了大决心,思想再也不开小差,它睁大眼睛一眨不眨地盯着浮标,不一会儿果然钓到一条大鱼。

B 与猫有关的英语演讲稿,不要关于猫的故事,急需介绍猫的英文稿,谢谢(^_^)ノ


Cats are very cute animals,they are very special as well

It has pointy ears, round eyes,little claws,and short but soft furCats like eating fish and miceThey like to keep themselves clean, they do that by licking their furAlso they are nocturnal animals, they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night

We should love cat, because cats are our friends,too

翻译: 猫




C 猫的英文故事

The cat and the mouse

The cat is in the basketIt is sleepingThe mouse is beside the cat

It is hungry,It is eatingThe cat is behind mouseIt is chasing the mouseThe mouse is afraidIt is on the doorThe cat is jumpingThe mouse is under the chairIt is runningThe mouse is in the doorIt is happy,The cat is angre and tired


D 关于小猫的英语小故事带翻译

The Old Cat An old woman had a cat The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it  Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse She began to hit the cat The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young"    

译文  老猫  一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。  于是,老妇很生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。她开始打这只猫,猫说:“不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了很多年,而且还愿意为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不要这么无情,要记住老年人在年青时所做过的有益的事情。”

E 关于猫的英语故事

In china, people believe that, at the beginning, the tiger and the cat were friends, and the cat was much arter than the tiger The cat learned the physical skills quickly, and the tiger was always behind Graally, the tiger had to learn from the cat, and the cat was patient to teach the tiger Day after day, month after month, finally, the tiger could also run, jump, roll, grasp, tear, and strike as well as the cat

One summer afternoon, the cat was taking a nap as the tiger sitting nearby Looking at the cat, the tiger suddenly thought, why should he keep befriending with such a all animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner snack The tiger stood up and approached the cat viciously Just as this moment, the cat woke up Opening up her eyes, the art cat immediately realized what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to the top branch

The tiger thought he had already learned every skill from the cat But he never knew that the cat had hidden the tree climbing from him

“I kept the last technique of the tree climbing from you just because I suspected you might be can ungrateful friend” The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly



F 高分求一个关于猫和老鼠的英文小故事!

It's important to know another language!

MrsMouse was taking her babies for a walk one day when they met a large cat

“Bow-wow!” Shouted MrsMouse and cat turned and ran away

“You see,children,”said MrsMouse,“how important it is to speak another language!”


老鼠妈妈领着她的孩子们在散回步 。忽答然,他们碰见一只大猫儿。



G 儿童寓言故事:小狗和小猫的友谊英语作文




H 英文小故事老人和老猫的动画

Old Man and the Old Cat

An old man has a cat The cat is very old, too He runs very quickly And his teeth are bad One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough The mouse runs away

The old man is very angry He beats his cat He says: “You are a fool cat I will punish you!” the cat is very sad He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work You should know you are old, too”




I 关于猫的神话故事英文版





Ancient Egypt three thousand years ago to start keeping cats, cats in Egypt are Sacred night when issued by the sun light of life was hidden in the custody of the cat's eyes

Every night the sun god Ra pull the boat acpanied by the deceased soul, passing through the underworld, poisonous snake Apep Ra stop drinking water under the boat, but the cat will appear and the first斩下snake Apep, soul of the deceased will issue a "meow" sound for the cheers big cats Egyptians can therefore have to see the light, in this legend, the big cat a symbol of treatment, the snake represents the power of death and disease

J 关于猫英语故事

Cats never fail to fascinate human beings They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans, but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well They never bee submissive like dogs and horses As a result, humans have learned to respect feline independence Most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives One of the things that fascinates us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives Apparently, there is a good deal of truth in this idea A cat's ability to survive falls is based on fact

Recently the New York Animal Medical Center made a study of 132 cats over a period of five months All these cats had one experience in mon: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries Of course, New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is no shortage of tall buildings There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall from! One cat, Sabrina, fell 32 storeys, yet only suffered from a broken tooth 'Cats behave like well-trained paratroopers' a doctor said It seems that the further cats fall, the less they are likely to injure themselves In a long drop, they reach speeds of 60 miles an hour and more At high speeds, falling cats have time to relax They stretch out their legs like flying squirrels This increases their air-resistance and reces the shock of impact when they hit the ground

New words and expressions 生词和短语


v 迷住,吸引住


adj 充满深情,柔情的


adj 神秘的,难以理解的


adj 服从的,顺从的


adj 猫的


n 独立,独立性


adj 高层的


n 窗槛


n 伞兵


n 松鼠


n 空气阻力


n 冲击力



最近,纽约动物医疗中心对132只猫进行了为期5个月的综合研究。所有这些猫有一个共同的经历:它们都曾从高层建筑上摔下来过,但只有其中的8只猫死于震荡或跌伤。当然,纽约是进行这种有趣的试验的一个理想的地方,因为那里根本不缺乏高楼大厦,有的是高层的窗槛从上往下坠落。有一只叫萨伯瑞的猫从32层楼上掉下来,但只摔断一颗牙。“猫就像训练有素的跳伞队员,” 一位医生说。看起来,猫跌落的距离越长,它们就越不会伤害自己。在一个长长的跌落过程中,它们可以达到每小时60里甚至更快的速度。在高速下落中,猫有时间放松自己。它们伸展四肢,就像飞行中的松鼠一样。这样就加大了空气阻力,并减少了它们着地时冲击力带来的震动。

猫王埃尔维斯-普雷斯利--“猫王”(The Hillbilly Cat),这个绰号是狂热的美国南方歌迷为他取的昵称。

取源于美国的南方歌迷为他起的The Hillbilly Cat,意思为"来自南方的小猫"。



英文名:Elvis Aron Presley





配偶:Priscilla Presley

女儿:Lisa Marie Presley


1948年,猫王举家迁到了孟菲斯。在这里,猫王开始接触了职业乐手,偶然中他参加了四人福音歌曲演唱组"黑森林兄弟"(Blackwood Brothers)的演出。可以说这次的搬家开启了猫王音乐生涯之路,曼菲斯的黑人灵魂乐及R&B,再结合白人乡村音乐成为了猫王特有音乐与演唱风格的形成根源。

一次很偶然的机会开始了猫王辉煌的音乐生涯。1953年的一天,他在Sun唱片公司老板萨姆-菲利普斯(Sam Phillips)名下的一家录音棚录制送给母亲的歌曲时,邂逅了菲利普斯的助手马里恩-凯斯克(Marion Keisker),并深得凯斯克的赏识。1954年6月,菲利普斯让猫王去SUN公司录制一首来自纳什维尔的歌曲,同时受邀请的还有本地乐手斯科蒂-穆尔(Scotty Moore,吉他)和比尔-布莱克(Bill Black,贝司),由他们为猫王伴奏。这一组合的效果开始并不理想,直到猫王演唱了阿瑟-克鲁杜皮茨(Arthur Crudupiz)的节奏与布鲁斯歌曲"好极了"(That's All Right),他们才找到了感觉。这首歌曲最终成为猫王在Sun唱片公司的首张单曲唱片,并征服了当地的歌迷。此后猫王顺势推出了几张唱片,并开始进行了巡回演出。他那种体现了乡村音乐和节奏与布鲁斯结合的音乐以及狂野不羁的姿态引爆摇滚乐前所未有的风暴。猫王从此走上成功之路,一颗超级巨星开始冉冉上升。

在1955年11月的一次由电台音乐节目主持人参加的民意评选中,他被认为是一位最有前途的"乡村与西部"风格的歌手。这时帕克"上校"成了猫王的经理人,菲利普斯则以35,000美元的价格把他与猫王签订的合同转让给了拥有在全国范围内推销和发行唱片实力的RCA公司的分公司Victor。再加上帕克成功地安排了猫王在电视上有选择地露面,猫王马上成为了全国性的明星,他此后的每一张唱片都在排行榜上名列前茅。加盟RCA的首支单曲"Heartbreak Hotel/I Was The One为猫王缔创首支冠军曲,并于同年3月推出加盟RCA首张专辑Elvis Presley,蝉连了Billboard专辑榜10周冠军。接着第2张专辑Elvis发行后,单曲Love Me Tender就占据了全美4项排行冠军。与此同时,衬衫、围巾、牛仔裤、口红在内的二十多种猫王商品接连问世,在猫王入主RCA第一年就赚进2000万美金。


1958年3月24日,穿着英挺军服,前往位在德州Killeen郊区的第二装甲师营区报到,正式开始他的军旅生涯。1959年11月,空军上尉Joseph Beaulieu的14岁女儿Priscilla开启猫王的爱情心扉。1960年,猫王开拍退伍后的首部**"GI Blues从军乐",其**原声带10月发行后迅速再攀冠军王座,停留榜中达111周之久,排行停留周数傲视猫王一生的所有专辑。此时,Priscilla搬进Graceland与猫王同居。

1961年2月25日田纳西州州长宣布此日为"猫王日",往后每年圣诞节,猫王都会在家乡作慈善演唱。唱片"粘上你"推出和美国的"披头士狂热"(Beatlemania)开始兴起期间,猫王仍旧保持了他最杰出的以出版单曲为主的歌星地位,虽然只有为数极少的唱片:例如"布鲁斯弥撒"(A Mess Of Blues)和"这是最后的火焰"(It is Latest Flame)/"小妹妹"(Little Sister)--光辉并不逊于他的50年代。不过从这个时候起,猫王将事业重心转到好莱坞,接演了"蓝色夏威夷Blue Hawaii"等25部**。尽管从销量上看,猫王正处于他事业的顶峰,但事实上他的形象已远不如50年代时那么光芒四射。大多数的被推崇的歌曲都是一些温柔舒缓的作品,如"或是现在或是永不"(It's Now Or Never)、"你今夜否是否孤独"(Are You Lonesome Tonight)和"投降"(Surrender),或者是从**中选的插曲,如"无情的心"(Wooden Heart)和"乡间野趣"(Wild in the Country)。此外,他还推出了一些专辑,其中很大一部分都是从他开始出演的一大串好莱坞音乐片中选出的插曲组成的。

在挑选歌曲上所作出的这一系列努力和冒险使得猫王所推出的唱片效果一直不好这一现象变得更加无法解释。实际上,自1960年以来他象50年代那样显赫的作品非常少。1960年的宗教风格专辑《他引领我的手》(His Hand in Mine)在嗓音处理上十分精致和纯正,而唱片"亲吻老朋友"(Kissin' Cousins)的B面"伤害了我"(It Hurts Me)(1965)中,人们又突然看到了猫王50年代那种激动人心和冒险精神的光芒在闪烁。值得一提的是专辑《埃尔维斯在孟菲斯》(From Elvis in Memphis)和《埃尔维斯乡村》(Elvis Country)(1971)以及现场录音的"美国三部曲"专辑《Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite》(1973)。



即便如此,1976年整年都是紧凑的巡回演唱行程。11月底,猫王认识新女友Ginger Alden,Ginger成了猫王生前最后一位女友。1977年4月初,猫王再度病发入院,出院后强撑着继续演唱行程到6月。6月26日在印第安纳州的印第安纳波里的演唱会竟成为猫王生前最后一场演唱。原本在Graceland家中休养准备另一次演唱的猫王,却被巡回演唱行程经理发现(也有说是女友发现)倒卧在浴室,经紧急送往医院急救后,医师宣布猫王因心律严重失常(也有说是用药过量)导致心脏病突发过世,享年仅42岁。消息于下午发布,震惊全球,数千乐迷到Graceland志哀。猫王遗体最后跟母亲合葬在Graceland后方的'静默园'。

1979年猫王父亲辞世后,猫王的庞大遗产由唯一当时年仅11岁的女儿Lisa Marie继承,经过近两年四次官司诉讼,终于判定强制经纪人Parker将猫王的影像与录音作品全数交还给RCA与猫王家族。1982年秋天,Graceland成为观光胜地,平均每年吸引近60万人前往,猫王遗产的价值早已超过一亿。1986年,猫王成为乐坛前十位入列摇滚名人殿堂的歌手。截至1999年8月,RCA唱片公司和美国录音工业协会(RIAA)共追颁了131张的金唱片及白金唱片给猫王的女儿Lisa Marie,这是历史上获赠最多的金唱片及白金唱片纪录,猫王无疑是史上最伟大的演唱艺人。同时,RCA也颁予'世纪艺人Artsit Of The Century'特别纪念奖感念这位一代巨星。



 猫咪是人们最常 饲养 的宠物之一,猫的种类有很多,你知道小猫咪的英文怎么说吗现在跟我一起学习关于猫咪的英语知识吧。


 网 络pussy cat;kitty;The pussycat dolls;pussy


 1 Why can't they leave my pussy alone 为什么他们就不能离我小猫咪远一点

 2 Humph! That makes me so upset! The kitten is so mean! 狐狸:哼! 真气死我啦! 小猫咪真是个坏东西!

 3 Dudu bear and Maomao cat are playing with some kittens together 嘟嘟熊和毛毛球和小猫咪在一起玩

 4 Anderson was in a snit when she lost her kitten 当安德森的小猫咪不见了的时候,她显得十分不安

 5 She took the little stray kitten to her heart immediately 她很快就喜欢上了那只迷途的小猫咪

 6 A three - year - old went with his dad to see a litter of kittens 一个三 岁 的小孩跟着爸爸去看一窝刚刚出生的小猫咪

 7 I have mixed feelings whenever I see these kittens 每次看到小猫咪,心里都会有喜忧参半的感觉

 8 Not here, whiskers Daddy will discuss it later 现在还不行, 小猫咪, 待会爸爸会和我们讨论这件事的

 9 Third picture: The kitten and her older brother 第三张: 小猫咪和它的大哥

 10 Little kitten would like a prom date 小猫咪想参加舞会

 11 Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens 玫瑰花上的雨珠,小猫咪的胡须

 12 He treated the kitten cruelly 他残忍地对待那小猫咪

 13 She nursed her kitten all evening 整个晚上她一直抱着她的小猫咪

 14 It was tragic when my kitten was run over by the big truck 我的小猫咪被大卡车轧死了,真是太惨了

 15 Windsor Castle has been the victim of cat burglar every day for the past fouryears 过去四年来,一只小猫咪每天都会溜进温莎堡去蹭饭

 16 After I'd mourned for several months, he encouraged me to adopt a kitten 在我悲伤数月之后, 他怂恿我领养了一只小猫咪

 17 It is a lovely fat snow leopard, not an owl, or a small cat! 它是一只可爱的胖胖的雪豹, 不是猫头鹰, 或者小猫咪!

 18 The kitten wormed its way through the just-open door 小猫缩着身子从刚开了一点儿的门中挤过来。

 19 The kitten was curled on a cushion on the sofa 那只小猫在沙发垫子上蜷缩成了一团。

 20 I've got a wee kitten in the flat 我在公寓里养了一只小猫。


 Research from the University of Edinburgh and the Bronx Zoo suggests that cats have personalities similar to those of African lions Some suggest this means your cat wants to be rid of you


 I fear that cat research has been heading in a disturbing direction for some time Last year, a wise anthrozoologist declared that your feline thinks you're just one big, stupid cat Earlier this year, researchers in the UK said cats really don't need their owners at all And now this


 Some have interpreted a study from the Bronx Zoo and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland as saying that your cat might be trying to bump you off Yes, kill you, eat you, that sort of thing The study is entitled "Personality Structure in the Domestic Cat, Scottish Wildcat, Clouded Leopard, Snow Leopard, and African Lion" Truly, I love these academic titles


 The researchers set out to discover whether there were any consistent similarities in personality between these disparate types of felines What they found was that each had three dominant personality types The Scottish wildcat, for example, had at its core dominance, agreeableness and self-control Which is not dissimilar to many of my Scottish friends As for domestic cats: Dominance, impulsiveness and neuroticism I can see how living with humans makes you neurotic I have experienced this However, what the researchers further discovered was that these three were the same personality traits prevalent in African lions And we all know that these lions, especially when they feel threatened, tend not to disappear into their manes


 The researchers studied the animals' behaviors along a popular test of the "Big Five" human personality aspects: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion/Introversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism When it comes to domestic cats, the research report said of their neuroticism that it had " the highest loadings on anxious, insecure, and tense, suspicious, and fearful of people"

 这些研究人员通过人类的“五大”个性特征来研究动物的行为: 经验 开放性、自觉性、外向性/内向型、随和性/神经质。他们的 报告 表明,家猫比较神经质,“对人类感到极为焦虑、不安、紧张、多疑和害怕。”

 What are we doing to these animals Or have they always been this way The mere thought that cats are fearful of us and might, therefore, want to take us out is chilling But still less chilling, perhaps, than knowing and seeing what humans do to each other


 Marieke Gartner, one of the researchers involved in the study, told me that it was "a pretty far stretch" to suggest that your cat actually wants to kill you She said: "Cats have different personalities, and they ended up living with us because it was a mutually beneficial situation Some cats are more independent, some are quite loving It just depends on the individual It's not that cats are self centered It's that they are a more solitary or semisolitary species" Yes, but are they secretly harboring ill-feeling toward us Gartner explained: "Cats don't want to bump you off, but people often don't know how to treat them and then are surprised by their behavior"


 A hundred cats from Scottish shelters were examined The researchers observed the wilder animals in various zoos and wildlife parks across the UK and the US Even though the scientists concede that their work is by its very nature imperfect and more research is required, they concluded: "Across the five felid species we assessed, personality structure was strikingly similar"

 研究人员对苏格兰庇护所的一百只猫都进行了实验,还观察了英国和美国的不同动物园和野生动物园里的比较野生的动物,他们承认自身的研究本身并不完美,并且须要进行更多的实验。但他们还是 总结 到:“我们所研究的这五种动物的个性是非常相似的。”

 Yes, you've got a little lioness in your house She's not your friend


 Please remember, therefore, the three main personality traits of your cat: Dominance, Impulsiveness and Neuroticism And tread very carefully


1 有关猫的文艺句子

2 加菲猫经典英文语录

3 猫用英语怎么说

4 3-7岁民间传说 福气猫

5 世界上体型最大的猫



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