对大学的期望 英语作文

对大学的期望 英语作文,第1张

大学的期望 英语作文

“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstance they want, and if they cannot find them, make them” Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writerThis view has been shared now by more and more peopleI’m very glad to receive college education and i reached the conclusion that i have e to college not for one single reason, but for many

“这世上的成功之士,是那些奋力寻觅自己想要得到机遇的人们, 倘使找不着机会,他们就自己创造机会。”这句名言是一个伟大的作家萧伯纳写的。被原来越多的人分享著。我很高兴能够接受大学教育,我总结出我想上大学不单单是为了一个原因,而是很多个。

First, university is such an ideal place to broaden my horizon and make more friendsThe youth of 21stcentury should be open-minded, instead of being a person with a tunnel visionI’m ready to meet more challenges and make more friends during the four years


Second, I’m unwilling to step into the society straight after high schoolI’m afraid I’m not fully prepared for the working environment: plicated interpersonal problems, jockeying for position, a tremendous amount of pressure and etc I have to face various kinds of major conflicts as well as trivial thingsI seem to be over-pessimistic, but that actually aounts for part of my choice

第二,我不愿意在高中之后就直接进入社会。我害怕我没有完全做好踏入工作环境的准备:复杂的人际问题,用手段谋取职位,巨大的压力等等。 我必须面对各种重大冲突还有琐碎事情。我也许是过度悲观了,但是事实上这也是我做出选择的一个原因。

Finally, thanks to the all-out support from my parents, i am able to further my study in universityI’ll spare no efforts to live up to their expectation on me to be a well-trained and well-rounded person


I will learn experience and challenge myself in my college life and be an outstanding person of future


How time flies!My first term in the University elapses quickly and imperceptiblyDuring this time, there are many meaningful things that impress me deeply


At the beginning of the first term, it was fortunate for me to be admitted into the school art associationIn this group, I meet many interesting clas ates and make friends with themOur school wants to popularize art among the students, so there will be some art shows in the theaterIt is time that we should do somethingMoving props is my main workAlthough sometimes it makes me feel tired and exhausted, I am still very happy to do thisBy the way, I have watched many large performing teams, like NTCC and The Central Opera HouseTheir performances were so wonderful and impressive


I also took part in some class activitiesI could remember that I went to Aliyun Company as a volunteerThere was a big meeting held by this panySo our duty was to keep orderDuring the meeting I met many CEO's and CTO’sTheir speeches were so interesting though I did not know what they said at times


In a summary, I have spent a very fulfilling and significant time in last termI also have learned a lot from the teachers and clas atesIt is a good chance to improve my skills and widen my horizonsI should still work hard in next term



After years of frustration with heavy homework and education which mostly gives us skill of exam more than knowledge itself, I sat down and imagined how my college life would be this summer vacation

In my opinion, pared with universities in HK, universities here is less active , full of awkward political education, and provide too much leisure time in which laziness is born In a word, it will be boring, if it fits my idea

英语作文 对大学的初印象

我对大学的第一印象(My First Impression in College)

On the very first day in college, I was surprised to find the campus was so large Believe it or not, I even lost my way to the dormitory when I returned from the dining hall

At first, I had difficulty adapting myself to college life In college, we had more free time than in middle school In the evening, we were not required to study in the classroom Instead, we could go anywhere and do what we want I was at a loss on how to make use of so much free time Then I borrowed a number of books from the library and most of them were novels, which I had no chance to read in middle school Besides reading books in my spare time, I played table tennis for fun and made enormous progress

In my opinion, study should be the priority of our college life Besides, we can take part in sports activities and have fun Of course, we may take parttime jobs to improve our skills In all, college life should be colorful and meaningful



It's time to be independent Now it's time to go alone之前不独立也罢了,现在该自己一个人走了。

Only on the of the mountain can you see the scenery there只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。

The horse was running out, the strong soldier was typed骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。

a friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真交。

a good medicine tastes bitter 良药苦口。

art is long, but life is short 人生有限,学问无涯。

early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise 早睡早起,富裕聪明身体好。

east, west, home is best 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。

everyday and in every way i’m getting better每天每个方面我的生活都正在好转。

对大学的看法 英语作文 三段

My View on College

As you step into the gate of college,great changes will take place on youAnd these great changes are full of every aspects of your daily life

Take the study for a exampleIn the past,we studied under the pressure of the teachers and parents,but now we study here absolutely on ourselves for our futureSuch is a typical example

We bee independent when we enter the college, in which we no longer rely on our parentsWe plan everything on our own"What should we do next in the college"might be the most popular question

All in all,college can make the students get in touch with the best part of human's civilizationAlso is the joint place which lead students the way to societyThus,it is essential




My thinking on university:

At present, the university education focuses on knowledge education, lack of practical ability training When I graduated from university to work, only to find I have to integrate into the munity, still have a lot to learn, especially my training and the practical ability cultivation


I will be in the third grade now,Since the highschool entrance examination is ing soon, there is a great need for me to make a precise plan of my studies

From September to November,I will follow the teachers in the new lessons learning, and after class , the contemporary exercises are necessary

Before the end of the first term, I will review all the lessons from beginning again

From March to April, review all I have learned a second time

Beginning from April, models tests should be the allSeveral days before the exam, I will go over all the mistakes in the papers and have a good rest for the exam

I hope this plan can further my studies

大学生对大学的恐惧 500字以上英语作文











Let‘s go to university!

There's a general debate (插入 on) whether or not universities are the best place for young people to receive higher education Some people think it right while others think the opposite is true There’s probably some truth in both opinions。

Some students dream to go (dream of going) to universities be- cause studying in universities does do good to them Universities have super (outstanding) teachers and professors and most universities are equipped with excellent facilities Also, by taking part in all kinds of activities anized in universities, students can widen their views (插入 and) increase their experience In this case, many students are motivated to study harder and acquire more knowledge in middle schools in order to be admitted by the universities they dream of Not only (插入 do) universities provide good studying place (circumstance), but also they (去掉) encourage students to study However, there are also some disadvantages For instance, some universities are not so good as expected, (插入 and) many students can’t learn much to meet the need of society Those who fail in their exams can’t go to their desirable universities。

However, the opportunity is offered by the open universities Students can be equally educated by taking correspondence courses or going to evening class if they fail to go to universities They can choose courses that cater for their interest and the need of the times freely Although they are refused to go to universities, they can also benefit from the correspondence courses or evening classes As the saying goes, “every coin has o sides” Things always leave undesiabl (something undesirable) There are some evening classes whoes (whose) quality is not good It’s hard for people to receive sufficient knowledge。

For me, as a student, I would like to go to universities Once a time, I walked in the Peking University I was really attracted by the swaggering confidence, the irrepressible spirit and the indomitable nerves that the students in it (去掉) have I was lost in the studying atmosphere I’m really eager to go to university that I like It is the goal that motivates me to study hard I have done my best and will continue to do so I believe it won’t be long before I achieve my goal!

Ibsen once said, “It’ a your suprem (supreme) duty to cast yourself into a useful emplement。” (implement) I set my mind to go to the university and I’m determined to sueed。

Let’s go to universities for the universities’ advantages provided。

S Your Superstition On Universities


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encounter 邂逅





比如prison break(越狱),desperate housewives(绝望主妇),bone(识骨寻踪)

The person who change my life


In my opinion,my best friend changed my attitude towards life


She is an opitimistic girl, she always appears with her big smile,and her dimple makes her look lovely and sunshineHer passion to life infects me , she never felt disappionted no matter what difficulties she encounters with She knows how to arrange her time properly,so she always enjoy lifeShe like sports game,such as pingpong,badmintonDuring the break,you can see her swift figure in the playground


However,I always spend much time in studying,worry about somethingCompared with her,I really was a hard working girl,but usually I got lower marks than herIt indeed confused me,I began to reflect on myselfThe process of thinking makes me clear much confusion


During the time with her,she always brings happiness to me, you can listen to her talking about everything!



infect vt 感染;传染

eg A bad boy may infect a whole class

encounter vt 遭遇,邂逅;遇到

eg We may encounter many people in our lives

figure n 人物;体形

eg You have a beauti figure

reflect vt 反省;反映

eg It also helps us to reflect deeply

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Get along with people

Dear Students:

In society, people get along is extremely important, someone speech "touching", someone speeches are ", "a word out the same name, someone said, someone say not heard, so some of you heard, some failure "No successful individuals, only successful team", want to face the strong, successful people, you should know how to work with people, the first to let the man himself into a popular person

1 image

In with someone and beauty is human eternal topic, along with society's development, people to beautiful demand more and more is also high, we don't have to wear brands of clothing, but clean and neat, pure and fresh bright beautiful is needed, because this is the basic etiquette, is also a kind of respect for others

2 Sincere

As the saying goes: a man without believe and not made Trust each other, to get the trust and understanding, and the ability to get others welcome and be friends "Having money is not necessarily the wealth, but friends it is the wealth of the lifetime", let a person contact sincere, to enjoy the abundance

3 praise

Mouthful of good words, the eyeful of good man, full of the hands of the good thing, can bring full of joy To tell the truth as dialogue, said dialogue as good a good word to say, let person move than words Learned to look for and find others for their virtues and strengths, to praise others, others just like you Praise others is magnified the advantage of others, can be better to learn other people, "feet," has short a director, take everybody's long, longer than the "

4 positive

As the sun, as the positive to where where bright, like the moon, the negative 15 different Talk to give a person with hope, encourage others strenuously, progresses, positive enterprising, "as long as you work hard, you'll do!" If often give a person said negative, the discussion disappointing people or things, will not happy, as time passes, you'll become unpopular people

You have to work with a exciting, happiness can help others Choose passion float in the sky, or heaves a sigh, the results are not the same

5 inclusive

The angry is that taking the other's mistake to punish oneself, change others is to change yourself Tolerance is not submit to humiliation, but personal growth, is mature performance, "growth" difficult to mature Real life, sometimes happen to make himself can't bear to control yourself, can make anything drastic, but with time, you will find a sudden loss of that also is that big of a deal Prime minister belly inside, it is that can do something great man will be a tolerant attitude According to

I believe that in the future as long as the way we learn, change with image, positive and optimistic, treats people sincerely, inclusive of others, you will become one of the most popular people, you can achieve the life ideal and dreams







二. 真诚


三. 赞美



积极的人像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮,消极的人像月亮,初一十五不一样讲话时要给人以希望,鼓励别人发奋、上进、积极进取, “只要努力,你一定行!”如果经常给人说消极的、议论令人失望人或事,都不会开心,久而久之,你就会成为不受欢迎的人了





  希望是人生的钟摆,须臾停止不得;希望是太阳升起的地方,光芒四射;是优美动听的歌;是奇丽无比的小诗。下面是我带来的 英语 作文 优美段落 带翻译,欢迎阅读!



 "After eighteen years of age to begin to accept more and more isolated In many cases, looking back, life really can not afford a few parting I have time and again tried to make her strong, but I can not put calm, I can not remember buried, unable to wipe the tears yesterday, I had to admit that he is such a sensitive and fragile, I can never do that cold person; ;"


 "Message boards and chats are not something one can easily read, you read in the process you will find that some people, some things, some emotions are detained each other because of the passage of time and disappear, finally settling down only a road injuries, torn reality"


 "Life itself is very simple, just happy enough Life is a state of mind, what kind of mentality who will naturally have what kind of life, do not follow the crowd, naturally optimistic attitude to face life, because your life colorful presence, bravely towards life! Better yet, you'll find yourself, life is wonderful because of you!"


 "Met two people to do, but it is a person to leave the decision to meet is a start, but it is left to meet the next one to leave It is a world popular to leave, but we are not good at goodbye"


 "Sometimes people feel ignored his own, he had been too busy to think about the possibility How I wish I was just a kid, give sweets to laugh, cry and fell There are always a few songs, let us sad, let us cry In fact, let's not cry those songs themselves, but those who are hidden in the memories of Habit is a very terrible thing, because the habit will feel taken for granted; because nobody used to think about is what he looks like if they lose"



 "Each gentle wet rain, I love sitting by the window, watching the tree leafy trees, have been washed crystal clear Each sunny days I love looking at the sky, look at those vagaries of the clouds, the wind was too ambiguous During this inexplicable youth, always fantasy Then sad Numerous familiar and unfamiliar looked around laughing, only fear"


 "Gazing smile, suddenly look back and see the old memories yesterday Li Sese trembling himself At that time, I suddenly found myself not to think that life will be able to erase all the memories and tampering Memorial day is all dust storms breakdown process, not the end all answer to everything"


 "I want happiness, or let you give me; you want happiness, or let me I'll give you Such a simple thing, but it is always the children do not understand, but also friends broke up, this is how silly thing, but do we have these people in cold blood after it refused the same"


 "On the youth stage, we fly freely, a man quietly too, walking in no small way, listening to the birds singing merrily, dark vomit smell the fragrance of flowers, enjoying the vitality of spring Stroking old trunk, feeling they experienced many vicissitudes Land unique fresh breath, appreciate the simplicity of nature Or through bright and clear glass, looking at the thriving things, could not help Jumping hope, pondering baptism mood"



 "Good Morning! Warm light accompanied by warm wind; Good Morning! Pearls green leaves swaying in the faceplate; Good morning! Spring and this season's mood a year; to join in such a beautiful morning, I was just an encounter, to feel natural, to the epiphany of life, to touch the halo Beautiful flower of youth, only this morning dew smile, open in the spring sunshine, it seemed so bright"


 "If at first you do not appear in front of me, then I probably would not know the taste of happiness You repeat itself cruel, all the land so full of love and death is less than Fangde gave me and tell me that you never liked me, never leave me I mistakenly thought that I could be happy was like a spoiled child, so I thought it was wrong, as long as you cling to, you can have the whole world"


 "As time goes by the calendar, but also how to turn but sad that one; I put down the dignity, personality down, put down a stubborn, only because does not fit you; close your eyes, that you miss the most; open eyes, the most want to see you; so stubborn, count unforgettable; love to pain, and pain to cry, chose to give up, perhaps to give up a helpless despair, people broke our hearts"


 "Life is not perfect, happiness is not the percentage Happiness in life bit by bit, and it is a feeling from the depths of the soul, often hidden in many small things, most of the time, it is a touch of soul throbbing, throbbing a little, but glow sweet feelings, and thus, the taste of happiness will spill out"



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