1 Seven-dimensional sanitary napkins Seven-dimensional space girls out sanitary napkins, I am fortable to me
2 Olay surprise from the skin began
3 Nokia people-oriented science and technology of the most classic, it seems useless
4 Motorola hello, moto impressive
5 Anerle sanitary napkins Aner music protection and thoughtful
Melatonin this year does not receive gifts, gifts received only brain white Platinum Platinum advertising despite the garbage, but the classic classic ad, almost all to see
7 TV people know
8 China Uni to lead the future of munications
9 Meter onwe not take the unusual way, Meter onwe
10 Li Ning everything is possible
11 Coca-Cola Forever Coca-Cola, a unique taste
12 Kentucky Fried Chicken with KFC, a good taste of life
13 China Mobile munication is everywhere
14 Fiyta once owned, nothing to do
15 Master delicious delicious see
16 new flying refrigerator new fly advertising done, not as good as the new flying refrigerator
O'Neill shampoo black hair, Chinese goods
18 fort good health promotion for the whole family
19 Nongfushangquan Nongfushangquan a bit sweet
20 Lenovo lost the world association, the world will be like
21 Remy Martin head to open, a good thing to e naturally
22 Nescafe coffee tastes great
23 the universal solution
24 Goldlion man's world
25 Toyota cars to the Piedmont must have a road, there must be a Toyota car
1 What to drink this summer Vegetable juice - vegetable juice
2 Very cola, very choice -- Very cola
3 "Seven-up: non-Coke" - Seven drinks
Life is a sport, drink it -- Gatorade drink
5 The car is refueling, and I'm going to drink Red Bull
6 Why not try to drink Jinwei - Jinwei beverage advertising
7 Mama I want, Wahaha fruit milk -- Haguo milk advertising
8 my eyes only you -- Wahaha pure water joy, flavor alone good
9 Every day to drink joy, health and happiness -- joy ads
10 Jianlibao drink: I wish you a challenge to life -- Jianlibao ads
11 Lulu one, no longer difficult to tune -- Lulu almond exposed advertising
12 Give my favorite baby -- Nestle full-fat milk powder ads
13 Jingjing bright, through the heart cool -- Sprite
14 United States TANG Guozhen: You have a cup of it! US TANG fruit Jane advertising
15 Space-age drinks
16 Fruit tea or tycoon good -- Tycoon fruit tea advertising
17 Was a precious gift, and now drops of fax -- Strong mango juice
18 drink Huiyuan Juice, take the road of health -- Huiyuan Juice
19 elegant taste noble temperament -- Qianhui pearl tea
20 Drink a hundred per day, healthy and happy -- Pepsi drinks
21 a new generation of giants tea, everyone drank all love -- giants fruit tea
1 East Washington - after the well-off classic life home
2 City Square - the city center, refined taste
3 Forte Tsui micro-Metro - sycamore trees, fashion life
4 Jiangnan Pearl Park - Extreme private residence, leading show Jiangnan; look around the Pearl Jiangzhibousu Spring, Jiangcheng four miles across the bustling
5 Oriental Emperor Park - the city center, the quality of life circle
6 Fang Hui Garden - what kind of ideals, there is what kind of pursuit; what kind of pursuit, there is what kind of quality; what kind of quality, there is what kind of life
7 Paris Heights - Master of Life Volkswagen Villa
8 Poly Garden - a harmonious life, natural fort; camphor Yau, Suzakuyou house
9 Green homes - room in the forest, people under the tree
10 Yinhai Hua Ting - to extend the dream of building
11 Flowers before the tree - spring flowers before the birds, blessing into the tree people
12 Cambridge Spring - lead the neighborhood life, quiet enjoy the city bustling
13 Datang Xindu - original life, very space
14 East Lake famous home - East Lake at home
15 Olympic Garden - athletes, living home, the highest honor of life
16 Peninsula Heights - a few people's mansion, the dream of all
17 heaven and earth - heaven and earth, the scenery people
18 Bauhinia Garden - Hong Kong Road administrative level model munity
19 Lucky International - wishful life, with me free
20 South of the new home - listen to the south story to see the new home south
21 Huacheng Xindu - enjoy the tranquility of urban prosperity, highlighting the dignity of life calm
22 Century home - actuarial experts, fine life
I DO的意思是我愿意。
i [ai] n(第一人称单数代词,用作动词的主语)我;英文字母i
do [du]
If you think as I do, vote as I do
“I do everything you ask of me" he complained
What can I do around here
I was impolite and I do beg your pardon
Noel and I do everything together
I do hope you'll forgive me but I've got to leave
I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes
I was devastating, if I do say so myself
How did I do
I do a bit of shopping for the missus
IDO是个钻戒的品牌,I do;G18K就是说戒指的材质是18K黄金的。
I Do是HIERSUN(恒信)钻石机构旗下表达“温暖情感”的珠宝品牌,秉持对爱的坚持和责任,为消费者提供安心、持久的优质服务,让顾客享受愉悦的购物体验和细腻的情感体验。
恒信钻石--诞生于1999年。是中国珠宝行业的年轻领军品牌,成功打造了恒信钻石宫殿并一手缔造了全球第一婚戒品牌I Do全球婚戒典范。在全球钻石界享有不可撼动的领导地位。
K金的“K”是外来语“Karat”一词的编写,完整的表示法是这样的:Karat gold(即K黄金)。按国际标准,K金分为24种,即1K到24K。不过,作为首饰用的K金种类还不到这些,世界各国采用的首饰材料都不低于8K。这样,实际上真正算作首饰用的K金种类是17种。
IDO官网- I Do 系列 18K金钻石女戒
“The good things in life never change”——BURBERRY广告词
I wear nothing but a few drops of Chanel No。5---Chanel
A journey is not a trip, it's not a vacation
It's a process, a discovery, is is a process of self discovery
A journey brings us face to face with ourselves
A journey shows us not only the world, but how we fit in it
Does the person create the journey, or does the journey create the person
The journey is life itself
Where will life take you
Louis Vitton--LV 采用最后问答那句吧
LANCOME兰蔻最畅销的香水之一璀璨(Tresor)。它的广告语是“The Fragrance For Treasured Moments,
广告语是:The Gentleman is Back(绅士归来) 可能Givenchy希望这款
I Do基于人性化设计,充分考虑到婚戒生生世世的相伴,体贴入微地甄选了全球最高水准的瑞士名表精密工艺,结合人体工程学原理,不惜耗费更多贵重金属,使戒圈内壁历经12次精心打磨,诞生出一道完美圆润弧线,令佩戴者倍感舒适。
最完美的I Do切割
坚持钻石的台面、冠部、腰部以及底角的切工比例均在Very Good级别之上
I Do完美切割+最佳的磨光与对称性 = I Do婚戒无与伦比的璀璨光芒
ido钻戒源自婚礼誓言“do you marry me Yes, I do”,代表着步入婚姻殿堂的爱侣对于爱情忠贞不渝的承诺,是最神圣的爱情宣言。而男士凭身份证一生仅能定制一枚,寓意一生唯一真爱是DR钻戒。
首先,2006年,I Do 在北京开设了首家珠宝精品店。“I Do”——源自婚礼誓言“do you marry me Yes, I do”,代表着步入婚姻殿堂的爱侣对于爱情忠贞不渝的承诺,是最神圣的爱情宣言。 经过十几年的发展,截至目前,I Do 已在全国230多座城市中开设超过700家门店,拥有100多万真爱会员,见证了数百万对新人不如幸福婚姻的殿堂。
其次,I Do 热门钻戒款式: Do TOWER系列。I Do最经典、最热门的作品非TOWER系列莫属,该系列的创作灵感来自闻名遐迩的埃菲尔铁塔背后的浪漫爱情故事。设计师埃菲尔为了表达对太太的相思,将埃菲尔铁塔造型巧妙融入钻戒设计中去,践行了深爱一世的承诺。TOWER系列中的每一件作品都散发出法式浪漫气质,受到众多爱侣的青睐。
再次,I Do 真爱加冕 系列。I Do 真爱加冕的创作灵感来自于 I Do 经典美学,这个系列的首饰均镶有珍贵的红宝石,并且采用了冠冕式镶钻手法,让红宝石更加突出。红宝石被誉为“爱情之石”,象征着热情似火的爱情,常被用作求婚和表达爱意的信物。采用红宝石制作钻戒,寓意对你热情似火的爱情永不改变,加冕真爱。 I Do 的珠宝作品充分满足了定情、求婚、结婚、纪念日、送礼等各类情感表达需求,已成为恋人们迈入婚姻殿堂及表达情感的典范珠宝品牌。
最后,I Do 天使之翼 系列。传说每个人都是单翼的天使,唯有找到另一半,才能相拥飞翔。I Do 以此为灵感,倾心呈献“天使之翼”系列,以18K白金雕琢灵动的天使羽翼,或呈现自然白金光泽,或覆满璀璨钻石,纹理细腻,层次丰富,栩栩如生。一对天使羽翼,呵护炽热爱情。戴上它,无需赘言,我们是天生的一对。